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Are you all pausing your life until you get big boobs?


I don't go out., wear makeup, dress up, meet people,  date and don't hang out with friends as often as I use to.

I kind of just want to get big boobs first. My hair and skin are also so awful and I have put on some weight too. It's like I don't want to do normal everyday things until I am "my normal self" or "pretty".

What's your take on this?

(02-09-2019, 06:14)Dark_Swan Wrote:  I don't go out., wear makeup, dress up, meet people,  date and don't hang out with friends as often as I use to.

I kind of just want to get big boobs first. My hair and skin are also so awful and I have put on some weight too. It's like I don't want to do normal everyday things until I am "ugly"

What's your take on this?
i've been doing the exact same. the only people i interact with regularly are my long-term boyfriend and parents, i feel like im living a lie with anyone else because how i look now doesn't feel like the real me. i've actually been putting off starting my entire career (which is heavily appearance oriented,) but then i realised that being a social recluse with a below-average self-care routine will never help me get to where i want to be or help me with my NBE!
having small boobs is depressing but taking care of our bodies in social, mental and physical ways will only help with our progress Blush

Hi Swanny!
Sorry to hear your so glum.
But like Synastry said you need to love your self and shoot for the future.
I'm sure a lot, or rather all of us, can relate to your situation.
So the answer is to get out of your comfort zone!
Visualize what you want the real you to look like and commence to work on it.
Put a little effort into your appearance, go for a walk.
Tomorrow put a little more effort into your appearance, and walk farther, and it'll get easier to extend your efforts as you do more.
And each day push your self a little farther, and NEVER take a day off. Thats a killer.
Hop on the scale every other day, and challenge yourself to lose xxx pounds a day.
Before you know it you'll be slim and trim and NBE will kick in as well.
Also you have to keep up your NBE program or change whats not working.

And then there is the mental side of things too.
If you keep telling your self you look and feel like Poo. then you will begin to believe it even if its not true.
So fake out your psychy, and tell your self your getting better every day, more beautiful, thinner, stronger, and more buxom. The you convince your mind it true the faster you'll be out of your slump and onto a happier you.

Huggs  ((((((DARK SWAN))))))

When I started I was flat and now a C.  I never stopped my life. I already was married and had a ton of job experience. A I developed I felt happier and did my job better. On top of that I lost 205 pounds. So the progress accelerated.

(02-09-2019, 11:44)synastry Wrote:  
(02-09-2019, 06:14)Dark_Swan Wrote:  I don't go out., wear makeup, dress up, meet people,  date and don't hang out with friends as often as I use to.

I kind of just want to get big boobs first. My hair and skin are also so awful and I have put on some weight too. It's like I don't want to do normal everyday things until I am "ugly"

What's your take on this?
i've been doing the exact same. the only people i interact with regularly are my long-term boyfriend and parents, i feel like im living a lie with anyone else because how i look now doesn't feel like the real me. i've actually been putting off starting my entire career (which is heavily appearance oriented,) but then i realised that being a social recluse with a below-average self-care routine will never help me get to where i want to be or help me with my NBE!
having small boobs is depressing but taking care of our bodies in social, mental and physical ways will only help with our progress Blush

Yeah you get exactly what I am talking about. I do feel like this isn't the real me. I was just have difficultly describing it and putting it into words. 
But you're right, there are other more important things in life too. We can't just stop them. Career, family and friends are important and I was kind of taking it all for granted in a way.

Also, the person I date would have to like me for who I am, including my small boobs. You have just made me realize that. 
Thanks Smile

(02-09-2019, 13:47)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Swanny!
Sorry to hear your so glum.
But like Synastry said you need to love your self and shoot for the future.
I'm sure a lot, or rather all of us, can relate to your situation.
So the answer is to get out of your comfort zone!
Visualize what you want the real you to look like and commence to work on it.
Put a little effort into your appearance, go for a walk.
Tomorrow put a little more effort into your appearance, and walk farther, and it'll get easier to extend your efforts as you do more.
And each day push your self a little farther, and NEVER take a day off. Thats a killer.
Hop on the scale every other day, and challenge yourself to lose xxx pounds a day.
Before you know it you'll be slim and trim and NBE will kick in as well.
Also you have to keep up your NBE program or change whats not working.

