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herbs week before period


Is it okay to take herbs the week before your period?

It should be okay to take herbs at any time. I actually even used to take them when I was on the pill and while I had my period. I had no problem at all.[/align]

Some herbs like Dong Quai should not be taken ahead of or during your period as they can cause excess bleeding (especially if you bleed a lot or your blood does not clot easily to begin with).

Fenugreek, however, actually has been historically used to restore hormonal balance and in aiding healthy menstruation.

Long story short, it depends on which herbs you're taking.

(28-03-2011, 23:08)moneygirl Wrote:  Long story short, it depends on which herbs you're taking.

Could you tell me which herbs one should avoid during their menstrual cycle?

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