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Super Bazongas free ebook


Hi. Anyone have an updated link for the ebook? 
It doesn't seem to be working now.

The new link is https://bazongas.wordpress.com (scroll down to the bottom of the page).

(31-08-2023, 21:55)Believer91 Wrote:  Hello! I really enjoyed reading all your threads. I’ve tried to click on your links to website but Safari cannot open is what it keeps telling me. I am on my iphone maybe that is why.
It was down, it wasn't about your phone. I'm sorry. Thank you for your comments.
(14-11-2023, 09:47)DustBunny Wrote:  Hi. Anyone have an updated link for the ebook? 
It doesn't seem to be working now.
Thank you for asking about it!!! She gave the correct answer.
(14-11-2023, 13:30)Charley Rose Wrote:  The new link is https://bazongas.wordpress.com (scroll down to the bottom of the page).
Thank you so much for posting that!!!

http://breast.is is up for now, which is the full site. I'm sorry, it was down for a little over a year. The Wordpress site is the back up site, which is watered down.

I temporarily lost an account related to hosting due to an automated process. It was a matter of time before I regained access to that part. I always kept control of the domain account, so that wasn't an issue.

(31-08-2023, 21:55)Believer91 Wrote:  I did have a question or a thought. Do you think it is better to just try to balance all your hormones daily? Or do I need to incorporate different herbs and massage during certain parts of the menstrual cycles? Also I don’t really understand all the different phases and numbers and actually have no clu to what phase I am in right now. My last one ended this past Sunday. 
So far I have started with just massage for about 3 weeks now. And I started taking flaxseed and maca and yellow dock skin cleanse which has some good nbe herbs in it but it’s mostly for my skin. I’m also listening to the ringtone and subliminal and hyponos.
Hi, balance hormones according to signs and phase. There's three basic parts of the menstrual cycle: menses, proliferative and luteal. Each phase behaves differently. For menses, lower the intensity of it, reduce brown spotting and try to minimize unwanted symptoms.

Quote:I’ve noticed growth in the first couple of days but I think it’s because I was getting my period and them shrunk back. I still feel growth like pains though so I think something is happening!
They shrunk back, because a lot of it was due to swelling, and swelling may also cause shrinkage. Swelling left over from luteal phase is common during menses. Often hip increases after breast shrinkages may stay. Growing pains don't necessarily mean there will be growth, it could also be shrinkage, depending on hormonal and metabolic effect.

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