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Helen's Program


Mar 30, 2006#1
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *

Apr 05, 2006#2
Yesterday I added Saw Palmetto and "strong" EPO capsules, so my routine becomes:

- WU tablets (x2)
- Saw Palmetto (1 x 36mg extract tablet, equivalent to 500mg of herb powder)
- Evening Primrose (1 x 1000mg)
- Massage* with WU cream (and 15-20 mins of heat if time allows)

- WU tablets (x2)
- multi-vitamins + minerals + iron
- omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

- WU tablets (x2)
- Saw Palmetto (1 x 36mg extract tablet, equivalent to 500mg of herb powder)
- Evening Primrose (1 x 1000mg)
- Massage* after shower/bath with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream
(and 15-20 mins of heat if time allows)

nb*: Massage consists of Lymphatic massage (video demo from
and CHI "rotations" until the cream/butter is absorbed.

May 01, 2006#3
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *
I have recently replaced my Palmer's Cocoa Butter + vit.E Formula (tub) with Cocoa Butter (body butter) from BodyShop (mineral oil-free) and will soon be receiving some cocoa butter in pure form. I simply prefer using a mineral oil-free lotion due to some risks connected to mineral oil, and even though I would not use it alone in pure form but as part of a formula with many other ingredients, I still thought that it is a fairly extensive use we are talking about here with these daily massages, so I prefer being on the safe side. (I still apply a small amount of pure vit.E oil after the massage with the cocoa butter.)

I wanted to add that after applying my WU cream, I usually massage with Grapeseed oil (rich source of omega 6), mixed with a few drops of Fennel pure essential oil and then apply heat for about 15-20'. I've been feeling more and more little tingles, and dull pains deep inside, even in my right boob, which is the smaller one - by the way I think it has caught up with the left and I believe this is due to massage!

So far, after my 2nd period ended, some of the fullness I had experienced went away, BUT not all of it as usual, they still feel fuller to me, especially when I massage, and not as "deflated" (which was what I had been expecting to happen). So, I take this as a positive sign to keep me going!

May 16, 2006#4
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *
So the "big day" came, day 5 of my cycle, (scary) time for me to take another picture to compare progress... Was prepared for the worst, i.e. all fullness was due to luteal swelling, so no swollen boobies anymore... However all the way during my period including yesterday (day5), they STILL felt the same to me, still full. And the picture verified it, I could finally see a difference from the previous photos!

So, I managed to keep what I had during the luteal phase this time. Last time, I had lost most of it after my period, but still didn't feel as if I had lost it all (was wondering back then whether I felt like that because this simply was what I wanted to believe). But this time I kept it all! Smile))

So here it is girls, after lots of thinking, I found the courage to email a couple of these pictures to Eve. My first one is 6weeks into NBE (hadn't thought of taking a picture before that unfortunately) and the other one is yesterday night, day5 of my cycle, 3months into NBE.

It is not a big change surely, it is rather slight, BUT I am happy I managed to go through my period and still be as full and as round as before it.

So, we keep going my girls, it IS slowly working, fingers crossed that progress will continue Smile

Warm (rounder)boobie wishes to all of you x x x

I want to mention that for the last week boobs are KILLING me - the soreness first time feels like a bruising pain... no connection to the massage, as I cannot even massage properly; they're so sensitive to touch I have trouble massaging at the moment, I try hard to just massage once a day, ouch(!) and even bra feels uncomfortable on my skin...
Bring on my next period, should be here next week, and day5 I will do my next "check", by comparing b/a pics - fingers crossed I will keep anything I've gained so far, if there's anything "extra" I will definitely post an update Wink

I happened to have 2 pics of day21 of 2 previous cycles, so thought I could just take one more photo some days ago, day21 of current cycle, to compare; and yay it looks like there has been some small progress! But I shouldn't really get too carried away, as I should really wait for my period and compare myself when I'm at the "smallest" boobie state...

Keeping fingers crossed for myself and all of you girls!


Decided to take a break of 1-2 months from NBE for personal reasons (mainly hectic schedule and increased stress levels).
* I have stopped herbal pills and herbal massages, will carry on with multi-vitamin supplement + omega-complex(3,6,9) with dinner
* I am also supplementing my diet with vitamin A and timed-release "busy" B complex with vit.C (high strength)
* Will also try to massage every now and then (no herbs involved, just cocoa butter-vit.E or other ordinary lotion, whenever I can)

I have finished 6 bottles of WU so far. I have 2 more bottles left, will probably resume in a month or 2 with WU and depending on how I feel I might look into the individual herbs option. In the meantime, I hope my gain will remain (measured gain to this point: 1" 1/2).

Will soon update my picture page, posting a selection of photos showing my progess in stages, so far.

Fingers crossed for myself and all my NBE buddies here!

I will still be around anyway whenever I can, to check how everbody is doing Smile

All my love and happy growing to everyone,

Helen xx
* Happy Growing! *

Jun 03, 2006#6
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *
I thought that, since I've been on the herbs for almost 4 months now, I can now comment on the effects the herbs have had on me so far.

First of all there has been no side effect of any type of sickness, I have taken them both with meals and without, no problem whatsoever, no dizzidess, stomach has never been upset.

