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[archive] Who's still using magnets?


Who's still using magnets?
January 17 2008 at 11:47 PM Louise  (Login Louise1982)


I know loads of us were asking about them, I still use mine daily - anyone else?


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(Login frostedmint06)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? January 18 2008, 5:02 AM 

Hi Louise,

I've been using magnets for about a week and a half now. I wear them overnight like Kieyah and my boobs definitely seem perkier in the morning. I also seem to have a nickel allergy (very common) so I make sure the magnets are wrapped in some tissue before putting them on. It doesn't take up any extra time so I'll continue with them. My program is fairly full right now (not as full as yours) so I don't want to add anything that takes up anymore time. Don't know if I would recommend them yet because I haven't been wearing them long enough.

    This message has been edited by frostedmint06 on Jan 19, 2008 1:26 AM
This message has been edited by frostedmint06 on Jan 19, 2008 1:25 AM
This message has been edited by frostedmint06 on Jan 18, 2008 5:30 PM

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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? January 18 2008, 12:28 PM 

I'm still doing it like the book says, but with a bit less dedication, I only massage for the growth treatments. After I stoped the herbs my pains and tingles subsided (!) so I started them back on and hope the signs will come back. Weirdly, I get the strongest reaction after the inertial treatment, a deep tingly and itchy sensation in both boobs.

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(Login 65hulagirl)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? January 18 2008, 5:20 PM 

I used the magnets for 2 weeks straight, doing the CVS, inertial, and wearing them all day. I had a lot of pains and itchiness. Then I stopped for a week to see what would happen. No pains, no itchyness durign that week. So, I started the program again, wearing them all day. The pains and itchyness came back. The itchyness is not from the nickle because I wrap the magnets in a piece of cheesecloth so that it's not touching my skin. Also, the itchymess happens when they're not even on. All that to say, my breast seem fuller, but not measureably bigger. It's kind of frustrating. I will probably just continue with it as it really doesn't take any time out of my day. I massage twice daily.

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(no login) Re: Who's still using magnets? January 18 2008, 10:11 PM 

I am not using magnets currently :-( Mainly because I keep forgetting to put them in and I am concerned with the opposite pole facing my kids, and can't sleep with them because of DH, plus those things hurt if you lay on them........................

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? January 19 2008, 12:23 AM 

I still use during the day, but have reduced down to 3 days a week.

I should also add that I did not grow last month doing it this way so it may be that it is necessary to use daily. I'm kind of growing tired and thinking about taking a break from all nbe for a while.

    This message has been edited by kieyah on Jan 19, 2008 12:27 AM

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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? February 1 2008, 3:27 PM 

Well it has been 1 month sicne I started magnets + herbs. My bust measurment has increased for like 1/2'', which isn't a lot, but I know how to measure very accurately so I'm sure it's there. What gives me the most hope is that I've been having more signs of growth on this routine than I ever did on any others before. I also noticed that I only get the signs if I do the program consistently, with the energising treatment and all 3 growth treatments and all before and after massages. I do shorter than 5 minutes but my massage is very stimulating and it seems to be enoguh, what seems to matter is that I do it before and after. The energising treatment also seems important cause when I didn't do massage with it or didn't do it at all I had less signs. But I did stop doing the inertial treatments, because one day I was having continous pains and tingles the whole evening and then I did the inertial treatment and in 15 minutes they were gone and no more signs for two days. So I figured the intertial treatment ''shuts me down'' too strongly and will only do like one a weak to keep the breasts healthy. I'm keeping my hopes up for this method, but in 2 weeks my classes start again and I'm worried how I will keep it up...

    This message has been edited by -Moon- on Feb 1, 2008 3:29 PM
This message has been edited by -Moon- on Feb 1, 2008 3:28 PM

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(no login) Re: Who's still using magnets? February 1 2008, 4:46 PM 

Which herbs are you on moon?

