Poll: Do you think prejudice people should be allowed on this forum? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
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Do you think prejudiced people should be allowed on this forum?


Believe me, I am far more sick of this thread and the other one than any of you. But I made a promise to write this and I have not had much time to do it, but here it is.

I am going to write this out in the detail that I think best answers the questions and no more. I am not going to elaborate except in a few places that I remember saying that I would. This is not an attempt to confuse or mislead in any way. If you want more detail on a point, please bring it up.

This is not in any particular order:

Some of my basic beliefs and thoughts. If you want to know how my mind ticks, this is it.
1. Every question has a correct factual answer(s), all others are incorrect answers.
On Grey area - we may not always know what the correct answer is, but it exists. We just need to discover it. Identifying the unknown is the first step, not the end result.
2. Where two or more things conflict, at least one is incorrect/wrong/false, possibly all.
3. In the context of good vs. evil, right and wrong exist and are constant, not variable. Right and wrong in this context are ultimately defined by God, not people. (Don’t want to start Bible thumping here, just presenting reality,)
4. In the context of human relations, if one person presents an argument or statement that they have proven as fact to themselves, it is perfectly acceptable to talk about it as fact to others whether or not others have proven/disproven the point.

Again, if you want me to elaborate, just ask. I see these as pretty bullet proof. I am interested in any flaws that anyone can find. Feel free to poke holes. It makes my process better.

On Prejudice:

Definitions from a standard English dictionary:

“2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics”

Can we agree on this definition?

I am now underlining phrases that sometimes get ignored.

2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

“: to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience

: not rational: as a (1) : not endowed with reason or understanding (2) : lacking usual or normal mental clarity or coherence b : not governed by or according to reason …(The rest of the definition does not apply. Please read it if you want more information.)

Prejudice real prejudice, not imaginary prejudice, means to prejudge something like a person or an idea before understanding the person or idea.

Statement: I oppose the GLBT lifestyle and agenda. In a choice between moral and immoral, I find the GLBT lifestyle and agenda to be immoral.

Am I prejudiced?

If you said “yes”, you have committed an act of prejudice.
If you said “no”, you have committed an act of prejudice.
If you said “well, let’s find out why he thinks that” then you have not committed an act of prejudice.

The real answer is….I am not prejudice. This is not an attempt at sophistry or to confuse. If you find it so, please ask.

There are conditions where, due to a birth defect for example, someone is born as an aphrodite [correction, hermaphrodite] as Anastasia pointed out. In this and other similar conditions, where the individual has absolutely no control over the situation, are understandable. But that is not the same as choosing it.

Questions in order from “Do you think prejudiced people should be allowed on this forum?” starting from Post 19:

Anastasia26 >>” So why try to say your opinions to you are fact when you can not show ANY evidence that they are fact?”

Why don’t we start with the quote you are talking about. I said “I see this as fact, not opinion.” This was the end of a paragraph that said “Simply put, men who want to grow breasts on themselves are suffering from an instability (be it a disorder or morally originated) which is agitated by moral relativism. Some things are a moral question and some are not. This is one that is.” When I said instability, I meant REAL instability, not some kind on insult. When I said moral instability for the rest, it is a fact. I could show it in biblical scriptures but as I said, I don’t want to start a Bible thumping war. For people who do not believe that the Bible is a true book, I cannot help that.

While I am on the subject, I asked for women who had children to respond. As expected, the answer was almost none. This is really one that deserves needs its own thread in another forum. I really think that the women currently on this board would not be interested. But, so you know what I was thinking, here it is extremely condensed: In the U.S. since the 60’s but especially since about 1990, there has been an agenda on the part of gays to indoctrinate children that homosexuality is just as valid as heterosexuality. I won’t go into the tactics they have used here, but it is very very opposed by the mothers and fathers of children attending public schools. That’s all I am going to say about it. If you want to discuss this, which I doubt, then please start a new thread.

