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To All : ABOUT Ultrabreast


Okay, im from denmark and i have now used more then 26houers for reserching about pills. I emailed to so many different products, and I just want to share this, because maby you got a oppionion ? Maybe you didnt know? and maybe this will help you ?? Maybe its bullshit?
Hope that newbies and oldbies Big Grin would read this

So here it is!

Dear dk,

The websites on the internet are owned to promote affiliate sales and they have no knowledge of what they write about - they are there to generate sales - that's it. If it's not an affilate website, it's a website owned by a company that makes dozens of herbal breast pill labels and it competes against itself. They use other name brands for false comparisions and they do not know or care about our product - they just use our name. Therefore, you can't believe what they write.

Ultrabreast is made from Chinese glandulars which can be contaminated with BSE aka Mad Cow Disease. BSE is found in all cattle-producing countries except for Argentina and New Zealand. Argentina and New Zealand have free-range, clean beef. Argentina's beef is world famous for being grass fed and clean. They sell their beef to Japan, the people who buy up the best products in the world. Argentina has wage standards like America - and better living conditions for the cows. The people who live there migrated from Europe, mainly Spain. The people are educated and are paid normal wages. Argentina is the Europe of South America - with more cows than people - and lots of vacant open space for cattle to eat grass, feel the warmth of the sun, and breath free air - a far cry above conditions in the US and China.

China, like the US, has fed lots to fatten their cows - no access to grass - and no qualms about using antibiotics, drugs, and having poor conditions for the cows. The Chinese are paid next to nothing... slave labor wages to slaughter the cows - and the cows have been found to have BSE. China has virutally no standards and the ones they do have are usually not enforced. These are the people who brought us melamine-contaminated baby formula, pet food, and chocolate that killed people and pets. They also make flip flops full of lead for Americans to wear so they get lead poisioning.

Cattle is not safe to eat if it comes from a country with BSE. In fact, BSE was caused by feeding blood from animals to animals who only eat grass (ruminants). To get the cows to eat the blood, they can only use 10% of the feed as blood or the cows know it and refuse to eat. How sick is that? The US did this and still does. It has been found that a large portion of the Alzheimer's patients do not have Alzheimer's - they have Mad Cow Disease. Their brains are being eaten by the prions. Anyone can have mad cow disease if they ate factory-farmed beef in this country. This is why our company pays more money for our glandulars to come from Argentina! The extra ingredient we use is pituitary and it costs ten times more than the other glandulars. We also use more expensive capsules.

So what kind of person would not care about BSE and buy cheap Chinese glandulars?

Ultrabreast is owned by a porn shop owner - his name is George - he's from Boca Raton, FL. He was found guilty of tax evasion and owes the the IRS 3 million dollars. From what I hear, he's not doing so well these days.

How do I know who George is? At one time we used a factory in S. Florida and an account rep there named Eveyln prodded George (who made fake Viagara) to copy our breast product - minus the most expensive ingredient. This is highly unethical and not done by other factories. George on his own would have never conceived this product. Our account rep told us what was happening. They ordered the dangerous-sourced glandular from China. Our company and several others left the factory. George makes Ultrabreast, sells the product out to distributors who sell it online and don't know anything about the product, who makes it, or where the ingredients are sourced from.

Nutrition Formulators has been sued several times for making products and switching or leaving ingredients out, thereby cheating the client and the customers; this is illegal. Nutrition Formulators is owned by Adolpho, a Columbian, and his wife Vivian, from Puerto Rico - many of the employees are Adolpho's brothers. They made a lot of products for companies you see in the stores, but claiming to make a vitamin that has a lot of B 12 in it and then the client tests it and it has zero B-12. This kind of business tactic is ruining their reputation and causing them to be sued.

So if the women out there want to trust George and Adolpho and pay the cheaper price, they can. You can Google Nutrition Formulators and find some of the lawsuits against them\. I found one that was published in the newspaper last year. I am sure a search of the Clerk of the Courts in Dade county would yield all the lawsuits.

Hope that paints a clearer picture for you.

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Im nooot sure i put this in the right forum, but i didnt now where to put itSmile ???

Hugs , DK!

