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No growing pains/tingles while on NBE herbs


Is it possible to grow without feeling any growing pains or tingles in your breasts while taking phytoestrogens? Have any of you experienced any growth without feeling any aches?

I don't get any growing pains, either! Or tingles.

But when I think back to puberty and also how much my breasts grew with pregnancy/breastfeeding, I don't think I ever felt any growing pains or tingles then either. So maybe it is possible with NBE to not feel it? Kinda sucks cause it makes me unsure about if it's working or not.

I'm interested in hearing what others have to say. Smile

(18-08-2017, 10:38)bettie32 Wrote:  Is it possible to grow without feeling any growing pains or tingles in your breasts while taking phytoestrogens? Have any of you experienced any growth without feeling any aches?

I rarely experience any growing pains or tingles, which did worry me at first because I thought it was something I was supposed to feel often. I've had tingles in my breasts a few times, but it was really so subtle and brief that I've wondered if it was all in my head. For the most part, my breasts don't really feel any different while on herbs. The only change I've noticed is that before I got on herbs I was much smaller and I never really experienced luteal swelling, and now I do regularly with each cycle. I remember the first time I experienced it my breasts felt swollen and heavier, but now I guess I must be used to it because it's not such a big deal now. 

For me, what I notice is that during follicular when I'm on PM, my breasts don't change at all. It isn't until luteal that my breasts start to swell (usually a little over 2 inches). Then at the end of my period when I'm back in follicular phase my breasts retains only about 1/4 of an inch of the swelling. This happens pretty consistently. So what I think is that if you're experiencing luteal swelling and retaining even a little of the growth by the end of the period, it's a good sign that the phytoestrogens you're taking are working and eventually with each cycle that growth will add up. If you're not experiencing this at all, I think that's more of a sign that they aren't working than the absence of "growth pains" or "tingles".

Hope this helps!


Thank you Tinydear and Zara for your feedback! <3 I feel better knowing neither of you experience growing pains/tingles too.

Tinydear, I think we can relax now coz have you seen Zara's progress pics?? She has really grown on PM and the fact that she rarely feels pains/tingles, means growth is possible without any aches!

Zara, interesting how you swell during luteal now that you've started PM. It's a good sign, especially that you're retaining some of it. I've actually always experienced luteal swelling (we're all different) and as for retaining the swelling....we'll see! :-)

Yes that is awesome news! I don't think I've seen her pics but I've seen the measurements so that's really good either way!! I'm on PM now also so I hope to see results, too. Smile

No I don't get any pains or tingles

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