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Any experience with this Chinese breast pumping kit ???


Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had any experience of using this breast pumping kit ? I've used a Spectra2 breast pump before and I have used it with my noogleberry breast cone to increase the size of my bust but I always thought there was a lack of vacuum and a lack of control over the pump/ vent times.

I saw this one on eBay and thought it looks just what I am looking for , however it has a high price tag so before I splash out I wondered if anyone had any experience of using it ?

thanks so much

love Chloe

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It claims the cups are big enough to fit over a butt cheek, so I’d be worried that the cups might be way too large for your chest. Check the cup diameters and find out. What is the lowest vacuum pressure this thing can do? I see the measurement on the screen goes down to 3 cmhg (30 mmhg), but that doesn’t necessarily mean it can pump at such a low pressure. You’d have to ask the seller to find out what the minimum vacuum pressure is. Cupping machines can be very, very powerful. Sometimes chinese traditional cupping is done at such a high pressure that blood gets pulled through the skin, which is almost unbelievable to me, but it’s possible. I doubt that this machine pumps that hard, but you never know. Breast milk pumps are generally designed to pump at a much safer level, and they’re cheaper. You obviously don’t have to use the nipple cups that come with them. You can usually swap the nipple cups out for full breast cups pretty easily. You might have to buy new tubing and connectors though, which can be annoying. There’s a system called “Bosom Beauty” that has pretty good components. I have issues with the way the owner markets the system, and the outlandish claims he makes. Regardless, I think he’s phenomenal at sourcing really good, affordable parts. Unfortunately, his profit margins are through the roof. I think he’s charging far, far more than he pays. At what point is a system so overpriced that it becomes a scam? That’s debatable, but he’s definitely riding the line, if not way past it. He also claims to have designed the parts, and I’m not convinced of that at all. The pumps in particular are almost definitely just rebranded nursing pumps from Alibaba or something. Bosom Beauty sells two types of pump, one that automatically shuts off after half an hour, and one that runs continuously until you turn it off yourself. I’ve used the one with automatic shut off and thought it was great, but it’s not really useful for the type of pumping I’m attempting to do nowadays. I’ve been trying (and failing, if I’m being honest) to pump overnight while sleeping. If your interested in pumping for many, many hours at a time, you’ll need a pump that runs continuously rather than automatically shutting off after short amount of time, like most pumps do. 

This pump is very, very similar to the auto shut-off pump BB sells. I’d be very surprised if it isn’t coming out of the same factory:
You can probably find the exact same pump for a much, much cheaper price on aliexpress or temu, but I wasn’t able to find it. If you’re better at searching than I am, you can probably find it eventually.

This is very, very similar to the continuous pump BB sells. I strongly suspect it’s the exact same one, but of course BB has been implying they designed theirs themselves:,scm-url:1007.18499.315613.0,pvid:c49efa6b-5dae-4214-b53d-a5d094d03d2a,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238114%231999&isseo=y&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2152.52%2112.73%21%21%21369.36%2189.52%21%402101c80017284661112215932e1dca%2112000038541788509%21rec%21US%216151366755%21ABXZ

A set of Noogleberry cups and silicone rings (I don’t recommend their foam rings), costs at least $70 (about £54) not including shipping, depending on what sizes you need. That means that this entire system, including cups, rings, and pump, could cost you as little as $78 (about £101) not including shipping and any additional tubing you may or may not need. Seems worth a try to me.

Hi ShelaVenna,
thanks so much for taking all the time and trouble to write such a detailed review. I think youre right most of the chinese pumps look and operate very similarly so the probably are out of the same factory. I will have a look on aliexpress too and see what is on there , although i hear what you say about it being such a big site to find things on.

I can relate to the noogleberry cups, i've had 2 pairs of those for years now an they are much better, stronger and more comfortable than the cheaper ones on eBay etc, so it's always worth investing in those in the long run.