And then there is the mental side of things too.
If you keep telling your self you look and feel like Poo. then you will begin to believe it even if its not true.
So fake out your psychy, and tell your self your getting better every day, more beautiful, thinner, stronger, and more buxom. The you convince your mind it true the faster you'll be out of your slump and onto a happier you.

Huggs  ((((((DARK SWAN))))))
Hey Happy  Smile 

That's really true. What we think we look also depends on our mood and thoughts. I really did start to feel genuinely ugly because of my constant negative thought patterns. Also, because the crappier I felt, the less I did for my skin and health; and turned into a cycle.

I took your advice. I joined the gym, talked to a trainer and have been going regularly. I don't have that much to lose. Just a few days of positive thinking and healthy routine have bought a glow on my face.

Thank you so much for your reply.
Always glad to hear from you xx

(02-09-2019, 06:14)Dark_Swan Wrote:  I don't go out., wear makeup, dress up, meet people,  date and don't hang out with friends as often as I use to.

I kind of just want to get big boobs first. My hair and skin are also so awful and I have put on some weight too. It's like I don't want to do normal everyday things until I am "my normal self" or "pretty".

What's your take on this?

I never stopped my life really. But I don't have a huge success from NBE yet. I don't know when I will so I can't afford to stop my life. If you feel big boobs helps you to be happier, try to just wear bigger bras and  tight tops. You don't need to show off cleavage to everyone. But you can still show curves in a conservative and graceful way. Yes, your date will know your real size. Wear your true size for the first few dates. There are still many other social situations that nobody knows how big your real boobs are. So don't make it hard on yourself.

(12-09-2019, 01:43)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(02-09-2019, 13:47)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Swanny!
Sorry to hear your so glum.
But like Synastry said you need to love your self and shoot for the future.
I'm sure a lot, or rather all of us, can relate to your situation.
So the answer is to get out of your comfort zone!
Visualize what you want the real you to look like and commence to work on it.
Put a little effort into your appearance, go for a walk.
Tomorrow put a little more effort into your appearance, and walk farther, and it'll get easier to extend your efforts as you do more.
And each day push your self a little farther, and NEVER take a day off. Thats a killer.
Hop on the scale every other day, and challenge yourself to lose xxx pounds a day.
Before you know it you'll be slim and trim and NBE will kick in as well.
Also you have to keep up your NBE program or change whats not working.

And then there is the mental side of things too.
If you keep telling your self you look and feel like Poo. then you will begin to believe it even if its not true.
So fake out your psychy, and tell your self your getting better every day, more beautiful, thinner, stronger, and more buxom. The you convince your mind it true the faster you'll be out of your slump and onto a happier you.

Huggs  ((((((DARK SWAN))))))
Hey Happy  Smile 

That's really true. What we think we look also depends on our mood and thoughts. I really did start to feel genuinely ugly because of my constant negative thought patterns. Also, because the crappier I felt, the less I did for my skin and health; and turned into a cycle.

I took your advice. I joined the gym, talked to a trainer and have been going regularly. I don't have that much to lose. Just a few days of positive thinking and healthy routine have bought a glow on my face.

Thank you so much for your reply.
Always glad to hear from you xx

Glad to hear it Swanny!
Every day for me is a great day.
If its not going the way I want it, I just stop and go in the direction I need to.
Its pretty easy to tell your self 'today will be a great day"
Then the rest will be given to you.

Nah. I'm a really modest dresser so most people don't notice my small breast and with a super push up Bra life is Good. However I don't go swimming or Wear a bikini

yes, I stay inside and pump my free time away. My life and diet revolves around growing breasts.

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