Bibi33 >> ‘"Okay everyone, I think Wahaika is taking us on the strategy of "if you have attacked them and they responded defending themselves, make them feel guilty". This is some variety of the whole "women who get raped had it coming to them because of their behaviour/ignorance" blabla.’

This may be the most irresponsible statement I have ever read.

Anastasia34 >> “... I did not demand that Majestic leave or other prejudiced people, I said they should if they don't like it here, where in my statements did I DEMAND them to leave??? That's what I want to know from Wahaika..”

I’m sorry. I read and reread post 19 and I don’t see it. Where did I say that you demanded that people leave? I’m serious. Please provide a reference to the post you are talking about.

Anastasia34 >>” Bibi, HAHAHA I agree with you completely, and that's the point I have been trying to get across, but he blatantly ignores my logical points, or twists them and tries to confuse us into believing what he says makes more sense. I might not have the biggest vocabulary, I might not be a scholar, but I have a high IQ and I have alot of common sense, so will take alot more than that to confuse me and persuade me.”

AGAIN, where? Please provide an example. I have looked and looked and I don’t see any sign of this. Where have I ever, EVER “blatantly” ignored your logical points, or twisted them, or tried to confuse anyone?

And, may I be so bold to ask how making sense is the same thing as trying to confuse someone? Excuse me, but now you are not making sense. And remember, Post 19 was meant to be humorous. Did you read the title of your poll?

Wahaika41>>"My opinion that Eve's board should be 100% female comes from a time when it was 100% female. To the best of my knowledge, I was the first male on the board. (I could be wrong about that.) See this message from February 2007:


Anastasia42>>” Wahaika, interesting, so you post a link to a thread on the BE board, but you don't actually read it yourself first! It said there were males already on Eve's forum who are looking to grow breasts themselves, so I have to wonder, if you think it's immoral then why even come on Eve's forum?”

Because I was invited. Also, where did I say that it was immoral for men to be on Eve’s forum? You are really racking up the misquotes here.

Also, there is more to this that you do not know because you are a relative newcomer. I was already a member of the forum. I remember chiming in on a conversation about creating a board for the males to move to to get them off of the women’s site because of already stated reasons at that time. This conversation was earlier than what you saw. I think I found it. Here it is: (I am not the one who started the thread.)


By the time of the thread that you saw, the male board had already been added to the forum. I think that was about the time that I quietly went away. So the board I was referring to here was not the entire forum, but the main board.

« Reply #4 on Feb 5, 2007, 9:37pm » Interesting. I didn't know that. Are they on for themselves or for their spouses? I noticed that Eve added a board for males trying to grow them themselves.

Anastasia42>>” Saying I support an immoral lifestyle as opposed to a moral one is all opinion, please state that it's your opinion instead of portraying it as fact.”

Please point me to where I said that you support an immoral lifestyle. I don’t remember ever saying that.

>>” Morals are beliefs of what is right, beliefs are opinion, not fact.”

OK. Here is one problem. We don’t have the same standard of conduct that drives our morals. Very interesting. Ok. My mistake. Thank you for pointing that out. However, I would also point out that there are some morals that we should have in common. “Thou shalt not kill” comes to mind. This is an extreme example, but it definitely applies. Or at least it should apply. The same goes with other laws/commandments/judgments that God has stated. On those that are clearly spelled out, I would expect that we have them in common and that violation of them would constitute an immorality. Again, I am not trying to be confusing. To me this is obvious. So, in this case, for either of us to say that something is immoral on a topic that our moral standards are expected to be in common, should be no surprise and require no backlash from the other. Would you agree? I would take this one step further and make the equally obvious connection that on those things that are lined out by God, morality is not relative. Do you agree with that also? (I’m not citing any particular religion here, just making the point that God is who He is, and what he says goes. On that I expect that we should agree.)

>>” So I understand you think it's immoral for a man to become a woman and/or grow breasts.”