Who sent you this email? What company wrote this to you? I have emailed Ultra Breast and their chemists and they said their glandulars are from the US everything put into their capsules are in the US. So I don't know, I want to know where this info is coming from, if it's coming from Bountiful Breast, Ultra Breast is their competition, so they are probably saying that so you'll order from them and not UB. The only way I would trust what this person is saying is if they are a reliable source, like someone not selling a NBE product, etc. Most NBE companies will say whatever they have to to disregard their competition so you will buy from them instead, just food for thought there. But yea, like I said, I emailed Ultra Breast and their chemists and they said the glandulars come from US cattle. Now if US cattle had mad cow disease, everyone here would be dying from it lol. Either way, any emails coming from NBE companies I would take with a grain of salt.

well Anastasia, if you email UB, theyre obviously not gonna say anything wrong about their product, and if everething they do is from USA, i dont think its very safe either, though it might be BB, but when i asked them to convince me against ultra breast, erika from BB was such a sweetheart *Sarcasm*, but theyr not THAT stupid to say things that aren´t true, because we can always investigate them, i had just done that, and i dont know about you, but this is what i found, about the lawsuit:

and this is from another post, but is what i know about US cattle:
(the last post).
about being a porn store owner:
Quote:Bethell's cross-dimensional management trick would probably have continued unnoticed were it not for a feud among the porn shop's owners, Martin Mazza, George J. Santoni, and Robert Wollman.Four years ago, Mazza sued his partners, contending they had stopped distributing monthly checks to him. The case dragged on as Santoni and Wollman filed a mountain of motions and stalled discovery.
Quote:Santoni, who lives in Boca Raton, was apparently new to the porn trade in 1996, but he had a colorful background. A member of Maryland's House of Delegates from 1974 to 1977, he left office to serve four years in federal prison for extortion and conspiracy. Once released, he introduced local drug dealers in Baltimore to New Jersey mobsters he'd met in jail, for which he was indicted in 1986. He was also indicted for a money-laundering scam that involved credit card payments for Las Vegas prostitutes. He was sentenced in federal court to eight years

and his the link for the whole story, i recomend you to reaad it, its really interesting:

and this is about the lawsuit youll find George´s name in there:

this are my two cents, but at the end everyone makes theyre final choices, and maybe BB, has also some tail to step on, only that UB, hasnt looked for it, or haven´t found it.``Knowledge is power´´
Big Grin peace out.

EDIT: the last link is to the lawsuit to George J.Santoni, from Mazza

Interesting, but I dunno, I think we take a risk with everything we eat or take, you never know exactly what your getting. And that's an excellent point that BB could have some dirty secrets as well. The creator of UB being a porn shop owner is not that big of a deal to me, I don't judge based on that, but if it's true about him making fake products, then yes I would judge on that aspect. But we just don't know if any of these products are 100% safe, I don't think we can ever know.

Don't know about the email. Sounds like BB trying to discredit their competitor to me too.
But about the mad cow disease - I don't know. I don't trust any of the companies on that. And it has an incubation period of 12 years!! That means if you ingest something that is contaminated now it takes about 12 years before you get any symptoms at all. And most of the symptoms can be attributed to alzheimers. That's kind of scary I think.

Hello beautiful girls.

I do not really know what it's all about, I'm not so good to understand or write English, but I try and goodle translate helped me a lotWink
I just wanted to share this information with you because it got me away from the idea to buy UB's product. Which perhaps is a little crazy, but we're all different bodies and trying to find something to suit ourselves. I think it is a rather wild story from Erica, who works for BB. I'm not Hope some of us girls get sick of the products we choose to try. So far, I think that I'm trying BB, since I have not really heard of some dangerous side effects?!

I just do not know which forum I should put this information into, you have an idea?
So we can get more girls to comment, maybe there are some who know more or know anything bad about BB that Erica is not even mentioned?

Hope you're doing well!


I've worked in the nutritional industry for over 10 years. I absolutely can understand how the public can have a trust issue with nutritional supplements and I've along with hundreds of companies, groups and the federal government have worked very hard to improve this image.

I've worked with Nutrition Formulators and also for them.

You've referenced a legal issue in this blog that doesn't pertain to your comments. The legal issue was in the ref to someone having a extremely rare reaction to a product OR the combination of that product and other products. We all know that we can each react differently to anything consumed,.....does that mean that you never eat anything that you've not eaten before and when do you make that assumption? If this were that case for my own children, they'd still be drinking baby formula.

Quote:Nutrition Formulators has been sued several times for making products and switching or leaving ingredients out,

This isn't true, and it's not supported by anything you've posted. I don't want to get into an augment over this, but I think you've made a unfair characterization here. NFI has a stellar reputation and it appears from your knowledge of the owners that you might have other reasons for posting this? The fact that any Dietary Supplement Manufacture might have been sued isn't even relevant. As manufactures that make thousands of products for their customers, who in-turn sell to their customers.