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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? February 2 2008, 10:04 AM 

Currently soy, red clover, barely, nettle root, flax seed oil and kelp. I also took ginseng for a while (ran out of it). Not the most convential, I know. :p

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? February 10 2008, 8:03 PM 

I think maybe an hour on then an hour off would be best, I think I do feel more if I take them on and off several times during the day rather than just leaving them on but it could be because if I leave them on I'm not thinking boobs so could be all in my mind!

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(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER How to wear magnets overnight? March 13 2008, 7:51 PM 

I want to start wearing my magnets overnight to see if it will make a difference in boobage, but I am wondering how everyone is wearing them. Do you tape them on?...if so with what tape?, sleep in a sport bra? How do you do it? Please advise.

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(no login) Re: Who's still using magnets? March 13 2008, 9:00 PM 

I think most people put 1 inside and 1 outside their bra cups (so 4 in total), the magnetism then holds them on.

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(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? March 18 2008, 4:29 AM 

Ok I may need a little help here...I put a set of magnets over the nipple one on the inside, one on the outside. Do you think or has anyone tried to put 4 on one breast? A set over the nipple and a set up higher to help with fullnes up top?

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(no login) Magnets March 18 2008, 6:06 PM 

I use one on the outside of my bra and 4 on the inside but I'm only doing one boob as it's much smaller than the other.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? March 18 2008, 8:32 PM 

I don't think you can put 2 sets near each other as they'll attract to each other and ll get stuck together. You'd be better off doing 1 outside and several inside but if you bought the recommended magnets from K&J Magnetics then they're already really really strong so just the 1 inside and 1 outside is probably enough if it's going to work at all.

Fullness used the BB machine 6 months after breastfeeding, I have definitely found that the BB is good for evening you up because you get stronger air pressure on the smaller side.

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(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Littlelibrarian March 18 2008, 9:16 PM 

How long have you been stacking them like that, and has it made a difference? Do you just put the magnets over the nipple or do you move the magnets around in different places?

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? March 19 2008, 3:59 PM 

I just put them over the nipple, I leave them on a particular bra that is quite big for me and then put it over my clothes to walk around in the house, if I put them in a bra underneath I forget to take them out!

Not sure if it's made any difference because I use suction and have taken herbs as well.

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(no login) Magnets March 19 2008, 5:38 PM 

I've been putting 4 on the inside and one on the outside since January and like Louise I leave them on a bra I never wear. I just put the bra on 3 times per day in the privacy of the bathroom. The only herbs I'm taking is vitex (400mg Nature's way 1 per day) and L-tyrosine (500mg NOW 1 per day). I started taking the L-tyrosine because I work in a very stressful place and I read it helps and it has made me feel more energy and increased my sex drive. I plan on adding fennel once I get my period this month as I believe Wahaika is right on with starting in the spring. I think I might start massaging like I used to cuz I know that's when the little growth (an inch) I've gotten happened.
I've gotten meatier that's all; no measurable growth but the tops look more rounded when I stand sideways.

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(Login Kekie)
SENIOR MEMBER Littlelibrarian March 20 2008, 9:36 PM 

Do you do the energizing treatment on both breast then just the growth on the small one? I haven't done the energizing because I just want the small boob to catch up with the big one as I am a cup size different (left=bcup, right=a cup)Right now I just do the Meridan energizing treatment in the morning, then growth treatments without massage as I am afraid it might stimulate lactation since I am 4 months post pumping for the twins. I am hoping this will make a far just a nice lift.

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(no login) littlelibrarian March 25 2008, 3:57 PM 

I do the treatments on the one boob only. No energising.

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Who's still using magnets? March 26 2008, 1:08 PM 

Does anyone have an idea if the newest version of nba has something additional for reduction?I am seriously considering buying 3 foot of the tape but am worried to waste the money on nothing Sad

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(Login clonky) magnets June 28 2008, 9:39 AM 

Hi I'm new to all this and have ordered the magnets because after two children i would love fuller and more pert boobs.. ( i am possibly dreaming but feel it may be worth a shot as i'm too frightened of the knife) Can any one tell me where i would find the instructions on how to use them? and for best results ? many thanks and i WILL def keep you all posted as i have been looking for ages for something to work and just don't know what is a scam and what isn't..

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