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Well, here I am


Good day to everyone that reads this, 

I have no idea how to start this message so bear with me. 
I have been insecure about my breast size for a very long time now and I thought it would be time to try to do something about it. My boyfriend is very helpful and would like to help me with any diet, massages or breast pump devices. 
My first and at the moment only question is:
Where do I start? 
What do I do, what do I buy, what do I do physically. I would like to get all tips, schedules, whatever you think fits. I would very much like to know how to start this whole journey, what to watch, what not to do and where the struggles lie. 
I'm 20 and have got 32C, 176 cm in height and 64 kg in weight (I don't know if it matters or not). 
Thank you in advance for all your help, I'm looking forward to starting this whole thing


Hi Pomme and welcome.
Breast growth is not the same for everyone. and it takes a long time.
Which means it requires a lot of hard and consistent work on your part.

If your still with me..
Its best for you to wander through the programs forums:
see if there is someone your size and shape and follow their plan.
Or just glean some advice from the many threads and prepare a plan.

Then start your own progress thread.
Take pictures and measurements say monthly.
You need both because one of the two will lie to you.

When you have a plan post it and you should get some advice.
Also a lot of success has been had by miss mad scientist, or Tibetan princess

search fro MissMadScientist

Dont be fooled by the magic pills or cremes, most dont work.

Dig in and good luck. Its also great that you have help, especially with the massage. Big Grin 

Thanks so much for the kind words :Smile

I get that there's no magical potion, but I am starting from scratch, so I would really like to now the 'simple' beginner stuff, like what is the best way to measure, what should I buy online and what are the first steps

Here are my favorite two massage threads:

There is no magic potion and everyones plan is different.
And most important is that its a slow process, so dont give up, establish a baseline with measurements and pics, and you'll be able to see whats really happening.
Check out the programs folder for some good advice on what works and what doesn't for different folks
Dig in and happy growing

(09-06-2023, 16:57)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Pomme and welcome.
Breast growth is not the same for everyone. and it takes a long time.
Which means it requires a lot of hard and consistent work on your part.

If your still with me..
Its best for you to wander through the programs forums:
see if there is someone your size and shape and follow their plan.
Or just glean some advice from the many threads and prepare a plan.

Then start your own progress thread.
Take pictures and measurements say monthly.
You need both because one of the two will lie to you.

When you have a plan post it and you should get some advice.
Also a lot of success has been had by miss mad scientist, or Tibetan princess

search fro MissMadScientist

Dont be fooled by the magic pills or cremes, most dont work.

Dig in and good luck. Its also great that you have help, especially with the massage. Big Grin 

Agreed! You gave great general advice that I'm going to continue to look into myself. My husband was the one who did all the research for me so to say that I have done my own would not be a full truth.

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