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why use progesterone cream and what is it?


why use progesterone cream and what is it?
March 27 2006 at 5:55 PM
Sunset (Login liquidSunset)


what is progesterone cream?
it is used in NBE to open up receptors and make sure they are able to accept phytoestrogens. If the receptors are shut down-breast growth is said to be a no go. Is that true? well I dont have proof-thats just what I have read.

Progesterone balances the effects of excess estrogen and prepares your body for breast enlagement.

Using it before you start a routine will ensure your receptors will be ready to respond once you get started.

Progesterone cream can be used also during breaks to keep hormones balanced.

Prog. cream flushes the body of excess hormones.

*So you can think of it like this:
Pretend for example you have to much estrogen. And think of the receptor sites looking like a honey comb, with 6 little holes in it.
Now pretend that all 6 holes are filled up with estrogen. You only need 3 of those holes filled up with estrogen (pretend) and the other 3 holes that are filled up are EXCESS unneeded estrogen or second hand toxins-but they binded in there and now all 6 holes of that receptor site are filled and there is no room for any more.

Well-by using the prog. cream you KEEP the estrogen you DO need but it discards (gets rid of) the other 3 that you DO NOT NEED.

So now you have a receptor (honeycomb) with 3 full spots and 3 empty spots right? Well now it is OPEN and ready to take on these herbs. The herbs can bind into it and do their job. Smile

If all your receptors are full-no herbs can bind to the receptor sites-so they cant "plug in" and do the job. And thats my "honeycomb" example Smile lol

Ok-now you dont nessisarilly have to use only the cream (I did, but it can be a pain kind of) You can instead use MILK THISTLE. It does the same exact thing you just dont have to rub the cream in you just take it by mouth as many times recommended on the bottle.

If you use progesterone cream you can start using it a week before your period is due and then stop once you recieve your period. You dont want to use it all the time or everyday for a long time. Just before your routine and during breaks from NBE. Just a week before your period.

Now-If you use MILK THISTLE: you can take it up to 2 weeks before your period. you may use it with your other herbs if you like to, or just before beginning and during breaks as well.

~Follow your heart-
Let your spirits lift you-
And then capture your dreams!
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

Author Reply
(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Some Important Corrections to the Above Post June 12 2008, 4:27 AM

I feel it is necessary to make some important corrections to the above post.

Milk Thistle does not have the effect as stated. I think Sunset got it confused with Vitex.

Milk Thistle is commonly used as a detoxification herb to help clear out the liver.

Vitex stimulates progesterone production in the body (it also lowers prolactin). Vitex should be used continuously in order to have effect. It takes as much as 3 months before it begins to work fully.

Also in regards to Sunset's explaination about how progesterone works. Progesterone does not clear out excess estrogen. Progesterone does effect estrogen receptors by activating those receptors that are inactive.

The body needs a certain amount of estrogen versus progesterone and when there is not enough progesterone there area symptoms of excess estrogen. All progesterone cream does is provide the body a supply of progesterone and this can reduce symptoms of excess estrogen.

It is not hard to use progesterone cream, but you need to apply it during the last half of the menstrual cycle (days 14 - 28) - you need to use small dosages (20mg) and you need to rotate the thin skinned areas you apply it to.

Progesterone cream should be used as a solution to estrogen dominance (also called progesterone deficiency) - IT IS NOT AN NBE SUBSTANCE. It is a hormone and can cause negative effects if overdosed - There are other threads that talk about progesterone cream - be sure to read all about it before you decide to use it.


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(no login) Re: why use progesterone cream and what is it? July 14 2008, 5:40 PM

You said to take use the progestern cream the last half of you cyle day 14-28. I consider my cyle from the day I start flow. So please help me to understand how to use this cream in layman's terms as this is all new to me.

thank you so much waxingmoon.

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(Login MrsJimHalpert) Re: why use progesterone cream and what is it? February 18 2009, 3:18 AM

the first day of your period is day 1, so count from there.

