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Hi everyone! I'm starting my NBE journey C:


(05-11-2021, 17:01)IrisHeart Wrote:  

Whoa that went from 0 to 100 real fast.

People I can see both sides of your arguments and how you might've come to them. I suppose I should've dialed it down about this particular topic in my first post, I got myself thinking a bit too much about my past and it gets me emotional easily.

Regarding male attraction and such my perception of it took a drastic turn in the very beginning of this year and I owe it entirely to my kind, loving, amazing and incredible boyfriend. He has never ever once said anything negative about my chest and he alwayssss shows me so much love and appreciation. I was so firmly set in my beliefs that it took me more than a few months simply to accept the fact that he loves me just the way I am and that he adores me from head to toe. I don't really pay attention to his financial situation so I can't speak about all that research on male attraction's correlation with appearance but I couldn't care less about it now. I love him just the way he is and he loves me just the way I am and that's all I could ever ask for in life.

Perhaps my case is one of many exceptions to all that research but honestly I couldn't be happier about it.

Im so happy for you, you sound like such a sweet girl, thats just how a relationship should be mutual respect and love. My apologies I just dont like when people bring their negative delusions based from deep seeded insecurities onto a forum that is supposed to be supportive and full of positivity. Sending love and light x


At the risk of further beating an already dead horse and hopefully not hijacking a thread, @Bustyprincess I agree with you wholeheartedly. We are all beautiful women, big breasted or small breasted. Saying things like "low class men generally chase after big breasted women, and higher class men tend to like smaller/medium breasted women" is inciting division between women. This is assumption on my part but it seems to stem from resentment of big breasted women. The fact that we're all here shows that we're trying to get bigger breasts relative to our current size, let that be the goal and not demonize naturally big breasted women. Lots of low class men chase after small breasted women, and a lot of high class men choose big breasted women for partners.

Iris heart I look forward to your journey, I've pretty much given up on mine but still lurk here every now and then. Wish you all the luck!


(06-11-2021, 09:58)Bustyprincess Wrote:  

(05-11-2021, 17:01)IrisHeart Wrote:  

Whoa that went from 0 to 100 real fast.

People I can see both sides of your arguments and how you might've come to them. I suppose I should've dialed it down about this particular topic in my first post, I got myself thinking a bit too much about my past and it gets me emotional easily.

Regarding male attraction and such my perception of it took a drastic turn in the very beginning of this year and I owe it entirely to my kind, loving, amazing and incredible boyfriend. He has never ever once said anything negative about my chest and he alwayssss shows me so much love and appreciation. I was so firmly set in my beliefs that it took me more than a few months simply to accept the fact that he loves me just the way I am and that he adores me from head to toe. I don't really pay attention to his financial situation so I can't speak about all that research on male attraction's correlation with appearance but I couldn't care less about it now. I love him just the way he is and he loves me just the way I am and that's all I could ever ask for in life.

Perhaps my case is one of many exceptions to all that research but honestly I couldn't be happier about it.

Im so happy for you, you sound like such a sweet girl, thats just how a relationship should be mutual respect and love. My apologies I just dont like when people bring their negative delusions based from deep seeded insecurities onto a forum that is supposed to be supportive and full of positivity. Sending love and light x

It's okay, I understand how the situation went down like that. I'll just support y'all for the better and hope to leave a positive impact on you guys here hehe - sending love too <3

(06-11-2021, 20:37)jaykay Wrote:  

At the risk of further beating an already dead horse and hopefully not hijacking a thread, @Bustyprincess I agree with you wholeheartedly. We are all beautiful women, big breasted or small breasted. Saying things like "low class men generally chase after big breasted women, and higher class men tend to like smaller/medium breasted women" is inciting division between women. This is assumption on my part but it seems to stem from resentment of big breasted women. The fact that we're all here shows that we're trying to get bigger breasts relative to our current size, let that be the goal and not demonize naturally big breasted women. Lots of low class men chase after small breasted women, and a lot of high class men choose big breasted women for partners.

Iris heart I look forward to your journey, I've pretty much given up on mine but still lurk here every now and then. Wish you all the luck!

