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question about rotation massage


question about rotation massage
July 24 2008 at 2:18 AM
Alison (Login Arelison)


Hi girls, I haven't posted here often, but I have been reading a lot of the threads.
I tried the GrowYours tial thing last year which I found out about on this website.

I had a question that might sound silly.

When you do the rotations do I grab the breast with the fingers over the nipple or rotate around the outside of the breast around the nips?

Also it says that this can alter your period. Is it ok to do this massage during my period?


Author Reply
Sally Anne
(Login sally.anne)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: question about rotation massage July 24 2008, 7:03 PM

Hi Alison. If you go to the main menu and look for the option "Lisa's Massage" you can see 2 diagrams there. Hopefully they make the rotation massage clearer.

(Login aprl) Re: question about rotation massage August 5 2008, 9:16 PM

Massage around the outside, making circles around the nipples.

Is it okay during the period? If it hurts a lot, then don't do it. Your breasts are pretty swollen during the first part of the period and much more sensitive. You don't want to cause damage.

But if it doesn't hurt, then go for it. That's my plan, anyway. If I'm not hurting myself, I'm going to keep doing it daily, because the results really are good.

(no login) Re: question about rotation massage October 3 2008, 8:23 AM

Yes the Chi rotations are very popular. When I start my program I'll certainly be doing them.

about the Chi Massage...
May 28 2006 at 8:20 AM Rinku (no login)


still not sure after all that reading.. I think it will be a nice idea to show numbers around the arrows under Lis'a massage... beacuse it is confusing... sorry but I have not gotten it! I am really sorry and also I am just very new to all this.. Thanx Lisa!

Author Reply
(Login Helen_N)
EVE MEMBERS Re: about the Chi Massage... May 28 2006, 3:27 PM

Sorry to hear you are still a bit confused with the chi massage technique...I don't think numbers will make any difference, as numbers would just show order, and order is not at all important, it's only the direction that matters, whether you start from the top of the boobs/the bottom/the sides/your cleavage; just remember to allow the boobs themselves to rotate beneath your palms (i.e. don't simply slide your hands across the skin) - it does not matter at all where you start the rotations from, as long as you follow the direction of the arrows showing on Lisa's page.

Let me know if this makes sense to you Smile

* Happy Growing! *

Chi Massage
April 22 2008 at 2:00 AM Babe (no login)
Hi Girls

I found many people on this forum have good results from the chi massage, I was wondering what is chi massage? Where can I find the Chi Massage steps and diagrams?

Thanks to all in advance


(Login JennMJ)
Re: Chi Massage
April 22 2008, 4:47 PM

if this is the same chi massage i know of that is from the flat 2 fab program [isnt this no longer available for purchase, btw?] anyway

you basically put your hands flat on your boobs
then, turn them inward, toward the cleavage area

you have to push down though and actually move your breast, like twisting them inward.

hope this was clear. its pretty easy. and do for 360 times... its REALLY strenuous to do 360 times in a row... its recommended to do 120 times take a break for a minute or two, then do another 120 and so on. do these twice a day. Smile

if one is bigger than the other and you want to shrink it- twist the larger one outward, massage the larger one less, or massage the smaller one a bit more.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Chi Massage
April 22 2008, 4:55 PM

Massage is a very important part of most NBE methods, but it's not usually done alone. And tho there have been reports of growth from massage alone, and tho most people could probably get an improvement in shape, I don't think most people can grow from massage alone, especially not with the chi massage which I personally think is an obsolete and less effective of the several massage techniques.

(Login JennMJ)
Re: Chi Massage
April 22 2008, 5:10 PM

as someone who did the chi massage for one month, and the massage tigerlily posted [i think it was tigerlily...] for one month, i completely agree. i hardly saw a difference in the twins, if any, with the chi massage.

but its probably fine if you are massaging boobie batter into them...

(no login)
Re: Chi Massage
April 23 2008, 1:01 PM

Hi Jennifer and Moon

Thanks for your advice, I just started taking PM pills nearly a month and alone I am using PM spray and cream to massage my breasts twice a day for half an hour using Ginger D massage techniques, I have not yet notice much different and I have not experience any growing pain or heavy feeling as yet. I was very impressed by Tigerlily result by using chi massage and chicken feet soup, therefore I am really interested the chi massage techniques and hope it will help to succeed my C cup dream sooner.

I am trying to take the PM pills alone for 3 months and see what happen.

How to do chi massage?
March 11 2006 at 3:27 AM BJ (no login)
Hi guys I was wondering how you do the chi massage that I keep reading about in a lot of your posts? I put it in the search bar but it brought up a TON of peoples personal programs. Could someone at least point me to a post that mentions it? Thanks ladies!!

(Login liquidSunset)
March 11 2006, 3:48 PM

If you go to my page there I gave what I thought was a very simple explanation on how to do it. It is on the 1st post I made, you will have to scroll down a bit to find it, but it is under the question on there that says
HOW do I do CHI MASSAGE? If you have anymore questions after you read that, just ask. Smile

(Login liquidSunset)
Ok, since so many people are asking
March 11 2006, 3:56 PM


you put your hand on your breast kinda pushing in firmly and move your breast upward and inward covering as much of your breast as you can with hand and fingers.
*I put my palm over the nipple and do one breast at a time.*
* Be sure to move your ACTUAL breasts and NOT JUST your HAND around in a circle*

Do 360 circular rotations, 2 times a day. (or more)

(Login Surf.)
Variation on chi massage
March 11 2006, 4:29 PM

I do a slight variation to the chi masage. I find it difficult and uncomfortable to put my right hand on my right breast and left hand on my left breast to do the massage. I, therefore, cross my arms in front of me and put my right hand on my left breast and left and on my right breast. Then I place my hands so that each nipple is between my index finger and my middle finger. Then I do the same thing as Sunset. I rotate my breast (not just smooth over on top of my skin) upward in a circular motion. To clarify, think of looking at a clock that is upside down and your nipple is at the 12 and the top of your breast is at the 6. For the left breast, rotate counter-clockwise and for the right breast, rotate clockwise. I also to 360 rotations. I hope this helps.

(no login)
I also
March 11 2006, 6:12 PM

use my right hand for left breast and left hand for right breast. I dont do them both at the same time though. Thanks for the other tips!

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
I seen another Chi Message too
March 11 2006, 9:13 PM

You have to put both of your thumbs a beside your nipples parallel to each other vertical up and down the sides of the nipple. Then do it the opposite way horizontally. for 5 mins each Its suppose to trigger your blood flow to your breast and stuff. That's what I was talking about sorry bout that gurl..I like your tip too

(Login liquidSunset)
Cool Mrs. Taylor
March 11 2006, 10:24 PM

I'll have to try that one too, along with the way I already do it. Thanks!

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
Re: How to do chi massage?
March 11 2006, 10:26 PM

Girl you know I got

(Login SmallGurl)
Re: How to do chi massage?
March 12 2006, 2:09 AM

Thanks guys! I do massage every night and sometimes in the morning but I just kinda rub them around in circles. I really do think that massage is helping me though. Maybe massaging them RIGHT will help a little more. Happy growing!

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