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Nerve damage from pumping


(11-09-2018, 20:27)hannah Wrote:  I remain with it, pumping is not natural. If you apply some logical reasoning on this pumping thing(because we no evidence, the producer doenst care) you get that this plain dangerous. I can give a little example thatsin my mind atm, if you give yourself a sucking kiss, the same thing happens as with pumping only then on micro level. Whatdo see afterwards? All little vessels beeing bursted and bleeding underneath your skin. Now maximize this on to pumping scale, you are  now deeper in the skin, no longer talking about the little bursted capillaries anymore but you are touching the big arteries now. Have you all heard of valves? They are like doors to have a normal blood flow, one door opens the other door shuts and so the blood moves through your body without the valves blood starts pooling and has poor movement......these valves are like custom made, a little bit wider vein or some other damage breaks the valves like this picture( )

And you get what I have, more suspitable to disaese and inflammotion, bc of blood pooling instead of streaming through veins. Quickly tired, reduced endurance, nausea, bc it impacts the veins in the neck area as well, stomach and other problems in the belly area, different skin color then  before noogling, easy weightloss, and cold breasts. All complaints the noogleberry gave me. Not to say about the ugly nipples noogleberry gave me. Oh I also got acne straight after I noogled. With good diet its managable now, but ill have to take better care because this really damaged my body permanently. I cried years after making the mistake to Noogle.

Thats why everytime somebody opens up with problems from the Noogleberry, I speak out. Maybe if many girls would have the same experience we can do something. Because there is one person getting rich whilst making others diseased, and this person knows, yet she continues to sell these pumps. Sad for so many young girls thinking the Noogleberry is a harmless device.

Blood pooling.  Yes, that may be what's happening.  But there has to be an answer of what is causing it?  You never got to the root cause?  Does broken blood vessels seem like something it could be?

(11-09-2018, 20:18)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 06:32)EllaC Wrote:
I think the hypericum is what I used for exposed nerve on a tooth. Works internally too.

It is not usually pain.  Sometimes I will get a joint pain.  It is mostly a swelling in the neck and lymph node in my neck and under my jaw.  Both on left side only.  Then often extreme nausea and fatigue.  I am thinking it may be damaged blood vessels.  I hope the cat scan and ENT specialist can help.  I've been trying to treat this homeopathically for a year now with a super clean diet.  It may be keeping things from completely falling apart but it's definitely not healing!

That’s tough to hear, you must be quite freaked out to be honest. I thought swollen nodes were signs of infection not inflammation. 
I’m guessing you’ve gone down the road of vein strengthening herbs etc
Lymphatic drainage and rebounding etc to try get the swelling down ?
I know you would have exhausted all natural options Jen I hope you find a resolve x

PS hopefully Hannah’s suggestions have given you a new possibility to consider

(11-09-2018, 20:32)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:27)hannah Wrote:  I remain with it, pumping is not natural. If you apply some logical reasoning on this pumping thing(because we no evidence, the producer doenst care) you get that this plain dangerous. I can give a little example thatsin my mind atm, if you give yourself a sucking kiss, the same thing happens as with pumping only then on micro level. Whatdo see afterwards? All little vessels beeing bursted and bleeding underneath your skin. Now maximize this on to pumping scale, you are  now deeper in the skin, no longer talking about the little bursted capillaries anymore but you are touching the big arteries now. Have you all heard of valves? They are like doors to have a normal blood flow, one door opens the other door shuts and so the blood moves through your body without the valves blood starts pooling and has poor movement......these valves are like custom made, a little bit wider vein or some other damage breaks the valves like this picture( )

And you get what I have, more suspitable to disaese and inflammotion, bc of blood pooling instead of streaming through veins. Quickly tired, reduced endurance, nausea, bc it impacts the veins in the neck area as well, stomach and other problems in the belly area, different skin color then  before noogling, easy weightloss, and cold breasts. All complaints the noogleberry gave me. Not to say about the ugly nipples noogleberry gave me. Oh I also got acne straight after I noogled. With good diet its managable now, but ill have to take better care because this really damaged my body permanently. I cried years after making the mistake to Noogle.

Thats why everytime somebody opens up with problems from the Noogleberry, I speak out. Maybe if many girls would have the same experience we can do something. Because there is one person getting rich whilst making others diseased, and this person knows, yet she continues to sell these pumps. Sad for so many young girls thinking the Noogleberry is a harmless device.

Blood pooling.  Yes, that may be what's happening.  But there has to be an answer of what is causing it?  You never got to the root cause?  Does broken blood vessels seem like something it could be?

