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olive oil vs castor oil?


does anyone know if you can use castor oil in place of olive oil to steep fenugreek?

well, i couldn't find info if i could make the mix out of castor oil, but i found that massaging with castor oil is great for lymphatic drainage. i guess i can just try out the mixture and see if it works...
note: this is from the bountiful breast website

Breast Health with Castor Oil

Category: Healing Touch
Posted: 2009-04-17 03:06

A growing number of breast thermography clinics are recommending women use castor oil when performing their monthly breast exam. Its viscous nature allows for a more accurate exam and encourages health in the breast tissue. Women will want to look for a certified cold pressed and hexane*-free quality, preferably l’Originelle or Gold (organic) brand as these alone are of a quality that leaves no sticky/gummy residue on the skin. (see note below)

Applying castor oil on the breasts increases lymphatic circulation, breaks down adhesions, and increase immune cell activity in the tissues.

Castor oil’s unique molecule, ricinoleic acid (an omega fatty acid). promotes T11 lymphocyte production and can accelerate the healing of infection and sooth discomfort.

Massaging the breasts with castor oil can help excessive body fluid return to the lymphatic system, and in term bring back the firmness of the breasts.

Also, breast massage with castor oil is frequently used to increase milk flow in lactating women. It is effective in soothing sore, irritated/inflamed nipples of breastfeeding women; working faster than any commercial salve. No concern for trace amounts of castor oil left on skin when baby is nursing.

Cysts and Breast Health

Meadow Queen, a traditional healer in New Jersey recommends that women massage their breast regularly with black castor oil. She believes that the powerful cleansing abilities of black castor oil help to prevent cysts and lumps from developing in the breast and lessens ones chance of getting breast cancer, and as well aids in the firmness of their breasts.

HEy Stella,

did you end up using caster oil for your fenugreek mix?

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