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do results last?


My experience is a bit mixed though over time if you take them long enough some growth stays around. For me it did.. when you take them 2-3 months and then stop,you shouldnt be surprised they go down again. But for me after months and months of massaging with pm powder  gave me permanent growth,  low iron level +calcium as well. But thats solved and they stayed, and I try different approaches now, though at some point in our journeys I think most of us grew with relying on herbs as well. They do have a weird effect and we are fooled all the time by breasts going up and down through our cycle... but thats the journey.
What if our breasts kept a tiny bit of growth and we dont spot it on our journey then move on to another thing, but every herb I tried worked to a certain extend until someday you just notice that these unnoticed tiny bits of growth added one cup to your size. Thats how it has been for me. And looking at another member EllaC she had the same kind of journey using all sorts of things but no steady routine but ask her and there is not one thing she attributes it too. (right Ella?)

Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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do results last? - by 95005014 - 10-03-2019, 17:04
RE: do results last? - by Jenniferlove - 11-03-2019, 03:49
RE: do results last? - by hannah - 20-10-2019, 22:24

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