The only thing I can mention as a "side-effect" on me is tiredness and lack of energy, not even sure if it's to do with the herbs, as it might as well be psychological, I've got a lot of stress to fight with and there are times I even feel seriously depressed...I know, sad...whatever the cause, I feel I need to sleep A LOT more than usual...

The good thing is that my PMS now with the herbs has definitely gone milder and my periods are lighter and shorter (3days!), something else I've noticed is that my cycle has gone longer: from 28days (had been like this for many years, as long as I can remember really, not on BCP by the way), to ~31days... So, shorter periods and further apart - can't complain!!!

Jun 04, 2006#7
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *

******************* Please do not post on this thread - Thank you! Smile *********************

Jun 17, 2006#8
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *

11 May 06 - Day 5 of cycle, 4 months into NBE

By comparing pics it seems there has been some extra progress in terms of fullness/roundness (pic of month 4 posted on my Pic Page).

Let me note that the last month I cannot really see the difference unless I look at the pictures. Looking in the mirror every day simply doesn't help with this...and I still haven't measured properly to see if there's any actual measurable change, as I think my progress involves more "roundness" and filling on the sides and underneath, rather than "outwards" increase, but I guess I have to stop being a coward and measure properly with a tape measure anyway! I'll probably do this next time round, after my next period; then I need to provide an update and comment a bit on may help girls as small as me (boobie-wise) with knowing what to expect; progress can be slow and it might take a longer time to be able and actually measure any difference...the measuring tape can surely be depressing at times and for me it was definitely the pictures that helped me focus on the positive changes so far and also helped me control my impatience.

So far so good, I am happy even if progress is slow, as long as there is some(!) and mainly for keeping the fullness achieved so far Smile Fingers crossed!

Best and warmest ever boobie wishes to all! x x x x


Jun 18, 2006#9
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *
Sorry, in the above post I meant:

11 June 06 - Day 5 of cycle, 4 months into NBE


Jul 17, 2006#10
Helen, UK
AGE: 26, no kids
HEIGHT: 1.74 m (5'8")
WEIGHT: 58 kilos (128 lbs)

Breast stats:
30" under breasts
33" across
* The above measurements make me a 34AA

My dream is a B cup, but I would be happy with a full A Smile

I am taking Wonderup (WU) herbal pills + using the WU cream.
Have been on WU for 1.5 month, supplementing my diet with:

* multi-vitamins + minerals + iron

I take the pills every 7 hours at least.
Have experienced some breast soreness, nipple sensitivity & increased firmness/fullness without any visible result yet.

Just added the following to my routine:

* massage with cocoa butter + vitamin E cream (alternately with the WU cream)
* heat pad after massage
* omega oils 3,6,9 combined capsules (Fish Oil,Evening Primrose Oil,Olive Oil)

I also exercise about twice a week (aerobics fitness classes and/or multigym).
I do not smoke (never have), rarely drink alcohol, I usually drink a cup of coffee a day (several hours after/before taking the pills).

Not sure whether my protein intake is sufficient at the moment, but do not want to gain any weight either...

* Happy growing! *
10 July 06
5 Months into NBE, Day 5 of cycle


Measurements (finally found the guts to measure myself):

underneath: 30'
across: 34' 1/4

Total gain after 4 months of NBE (initial measurement of 33' across was taken 1 month into NBE): 1' 1/4

Took pictures for month 5, can't see any obvious futher difference, however I am pleased with the fact that fullness hasn't disappeared after period! : ) Happy with the overall appearence/roundness of breasts, progress has improved my confidence ; )

So, girls, as I promised I finally measured myself in order to quantify and record any measurable change - as you can see progress for me is slow, VERY SLOW, but it is happening...1' & 1/4...patience, patience and again patience my NBE buddies! My feeling is that girls as small as me boobie-wise, might generally need a longer period to see a measurable change. Changes in fullness are the first noticable changes and you might not even be able to MEASURE ANY change until quite later into your program, as boobies might first start filling underneath and on the sides, become nice and round first, before starting to grow "outwards"...


As for my program, it is still more or less the same with some small additions to it, still trying to be consistent with
* my pill intake (WU, EPO, Saw Palmetto) ~7 hrs apart
* multi-vit + omega complex with dinner
* 1-2 times weekly exercise (legs, bum, tum, arms, strengthening mild-aerobic type exercises, roller-skating)
* have included soya milk with oats for breakfast
* still no more than 1 cup of coffee a day
* drinking cleansing/detox herbal teas from time to time (blends include nettle, milk thistle, dandelion, burdock, sage, liquorice, spearmint)
* general preference to wholewheat for increasing fibre in diet (eg. wholemeal multi-seeded bread, brown pasta &rice)
* trying to massage 1-2 times a day (chi every day, lymphatic once a week) using either of 2 boobie batters:

1. Pure cocoa butter, mixed with: vitamin E oil, EPO, Grapeseed oil, Fennel essential oil

2. WU cream, mixed with Fenugreek tincture

I've been rarely using the heat-pad, it's hard to keep up (in summer weather), but I try to do my massage after a warm/hot shower, so that pores are nice and "open" for better absorbtion of massage lotion. I also make sure I gently scrub boobies with my loofah everytime in the shower (sometimes I even use a facial scrub) to "unclog" and cleanse the pores, get rid of any residue and prevent break-outs.

~*~ Happy GrooOOwing Everyone! ~*~
* Happy Growing! *

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