Its the valves that dont shut anymore... its causing blood to no longer travel up like as a stairs from door to door. The doors just stsy open, the heart and body have to work harder. A automatic response is beeing set on to make you puke but you never actually puke is that how it is for you as well?

I have much more to say but I am kinda blacking out brings up the trouble I try to leave behind(unfixed) for so long. I dont know how to heal, have tried a lot....

Edit: The complaints you describe, if I see from my point of view from my misery, is that when you put so much pressure on dense breast tissue you no longer talk about superficial vessels but about real big capillaries, also the one thats going through your neck, i am nllonger sure but wasnt the name of that vein angina pectora ??? This particular vein idk the name of,causes to seton a automatic response to make you puke.....its just a response.....because this vein is damaged I guess....
Your nausea is double, its a automatic response PLUS you have delayed stomach emptying....because your systemis having a hard time to get the blood around.
This makes you sluggish nauseated and suspitable for inflammationary diseases....
Your delayed stomach emptying makes you nauseated while you eat(i am all talking from my own experience here) you probably cant eat as much as before because you feel full or nausea quickly.....

(11-09-2018, 20:34)EllaC Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:18)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 06:32)EllaC Wrote:
I think the hypericum is what I used for exposed nerve on a tooth. Works internally too.

It is not usually pain.  Sometimes I will get a joint pain.  It is mostly a swelling in the neck and lymph node in my neck and under my jaw.  Both on left side only.  Then often extreme nausea and fatigue.  I am thinking it may be damaged blood vessels.  I hope the cat scan and ENT specialist can help.  I've been trying to treat this homeopathically for a year now with a super clean diet.  It may be keeping things from completely falling apart but it's definitely not healing!

That’s tough to hear, you must be quite freaked out to be honest. I thought swollen nodes were signs of infection not inflammation. 
I’m guessing you’ve gone down the road of vein strengthening herbs etc
Lymphatic drainage and rebounding etc to try get the swelling down ?
I know you would have exhausted all natural options Jen I hope you find a resolve x

Yes, I did all that for the first 6 months nothing helped.  Finally went on antibiotics which actually DID help, but everything came back.  It makes me wonder if I just needed stronger antibiotics or to take them longer?  No clue.  The new doctor I have immediately said that it sounds like trauma-related, which I HAVE broken my left elbow and have had two serious facial traumas in the past.  Include extreme pumping on one side and I certainly may have done a lot of damage!

(11-09-2018, 20:37)hannah Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:32)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:27)hannah Wrote:  I remain with it, pumping is not natural. If you apply some logical reasoning on this pumping thing(because we no evidence, the producer doenst care) you get that this plain dangerous. I can give a little example thatsin my mind atm, if you give yourself a sucking kiss, the same thing happens as with pumping only then on micro level. Whatdo see afterwards? All little vessels beeing bursted and bleeding underneath your skin. Now maximize this on to pumping scale, you are  now deeper in the skin, no longer talking about the little bursted capillaries anymore but you are touching the big arteries now. Have you all heard of valves? They are like doors to have a normal blood flow, one door opens the other door shuts and so the blood moves through your body without the valves blood starts pooling and has poor movement......these valves are like custom made, a little bit wider vein or some other damage breaks the valves like this picture( )

And you get what I have, more suspitable to disaese and inflammotion, bc of blood pooling instead of streaming through veins. Quickly tired, reduced endurance, nausea, bc it impacts the veins in the neck area as well, stomach and other problems in the belly area, different skin color then  before noogling, easy weightloss, and cold breasts. All complaints the noogleberry gave me. Not to say about the ugly nipples noogleberry gave me. Oh I also got acne straight after I noogled. With good diet its managable now, but ill have to take better care because this really damaged my body permanently. I cried years after making the mistake to Noogle.

Thats why everytime somebody opens up with problems from the Noogleberry, I speak out. Maybe if many girls would have the same experience we can do something. Because there is one person getting rich whilst making others diseased, and this person knows, yet she continues to sell these pumps. Sad for so many young girls thinking the Noogleberry is a harmless device.

Blood pooling.  Yes, that may be what's happening.  But there has to be an answer of what is causing it?  You never got to the root cause?  Does broken blood vessels seem like something it could be?

Its the valves that dont shut anymore... its causing blood to no longer travel up like as a stairs from door to door. The doors just stsy open, the heart and body have to work harder. A automatic response is beeing set on to make you puke but you never actually puke is that how it is for you as well?