When to use progesterone cream?
November 18 2005 at 3:13 AM Sapphy (no login)
I have progesterone cream at home but I'm not sure what it does or when I should use it to benefit NBE. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

(no login)
Re: When to use progesterone cream?
November 18 2005, 3:52 AM

there are two ways you can use Progesterone cream
1 way is during your breaks (maybe every 4-6 months). for some it may help keep firmess and fullness. for others it may cause a bit of shrinkage but is helps to maintain most of the growth so it would be more perminant. it helps to keep estrogen levels under control and if you have high level of estrogen it can help increase the activity of the estrogen (Sometimes causing enlargement).

another way you can use it is as its own form or NBE. some women find that progesterone can make them grow. there are some women that use it with DHEA, estradiol or Testosterone therapy and get some enlargement. i guess it depends on your age, and your natural levels to decide which method is best for you to use.

if you are under 35 you probably my be better off using it as i described in method 1. if you are older or have low progesterone levels and high estrogen levels then the other method may be better.

a break can be 1 week to 1 month . you can use progesterone cream before you start a herbal routine, after you finish a routine and during the breaks.
if you are not menstrating you can start using the cream on day 8-15 of your regular cycle and stop on day 1 and so on. this site give a great way on how best to use the cream. get a cream with at least USP 500-750mg/oz.

advice on progesterone creams
November 29 2005 at 10:26 PM Juliette (Login juliette26)
how do you work massaging and progesterone creams into your daily regimen? Do you really need to use these methods???

(no login)
Re: advice on progesterone creams and massaging
November 29 2005, 11:50 PM

ummm Juliette i think you are moving too fast right now. you are going to get confused in picking your routine so first concentrate on picking your herbs. ok.
then decide your dosages. of course you will be starting low and ramping up with them.

then you can add massaging. if you buy the flat to fab book, Lucille explains how to do it. its the same massage this is in the deer massage. just concentrate on the breast rotations and forget the other parts of the deer massage. you do the massage 2x a day for about 5 min each or 360 rotations.
then you need to decide if you are going to make your own booby batter, buy a premade breast cream or do a dry massage with just a regular oil or lotion.

as for progesterone cream. forget about if for now until you read the "flat to fab book" or until you have picked your routine. i gave you a few other routines other then prettysoulful to look at and compare. please check them all out before you start anything.

using progesterone cream can get quite confusing because there are many different ways to incorperate it into a routine. so dont worry about it right now.

progesterone cream can be used alone to grow breasts for some people. it can be used with other NBE natural hormones like estrogen, DHEA, testosterone etc. it can be used during breaks to help clear up estrogen receptors and suppliment low progesterone levels. it can be used with herbs while doing nbe. or it doesnt have to be used at all... see what i mean. it gets confusing how best to incorperate it into a routine. so its best to forget about it until everything else makes more sense to you.

progesterone cream
December 11 2005 at 2:52 PM anonymous (no login)
Is progesterone cream dangerous? What results can I expect from using it?

(no login)
Re: progesterone cream
December 11 2005, 5:43 PM

anon, progesterone cream is not dangerous. but if used excessively (like using the whole jar or tube in one sitting which is an over dose) it can cause sleepyness it wont kill you. but it can mess up your cycles if you dont use it propery so follow the directions carefully. another problem if self dosing. there are different amounts of progesterone per/oz. from 40mg/0z-1500mg/oz so sometimes its hard to know which one is right for you. also there are different qualities some creams my clog of the skin (because of certain ingredients) so the progesterone doesnt absorb as well though the skin. you need to find a cream with a good carrier and without all the unnessasary gunk. some people report getting acne from using progesterone that may be another side effect.

what can you expect? who knows. everyone responds differently on the cream. some shrink while others grow. very few women grow with just progesterone and its hard to tell what right dosage is for each women. 500mg/oz is the recommended dosage you have to test weither 1/4tsp is enoug or 1/2 tsp is enough. if nothing you may need 750mg/oz and test the 1/8tsp then 1/4tsp and so on. this can take months and even with a doctor's help most women may not find the dosage they need to grow with progesterone; if there is on that is. so most women would be better of without any cream at all. the reason why its recommended for NBE is cause its suppose to help with the down regulation of estrogen recepters and to balance off its effects. does every one need it for a routine? no. many women still grow without using progesterone so its not like its a must for success. if you are having difficulties and you stop growing or if you didnt grow at all after 3 months then you can take a break and try the cream for 1-12months then try again.

A question for those of you who have used progesterone cream
October 8 2005 at 1:46 AM dollypop (Login dollypop)
Have any of you noticed any changes, good or bad, using natural progesterone cream? What have your experiences been? I just bought some, but haven't used it yet. How did it affect your breast size if at all? How long did you use it before you noticed any effects? Thanks.