Correct. There are probably exceptions to every rule, but in the context of this board, yes.

>>”But don't you realize that some women on this forum might view you as even stranger than a male growing breasts to be on here?”

You can’t possibly be trying to compare the two. Who is trying to twist things now?

But since you bring it up, yes, that is a concern that I have always had. But you have not brought up the other side of that coin. Many other women have felt the exact opposite over the years. I have many years of messages and personal mail messages to convince me that it’s not a big problem I didn’t notice it until writing this to you, but one of the benefits of starting that archival site (that’s right, it is not a board like this one, or to replace this one) is that any women who ask a question there know that I’m serious about helping if I can, otherwise they would not be there.

Anastasia50>>” And again a question in which would make you look like a hypocrite you ignore, I said it at least twice... why did you even come on Eve's forum knowing there are transgenders and other born males here growing breasts if you are so against it?”

First, I’m not trying to ignore it. You are dead wrong about that, again. I answered this above.

>>” And yes, judging someone based on race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, religion, etc. IS prejudiced, and YOU ARE PREJUDICED, accept it.”

If you had used the word “prejudging” I would agree with you, but that is not the case. I am not prejudiced. To arrive at a conclusion objectively after studying the subject, and then upholding that conclusion based on the previous information obtained, is not prejudging and is therefore not prejudice.

Now in the other thread……..

>>” Just because you think something is wrong does not make it fact.”

I totally agree. The little problem with your logic is that I don’t base right and wrong on what I decide it is. The same applies to you. Just because you think something is OK does not make it so. On what do we base the correct answer?

Hazel39>>” Wahaika, I have one question. How does attacking someone who is attacking people just for being male/transexual compare to attacking people just for being male/transexual?

Very good question! Because you are really attacking someone for their beliefs, and are demanding, as they are, for them to get off the board.

>>” It's like saying the Allies were just as bad as the Nazis for attacking them.
Anastasia22(this thread) >>” Being prejudiced and me not agreeing with you does not make me prejudiced, that's just stupid, makes no logical sense. That's like a Nazi and a Jew arguing. The Jew calls the Nazi a prejudiced person, then the Nazi says, oh yea? Well you're prejudiced for calling me prejudiced. Doesn't make much sense does it?”

Comparing this to Naziism is definitely wrong, but if I can, may I reassign the titles?
Nazis = Assailants = Wahaika
Jews = Victims = Gays and all on the road that lead to it.
Allies = Protectors = Women (real ones)

I disagree with this. Gays intentionally maneuvered themselves into a victim role (going back to an interview with the main gay activist from back then – can’t remember his name at the moment) in order to gain acceptance. The truth is that they are assailants. In education, I have seen studies that showed that group many times higher percentage of those who molested school children. They are also, as a group, many times higher percentage of carrying diseases. They are passed from one sex to another by those who are bisexual. Again, this is really for another thread on another board, but my purpose in writing this is to show that they are not victims, but assailants. In the context of this board, many women could, and have, mistaked them for women in obtaining advice on what to do for themselves. The end result is a lot of confusion and loss of time and money for the women who are receiving bad information. I have hit on this point for YEARS. Is is no secret. It is not new. Gays are not in the victim group. They are in the assailant group.

Roseability45>>” What I want to know is how you can back up removing males from the board yet continue to post here yourself?”

I think I already answered this. Can you be more specific?

OK, I’m done with this thread. Now I have a nice long list of women who I know will not welcome my opinion on their programs. Don't bother responding, I already know what you are going to write. Don't waste your time.