I did like the ability to adjust the suction and keep it controlled and I was impressed with the ability to either vacuum and release or vacuum and hold which are the two main methods of pumping growth. I did learn the hard way too about over vacuuming my boobs and end up with all the red blisters and soreness, so less is definitely more !

Let's see what anybody else has to say too , but thanks once again for all your time and thoroughness ,

love Chloe x

(04-11-2024, 22:43)sweetchloe Wrote:  Hi ShelaVenna,
thanks so much for taking all the time and trouble to write such a detailed review. I think youre right most of the chinese pumps look and operate very similarly so the probably are out of the same factory. I will have a look on aliexpress too and see what is on there , although i hear what you say about it being such a big site to find things on.

I can relate to the noogleberry cups, i've had 2 pairs of those for years now an they are much better, stronger and more comfortable than the cheaper ones on eBay etc, so it's always worth investing in those in the long run.

I did like the ability to adjust the suction and keep it controlled and I was impressed with the ability to either vacuum and release or vacuum and hold which are the two main methods of pumping growth. I did learn the hard way too about over vacuuming my boobs and end up with all the red blisters and soreness, so less is definitely more !

Let's see what anybody else has to say too , but thanks once again for all your time and thoroughness ,

love Chloe x
The ability to know the exact vacuum pressure and adjust it is definitely a huge advantage, and that pump is not that expensive. If the minimum pressure is not too high (at most 50 mmhg minimum pressure is what I’d personally want) and the cups have a circumference similar to NB or BB cups, please let us know, because I bet other people will be interested in buying it. I don’t want to underplay the importance of being able to choose the exact pressure. I agree, It can absolutely be worth paying more. It really depends on how confident someone is in there ability to determine different pressure ranges by feel alone. In order to that though, they need plenty of experience using a gauged pump of some kind. A gauged pump is always safer.

The brand name of the kit is Sextupole. It's one of a range of kits they have (see attached).


(05-11-2024, 00:09)ShelaVenna Wrote:  If the minimum pressure is not too high (at most 50 mmhg minimum pressure is what I’d personally want) 
According to the specs. minimum is 5cmhg or 50mmhg, so you should be good to go. The one I designed, I struggled to get it stable at less than 20mmhg so setting for 50 would give a variation of about 40 to 60.

(06-11-2024, 00:30)blueheart Wrote:  The brand name of the kit is Sextupole. It's one of a range of kits they have (see attached).
Thats great! Thanks so much for the feedback! I didn't realise all the units were made by the same company 

I went and bought one of these pumps and was not disappointed at all. It's solid and well made as are the cups - they're not as solid as Noogleberry cups but they are much better than the cheaper ones you see on ebay and the like.

Having used a Spectra S2 breast pump before I was VERY surprsed how strong the suction was on the device. Even though the range goes up to 60 mmHg I found that I couldn't go above 20 mmHg with any comfort. In fact I backed the vacuum off and worked around the 12 - 15 mmH vacuum to be able to use them comfortably up to 30 minutes at a time. That meant I didn't get the spotty red breasts I used to get with over suction in the past.

The main feature for me is being able to set the pressure time and vent time separate from each other so you can make your own custom programs. For my first runs I was pressurising for 5 seconds and venting for 6 seconds to get a nice comfortable cycle.

The sizes of the breast cups dont seem to match their volumes and are very big - but as the box says it is for buttock enhancements so I can understand why the cups are so large. For me I was able to use the 90ml and the 120ml cups. The 150ml cups I was unable to get a seal as my chest is small. I had to be careful with the 120ml cups as they get a seal under my armpit , so I didn't want to cause any nerve damage under there as it takes ages for it to heal. So for me the 90 ml cups are my go to cups every time.

I'd like to get some nipple cups and try those on it too - however I suspect I would have to lower the vacuum even lower.

So for me it was a real winner ! I'm really glad I bought it.

love Chloe x

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