(no login)
Re: A question for those of you who have used progesterone cream
October 8 2005, 4:28 PM

ummm... from what i notice not too many women use progesterone cream (only) for breast enlargement on this forum and all the others. you need to do some research about what effect estrogen and progesterone have on each other. when the body has too much estrogen (according to doctor Lee, women today have very high estrogen levels) the estrogen receperts try to accomodate the high levels and deregulate( so the estrogens dont have as strong as an effect) which could be a reason why some women dont respond well to phytroestrogen herbs. progesterone reactivates the receptors and makes estrogen more potent again. some women if they keep their estrogen levels high enough, by adding progesterone their breast will become sore and swell up(enlarge). most women on other forums use progesterone to keep their estrogen levels in check and to keep them potent enough for breast enlargement. if you use progesterone cream on its own for breast enlargement you first need to know what effects progesterone has on the breast after puberty. it helps to enlarge the gland (like in pregnancy) and in another post i gave you some sites to research and read. you may have to goodle other forums to find people who used progesterone cream for breast enlargement. it doesnt work for everyone though.

(no login)
Re: A question for those of you who have used progesterone cream
October 8 2005, 4:34 PM
check out mominators photos. you will have to put them together side by side. this is from the beboard's old forum. she is a older women so her progesterone levels could have played a factor to her breast enhancement.using progesterone or estrogen for breast enlargement only works when levels are low enough originally if you suppliment it the hormone can have enough room to have an effect on the breast. so if your levels are normal then youve got a problem. which is why breast enlargement work the best in men, menopausal women, and girls going through puberty.

(no login)
Re: A question for those of you who have used progesterone cream
October 10 2005, 3:24 PM

I use progesterone cream. It has been helpful in reducing cramping during my cycle. I started using it after I was seeing growth with BE, but I can not say if it has had any effect on my growth since. I generally use it for the last half of my cycle and stop once my cycle begins. During the week before my cycle begins, I will do two applications instead of my usual one just to help ensure less cramps. But to be honest, when I took a break from BE for a month, I also took a break from the Prog. cream. I found that using the borage oil was much more significant in preventing PMS than even the PC was. By the way, I'm 35 y/o, if that is of any significance.

confused about types of progesterone cream
December 8 2007 at 2:13 PM northernmom (no login)
I am planning to add progesterone cream to my routine but am confused about the types of cream available. I found one type in my local health food store that has wild yam and diosgenin ; on the internet I came across Renaissace brand that is still natural but contains no wild yam. Which one is better, or does it matter? The website claims that diosgenin isnt strong enough, but "Helen"s postings recommends the wild yam version.
Any suggestions?

(no login)
Re: confused about types of progesterone cream
December 13 2007, 3:51 AM

I too, had that question when I became aware that progesterone cream might be one of the things I need in my NBE program. I got some advice from waxingmoon who had used it in her program and got really nice growth. The important thing about the progesterone cream is that it needs to have natural USP ingredients. I don't know what USP stands for, but apparently it's a natural hormone, similar to what our body generates. The brand I was recommended to try was NOW. Another good thing about this brand is that it comes in pump bottle, so that you can easily dispense the same amount every time, each pump containing 20 mg. It's also rather cheap.

The above site has the best price and particularly good thing about them is that if you live outside of the US, their shipping rate is the best. I have spent a lot of time looking for the best value at different online health food shops, and found this one to be the best, because of the shipping charges. If you are in the US, then there is no issue. Many websites are comparable and most of them offer $4.99 flat shipping no matter how big your order is.

Hope this helps.


(no login)
Re: confused about types of progesterone cream
December 13 2007, 3:02 PM

Thank you Sara. I will check out the site. I think being close to 40 is throwing my hormones off balance even more than usual...

(Login durga)
Re: confused about types of progesterone cream
December 13 2007, 10:43 PM

Fun info fact:

USP stands for the United States Pharmacopeia, which is an independent science-based public non-profit health organization. They set standards for all prescription and over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements and other healthcare products that are manufactured in the U.S. These standards are also recognized and used in 130 other countries.

Also, I've been researching wild yam and the information out there is conflicting. It seems like the companies that are selling it specifically for use regarding progesterone promote it as such (obviously), however most scientific studies I've found have inconclusive to no evidence that it aids progesterone levels within the body.


(Login Hopeful88)
Re: confused about types of progesterone cream
December 13 2007, 10:48 PM

I'm surprised to hear that most most scientific studies haven't any evidence that it aids progesterone levels within the body... This is really interesting to me, do keep us updated on your findings. Thanks Durga Smile

(Login durga)
Re: confused about types of progesterone cream
December 14 2007, 6:58 AM

Hello again,

So, I've been searching like mad, sifting through as much info as I can about Wild Yam and natural progesterone cream. It is certainly confusing because there is a common connection between the two: and that is...diosgenin. Here's what I found from several resources (online) that supported each other in this:

Wild yam does not contain progesterone, nor can your body make progesterone from the hormone-like compound, diosgenin, in wild yam. In fact, diosgenin on it's own appears to have estrogenic properties in mice and lacks progesterone.