Regardless, NFI employs top level cGMP's (Good Manufacturing Practices) and is certified by NPA (Natural Products Association). They also use proven quality ingredients and have an amazing laboratory team to insure product quality. All of which you couldn't possibly know when posting this,.... unless this is also a business tactic that you've employed?

People think that a contract manufacture can simply "switch" ingredients or "leave them out" and that's a falsehood. Each production of a product if followed with massive paperwork (called a batch record) which includes Quality testing and inspection of ingredients being entered into the product. It's also followed with finished product testing.

I'm always available to discuss the merits of NFI as a manufacture.

katdk, I'm sorry, I realized afterwards that you'r ref a "DK" person who emails or texted you. My comments are meant for their characterization not yours.

exactly Anastasia, im so glad you got my point, we will never be 100% sure on anything, and nothing is black and white, its just different shades of grey, i posted that information and those links, so the girlies (and the guys too), on this forum could read it, and then based on their own opinion, do what they think is best, i mean if is true that UB is a copy of BB, then thats wonderfoul, same product, and cheaper!!!, w-o-w, as a marketing student i know, that the market is a hard and cold world, never believe what a company, ANY company says is 100% true, the will always twist the true to their convinience, a perfect example, is the pics of Mel(itsjust4fun91) on their before&after page, anyone that had followed her progress, would now, that with the blue bathing swit, her boobs dont look like they do with the zebra one, on the side pics, so thats just another way of manipulating the true, you judge a product??, or you judge the maker??, is based on you, of course that the work etic of a person, is obviously going to be based, on their personal characteristics, just do your own thinking, cos the instincs never fail, and if your instics tell you the UB, is safe, it most probably is.HeartHeartHeart

Boneill, I'm glad someone like you joined the discussion to help us out here. I think that UB is safe, I took it for 6 months with no side effects and went from a 32B to a 32D. I feel fine, it has not given me the bad side effects that herbs have. And yes I agree that we can have a reaction to anything at any given moment. For example, my aunt took goody powders everyday after work to help her migraine headaches, and her back pain, they worked wonderfully for her for YEARS! And when I say years, probably a good 15 or so. Then one day she took one and had a horrible reaction, was hospitalized and almost died, she then discovered that she just out of nowhere developed an allergy to aspirin! This is also true for anything and anyone. When I was in the hospital after giving birth to my son, I was given pain killers of course cause I was sown up down there lol, I was given a very low dose (about half the normal dose for an adult my size) of Tylenol 3, which has codeine in it. Almost instantaneously I went into convulsions, had a scarily high fever, cold sweats, etc. They said that they have NEVER seen someone have a reaction like that before, that there are people allergic to codeine, but not in the extreme that I was. They said if I had taken the full amount I would have died. If I wasn't in the hospital when I took it, I would have died. Scary thought huh? And this is true for anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Allergic reactions can happen out of the blue and for no apparent reason. I had a friend that never had a reaction to peanuts, then one day she ate a snickers bar and her throat swelled up, almost shut, and luckily we were near a hospital and someone got her there fast enough, otherwise the reaction could have been fatal. So does this mean we avoid everything like the plaque? Hell no, that's no way to live. I see it like this. I could have spent a ton of $$$ on BB and got results, but I chose to try UB and save money that went to better things, like my son's birthday party, christmas presents for family, etc. Who knows if BB is 100% safe, I'm sorry but I judge a product based on how it works and their customer service. From what I heard about BB's customer care, it's down the toilet, but from what I experienced with UB they are always prompt with answering emails, answer all my questions and have treated me very well as a customer. BB works yes, many see results with it, and UB worked for me. So do I regret my decision? No, not in the least. I might eventually start UB again in the upcoming months, right now I'm happy with my size, but I might start it back up to use to maintain size or get 1 more cup size bigger while I work out and lose some weight on my lower body that I want to lose. And if I get mad cow disease and it shows up in 12 years, then I feel that it was meant to happen. I really don't see how Argentina and New Zealand cows are any better than US cattle. I've been to US farms with cattle, they treat them very well, at least the ones in GA and AL. And how do we know those other two countries cows are sooo safe? It's all hearsay to me. I mean if those cows are free range and not given anything, then who knows if they have diseases from not getting medicines. That's something to think about also. And if US and China beef was so bad, no one would eat it. And I'm not going to stop having a burger or a steak just cause someone over the internet says it's bad. Anyway, sorry to go on and on about this, just my thoughts and input here. Boneill, again welcome to the forum, and I hope you can contribute more to help us ladies know what is safe, etc.

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