I have much more to say but I am kinda blacking out brings up the trouble I try to leave behind(unfixed)  for so long. I dont know how to heal, have tried a lot....

Yes, I have nausea often.  There have to be answers.  No doctors have been able to help me so far which is terrifying.  They just throw antibiotics my way.  This is the first doctor that seems to actually care.  We are just waiting on approval for the CT and to see the ENT.  I am desperate for answers.

(11-09-2018, 20:40)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:34)EllaC Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:18)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 06:32)EllaC Wrote:
I think the hypericum is what I used for exposed nerve on a tooth. Works internally too.

It is not usually pain.  Sometimes I will get a joint pain.  It is mostly a swelling in the neck and lymph node in my neck and under my jaw.  Both on left side only.  Then often extreme nausea and fatigue.  I am thinking it may be damaged blood vessels.  I hope the cat scan and ENT specialist can help.  I've been trying to treat this homeopathically for a year now with a super clean diet.  It may be keeping things from completely falling apart but it's definitely not healing!

That’s tough to hear, you must be quite freaked out to be honest. I thought swollen nodes were signs of infection not inflammation. 
I’m guessing you’ve gone down the road of vein strengthening herbs etc
Lymphatic drainage and rebounding etc to try get the swelling down ?
I know you would have exhausted all natural options Jen I hope you find a resolve x

Yes, I did all that for the first 6 months nothing helped.  Finally went on antibiotics which actually DID help, but everything came back.  It makes me wonder if I just needed stronger antibiotics or to take them longer?  No clue.  The new doctor I have immediately said that it sounds like trauma-related, which I HAVE broken my left elbow and have had two serious facial traumas in the past.  Include extreme pumping on one side and I certainly may have done a lot of damage!
Antibiotics will open up a new world of pain and problems!

Another thought as I’m using a diff kind of pump you continually look down and have your neck on awkward angles, so I’m noticing back pain, neck and shoulder so maybe look at an osteopath to realign your spine, won’t solVe your issues but a misaligned spine can also be responsible for many ills. Don’t see a chiropractor but rather osteo to do it on a much gentle manner, you use you4 own body through exercises to realign

(11-09-2018, 20:49)EllaC Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:40)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:34)EllaC Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:18)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 06:32)EllaC Wrote:
I think the hypericum is what I used for exposed nerve on a tooth. Works internally too.

It is not usually pain.  Sometimes I will get a joint pain.  It is mostly a swelling in the neck and lymph node in my neck and under my jaw.  Both on left side only.  Then often extreme nausea and fatigue.  I am thinking it may be damaged blood vessels.  I hope the cat scan and ENT specialist can help.  I've been trying to treat this homeopathically for a year now with a super clean diet.  It may be keeping things from completely falling apart but it's definitely not healing!

That’s tough to hear, you must be quite freaked out to be honest. I thought swollen nodes were signs of infection not inflammation. 
I’m guessing you’ve gone down the road of vein strengthening herbs etc
Lymphatic drainage and rebounding etc to try get the swelling down ?
I know you would have exhausted all natural options Jen I hope you find a resolve x

Yes, I did all that for the first 6 months nothing helped.  Finally went on antibiotics which actually DID help, but everything came back.  It makes me wonder if I just needed stronger antibiotics or to take them longer?  No clue.  The new doctor I have immediately said that it sounds like trauma-related, which I HAVE broken my left elbow and have had two serious facial traumas in the past.  Include extreme pumping on one side and I certainly may have done a lot of damage!
Antibiotics will open up a new world of pain and problems!

Another thought as I’m using a diff kind of pump you continually look down and have your neck on awkward angles, so I’m noticing back pain, neck and shoulder so maybe look at an osteopath to realign your spine, won’t solVe your issues but a misaligned spine can also be responsible for many ills. Don’t see a chiropractor but rather osteo to do it on a much gentle manner, you use you4 own body through exercises to realign

I would not pump if I were you.  I am completely changing my mind on it.  I noticed from nearly the beginning my arm going numb while pumping but it would always bounce back.  I think I finally caused some serious damage that is only getting worse quickly.