In the lab diosgenin-extracted from wild yam-is reacted with other substances to make a bio-identical progesterone. Although this version is "unnaturally" synthesized, it is identical to naturally ocurring progesterone and the body recognizes it as such. This is what they call "natural progesterone".

Cool, huh? If only my breasts (and hormones) could have been a source of motivation for interest in science back in high school! Ah well. Better late than never.

So, while diosgenin from wild yam can be converted to progesterone in the lab, it can NOT be in the human body. Unconverted diosgenin is a cheap way to produce a (probably ineffective) progesterone cream. So it seems, look only for USP progesterone! The two brands Northernmom listed both have it as an ingredient.


(Note of interest: there are other synthetic pharmaceutical progesterones-called progestins- that I understand are based on the diosgenin-extraction, however, it is only SIMILAR, not identical , to progesterone in the body. I believe some may even try to market these as "natural progesterone", but the product actually contains synthetics such as medroxyprogesterone acetate(MPA). Why don't pharmaceutical companies make just the bio-identical progesterone? It was suggested that it's all about patents and money. Apparently, you can't patent -and thus "own" and monopolize a profit- a substance that is bio-identical.)

This message has been edited by durga on Dec 14, 2007 8:29 AM

(Login durga)
Re: confused about types of progesterone cream
December 14 2007, 8:41 AM

It also sounds best to stick with the creams and not bother with pills. Apparently, when taken orally, 80-90% of the hormone is lost when it passes through the liver.

(no login)
Re: confused about types of progesterone cream
December 15 2007, 1:18 PM

wow Durga! thank you for all the info. i've ordered the cream from iHerb which has natural progesterone and Sarah has used it so i felt better with that one.
i'm quite excited with the purchase. i'm moving away from taking too much herbs and added collegen to my routine as well. skin looks amazing and the boobies too. not huge but looks bette than it ever has, and i have two kids and am approaching forty. (kids both breast fed - 1 for two months; second one for five months)
i know i'll never have "big ones" but NBE really made a visible difference!
thank you again! happy holidays too...

progesterone cream
August 17 2007 at 1:42 AM lanky lou (Login lankylou)
hello ladies, thanks for all your help. i've been on WU for about 3 (4?) months now and am just seeing how it goes. thought it might be easier to start a progesterone cream thread. have read a lot of your programs and only know of waxingmoon (congrats girl!) who used progesterone cream and had success.

has anyone else here had success with progesterone cream?
p.s. i did search for this topic first, just so you don't think i'm lazy! Smile
thank you.

(Login Halome)
Re: progesterone cream
August 17 2007, 9:32 AM

Well I JUST started using it, so I guess we'll see how it works for me! Smile

(Login kieyah)
Re: progesterone cream
August 17 2007, 3:26 PM

would this work the same as taking wy capsules? I am takign 500mg wy daily so would this mean I wouldn't need progesterone cream? I guess I am confused as to why it is used topically as opposed to internally. anyone have info

Black Sheep
(Login lankylou)
Re: progesterone cream
August 17 2007, 4:37 PM

thanks gals. halome, maybe we could do an experiment together to see! Smile i googled progesterone cream last night with some different searches and didn't find a ton of info (besides companies hocking their wares), but did learn that wild yam cream apparently can't be converted in the body when used externally (at least a few sites said that).

halome, did you start on your 12th or 13th day?

(Login Louise1982)
Re: progesterone cream
August 17 2007, 7:33 PM

I'm really interested in taking progesterone cream but some people have shrank on it (I understand you don't necessarily apply to boobs but skin elsewhere), and some people have had realyl bad acne - not sure if I dare to try it. Also isn't it illegal in europe?

(Login waxingmoon)
All you ever wanted to know about progesterone...
August 17 2007, 9:14 PM

...but were afraid to ask waxingmoon because she is entirely too long winded and doesn't know when to shut up... lol

No, really - here comes a long post filled with info and strange humor (consider yourself warned)

Progesterone cream aka Natural progesterone cream in order to distinguish it from artificial progesterone (progestin) - is derived from wild yam in the lab. It is bio-identical to our own progesterone we produce. This means the molecules are the same and the body uses natural progesterone cream the same way it uses body made progesterone. This is not the case for artificial progesterone - the kind given in birth control pills. That molecule most resembles testosterone. It does connect to the progesterone receptors, but it is unable to produce the progesterone effect in the body. When a woman is on birth control pills with artificial progesterone, using natural progesterone cream does not help them because the progesterone receptors are already filled with the artificial stuff.

