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[archive] results check in


results check in
April 5 2009 at 11:51 PM emilybug  (Login emilybug)


hi girls,

just touching base. i've been pretty dedicated to my hypnosis for 1 month and no results yet. i did andrew dobson and have changed to wendi for the last 2 weeks.
i also listen to subliminals.
even though i'm not seeing results yet, i still like this practice and will stick with it for a while.

please feel free to post your hypno progress on this thread!


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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: results check in April 6 2009, 2:49 PM 

I have been on hypnosis for about 3 weeks, alternating between Andrew Dobson and Steve G. Jones. No results so far, but I enjoy it.

How's the Wendi session? Does she ever do sales? Last time I checked her site, it looked pretty pricey for the Breast Enlargement program, but I would buy it if she put it on sale. Seems like a positive thing to have a woman doing the talking.

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(Login emilybug) Re: results check in April 6 2009, 7:01 PM 

i prefer the wendi sessions. the only thing is there are so many included in the package. several of them are relaxation hypnosis sessions to get you in the state and then there are about 5 nbe sessions. it's about 99$ for the download.
i tend to get relaxed and then just listen to the breast ones rather than 30 min. of relaxation first.
they are very comprehensive and i think go to a deeper level than dobsons.
either way, i suppose it's about how we use it & how able we are to get the messages to our bodies.

i hope we get results and i hope others post here with good news to inspire us!! i know there have been a few successes out there.

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(no login) it works for me, but I loose the growth April 13 2009, 5:53 PM 

I can easily have results with subliminal messages (i listened to the rockmelon ringtone for 4-5 days ca 50 times a day while surfing on my computer and my breasts swolled up) and I can easily have results with self-persuasing (it s not hypnosis because Im not in very relaxed state)... I basically say to myself on a LOUD voice "my breasts will get bigger, fat will move in my breasts etc".... i know it sounds crazy, but once you say it on a loud voice it makes a difference!
I feel the tingling and my breasts swell up really quickly. Then I have nearly 1/2 cup size larger and heavier breasts, but I think it is only water retention and blood circulation because they shrink back!

But the swelling is real... I brought some days ago new bras while they were swollen and my breasts filled a C-cup, but now they have shrunken back and the C-bra is empty on the top side.

Im wondering how it is possible to get PERMAMENT results with hypnosis.

But I try to keep my positive attitude.Smile
Would like to know has anyone else noticed the same?

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: results check in May 6 2009, 5:50 PM 

Well I have had an inch of growth now and I think hypnosis has been a big part of it. I am also taking some herbs, eating boobie foods, and doing massages.

I think the way to get permanent growth is to do hypnosis long enough to change your body, and keep doing it as you accept your new shape as your own. You must fully integrate your new body image in your mind. You have to believe that this really is "the new you." I have experienced this feeling over the last few days, I can actually feel something changing in my beliefs about the way my body is shaped. This IS me now. The other me with smaller boobs is who I used to be.

I don't know how else to explain it but I really have gone through a mental shift and I feel that my growth is permanent. I am not stopping my routine yet, I am ready to grow some more. I think it will be like walking up steps. With each higher step, you have to get used to that height and accept it before you take another step up.

I am learning as I go! It's so fun.

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(Login itchy_panda)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: results check in May 8 2009, 11:56 AM 

Are you still alternating between Steve G. Jones and Andrew Dobson? I've also lost the growth I had almost 2 years ago with herbs and hypnosis and now I want to do it again and stick to it long enough to actually change how I perceive myself.

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: results check in May 8 2009, 4:28 PM 

Yeah, I am still alternating but I listen to Steve G. Jones the most. (I am listening right now). My favorites are the ones that you can listen to while you do other things- I think he calls them daytime affirmations.

It has become habit for me now to listen all the time. My mp3's are all in my ipod and I changed the names of the files. It's so easy. Lately I have been listening to the hypnofiles while I do my massage and heating pad routine. The more Steve G. Jones tells me that I am in charge of my body, the more I genuinely believe it. Now when I hear him say certain things I agree with him wholeheartedly instead of being skeptical or just hoping. It has helped me SO MUCH with the mental side of NBE.