WOW and i mean capital WOW. It has taken you the good part of 5 days to come up with this. It seems all of your views eminate from books or other peoples opinion wahaika. I know you are a very clever person and that is without question, but please just admit to having serious issues with any person that does not conform with the norm that is written in books, you have let other peoples views effect your own feelings and beliefs and you simply quote from media sources that have been written in different times and bring no bearing to this thread. I have no argument wth you or Majestic for that matter, you are entitled to believe in what ever you wish to believe and like or dislike who or what you wish to. But my argument would be why say something, would that not make majestic and even yourself the attacker, and everybody who the comments where aimed at the victims. I always thought when right and wrong was concerned that the victims where in the right and the attacker was in the wrong, but wait a minute is that true, think about it, what if both are victims of different circumstances who is in the wrong then. Its impossible to state right and wrong and good and evil, or even normal and abnormal. But what is fact is that we are all human beings and we all feel the same pain and happiness and we all feel love and hate exactly the same, we are all free to do as we wish to ourselfs and should be treated without hate or contempt aslong as we hurt no other being. We all deserve respect and no matter where we are from or how we look, or even how wealthy we are, we are equals. I understand people are afraid of what they do not understand and that is human nature, but please do not judge on presumption that different from you means bad or strange, we are just who we are. Life is too short to live unhappy, so if a man wants breasts, so what, if it makes his life happier then who are we to say no, you are wrong you cannot do that, you must remain unhappy and depressed.We cannot help how we feel. Its not a choice like should i get a tatoo or not, and believe me it is hard living in a world where people think of you as strange or unusual or not normal. Its just who we are, and surely we deserve to be treated as a person, liked or disliked on our personality and not purely because we go against the so called norm. I am sorry this is so long and i am not wanting an argument atall, i just feel very sad about all of this and feel i need to defend myself and what i believe, i inturn hope my views cause no offence to anyone who reads them.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

WOW indeed!
It strikes me that things get so much out of hand, I don´t think that was necessary at all.
I´m not going into detail about all the items of Wahaika´s very long post, except maybe to point out that you cannot be born an aphrodite because Aphrodite was the greek goddess of love and beauty (the roman Venus), the word should probably be hermaphrodite - ok, maybe even that wasn´t even necessary, just being a smart aleck.

Anyway, I now finally understand where these very harsh opinions of Wahaika´s come from, and that´s a relief. It´s clearly based on his religion. Which, as I was once taught in university, is actually no more than an ideology nowadays (Churches have no real power, everyone can choose to follow them or not, it´s not mandatory).
The fact that we´re even discussing these topics shows that there is no such thing as "fact" and that society allows for many different lifestyles and expressions. The vehemence with which people like Wahaika and Majestic defend their views shows that those very views are being questioned by society. If it were not so, there wouldn´t even be a discussion about it, as everyone would accept that things are like that.
I saw a movie this weekend that reminded me of this discussion. In it, a professor of literature explained to his students that the jews were not murdered "for no reason". He explained that there was a reason, only that the reason was not real. The reason was fear, and the fear an imaginary one.
I hope I don´t get misunderstood when I refer to the holocaust in relation to this topic, the similarity I see only refers to the fear nazis had of jews, and this fear led them to all the atrosities they commited.
Wahaika, I´m not implying you are capable of murdering anyone, but I do think your views are based on fear. I imagine the existence of people who are different from you, of men who become women, of the homosexual lifestyle, whatever, is experienced as threatening to the kind of life you have chosen for yourself and your family.
That is why we are going on and on about this being prejudiced issue.
Sadly, there are still a lot of people who relate to others who are different to them from an attitude of fear, and this is what breeds violence.

(Also, I want to mention that homosexuals were also exterminated in the holocaust, so it´s not such a far-fetched analogy. And gypsies and disabled people too btw.)


[Image: rotfl.gif]

I really can't take anything you say seriously.



Well Bibi,

Your professors have employed an ad hominem argument. For those that don't know, an adhominem argument is an argument based on the characteristics (whether they actually exist or not) of an opponent rather than an appeal to the facts.

Where my harsh opinions come from is irrelevant. I don't see where you disagreed with anything in particular. I really can't see how the origin of my opinions invalidates them. You may notice that I had more support than my opinion.

Do you think, or have you been taught, that opinions that have a background in religion are invalid?