Our body makes progesterone each month after ovulation. In the ovary the egg ruptures from its follicle during ovulation. The follicle that remains becomes the corpus luteum which produces progesterone for the body. If a woman has a cycle where she does not ovulate, she does not produce progesterone through the ovary. There is some progesterone made by the adrenal glands, but not as much as from the ovary.

The body uses progesterone to produce other hormones, estrogen and cortisol are two of them. The body releases cortisol to deal with stress. When a person is under a lot of stress they are using up a lot of cortisol and therefore also using up a lot of progesterone. This can lead to a progesterone imbalance.

Estrogen dominance is a term coined by Dr. John Lee MD who described it in his books. He defined it as a state where a woman's body had too much available estrogen and not enough progesterone to balance estrogen effects. The symptom list is quite long (search estrogen dominance and you will find it all) - but some of the symptoms are thyroid imbalance, irregular periods, headaches, bad PMS... the list goes on and on... He said that estrogen dominance could be caused from several reasons. 1. Too much estrogen in the body and a normal amount of progesterone. 2. Normal estrogen and not enough progesterone. 3. Low estrogen and even lower progesterone.... and that's all I remember at the moment. He gives an outline of how to treat estrogen dominance by using natural progesterone cream. His books go by the name "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause" and there is another one about menopause. They are great books for anyone who is thinking about using natural progesterone cream.

Progesterone has multiple effects in our body. Of interest to those trying NBE is that progesterone activates estrogen receptors. Without progesterone we have many estrogen receptors that just sit there doing nothing. Progesterone wakes them up and then those estrogen receptors will hook up with estrogen molecules and produce estrogen results.

Many women have reported breast growth when using normal amounts of progesterone cream in order to treat their estrogen dominance. The usual amount of growth is one cup size, but some experience two cup size increases. Not everyone experiences this effect.

You don't use progesterone every day. Starting about day 12 through the first day of the period the cream is applied. It is placed on thin skinned areas and the areas are rotated so absorption is increased. The amount varies based on the reason for the use. 20mg is considered a normal amount, but some women use more, especially when first treating estrogen dominance. It is not suggested to be applied to areas with high body fat, because progesterone cream can be stored in body fat. The idea is to put it into circulation without creating an excess storage. However, there are some who advise placing it on fat areas, especially the breast. Keep in mind, the more often you put the progesterone cream on an area, the less you absorb. It is best to mostly use thin skinned areas and if you want to put it on the breast do it at most every 3rd day.

Wild yam cream or pill form will not ever do the same thing as natural progesterone cream. Our bodies cannot make progesterone from wild yam cream - that only happens in the lab. Wild yam cream has an estrogenic effect. It does not promote progesterone in any way. When choosing a natural progesterone cream, chose one that states 'USP' grade on the label. This means the progesterone is bio-identical to what your body produces. Some creams have wild yam on the label and they DO have USP grade progesterone in them. READ THE LABEL. That is the only way you will know what you are getting.

WILL PROGESTERONE CREAM MAKE YOUR BREASTS BIGGER??? Now what kind of question is that??? lol Nobody knows how it will affect you. You may try it and it will work. It is more likely to work if you have estrogen dominance symptoms than if you don't.

IS PROGESTERONE CREAM SAFE?? Wellllll..... Yes and no. And it depends on who you ask. Per Dr. John Lee, normal amounts (20mg) are safe and very unlikely to lead to any problems. However, progesterone cream is banned in California and in Europe. There is some evidence to support it is implicated in enhancing the growth of cancers that are estrogen sensitive (remember how progesterone turns on estrogen receptor?) So if you have or have had a cancer that is estrogen sensitive, do not use progesterone cream.

IF I IGNORE ALL THIS GREAT INFO AND SLATHER GREAT BIG HEAPING GOBS OF PROGESTERONE CREAM ON MY BREASTS WILL THEY GET BIGGER ???? BECAUSE YOU KNOW I AM REALLY DESPERATE AND I AM WILLING TO TRY ANYTHING NO MATTER HOW FOOLISH OR RISKY!!! Come on! Do you hear yourself? Get a grip! Nothing is worth risking your health over. The last thing you want is for people to be talking about your a great big pair of boobs while looking down at your corpse at your funeral (Didn't I warn you about my sense of humor...)

If you want to try progesterone cream then read more about it. I listed an author and he is great - he does not talk about NBE but you will learn a lot about your body in other ways. Do not believe everything you read on the internet. There are some well meaning but misguided people out there as well as some misguiding mean people out there.

