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Another "generic" BO source


BO was discussed a little bit over on the Noogleberry forum and a member, Mumma Bear, brought up she has tried 3 different brands and finally found one that works for her, all 3 were generic, I've never heard of them, but this one she says is working for her, I went to the site and they say the glandulars they sell are from New Zealand and Argentina. Thought the rest of the users that use generic BO might be interested

On their ovarian bottle it says it has 200mg in each pill, not sure if that's more than the other generic's or not. Just thought this might help some. I find it interesting also that they have uterus, pituitary, and mammary glandulars for their other female organ glandulars, I wonder if these others would help a BO routine? They have a big selection of glandulars though, I just would be interested to know what they are all for and what they can do. Hmm maybe some research is in order haha.

Anyway just thought this would help those taking generic brands to have another source. Hope this helps!

Thanks! You are awesome at giving us girls some stuff to think about.
I think after my BB runs out I may go the generic route, if it would end up saving me some money. I should have a few more months though, lets hope for some growth this time!

Only thing with this brand I posted the link to is it only has 200mg of BO per pill, and only 60 pills in the bottle, most generics are like that, they have low amounts of BO where you have to take alot of pills per day. I take Ultra Breast which has 90 pills in the bottle, each pill having 540mg of BO, and it's recommended to take 3 per day, to get even close to that amount you'd have to take twice as much of this brand. So to me I still prefer Ultra Breast, in the long run it's cheaper than this, but Mumma Bear over on the Noogleberry forum said she takes it and it's working for her, so that's why I thought I'd share. I'm still going to take my Ultra Breast though lol.

I use their pituitary...and I really like it. I nixed the ovary, just a bit too expensive for the amounts I wanted. But, its great to have as a back up. I've had really good luck with the "other brands". Cost and amount wise I'll probably stick with the ultrabreast too...or try the swansons.

I tried once the vitamin power brand which was also low dose and i just got tired of swallowing all those pills.It made me sick!!I would also prefer getting some brand with higher doses.It would be easier and simpler to take.Good that we found UB or else i don't think i would do the whole 6 pills a day thing again!

LOL even with taking UB I take 23 pills per day including my BC. So taking pills is not an issue with me, but I know UB works for me, so why change it? Besides UB (which is 3 pills per day, one in morning, one at noon and one at night) I take collagen tablets, which is 6 per day, I break it up in 2 at each time I take UB, I take EPO and flaxseed oil, 3 pills per day of each, break those up in the 3 times per day, I also take a multivitamin only once per day, I take kelp once per day, biotin once per day, and horsetail 1 pill 3 times per day. And of course I take birth control. I guess I'm just use to taking alot of supplements that it doesn't bother me. But yea, I prefer UB, I don't see a point in trying a generic brand.

LOL the problem with the VP brand was the taste too.Yuck!They were tablets and somehow dry so they get stuck in your throat!
I am planing on using L-tyrosine with UB eventhough my temp is ok but i think it helps and i should get a multivitamin too.I usualy take centrum i like that brand.Collagen is great i wanted to try that too but I-herb only has the powder form and i hate that.Most companies don't ship to my country so:-/
I used to take Flaxseed but i'm out of it.I like it for my hair and skin.I think it does have an effect.As for EPO i think it has anti inflammatory properties so you might want to check that.It might affect the potential swelling from NB.

I don't care much if I swell alot, I look more for the permanent growth, not the swelling. And so far with adding flaxseed oil and EPO back into my program I seem to be getting better results overall. So if it doesn't help me swell, so be it. lol

You have a point.Swelling goes away anyhow so why care.I get great swelling sometimes but nothing lasts so why bother...

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