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Goat's dairy for IGF-1?


Joe, isn't DHEA for hormone increase? Or I thought it was...

(14-04-2019, 23:12)sweetorange Wrote:  Joe, isn't DHEA for hormone increase? Or I thought it was...

IIRC it is for increasing other hormones too.

(13-04-2019, 16:45)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  There is very little IGF-1 in any form of dairy.  Sometimes more is obtained in studies by super concentrating it from dairy.  But there is hardly any in any form you can buy, even dairy based supplements like colostrum.  The topic of IGF-1 and dairy often comes up because of hope and/or fear (rBGH increases animal IGF-1), but the amount is trivial.

The strongest form and best bang for the buck I've found for IGF-1 is Antler Farms deer velvet.  Particularly the tablets.  You can always break the tablets or take smaller doses.  Even selecting the best deal, deer velvet is very expensive.  About 1/4 tablet or the recommended amount of liquid is a good minimal amount.  Most other deer velvet products have much less, often close to nothing, even if they might charge a little less.

Actually something much stronger/cheaper is mk-677.  But it is an untested drug and not legal to consume.  While IGF-1 in general is low risk and preliminary mk-677 tests show high safety, long term there might be some risk.    And sometimes it's fake, possibly giving you a much more scary hormone like steroids instead to imitate some IGF-1 symptoms (but nothing helpful). 

A more basic affordable minor thing you can do is 1 capsule of DHEA twice a day to boost IGF-1 by 20%.  More at the same time has no additional effect.  The aminos in meat, especially seafood, and nuts, especially pumpkin seeds, can have a minor effect on HGH and therefore IGF-1 too.  Taking them in pill form would be way too many stomach irritating pills for a minor effect.  Often the solution is for an unscrupulous supplement to lie and say 2 capsules or so is enough when it isn't even close.

Nuts and fish raise IGF 1 you say? I’ll try adding more nuts and sustainable fish to my diet. I had been trying to stick to dairy because i had hitherto believed it was the best for IGF 1.

(21-11-2022, 22:08)Grayson123 Wrote:  
(13-04-2019, 16:45)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  There is very little IGF-1 in any form of dairy.  Sometimes more is obtained in studies by super concentrating it from dairy.  But there is hardly any in any form you can buy, even dairy based supplements like colostrum.  The topic of IGF-1 and dairy often comes up because of hope and/or fear (rBGH increases animal IGF-1), but the amount is trivial.

The strongest form and best bang for the buck I've found for IGF-1 is Antler Farms deer velvet.  Particularly the tablets.  You can always break the tablets or take smaller doses.  Even selecting the best deal, deer velvet is very expensive.  About 1/4 tablet or the recommended amount of liquid is a good minimal amount.  Most other deer velvet products have much less, often close to nothing, even if they might charge a little less.

Actually something much stronger/cheaper is mk-677.  But it is an untested drug and not legal to consume.  While IGF-1 in general is low risk and preliminary mk-677 tests show high safety, long term there might be some risk.    And sometimes it's fake, possibly giving you a much more scary hormone like steroids instead to imitate some IGF-1 symptoms (but nothing helpful). 

A more basic affordable minor thing you can do is 1 capsule of DHEA twice a day to boost IGF-1 by 20%.  More at the same time has no additional effect.  The aminos in meat, especially seafood, and nuts, especially pumpkin seeds, can have a minor effect on HGH and therefore IGF-1 too.  Taking them in pill form would be way too many stomach irritating pills for a minor effect.  Often the solution is for an unscrupulous supplement to lie and say 2 capsules or so is enough when it isn't even close.

Nuts and fish raise IGF 1 you say? I’ll try adding more nuts and sustainable fish to my diet. I had been trying to stick to dairy because i had hitherto believed it was the best for IGF 1.
They help a little.  Better than HGH supplements and dairy at least.  IGF-1 and HGH mostly turned into dead ends with little you can do and no success stories from what you can do.  The main hormones are estrogen and progesterone and most IGF-1 and HGH in the breasts is created in response to them.  And the foods in my sig can provide a strong foundation for everything.  50% saponin fenugreek or shatavari extract is nice because besides estrogen and progesterone it helps with IGF-1, HGH and a dozen misc minor hormones.  So that helps with the minor hormones and reduces side effects which is why I usually suggest using it first then adding whatever else.  Freeze dried aloe can be helpful to for general growth and healing including IGF-1, HGH and collagen (but raw materials for collagen such as the sig foods or MSM are helpful to use at the same time).

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