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Starting my first program tomorrow


Hi everyone Smile

I am 19 years old
155cm (5'1")
49kg (108 pounds)
Band size 10 (32) large B small C
Aiming for large C small D, mainly wanting fullness, but cup increase would be a bonus Big Grin

Here is my program I am about to start - I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Input would be appreciated also.

I've mixed the powder from 1 fenugreek capsule (1000mg) and 2 blessed thistle capsules into lotion for massage

1 Fenugreek capsule (1000mg)
1 Black cohosh capsule (500mg)
2 Blessed thistle capsule (300mg each)
Massage with lotion containing herbs - about 100 to 300 circles

1 Fenugreek capsule (1000mg)
2 Blessed thistle capsule (300mg each)

1 Fenugreek capsule (1000mg)
2 Blessed thistle capsule (300mg each)
Massage with lotion containing herbs - about 100 to 300 circles
Rub on some more lotion to sit overnight

I intend to keep this routine for at least three months.

These dosages are according to the manufacturers of the herbal capsules, but then again they are manufactured for other purposes, mainly menopausal symptoms, so I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for dosages? It would especially be helpful if they were lower, because then the bottles can last longer, therefore saving me money.

ok...went to mix the herbs with the lotion and found that the smell just will not go away, my whole bathroom AND bedroom stink like fenugreek from opening 1 CAPSULE

I will do massage in the shower in the morning and with lotion in bed at night and hopefully the internal herbs will be enough. Topicals are so not worth it due to the smell, unless they are real products, not homemade.

today I went bra shopping and surprise surprise bought 2 10D bras!!! (32D) However, I've only been taking herbs and massaging for 5 days, so it can't be from this. They were just quite small cups because of the styles, but still it felt incredible!! good luck everyone in your endeavors. Hopefully soon I can say that I am in a larger style D cup Big Grin

hey jane,

welcome to NBE Smile

I am not sure but I dont think black cohosh is a good idea for NBA unless you are going through menopause, I took it for a few days but then i stopped it once someone told me that its not good for u unless u r menopausal.

Good luck on your routine!

yeh thats what it said on the bottle, it was specifically designed for menopause symptoms. I stopped my program about a week ago because I started taking antibiotics for an infection and thought that there was no use wasting pills if the antibiotics combatted their effects anyway. Maybe when I start back I will only use the blessed thistle and fenugreek. I've also come across something interesting - an mp3 that supposedly sends subliminal messages telling your breasts to grow, because its the sound of a baby crying embedded in a guitar riff. I will be trying this too, it goes for 32 seconds and you're meant to listen 20 times a day for 10 days. Sounds a bit far fetched but it couldn't hurt I guess, so I'll try and let everyone know how it goes Smile

Yup, I believe that's the Rockmelon ringtone. I listened to it for a lil bit, sounds kinda weird and it grates on the ears too lol. I would be hard-pressed to listen to it for 10 days straight, 20 times a day. Rolleyes But, if it's free it's worth a try I guess. Maybe I'll try it out sometime myself...anything reasonable to get breasts lol.

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