Arrrr wahaika is that you, how cute, you have a little pacman head lmao. That just tells me you listen to nobody elses opinions but your own oh yeah and books lol you are dismisive of anybody with different views, and you are insulting. But you are funny and i enjoy your responses, the 5 day one was the best lol.



Yes, he is really incredible, isn´t he? Lol!
Twisting things around like that... and I´ve studied the ad hominen argument too and that´s not an example of it... oh well.
Makes you wonder what´ll happen if his kid turns out to be an homosexual or whatever... luckily we won´t be around.
take care Cheryl! Heart

Bibi evaded my question very artfully. For someone who vowed to ignore all further posts, she sure has a lot to say.

However, she is right. I went back and reread her post and found that I misread the sentence I was talking about. Ad hominem observation retracted for now.

Homosexuality, while still deviant, does not become right just because a society lowers itself so far that they accept it. Sodom and Gomorrah had to learn that lesson the hard way. Bibi appears to be brainwashed with relativism. How disappointing.

Is the Any Other Subjects thread a better place for these threads?

Okay Wahaika, I said to drop most the argument, and us just to agree to disagree... I'm starting to wonder how old you are, I assumed you were at least 40's but now you are acting like a senile 90 year old stuck in the past or someone that has been sheltered or lived under a rock their entire life.

Now I was going to drop this, but reading your very long post, there was just too much in it that got to me that I just can't let go! So I will pick apart the parts that I have something to say about.

"3. In the context of good vs. evil, right and wrong exist and are constant, not variable. Right and wrong in this context are ultimately defined by God, not people. (Don’t want to start Bible thumping here, just presenting reality,)"

Again like Bibi said, I now understand why you are the way you are, it's your religion, whatever it may be. I have my own beliefs that are unique and not a set type of religion, but I'm most closely compared to a Pagan as far as beliefs but not in rituals or traditions. I believe everyone has their own beliefs no one thinks and feels exactly like someone who has written a bible (by the way every religion has their own! it's not just ONE bible!). And saying you go by your bible exactly by the book is ignorant and hypocritical!

“2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics"

The number 1 is a preconceived judgment but number two states better in the type of prejudiced YOU are. You instantly judge a group for supposed characteristics.

"Prejudice real prejudice, not imaginary prejudice, means to prejudge something like a person or an idea before understanding the person or idea."

Nope, you instantly judge a group based on characteristics you believe them all to have, it's stereotyping and prejudiced! It's like saying women can't do "men" jobs because physically they are weaker, when the fact is that is not true for the ENTIRE group. It's like some countries views that all Americans are fat, lazy, and stupid, some in the country, yes they are, but not the entire group. You are taking a prejudgment of a group of people (ex. gays, transgenders, etc) based on supposed characteristics, i.e. STEREOTYPES!!!

"The real answer is….I am not prejudice. This is not an attempt at sophistry or to confuse. If you find it so, please ask."

You ARE prejudiced and I just explained this. Do you also think that women shouldn't be in the workplace? That we shouldn't be in the military? That our place is in the kitchen and having babies? Do you also think that gays shouldn't have rights? You are seeming like the exact stereotype, notice I said seeming because I do not actually know, of the stereotyped white redneck that still lives in the 50's in the way he thinks!

"There are conditions where, due to a birth defect for example, someone is born as an aphrodite as Anastasia pointed out. In this and other similar conditions, where the individual has absolutely no control over the situation, are understandable. But that is not the same as choosing it."

If you are going to point out something I said, please get the word right, it's HERMAPHRODITE! And Cheryl as an example (don't mean to offend you hun you know I love ya!) has a MEDICAL hormone condition, so in that case it is also fact SHE could not control that SHE was a female on the inside and made it so on the outside to make herself who SHE was meant to be. If it was not meant for her to be female and she was meant to be a "real man" why would she have a medical condition with her hormones? Maybe just maybe she was born with the wrong genitals? Ever thought of that? Maybe something happened with her chromosomes while developing in the womb and she was going to be a female or a hermaphrodite but something went wrong and she was born with male genitals? Maybe, just maybe HER condition is ALSO a birth defect, think about it.