Except for me.. everything I tell you is absolutely believable and well meaning and well guided... Yes and entirely too long winded and the humor is sometimes painful... but hey if you got this far then you might now know something you didn't know before... and if that's not the case then I will refund your money... lol

Best wishes,
waxingmoon (the one who grew an inch using progesterone cream and a few other things you will find out about if you read her program page but by no means is she guaranteeing you will get the same results and anyway we hear that an inch one HER chest is really just below the starting point of most people who do NBE and we are waiting to see if she grows any more and if she does she BETTER post some before and after pics if she expects anyone to believe her long winded stories....)

yeah, that's about it...

Black Sheep
(Login lankylou)
Re: progesterone cream
August 17 2007, 11:40 PM

haha, waxingmoon, i had to leave when i got to the bottom of your post. thanks for all of the very good information. i'm going to read through your program again before asking you what might be, some dumb questions. you know we all feel like we are starting with very little, not just you.

thanks again!

(Login Halome)
Re: progesterone cream
August 18 2007, 12:26 AM


I love you Big Grin
That post made my day, LOL!

To Lankyloo, I started about the 13th or 14th day or so. I can't remember the name of my cream since I'm not at home, but I will tell you when I do get home. I am all for ginuea pigging it Wink

(Login KittyCharlette)
Re: progesterone cream
August 18 2007, 1:17 AM

thank you so much for the informative post! i was just about to ask some questions on the subject on the main forum when i found this. you answered all of my questions Big Grin
good luck to you (.Y.)

Black Sheep
(no login)
progesterone cream banned in europe.....
August 19 2007, 3:09 PM

This is the first i heard about progesterone cream being banned in Europe. It is sold in the UK, so how can it be banned in Europe? It might just be in a few countries, but this website sells it legally, and it has been recommened by some doctors:

It also has information about what it is good for, and about oestrogen dominance

lanky lou
(Login lankylou)
thanks waxingmoon
August 19 2007, 3:19 PM

thanks for all the great information! i read through your program again and can relate to the teenage stress. my mother, love her, is sort of a neurotic little korean woman who wanted her daughter to model. i got some of that neuroses and didn't eat much at all between 7th and 9th grade (after my period), but still limited food and protein intake. oddly, in 6th grade before all the girls sprouted, my boobs were the biggest in the class! isn't that just wrong?! haha.

ok, so just one more question (for now!). can you expand a little on the estrogen dominance symptoms that YOU had pre-progesterone cream? i have read dr. lee's estrogen quiz and taken it? did taking that lead you to know you were estrogen dominant?

sorry to be so maniacal about this one subject.
thank you!

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: progesterone cream
August 19 2007, 3:35 PM

Hi Lanky Lou,

These were my symptoms:

* Allergies: rashes and sinus congestion
* Autoimmune disorders: thyroiditis
* Breast tenderness
* Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
* Decreased sex drive
* Depression with anxiety or agitation
* Dry eyes
* Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs
* Fatigue
* Fibrocystic breasts
* Foggy thinking
* Hair Loss
* Headaches
* Hypoglycemia
* Irregular menstrual periods
* Irritability
* Insomnia
* Memory loss
* Mood swings
* Sluggish metabolism
* Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
* Water retention, bloating

As you can see I was a MESS... lol And since this is most of the list of Estrogen Dominance symptoms, it was pretty easy for me to come to the conclusion I had ED. Today most of these symptoms are gone or are very light versions of what they were before.

One symptom that disappeared with the use of progesterone cream - and surprised me the most when it did was the fibrocystic breast issue. I used to have very lumpy breasts - my doctor would tell me 'your breast tissue is very dense' ... so there I was with small, stupid (dense) breasts. Now they do not show signs of fibrocystic tissue... YAHOO.

Here is the full list taken from Dr Lee's site for anyone who is wondering about it:

* Acceleration of the aging process
* Allergies, including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion
* Autoimmune disorders such as lupus erythematosis and thyroiditis, and possibly Sjoegren's disease
* Breast cancer
* Breast tenderness
* Cervical dysplasia
* Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
* Copper excess
* Decreased sex drive
* Depression with anxiety or agitation
* Dry eyes
* Early onset of menstruation
* Endometrial (uterine) cancer
* Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs
* Fatigue
* Fibrocystic breasts
* Foggy thinking
* Gallbladder disease
* Hair Loss
* Headaches
* Hypoglycemia
* Increased blood clotting (increasing risk of strokes)
* Infertility
* Irregular menstrual periods
* Irritability
* Insomnia
* Magnesium deficiency
* Memory loss
* Mood swings
* Osteoporosis
* Polycystic ovaries
* Premenopausal bone loss
* Prostate cancer
* Sluggish metabolism
* Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
* Uterine cancer
* Uterine fibroids
* Water retention, bloating
* Zinc deficiency


Black Sheep
(Login lankylou)
Re: progesterone cream
August 19 2007, 8:05 PM

thank you so much for the detail and your personal estrogen symptoms. i hope you make it to your D goal!!! sounds like you already have some success to be proud of. i am going to try the progesterone cream for 1-2 months. WU hasn't been successful on its own for me, so this will be another trial and error. but that's what we're all here doing anyway Smile

(no login)
name of progesterone cream
August 21 2007, 7:22 AM

could any o you give me the name of a natural progesterone cream

(Login Davi-lee)
Re: progesterone cream
August 21 2007, 8:00 AM

I love huge, "long winded",collections of info!!
Thats great Waxingmoon,thanks...Cheers!