(11-09-2018, 20:37)hannah Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:32)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:27)hannah Wrote:  I remain with it, pumping is not natural. If you apply some logical reasoning on this pumping thing(because we no evidence, the producer doenst care) you get that this plain dangerous. I can give a little example thatsin my mind atm, if you give yourself a sucking kiss, the same thing happens as with pumping only then on micro level. Whatdo see afterwards? All little vessels beeing bursted and bleeding underneath your skin. Now maximize this on to pumping scale, you are  now deeper in the skin, no longer talking about the little bursted capillaries anymore but you are touching the big arteries now. Have you all heard of valves? They are like doors to have a normal blood flow, one door opens the other door shuts and so the blood moves through your body without the valves blood starts pooling and has poor movement......these valves are like custom made, a little bit wider vein or some other damage breaks the valves like this picture( )

And you get what I have, more suspitable to disaese and inflammotion, bc of blood pooling instead of streaming through veins. Quickly tired, reduced endurance, nausea, bc it impacts the veins in the neck area as well, stomach and other problems in the belly area, different skin color then  before noogling, easy weightloss, and cold breasts. All complaints the noogleberry gave me. Not to say about the ugly nipples noogleberry gave me. Oh I also got acne straight after I noogled. With good diet its managable now, but ill have to take better care because this really damaged my body permanently. I cried years after making the mistake to Noogle.

Thats why everytime somebody opens up with problems from the Noogleberry, I speak out. Maybe if many girls would have the same experience we can do something. Because there is one person getting rich whilst making others diseased, and this person knows, yet she continues to sell these pumps. Sad for so many young girls thinking the Noogleberry is a harmless device.

Blood pooling.  Yes, that may be what's happening.  But there has to be an answer of what is causing it?  You never got to the root cause?  Does broken blood vessels seem like something it could be?

Its the valves that dont shut anymore... its causing blood to no longer travel up like as a stairs from door to door. The doors just stsy open, the heart and body have to work harder. A automatic response is beeing set on to make you puke but you never actually puke is that how it is for you as well?

I have much more to say but I am kinda blacking out brings up the trouble I try to leave behind(unfixed)  for so long. I dont know how to heal, have tried a lot....

Edit: The complaints you describe, if I see from my point of view from my misery,  is that when you put so much pressure on dense breast tissue you no longer talk about superficial vessels but about real big capillaries, also the one thats going through your neck, i am nllonger sure but wasnt the name of that vein angina pectora ??? This particular vein idk the name of,causes to seton a automatic response to make you puke.....its just a response.....because this vein is damaged I guess....
Your nausea is double, its a automatic response PLUS you have delayed stomach emptying....because your systemis having a hard time to get the blood around.
This makes you sluggish nauseated and suspitable for inflammationary diseases....
Your delayed stomach emptying makes you nauseated while you eat(i am all talking from my own  experience here) you probably cant eat as much as before because you feel full or nausea quickly.....

Yes, I notice the symptoms flare up when eating.  So you think we may have damaged a serious vein?  But that should show up on a cat scan.

(11-09-2018, 20:43)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:37)hannah Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:32)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:27)hannah Wrote:  I remain with it, pumping is not natural. If you apply some logical reasoning on this pumping thing(because we no evidence, the producer doenst care) you get that this plain dangerous. I can give a little example thatsin my mind atm, if you give yourself a sucking kiss, the same thing happens as with pumping only then on micro level. Whatdo see afterwards? All little vessels beeing bursted and bleeding underneath your skin. Now maximize this on to pumping scale, you are  now deeper in the skin, no longer talking about the little bursted capillaries anymore but you are touching the big arteries now. Have you all heard of valves? They are like doors to have a normal blood flow, one door opens the other door shuts and so the blood moves through your body without the valves blood starts pooling and has poor movement......these valves are like custom made, a little bit wider vein or some other damage breaks the valves like this picture( )

And you get what I have, more suspitable to disaese and inflammotion, bc of blood pooling instead of streaming through veins. Quickly tired, reduced endurance, nausea, bc it impacts the veins in the neck area as well, stomach and other problems in the belly area, different skin color then  before noogling, easy weightloss, and cold breasts. All complaints the noogleberry gave me. Not to say about the ugly nipples noogleberry gave me. Oh I also got acne straight after I noogled. With good diet its managable now, but ill have to take better care because this really damaged my body permanently. I cried years after making the mistake to Noogle.

Thats why everytime somebody opens up with problems from the Noogleberry, I speak out. Maybe if many girls would have the same experience we can do something. Because there is one person getting rich whilst making others diseased, and this person knows, yet she continues to sell these pumps. Sad for so many young girls thinking the Noogleberry is a harmless device.

Blood pooling.  Yes, that may be what's happening.  But there has to be an answer of what is causing it?  You never got to the root cause?  Does broken blood vessels seem like something it could be?

Its the valves that dont shut anymore... its causing blood to no longer travel up like as a stairs from door to door. The doors just stsy open, the heart and body have to work harder. A automatic response is beeing set on to make you puke but you never actually puke is that how it is for you as well?