"Why don’t we start with the quote you are talking about. I said “I see this as fact, not opinion.” This was the end of a paragraph that said “Simply put, men who want to grow breasts on themselves are suffering from an instability (be it a disorder or morally originated) which is agitated by moral relativism. Some things are a moral question and some are not. This is one that is.” When I said instability, I meant REAL instability, not some kind on insult. When I said moral instability for the rest, it is a fact. I could show it in biblical scriptures but as I said, I don’t want to start a Bible thumping war. For people who do not believe that the Bible is a true book, I cannot help that."

Which bible? Which religion? There is more than one bible! And btw, it seems you are referring to the Christian bible, which I could be wrong... I was raised Southern Baptist, so yes I know about what is written in it. And think about it for a minute. It is written by MAN, you can say it's written by "God" all you want but the fact is it was not. You want to bring religion into this, so here goes... what if "Jesus" said that we all hatched from dinosaur eggs that were brought down by flying saucers and we should all worship all eggs of the planet, would you be bowing down to eggs right now?

I saw a quote somewhere I forgot where, and every time a bible thumper brings Christianity in where it doesn't belong I say this, sorry if it offends anyone, but think outside of the box for a minute.... "Christianity. The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so that he can remove from your soul an evil force that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree..." Also my thought process... his mother who can magically get pregnant as a virgin, that is not scientifically possible! And how come all the "magical" stories of the bible only happened back then, yet no evidence of it since we've had technology?

Don't bring religion into this, or I will bring TRUE facts in it.

"Anastasia34 >> “... I did not demand that Majestic leave or other prejudiced people, I said they should if they don't like it here, where in my statements did I DEMAND them to leave??? That's what I want to know from Wahaika..”

I’m sorry. I read and reread post 19 and I don’t see it. Where did I say that you demanded that people leave? I’m serious. Please provide a reference to the post you are talking about."

I'm looking for it.... okay I can't find it, I don't remember where it was said or insinuated but it must have been if I said something about it.

"Anastasia34 >>” Bibi, HAHAHA I agree with you completely, and that's the point I have been trying to get across, but he blatantly ignores my logical points, or twists them and tries to confuse us into believing what he says makes more sense. I might not have the biggest vocabulary, I might not be a scholar, but I have a high IQ and I have alot of common sense, so will take alot more than that to confuse me and persuade me.”

AGAIN, where? Please provide an example. I have looked and looked and I don’t see any sign of this. Where have I ever, EVER “blatantly” ignored your logical points, or twisted them, or tried to confuse anyone?

And, may I be so bold to ask how making sense is the same thing as trying to confuse someone? Excuse me, but now you are not making sense. And remember, Post 19 was meant to be humorous. Did you read the title of your poll?"

You have been twisting EVERYONES points around, in a nonchalantly way. And no I won't pull up every quote, I don't have time for that, everyone else sees it too, even Bibi. And of course I read the title of my poll, there was no other way to ask the question needing to be asked for this.

"Because I was invited. Also, where did I say that it was immoral for men to be on Eve’s forum? You are really racking up the misquotes here."

In the beginning of this entire discussion you said that in your opinion a male wanting to grow breasts and homosexuality is immoral. So are you going against your original opinion?

"Anastasia42>>” Saying I support an immoral lifestyle as opposed to a moral one is all opinion, please state that it's your opinion instead of portraying it as fact.”

Please point me to where I said that you support an immoral lifestyle. I don’t remember ever saying that."

I don't remember which thread this was said on and I don't have the time to search for it. But somewhere in the arguments you said or insinuated that the women on here that support the transgenders or males growing breasts are supporting immoral lifestyles.

">>” Morals are beliefs of what is right, beliefs are opinion, not fact.”

