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BO and fertility


I’ve been on BO for 4 months with great boob growth (about 1 cup size growth)

Now me and my boyfriend decided to try to get pregnant. I have PCOS so it might take us a while. I know you’re not supposed to be on any herbs or such when trying to get pregnant but the thing is that BO has definitely increased my fertility. I used to have 37-48 day cycles with very light periods. Since I started BO my cycle is 30 days EXACTLY every time, I get ovulation pains and I notice wetness. (Before BO I never experienced any discharge, now I understand that is not healthy) and my period is “fuller” but in a good way. Less body hair and better skin too.

I obviously have to stop BO now that we are going to try conceive, but honestly I’m afraid that I will go back to before BO with super long cycles and such. I have no scientific data but I swear I’m more fertile since BO.

Has anybody with PCOS here been on BO and then stopped and how did that go?

(((Also just a note: I am NOT saying BO cures PCOS!!! It just happens in my case it regulated my cycles!)))


Ooooh! I have PCOS and was wondering how BO would affect it. Do you have high testosterone levels or cysts in your ovaries? (Or both?)

Also, if you let your provider know that you're actively trying to conceive they'll most likely give you metformin which also works very well with regulating your cycles/used for fertility treatment for women with PCOS. None of my doctors will give it to me (even though it's proven to be very effective with PCOS treatment) unless I'm actively trying to make a baby lol because they're afraid my low blood sugar may become lower with metformin. This should ease some of the worries about your PCOS symptoms flaring once you're off BO.


PCOS crew here lol! I’m sorry you have it too, are you getting any other treatment for it?

I know it’s not the worst thing and that most PCOS women manage to conceive with a little help but I can get really annoyed with how uneducated many professionals are about it... I’ve had a NURSE tell me she doubted I had PCOS because I didn’t have a belly?? Like she seemed very convinced it was bound to weight which is only partially true.

I have cysts on ovaries and the last time I had a hormone test done it showed high t-levels - sadly that was 10 years ago when I was freaking 19 with very low BMI. At that time I struggled with acne and only got my period 4-6 times a year or something. Years later when I worked myself up to a healthy BMI my acne cleared up and my period started regulating itself. Wasn’t a normal cycle but I had it like every 36-48 days. What I do know is that my prolactin levels where exaggerated before BO too, because one of my nipples would leak a little when I did NBE-massage. From what I’ve learned on the forum high prolactin is typical for PCOS and a sign that progesterone is low. After starting BO I never had any fluid from nipples during massage again.

Would’ve been really interesting to have a hormonal panel of my hormones before and during BO... when the emotional roller coaster calmed down a bit I felt great on it.

I am also on a very strict no-carb keto diet since I’ve read about insulin resistance and PCOS. Hopefully my body appreciates it because I haven’t had a chocolate in 2 months :’)

I spoke to a friend who is a nurse in this country and she explained that if I seek health care for it, most likely they will ultrasound my ovaries, get a blood test to check hormones (they don’t do saliva test here, too expensive apparently) and then they will stimulate an ovulation with a drug I can’t remember the name of but it was not metformin. The only other treatment she knew was used to “treat” PCOS where anti-androgen birth control pills...

I think I will start to test my hormones, then mention metformin and hope they provide it here. Thanks for the tip!


Girl, I completely understand. It pisses me off how little medical attention/knowledge there is on PCOS, I'm sure if there were internal cysts in men's testosterone that caused them to produce abnormal amounts of estrogen they would've be on that ASAP. And yes! Nobody ever bothered trying to diagnose my problems (even though I had trouble with my periods ever since I was 12) because I was thin and people think PCOS is a weight related problem. Oooh interesting, it actually seems that BO is helpful towards PCOS maybe because it raises progesterone? Glad you were able to find a natural remedy to help you out.

And I'm on a low carb diet as well, not to the point of keto because I'm an athlete and my run gets drastically slower on a keto diet unfortunately Sad" alt="Sad" title="Sad"> although my strength is unchanged. Another good thing about metformin is that it's used to treat insulin resistance (primarily used by diabetics) so that'll help you with your insulin as well! Good luck with trying to conceive!!


I have seen testimonies elsewhere that BO was taken strictly for fertility, so it's not just you! From what I was reading, BO simply makes your ovaries work overtime, which would be similar to how infertility treatments work!

Super neat stuff! Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">

I hope you guys end up being able to conceive soon! Smile


Hey Ladies!  I'm a long time lurker around here and I've been wanting to try out BO forever.. I also have PCOS (like) symptoms. I say "like" because I haven't ever been officially diagnosed by a doctor, but I have had elevated free testosterone levels and struggled with other body signs of high androgens (and a flat chest, lol) for years.   I also now know for a fact that I have cysts on my ovaries.   SOOO, I'm wondering since Nefertity says that she feels better when taking BO, then maybe it could possibly be a good thing for my body??  AND for my boobs??  I'm curious though if the BO might cause more ovarian cysts to form since it increases ovarian function.. or maybe that's not true.  If there's anyone who might have info about that, I'd love to know!!   It would be awesome to be able to increase my progesterone (which I know I need), help my ovaries, and grow boobies at the same time, lol.

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