I have much more to say but I am kinda blacking out brings up the trouble I try to leave behind(unfixed)  for so long. I dont know how to heal, have tried a lot....

Yes, I have nausea often.  There have to be answers.  No doctors have been able to help me so far which is terrifying.  They just throw antibiotics my way.  This is the first doctor that seems to actually care.  We are just waiting on approval for the CT and to see the ENT.  I am desperate for answers.

For me high dosages of vitC natural, and supplements plus eating foods high in flavanoids making it more managable. I used to suffer from thisall day and night, right know its a ciuple of times a week that i feel nausea. Just waiting doesnt help....its been yeaaaars that I used the invention of miss serialkiller Dann or whatever her name is. And still I suffer, I always longed for a big thread like this to get it all to the judge with many girls..

My doctors didnt knew, i dont want to tell anybody I used that thing, so its impossible to help me. I just think perhaps surgical intervention could help, but it will never be 100% the same. I dislike the fact that I get stress easily bc my system is already aggjtated from the hard work, then geting in a diffecult situation makes my heart beat like crazy....the peace in my body is kinda gone, and I often feel restless. I have restless legs too, and mylegs became verythin as with an old person..
All I did was the same as everybody in her fake forum did.....some gentle purple or red breasts, not even ring marks or indentions..

(11-09-2018, 20:37)hannah Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:32)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(11-09-2018, 20:27)hannah Wrote:  I remain with it, pumping is not natural. If you apply some logical reasoning on this pumping thing(because we no evidence, the producer doenst care) you get that this plain dangerous. I can give a little example thatsin my mind atm, if you give yourself a sucking kiss, the same thing happens as with pumping only then on micro level. Whatdo see afterwards? All little vessels beeing bursted and bleeding underneath your skin. Now maximize this on to pumping scale, you are  now deeper in the skin, no longer talking about the little bursted capillaries anymore but you are touching the big arteries now. Have you all heard of valves? They are like doors to have a normal blood flow, one door opens the other door shuts and so the blood moves through your body without the valves blood starts pooling and has poor movement......these valves are like custom made, a little bit wider vein or some other damage breaks the valves like this picture( )

And you get what I have, more suspitable to disaese and inflammotion, bc of blood pooling instead of streaming through veins. Quickly tired, reduced endurance, nausea, bc it impacts the veins in the neck area as well, stomach and other problems in the belly area, different skin color then  before noogling, easy weightloss, and cold breasts. All complaints the noogleberry gave me. Not to say about the ugly nipples noogleberry gave me. Oh I also got acne straight after I noogled. With good diet its managable now, but ill have to take better care because this really damaged my body permanently. I cried years after making the mistake to Noogle.

Thats why everytime somebody opens up with problems from the Noogleberry, I speak out. Maybe if many girls would have the same experience we can do something. Because there is one person getting rich whilst making others diseased, and this person knows, yet she continues to sell these pumps. Sad for so many young girls thinking the Noogleberry is a harmless device.

Blood pooling.  Yes, that may be what's happening.  But there has to be an answer of what is causing it?  You never got to the root cause?  Does broken blood vessels seem like something it could be?

Its the valves that dont shut anymore... its causing blood to no longer travel up like as a stairs from door to door. The doors just stsy open, the heart and body have to work harder. A automatic response is beeing set on to make you puke but you never actually puke is that how it is for you as well?

I have much more to say but I am kinda blacking out brings up the trouble I try to leave behind(unfixed)  for so long. I dont know how to heal, have tried a lot....

Edit: The complaints you describe, if I see from my point of view from my misery,  is that when you put so much pressure on dense breast tissue you no longer talk about superficial vessels but about real big capillaries, also the one thats going through your neck, i am nllonger sure but wasnt the name of that vein angina pectora ??? This particular vein idk the name of,causes to seton a automatic response to make you puke.....its just a response.....because this vein is damaged I guess....
Your nausea is double, its a automatic response PLUS you have delayed stomach emptying....because your systemis having a hard time to get the blood around.
This makes you sluggish nauseated and suspitable for inflammationary diseases....
Your delayed stomach emptying makes you nauseated while you eat(i am all talking from my own  experience here) you probably cant eat as much as before because you feel full or nausea quickly.....

Hey I just looked at your threads and it looks like you smoke daily??  Is that still true?  I was thinking that anything that constricts the blood vessels, such as caffeine and smoking, causes way more problems.  I don't smoke cigarettes but occasionally weed and noticed that throws me over.

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