(Login Louise1982)
Re: progesterone cream
August 27 2007, 7:22 PM

Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked before but can't find the answer - will PC affect bcp?

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: progesterone cream
August 27 2007, 7:47 PM

According to Dr John Lee the artificial progesterone in the BCP will take up all the progesterone receptor sites, rendering Natural progesterone cream useless.

So, no it does not interfere with BCP because it isn't able to work.


lanky lou
(Login lankylou)
progesterone cream + Wonderup
August 28 2007, 2:39 PM

josephine from Vortex Health says progesterone cream shouldn't hinder, if anything it would help, the benefits of Wonderup. just passing that along, thanks.

progesterone creme
June 11 2008 at 6:23 PM amy (Login firish69)
will adding progesterone creme last 7 days of cycle affect herbs

meaning should people stop taking herbas while using progesterone creme

(no login)
Re: progesterone creme
June 12 2008, 2:27 AM

I wish I could give you a clear answer. I've been on Progesterone cream on CD 14-28. I heard it was important to ONLY use progesterone cream on CD14-28 unless you are peri/menopausal.

Also, I heard from another forum that PC isn't even a good addition to an NBE program because the Progesterone will interfere with Estrogen receptors. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am.

The only reason why I'm taking PC is because I was seriously Estrogen dominant and had all the signs (ie. water retention, breast tendernes etc.) This has cleared up since I was on vitex + PC.

I'm really hoping someone else could clear this up for us. I'd really appreciate any info regarding this as well.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: progesterone creme
June 12 2008, 1:49 PM

Here is what I know about progesterone cream.

It can be useful for more than just peri/menopausal issues. Estrogen dominance/progesterone deficiency can occur at any age and progesterone cream is an effective way to treat it.

Progesterone cream is also used to treat prostrate cancer... not an issue on this forum for most, but I just mention it to show that the hormone is useful for a variety of issues.

As far as the effect of progesterone on estrogen receptors. It does not interfere with them, it activates inactive estrogen receptors. This is why one of the main initial effects of progesterone cream use can be a worsening of estrogen dominance symptoms.

Progesterone and estrogen do not 'cancel each other out'. Progesterone is used by the body to create other hormones, one of which is estrogen. When there is insufficient progesterone, there will be symptoms created by the imbalance of estrogen. Thus the term 'estrogen dominance' has been used to describe those symptoms.

As far as use of progesterone cream... Because it is a hormone and because it can be overdosed it must be used with care. The standard method of use is to apply small amounts of cream (20 mg) to thin skinned areas during the last part of the menstrual cycle (days 14 - 28).

Progesterone cream is not an NBE substance. For women it treats progesterone deficiency and if a woman is not progesterone deficient she should not use it or she will risk progesterone overdose.

Can a woman use progesterone cream with herbs - sure. Estrogen dominance can sometimes exist when both estrogen and progesterone are low and it is conceivable a woman could try to raise both estrogen and progesterone at the same time. Some herbs however will lower a woman's response to progesterone - red clover and wild yam come to mind, so those herbs should be avoided. Progesterone will not lower a woman's response to any herb. A woman who is strongly estrogen dominant may want to avoid estrogenic herbs though because she can increase her total body estrogen with herbs and that can increase her symptoms.

Hope this has been some help,

Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
May 27 2008 at 9:39 AM Kitty (Login Kiikkins)
I going to be taking PO soon, it should come in a few days and I've taken the hormonal test. Im a bit confused cause I have both symptoms of deficiency for both but since Im going to be taking PO which is estrogen right? Would it be safer if I had progesterone creams with it? So it can balance me out? I dont want to end up having any complications specially serious ones. Id like to be able to avoid them as much as I could. Specially my husband and I will be starting a family in a couple of years.

Im 20 years old by the way
5'1'' and 118 lbs.

