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What the heck do you tell Mom?


Hey everyone,

This is either a very silly or NOT so silly question, but I was just wondering:

To tell mom you're using NBE, or NOT to tell your mom you're using NBE???

If NOT to tell your mom, what do you tell her when she notices that your boobs have made a sudden growth spurt at the age of 26?

I have not started any pills yet, but am considering BB.

Struggling with what I'll tell Mom!!! Smile

I would appreciate any thoughts!!

Thanks and Much Love!!! xoxoxo

Well if anything, I would feel that it's necessary to tell your mom or friends if they notice your an couple of cup sizes bigger when your already well past the age of puberty. At least I don't want people thinking that I got a boob job.

I think it's ok to tell after you've had some growth. As long as it doesn't worry her and that you can explain that you've done your research and that it's safe etc.

When I saw this thread I told myself I must jump in. I am staying in a country where sex education in school is being called taboo. Teachers are refusing this task although propose by the government. So you can imagine how open minded the citizen here can be.

My mum a former nurse who use to work many years in UK. I am not going to tell her about my boobies project. If anybody going to tell me 'I will pay you money to tell her'. Answer still NO! So if she is going to notice after a few months by now I am going to tell her I have healthy food and no more microwaved overnight food that manage to spark something out and manage to put weight on the correct places. She might not buy it but I am not going to tell her I am on BB.

As for my friends I am just going to tell them my bf own magical hands and let those girls go bug him. He is very very shy by the way. The type who easily blush when talking to girls. LOL!!

Truthfully in my opinion I don't think it's necessary.
First of all, the process is a lonnggg one. Growth spurts are usually most noticeable on the measuring tape or to our own eyes, not everyone else.

And if eventually you go up a cup or two, just account it for newer bras! Say you were always wearing the wrong size. Or if you suddenly have cleavage just account it for birth control pills, eating more soy, gaining weight, etc.

In the end if we want to keep this our own business we should because we're working with OUR bodies. On the otherhand if BB (which I am using) proves real success for me in the future I will definitely let some of my gfs know.

I decided not to tell my mom because I don´t want to be asked every week if my boobs are bigger yet!

Also, I know she will worry if whatever method I´m using is safe or even effective (so I won´t be dissapointed if nothing happens after all). I did mention to her once that I found information on growing your breasts with massage and she warned me not to overdo it because I could harm myself, etc. So she would be really aprehensive if I told her I moved on to a noogleberry!

I agree with Noella, you can always say you are using a new bra if you get a lot of growth, which in any case will be very gradual.

Hi everyone, i think its all down to how well you get on with your mom, i mean some mothers and daughters are like best friends, and sometimes it can be nice to share what you are doing and maybe even get a little support if its not going well as we all know NBE can be a hard process at times. But its down to you, i dont think your boobs getting bigger over time would make people like your mom notice and if she did she might just think your changing as you get older because breasts change shape and size all through your life, you could maybe say you have started taking supplement drinks and its made your boobs bigger lol but its down to you honey, just think how my mom felt when i told her lol "look mom i have boobs" lol "but son, your a man" or it went along them lines with some swearing lol. But i told my mum because i had too and this was before i had decided to live as a women. But tell her or dont tell her, just dont worry about it hun do what makes you happy. Happy growing everyone.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

These ladies have gave you some REALLY good and sensible advice and my thoughts echo Cheryl's.

Here is a little about me on telling my mom:

My mom has always been a great mom first and foremost,but she is also the type of mom I and my brothers could go to for ANYTHING.We did not realize that so much when we were younger,but we for sure do now that we are older.Her love is unconditional,and I am so blessed.I hope I am just a 1/4 of the mom she is,and I will be more than happy.

My mom had breast implants-saline-22 or 23 years ago.I can't remember if I was 12,13,or in between,but it was right around that time of my life.
I figured she would say you can only get enlarged breasts through implants,but she did not.She said " I really thought I had tried everything.I thought that surgery was my last resort." She told me she was glad I found a natural approach to it. She was skeptical at first,but she was sold during my last round.
She has gained weight since her surgery,from aging and menopause,therefore she has put on about 2 more cup sizes.She started massaging her breasts for breast health and to get some firmness at the tops and it has worked. She said it was probably good that I took my unintentional break,as it gave my new breast size time to "settle in" (she knows about that-hers took about a year after surgery to "settle in") and that it probably wouldn't cause really bad stretch marks.I had a problem with this during my last growth.

Like Cheryl said-it all depends on your relationship with your mom.You don't have to tell her until you get growth.You don't have to tell her at all.Whatever your gut tells you.

I am not going to tell my mom about all the horror stories about saline implants.I don't want to rain on her parade,AND knowing my mom-she would say "no way those are causing my thyroid problems,fatigue,etc.,etc........they've been in over 20 years."
She would say it's her age and all the hard work she's done,and it may well be.

Cheryl-your mom o.k. with everything now? You can private message me the answer if you don't want to put it on here,or you can tell me to mind my own business.

You are the best judge of your mom.It really is up to you if you tell her or not.NBE is done in stages,not attained overnight like implants are,so you don't have to worry about anyone noticing right away.They just know something is different over time,but they just can't quite put a finger on it.It's up to you if you spill the beans......or not.Good luck to you with your program and best boobie wishes to you!

well if someone close to me noticed my boobs started growing suddenly fo rno reason i would tell them just to brag, lol, bu tif they asked about all my wierd "supplements" and things, i'd just tell them it's doctor reccomended and i'm trying to practice asian natural health instead of western prescription health, lol. usually it shuts them up if they aren't open minded. lol.

For those that I am close to and feel comfortable with. I told them from the get go what I was trying, BUT for those that I am not close with, or I feel would not be supportive, I simply say "hormone therapy has agreed with me." They seem satisfied with it and it is for the most part true for me as it has been a hormone therapy for me. I just think there is a such thing as privacy and sometimes you feel like telling and sometimes you don't and it's up to you what catagory each person falls in. you really don't owe anyone an explaination but if you feel like it, then go for it.

Hey everyone!

Thank you SO much for all your responses!! You are all so kind, wise, thoughtful, and generous with your advice.

My mom is great. Honestly, I could tell her anything if I wanted to. However, I have always been the more timid and reserved type when it comes to sexual health. Although I know very well I can go to her with any problem, I've always shied away from discussing things like sex, birth control, my love life, and, well...BOOBS!

I think you all are right -- if I do decide to take BB, I'm sure the change will be sooo gradual that I will be the only one noticing. I like the idea of blaming it on the wrong bra size. Maybe I'll even say Victoria's Secret came out with a fantastic new one, unlike anything else...

Besides, maybe by the time I actually grow a bit, I'll be brave enough to tell her. Smile (I think my mom would mostly worry about the safety of it).

Anyways, thanks so much again for all your input!! I feel so safe and welcome here. I'm very glad to have found this forum! I love you all!!!! xoxoxo Smile

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