OK. Here is one problem. We don’t have the same standard of conduct that drives our morals. Very interesting. Ok. My mistake. Thank you for pointing that out. However, I would also point out that there are some morals that we should have in common. “Thou shalt not kill” comes to mind. This is an extreme example, but it definitely applies. Or at least it should apply. The same goes with other laws/commandments/judgments that God has stated. On those that are clearly spelled out, I would expect that we have them in common and that violation of them would constitute an immorality. Again, I am not trying to be confusing. To me this is obvious. So, in this case, for either of us to say that something is immoral on a topic that our moral standards are expected to be in common, should be no surprise and require no backlash from the other. Would you agree? I would take this one step further and make the equally obvious connection that on those things that are lined out by God, morality is not relative. Do you agree with that also? (I’m not citing any particular religion here, just making the point that God is who He is, and what he says goes. On that I expect that we should agree.)"

What I have in common with you morals would probably be things such as not killing, not stealing, not cheating. But saying a group is immoral because of their sexuality or who they are I don't agree with. To me the common morals all people have or should have from the examples I gave, are more about humanity, love, not "God" and btw I don't believe my deity is a "he" not everyones "God" is. Stop pushing your religious beliefs into this, I'm not pushing mine on you. This is why I hated going to church when I was little, I know not all Christians are like this, but the ones at my childhood church were all hypocrites and expected everyone to believe in what they believed in or else they were wrong, yet they did not even follow their own preachings, this is what led me to not believe in Christianity as I got older! So saying that because of your religion, you believe gays and transgender is immoral does not mean everyone shares your views, I believe the majority here speaking against you has proved that.

">>”But don't you realize that some women on this forum might view you as even stranger than a male growing breasts to be on here?”

You can’t possibly be trying to compare the two. Who is trying to twist things now?

But since you bring it up, yes, that is a concern that I have always had. But you have not brought up the other side of that coin. Many other women have felt the exact opposite over the years. I have many years of messages and personal mail messages to convince me that it’s not a big problem I didn’t notice it until writing this to you, but one of the benefits of starting that archival site (that’s right, it is not a board like this one, or to replace this one) is that any women who ask a question there know that I’m serious about helping if I can, otherwise they would not be there."

Obviously you don't fully understand what twisting things mean, it's not twisting, and yes I can compare the two... over on the NB forum there is a male husband posting for his wife, and many emailed me telling me they felt uncomfortable with him, that he seems creepy. But there are males growing breasts and using the system and they support them, why? Because someone sharing the experience and growing breasts themselves would better understand what we are going through than you, sorry but it's true. There are alot of emotions behind it, alot of ups and downs, etc. Yes you SEEN your wife going through it, but you cannot understand someone's situation completely until you are in it yourself. Now I have no problem with a male (husband of a wife doing NBE) like you being on here just as I have no problem with a male growing breasts on here, I think both should be allowed here, but I'm trying to point out to you why some women would feel more comfortable with a TG growing breasts and posting here than a male such as yourself. It's like girls who have male friends, the straight ones are the ones you go to baseball games, football games, etc. with, the gay friends are the ones you go shopping with, have girl talk with, even undress in front of. Discussing growing boobs IS girl talk! Me I have no issue discussing it with a male like you or a TG. But just explaining why others might feel different.

>>” It's like saying the Allies were just as bad as the Nazis for attacking them.
Anastasia22(this thread) >>” Being prejudiced and me not agreeing with you does not make me prejudiced, that's just stupid, makes no logical sense. That's like a Nazi and a Jew arguing. The Jew calls the Nazi a prejudiced person, then the Nazi says, oh yea? Well you're prejudiced for calling me prejudiced. Doesn't make much sense does it?”