Natural busties gotta flaunt their beauty! I have quite a few friends gifted in that department and while I definitely can't say I've never been a tiny bit jealous, I make sure to encourage them to love and flaunt themselves. They're beautiful people on the inside and the outside goes well with that. Got a few small chested friends as well, some love what they've got, others not so much but I show them love and appreciation none the less. At the end of the day I hug everyone the same (sending you guys hugs too! C:

Thank you for the wishes jaykay! And perhaps it may not be my place to give out wisdom but never fear to give it another try. Our bodies are complex creations and they always hold potential. Sending love! <3


(06-11-2021, 20:37)jaykay Wrote:  

At the risk of further beating an already dead horse and hopefully not hijacking a thread, @Bustyprincess I agree with you wholeheartedly. We are all beautiful women, big breasted or small breasted. Saying things like "low class men generally chase after big breasted women, and higher class men tend to like smaller/medium breasted women" is inciting division between women. This is assumption on my part but it seems to stem from resentment of big breasted women. The fact that we're all here shows that we're trying to get bigger breasts relative to our current size, let that be the goal and not demonize naturally big breasted women. Lots of low class men chase after small breasted women, and a lot of high class men choose big breasted women for partners.

Iris heart I look forward to your journey, I've pretty much given up on mine but still lurk here every now and then. Wish you all the luck!

Thank you sweetheart and I completely agree with your whole comment, I just tend to get hot headed when people are as you say inciting division, based on their own resentment/self issues, I want this forum to continue to be a positive place with no divisions, and no shaming based on someones own insecurities, we are all beautiful big or small and our goals here are all the same!  <3 sending hugs!


(05-11-2021, 17:01)IrisHeart Wrote:  

Whoa that went from 0 to 100 real fast.

People I can see both sides of your arguments and how you might've come to them. I suppose I should've dialed it down about this particular topic in my first post, I got myself thinking a bit too much about my past and it gets me emotional easily.

Regarding male attraction and such my perception of it took a drastic turn in the very beginning of this year and I owe it entirely to my kind, loving, amazing and incredible boyfriend. He has never ever once said anything negative about my chest and he alwayssss shows me so much love and appreciation. I was so firmly set in my beliefs that it took me more than a few months simply to accept the fact that he loves me just the way I am and that he adores me from head to toe. I don't really pay attention to his financial situation so I can't speak about all that research on male attraction's correlation with appearance but I couldn't care less about it now. I love him just the way he is and he loves me just the way I am and that's all I could ever ask for in life.

Perhaps my case is one of many exceptions to all that research but honestly I couldn't be happier about it.

Is great to know you found someone who loves you so wholeheartedly! And I TRULLY BELIVE ANYONE CAN FIND LOVE, no matter what, after all the evolutionary way we feel attraction is not determining, but just an inclination. (I just don't get why people get all worked up about this tho)

So, is not that you're an exception to the rule, but that attraction and bonding are two different things. There are many other factors which influence interpersonal bondedness and close affection relationships and whithin that infinite possible combination of attributes is a very fortunate event to find love. 

Wishing both of you a long lived relationship, much more love and happiness!

Welcome again and may your NBE journey be a successful one.

Happy growing!


(09-11-2021, 02:22)WEENE Wrote:  

(05-11-2021, 17:01)IrisHeart Wrote:  

Whoa that went from 0 to 100 real fast.

People I can see both sides of your arguments and how you might've come to them. I suppose I should've dialed it down about this particular topic in my first post, I got myself thinking a bit too much about my past and it gets me emotional easily.

Regarding male attraction and such my perception of it took a drastic turn in the very beginning of this year and I owe it entirely to my kind, loving, amazing and incredible boyfriend. He has never ever once said anything negative about my chest and he alwayssss shows me so much love and appreciation. I was so firmly set in my beliefs that it took me more than a few months simply to accept the fact that he loves me just the way I am and that he adores me from head to toe. I don't really pay attention to his financial situation so I can't speak about all that research on male attraction's correlation with appearance but I couldn't care less about it now. I love him just the way he is and he loves me just the way I am and that's all I could ever ask for in life.

Perhaps my case is one of many exceptions to all that research but honestly I couldn't be happier about it.

Is great to know you found someone who loves you so wholeheartedly! And I TRULLY BELIVE ANYONE CAN FIND LOVE, no matter what, after all the evolutionary way we feel attraction is not determining, but just an inclination. (I just don't get why people get all worked up about this tho)

So, is not that you're an exception to the rule, but that attraction and bonding are two different things. There are many other factors which influence interpersonal bondedness and close affection relationships and whithin that infinite possible combination of attributes is a very fortunate event to find love. 