November 20 2008 at 3:06 PM LaughLoveLive (no login)


Hi girls & guys?
Has been a long time since I have posted.....2 interstate moves........2 jobs.......but all in all almost a year of good times, family health, everyday blessings & all that important stuff so just simply have not had a minute to focus on this side of things until ....bow bownggggggggggggg.....dressing room woes reared their ugly fluorescent heads....damn them damn them to hell....
I am posting this in both the mail forum & the hypnosis forum because frankly I am just keen to touch base with posters from waaaaaay back in my herbal days as later in my hypnosis days.
So... I figure a please explain is pretty necessary....I quit last Xmas because with 2 young kids & a reasonable amount of travel it was necessary. I have since lost my dreaded 'love handles' after 2 kids in quick succession am now actually back to highschool weight. this was never my goal, but after taking up regular apple cider vinegar consumption & also regular black strap molassess (for period - endimetriosis pain cramping) I just shed kilos.....I find that my breasts have deflated a bit too....I say a bit because they are still OK but having lost a full 7kg on a tall frame i felt it time to re'encourage' them.
I used Andrew Dobsons track last time & had a quick scan tonight to see if you all had found a better alternative but it doesnt seemthat way so I will try & find his again since I was very satisfied last feels strange to be here again as I am revisiting the past but it is also a fabulous feeling to recognise names in the various forums & hear of your successes & rejoice & lack of results & empathise. You have to trust your own insticts about what will work for you if you try something 'against the odds' chances are it will be against 'your odds'.....thats why I 'buy' hypnosis I am continuously in awe of what people can do with their brains.....not mine neccessarily just in general....i KNOW I dont know how it works but for me hypnsosis worked wonderfully & I felt proof with every session 'pains/tingling' so going for it again. If anyone has any additional info for diet bar eliminate caffeine alcohol (may as well be oxygen) & up omegas I would be glad to hear it.
Tahanks for having me back , I will set up a program page this time to record things properly. xx

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(Login LolaOne) Hypnosis specifics November 21 2008, 3:26 AM

Hi there LaughLoveLive,

I am hoping that you could provide me with all and any details regarding your growth while using hypnosis (I couldnt seem to find an old program page for you). I have recently started a self-hypnosis program and wanted to compare...



Hypnosis-only program
May 30 2009 at 8:40 PM Panda (Login itchy_panda)


I've done NBE before with good results (that haven't lasted) when I used both herbs along with hypnosis, but felt like it was the hypnosis that was making all the difference. I decided to give this new program a try because I seem to be too sensitive to herbs (have had serious health problems involving IBS) and unable to change my diet. The only massaging I do is touching my boobs, cupping them over my shirt when I'm home, sometimes under my shirt. No oils or actual massage routines.

I listen to two of the Steve G. Jones' daytime recordings during the day, and before I go to bed I listen to Andrew Dobson (by far my favorite). During the day I also do some visualization. I have two methods. One involves wearing a bra in my goal size, that I filled with cotton balls. It looks a little weird, but it's amazing how much cleavage I can get when I squeeze my boobs together! Then I wear a shirt and look down on them, look in the mirror, cup them... just to get a feel for the size I'm going for. I've even taken naps with the bra on, which felt really weird because I like to sleep on my stomach. It's a little uncomfortable but I think it's important to "feel" my new size. The other technique I do involves looking at topless pictures that look the way I want and picturing myself with those breasts. Feels a little pervy though lol.

I'm not experiencing any pain per se, just a little soreness and a very itchy sensation. I was thinking that it could be some kind of allergy (my skin is also very sensitive, not just my stomach) but I think it must be growth because I'm not doing anything different, and after a few days my boobs look and feel unmistakeably larger.

The only think I find strange is that i figured my boobs would feel the same way they felt when they were growing during puberty. I have never experienced the itchy sensation before, but then I guess they never grew much to begin with. I see now they are and I'm delighted!

Hello! I'm taking the hypnotherapy approach too and its comforting to know you are having a good experience as well. I'm using blake talk ( Mainly because it free and I'm trying to achieve breast growth without spending a dime lol) Anyway, thanks for keeping us updated.Big Grin

Ps. I experienced a lot of inching, but I thought it was from the massaging, but I dont know.

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