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Porn and Pumping?


Not sure if this has been asked before buttt... we get aroused and our breasts tend to get bigger right? I'm not sure which type of hormones lead to that but I'm guessing the breasts are getting some flow to it when they're aroused. So would it be helpful to be turned on and noogle at the same time?

(16-10-2017, 22:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  Not sure if this has been asked before buttt... we get aroused and our breasts tend to get bigger right? I'm not sure which type of hormones lead to that but I'm guessing the breasts are getting some flow to it when they're aroused. So would it be helpful to be turned on and noogle at the same time?

Oxytocin yeh... makes perfect sense, all the girls I knew growing up who loved sex all had big boobs!

(17-10-2017, 04:04)EllaC Wrote:  
(16-10-2017, 22:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  Not sure if this has been asked before buttt... we get aroused and our breasts tend to get bigger right? I'm not sure which type of hormones lead to that but I'm guessing the breasts are getting some flow to it when they're aroused. So would it be helpful to be turned on and noogle at the same time?

Oxytocin yeh... makes perfect sense, all the girls I knew growing up who loved sex all had big boobs!

I often wonder why i don't have the biggest melons around lol

(17-10-2017, 06:10)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(17-10-2017, 04:04)EllaC Wrote:  
(16-10-2017, 22:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  Not sure if this has been asked before buttt... we get aroused and our breasts tend to get bigger right? I'm not sure which type of hormones lead to that but I'm guessing the breasts are getting some flow to it when they're aroused. So would it be helpful to be turned on and noogle at the same time?

Oxytocin yeh... makes perfect sense, all the girls I knew growing up who loved sex all had big boobs!

I often wonder why i don't have the biggest melons around lol

Yeh well I was never really into sex either and never orgasimned for that matter either... makes you wonder....

I reckon mine was BC and really makes me wonder what to about my girls (kids) as they grow up i guess educate the crap out of them and avoid BC i really think its no good yes it stops pregancies but doesnt stop disease and messes with hormones at a vital stage of development. My eldest is 11 so i guess the time will be here before i know it! 

And as for orgasms - i recently mastered that beast through some tantra practices and once i learnt i just had to let go and be in the moment bam there they were.
 There's a male and female book by a tantric couple (Australians) her book is called 'sexy & sacred' by Diane Riley not sure what male one is called but my hubby read it and taught himself how to last longer which is great they explain women simmer and if they (man) can last abit longer they can get us to boil over 'orgasm' generally once i boil over once it happens again and again. Its absolutely life changing experience and i wish all women could experience it! Sorry if tmi lol

(17-10-2017, 07:58)Chrissygwy Wrote:  I reckon mine was BC and really makes me wonder what to about my girls (kids) as they grow up i guess educate the crap out of them and avoid BC i really think its no good yes it stops pregancies but doesnt stop disease and messes with hormones at a vital stage of development. My eldest is 11 so i guess the time will be here before i know it! 

And as for orgasms - i recently mastered that beast through some tantra practices and once i learnt i just had to let go and be in the moment bam there they were.
 There's a male and female book by a tantric couple (Australians) her book is called 'sexy & sacred' by Diane Riley not sure what male one is called but my hubby read it and taught himself how to last longer which is great they explain women simmer and if they (man) can last abit longer they can get us to boil over 'orgasm' generally once i boil over once it happens again and again. Its absolutely life changing experience and i wish all women could experience it! Sorry if tmi lol

Oh wow that’s a book and a half then! Tell you what... EVERY friend I have who took BC long term ALL have pcos now. No lie!! Tell you what I hardly used BC at all and for all my years being active sexually I Never had an unwanted pregnancy. I think you can be pretty cautious these days. That’s not to say accident last don’t happen but my girl .. well I’ll encourage her to not use BC unless it really was needed ya know

Yeah i think its got to change we've got to stop with pharmaceuticals and let our bodies do their thing. Dont get me wrong they have their place but not in everyday life and not for otherwise healthy people. I think we're getting there i think people are waking up. I have faith in humanity!

Hey AthenaGirl,

So have you had any luck with this method or even tried it? It sounds interesting and like it would work. Good luck.

(16-10-2017, 22:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  Not sure if this has been asked before buttt... we get aroused and our breasts tend to get bigger right? I'm not sure which type of hormones lead to that but I'm guessing the breasts are getting some flow to it when they're aroused. So would it be helpful to be turned on and noogle at the same time?

Saw the subject and I was like "okay I have click on that one." lol

(16-10-2017, 22:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  we get aroused and our breasts tend to get bigger right? I'm not sure which type of hormones lead to that.

I thought it was just blood flow.

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