Wishing both of you a long lived relationship, much more love and happiness!

Welcome again and may your NBE journey be a successful one.

Happy growing!

Hey WEENE! It's alright, the tone of the conversation veered a little to the side but I get how that might've happened.

Thank you for the wishes! Sending back positive vibes and good luck on your (and everyone else's!) journey too <3


I know some people might read this and look away, because they might feel like it's just a bunch of feel-good rambling BS but seriously. Mindset is HUGE.
I have made the MOST progress whenever I'm deep into the mindset and belief that I'm living in a big-breasted body NOW, in the present. Seeing yourself as big-breasted and having big breasts as a normal part of your life, just having the affirmation "I love everything about my breasts they are perfect" and visualizing yourself having your goals NOW is so important. Try to stop reacting emotionally to whatever happened in the past. Since you view yourself as big-breasted NOW, whatever happened in the past doesn't need to affect you, it becomes nonsense because it is not/no longer truth. Get a journal and script, repeat affirmations, whatever you need to do to change the beliefs about yourself. Having big breasts is normal, natural, and so easy for you. The mind-body connection is so powerful don't take it for granted and choose to take control of your thoughts. Call it law of attraction/law of assumption/the secret/manifestation/mindset or whatever, but it WORKS for me I can promise you that.

Sending love, you can do it! <3 Don't give up on your goals. When you deeply desire something, it is meant to happen for you.

(19-11-2021, 20:36)AngelicBeauty
pid='211117 Wrote:  
I know some people might read this and look
away, because they might feel like it's just a bunch of feel-good rambling BS
but seriously. Mindset is HUGE. I have made the MOST progress whenever I'm deep
into the mindset and belief that I'm living in a big-breasted body NOW, in the
present. Seeing yourself as big-breasted and having big breasts as a normal
part of your life, just having the affirmation "I love everything about my
breasts they are perfect" and visualizing yourself having your goals NOW
is so important. Try to stop reacting emotionally to whatever happened in the
past. Since you view yourself as big-breasted NOW, whatever happened in the
past doesn't need to affect you, it becomes nonsense because it is not/no
longer truth. Get a journal and script, repeat affirmations, whatever you need
to do to change the beliefs about yourself. Having big breasts is normal,
natural, and so easy for you. The mind-body connection is so powerful don't take
it for granted and choose to take control of your thoughts. Call it law of
attraction/law of assumption/the secret/manifestation/mindset or whatever, but
it WORKS for me I can promise you that. Sending love, you can do it! <3
Don't give up on your goals. When you deeply desire something, it is meant to
happen for you.


Coming back again after a week or so having to deal with school
excessively and this might've been the best time for me to see this. Last
night I talked with somebody I trust about how bad I feel about my body
(not the first time we've had such a conversation) and how very
depressed I feel about my breasts. We talked but by the end of
it I was crying and feeling guilty for wanting to help my own case and
grow my breasts more than anything else, it made me doubt whether continuing with my program would make a difference. I still haven't really cleared my head
from that and I don't know what reality about my breasts is true, the one where
society declares me as half a woman because they're small or the one my SO
tells me they're amazing the way they are... the latter I'm really damn scared
might be just because we're together and he's doing it just to keep me happy
even though it might be untrue (like how your family and friends tell you
you look great even though it's really the opposite so they won't hurt your
feelings with the facts). I don't know which version to trust.


As for mindset as you're saying, yes I too believe that's
the best way to go about my program. After I added subliminals to it and
learning a thing or two about it my breasts seem to react much much better when
I go in it full steam ahead but also don't expect anything
to happen - I get the best results when I act like I already have them and
I don't anticipate a "new" sort of sensation with growth, just going
along with the process without giving it much thought gives really great


I'm going to print your message and hang it over my bed haha! Actually I have a journal where I write down all the program-related things I do (massages, related foods, subliminals). It would be really helpful for my mental health now to manifest my ideal breasts starting with positive thoughts I can look at anytime I need it. You might've saved me from an oncoming mental breakdown heh. Thank you so much Angelic! Sending love too <3




Hey Iris, if it helps one person out, I'm happy! I totally understand the feeling of drowning in your own tears because you don't know what to do about the problem, you might feel worthless, and are doubting yourself and everything so much. The pain can become unmanageable. It's a fear of failing and feeling like because of the issue, life isn't worth living. It sucks, I've been there a LOT. We don't have to stay there. If there is something we really want, why is that so bad? (People want designer purses all the time, they get them, maybe 15 of them it makes them happy, doesn't matter!) If we are going along the path towards our goal, it's inevitable that we will reach the goal. It's simple but hard sometimes. Make it easier. The truth is that you are the master of your reality and you can change things you don't want.