Comparing this to Naziism is definitely wrong, but if I can, may I reassign the titles?
Nazis = Assailants = Wahaika
Jews = Victims = Gays and all on the road that lead to it.
Allies = Protectors = Women (real ones)

I disagree with this. Gays intentionally maneuvered themselves into a victim role (going back to an interview with the main gay activist from back then – can’t remember his name at the moment) in order to gain acceptance. The truth is that they are assailants. In education, I have seen studies that showed that group many times higher percentage of those who molested school children. They are also, as a group, many times higher percentage of carrying diseases. They are passed from one sex to another by those who are bisexual. Again, this is really for another thread on another board, but my purpose in writing this is to show that they are not victims, but assailants. In the context of this board, many women could, and have, mistaked them for women in obtaining advice on what to do for themselves. The end result is a lot of confusion and loss of time and money for the women who are receiving bad information. I have hit on this point for YEARS. Is is no secret. It is not new. Gays are not in the victim group. They are in the assailant group."

Okay I said nothing about allies, my point was not based on the holocaust but rather Nazi's that are still around today. Let me make another example. A backwoods country redneck goes to a big city and calls the first black person he sees the N word, the black person then calls him a prejudiced, the redneck then says oh yea? Well you're prejudiced for calling me prejudiced. Like I said, makes no sense.

And I cannot believe you went into saying gays have more diseases, I am truly more and more amazed at how ignorant you are! Everyone knows the STDs gays got were invented by the government in an attempt to exterminate them, but they didn't realize that some of these "gays" were bisexual and thus it started spreading to "straight" people. And saying gays are the assailants is another ignorant thing to say. They didn't ask to be attacked by old fashioned bigots like you, but they do.

Hell Cheryl is a hell of a stronger person than you'd ever be! Her transformation is astounding, she has been through so much emotionally, physically, etc. Do you realize that maybe in her real life she might be going through some bullshit from people around her, and you are just making matters worse? One day you are going to open your mouth with the stereotypes, morals, and bigot BS and you are going to make someone clinically depressed and to the point of suicide, and if they killed themselves because of something you said, how would you feel?

By the way, I went to school with plenty of gays, bisexuals, etc. and I would have to say I grew up just fine and have a good head on my shoulders, so that has no standing. Someone does not choose to be gay, just as someone cannot choose who they fall in love with. You can't help how you feel.

"OK, I’m done with this thread. Now I have a nice long list of women who I know will not welcome my opinion on their programs. Don't bother responding, I already know what you are going to write. Don't waste your time."

Don't bother responding, really? When this entire time you were asking me to and asking for my opinions, for me to find quotes etc. So basically you are saying you were just taunting me in your entire post asking me questions to respond to, then I'm not suppose to respond? Make up your mind! See this is PRIME example of trying to confuse people.

Again you only want to hear yourself, you don't care about anyone elses views and this didn't start here, on no, it was on the BE Board too. I remember when I went to the BE board I was taking Zoft at the time and everyone said, oh no commercial products don't work, you're wasting your time, blah blah, then I grew 2 inches with it that I never lost! Then I got on individual herbs based on Pammy's program, I started having bad side effects, stopped and was looking into more options. I asked about pumps cause I seen them on ebay and some posts about them on Eve's original forum. Many from the BE Board told me they were a waste of time, not effective, and you were one of them I believe. Good thing I didn't listen. Everyone over there was all into herbal NBE and thought nothing else works, just like you are stuck in your beliefs and not accepting or acknowledging anyone elses. I could probably show medical proof that gays can't help being what they are and you would still disagree and think they choose it.

"Where my harsh opinions come from is irrelevant. I don't see where you disagreed with anything in particular. I really can't see how the origin of my opinions invalidates them. You may notice that I had more support than my opinion."

Bibi probably didn't respond to your entire post and disagree with certain points because you DID say don't respond because I know what you will say, DUH! We know you aren't going to acknowledge our views, you only want to preach your own. And now I'm done. I have elaborated my views, told you everything you need to know.

Now can you be a big boy and be an ADULT and agree to disagree like I requested? Or do you want to just keep dragging this on and on to see yourself type?

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