(no login)
Re: Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
May 27 2008, 3:15 PM


I am not an expert as far as PO is concerned but I can tel you where I bought my progesterone cream from. The one I got is called Progesta-Care and I got it from BIOVEA ( It contains natural progesterone as the one produced from our bodies. There are other brands available at other sites, but make sure the one you get contains natural progesterone. Hope this helps a little

(no login)
Re: Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
May 27 2008, 8:17 PM

Thank you for your help =)
Can I buy this product in any pharmacy stores around california?
Like Walgreens or Rite-Aid?

Also to others using BO or PO
Will using a progesterone cream help me not get endemetriosis?
Or any other complications?
How much of it should I put on?

(Login kesspring)
May 28 2008, 3:13 PM

Hi Zuri,

I read that you are going to use the progesterone cream. Have you checked your hormones first with a doctor or you just think your body needs it? If you dont mind me asking, what are the symptoms that you have? Hope you will let us know how its going. Good luck!

Best wishes,

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
May 28 2008, 4:00 PM

Hello all,
I just wanted to add that if you are going to use progesterone cream, then a good guide is the book by Dr. John Lee - "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause" - I know the title makes it sound like it is only for women of a certain age BUT - what it really should be titled is "How to safely and effectively use progesterone cream for the best effect and without causing yourself any harm, plus a lot of good brands of progesterone and where you can get them..." ... but I guess that would not have been as catchy... lol


(no login)
Re: Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
May 31 2008, 8:45 PM

Hey Kessy,

Well the reason I thought I shoud use the progesterone cream is that I had my hormones tested, (that was some years ago) and I was found to have low progesterone and estrogen levels as well as high androgens.I did the tests as I had some of the PCOS Symptoms (acne and hair growth)and my doctor put me on the pill (Diane 35) for some time. the symptoms got better but I believe that this hormonal imbalance is the primary reason my breast growth was inhibited. For these reasons I thought I should use a combination of etsrogenic herbs and the progesterone cream from day 12 to 28. I will use it for some time, see how it goes and will go and check my hormones again if I see that it does not work.. Hope this answers your question Zuri

(no login)
Re: Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
May 31 2008, 10:10 PM

Hi Kitty,

I dont know if you can get the PC cream over the counter at local pharmacies but I dont see why not.. Maybe other members from the US can answer this. As for the right dosage, make sure you buy one with a 'measured dosage pump'. Each full press of the pump should provide you with the right dosage. Hope this helps Zuri

(no login)
Re: Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
June 1 2008, 12:10 PM


thanks for the post (interesting and funny, as always!). I knew Dr Lee's book was not only for menopausal women but didn't know it focused especially on the use of porgesterone cream! I think I am gonna order it now!

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Where and which brand of progesterone cream should I get?
June 3 2008, 9:03 PM

I use ProgesterAll from Dr Lee's site. I've been using it for a little over a month now and so far so good.

This list also comes from his site and lists other suitable creams:

Progesterone Mayhem
February 13 2009 at 6:20 PM Nymph (Login SaggyNymph)
I know I know people have said this before but I'll say it again cuz you ladies are nuts...

I have worked with a doctor for 3 years. He prescribed me a HALF DOSE of progesterone cream for my severe estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency. He also prescribed DIM, which helps the body metabolize estrogen, and increased my thyroid medication. I am pretty sure my hormones are nearly balanced now.

I think there is a craze going on about PC, and I am trying to calm it down. It is not everyone's miracle hormone, and if you are ED MAYBE you should use a little, but get your blood tested first! It is dangerous, as has been said many times here, to too much of something into your body, especially when you either may not need it or you are overdosing on it. in three years I was the only person there who took PC who had not entered menopause. My blood showed SEVERE estrogen dominance. You probably don't need this stuff. You definitely don't need the whole dose.THINK ABOUT IT.

With love,

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Progesterone Mayhem
February 14 2009, 6:05 PM

Hi Nymph,

Well I wouldn't call them nuts... lol. But some may have the progesterone 'craze' for sure.

Everyone should heed the advice that Nymph is offering. Progesterone is not to be taken lightly. If it is to be used at all it should be used wisely.

Progesterone is not an NBE substance... PERIOD.

Yes, some people's response to progesterone does lead them to an increase in breast size. That is because they are resolving a hormone imbalance. It is also possible for people who use progesterone cream to have no increase in breast size or even a decrease in breast size.

If a woman who does not need progesterone uses progesterone she is CREATING a hormone imbalance. Not only will this not result in a bigger boob - it will result in decreased health.

Progesterone is not some magic cream that will make all your boobie dreams come true. It is a very useful hormone to treat estrogen dominance, but please don't wish for estrogen dominance. It is an awful list of symptoms that nobody wants.

Don't trade in your health for some poorly thought out NBE quest. Research, test and research again.

Best wishes,

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