I really recommend right before falling asleep and right while waking up, to visualize "scenarios" of the living-in-the-now of having the goal. I have heard that it's easiest to penetrate the subconscious at these times. Here's some ideas I like to do:
  • A year ago I had a goal of gaining weight because I was underweight and was done with it. Had trouble doing so, until I started visualizing looking at the scale and seeing my new desired heavier weight. Miraculously, I gained the exact amount of weight to meet this goal, and then stopped there. Funny right?
  • Visualize your "goal" body, what I like to call your "truest" body and looking at yourself in the mirror and think to yourself how amazing, stunning, perfect you look. Some guys have even successfully changed their height, it sounds crazy at first, but it has worked. I feel like the industries don't want us to know because then, we won't buy into them to get what we want, because we'll have it already and they'll go out of business.
  • Visualize friends, loved ones, even strangers smiling at you and giving you compliments. Feel glad and thank them for the compliments in your mind. If there is discomfort in receiving all these compliments, there is a deeper issue to look into (been there).
  • What do you like to do with your big-breasted body?... haha. I'm going swimming and I look amazing. I have different bathing suits and they all look so good on me, I get so many compliments.
  • Significant other just completely MELTING when seeing you. Saying how sexy and beautiful you are, just attracted to you like a magnet, has eyes only for you. Looks at you and treats you with unconditional love. Wants to spend time with you, do favours for you, gets you any gift you want.
  • So many people have crushes on you, you can date/be with with anyone you want (if that's your thing)
  • Going shopping and finding so many nice clothes that flatter you perfectly. Visualizing trying on clothes and looking amazing. Visualizing your life with your ideal wardrobe. What's your ideal style?
  • Going on vacation and loved ones, friends loving to take photos of you. They show you the photos, you're absolutely stunning! People love taking photos of you.
  • Posting photos online, everyone likes them and thinks they came out great!
  • Having a relaxing bubble bath and looking at your breasts. Beautiful.
  • Shopping and picking out new bras. Maybe your size is uncommon and you need to go to specialty boutiques, but the selection is great and the styles are pretty and flattering!
  • Visualizing your bra drawer. Looking at the tags and seeing the size tag. Putting on a bra, scooping and swooping, loving how you look in the mirror.
  • Breasts already being quite large, yet still growing, day after day, week after week.
  • You are loved, and people give you compliments, however, there is no jealously. You don't need to be ashamed of being beautiful, don't dim your own light. Feel beautiful because you ARE.
Hope it helps! By writing this list, I have more ideas now too. Some people like to use these little ideas as prompts to "script" which is writing out a scenario in first-person, present tense as it's playing out. Another helpful option to try that you might like even more than just affirmations.

Here is a video on scripting:

Feminine identity/healing:

"Self-identity" is another term to research, it involves changing your state and the beliefs you hold about yourself that are holding you back from anything in life.

(05-11-2021, 17:01)IrisHeart Wrote:  

Whoa that went from 0 to 100 real fast.

People I can see both sides of your arguments and how you might've come to them. I suppose I should've dialed it down about this particular topic in my first post, I got myself thinking a bit too much about my past and it gets me emotional easily.

Regarding male attraction and such my perception of it took a drastic turn in the very beginning of this year and I owe it entirely to my kind, loving, amazing and incredible boyfriend. He has never ever once said anything negative about my chest and he alwayssss shows me so much love and appreciation. I was so firmly set in my beliefs that it took me more than a few months simply to accept the fact that he loves me just the way I am and that he adores me from head to toe. I don't really pay attention to his financial situation so I can't speak about all that research on male attraction's correlation with appearance but I couldn't care less about it now. I love him just the way he is and he loves me just the way I am and that's all I could ever ask for in life.

Perhaps my case is one of many exceptions to all that research but honestly I couldn't be happier about it.

I never had success with relationship and see a lot of ugly girls with huge boobs with a lot of success in relationships. I don’t want to say that boobs=Good relationships BUT I’m sure the way I look and the way I’m self conscious about my body is the main reason of my realtioships failure. It’s not about beauty, i feel like I’m wrong, not ugly.


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