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Hi everyone!


Hi guys!

I'm RandomX. I'm really into breast expansion. I realized I liked big breasts when I was around 14 or 15. When I was 18, I started trying to get bigger. I was a D when I graduated high school. I'm now in my 30's and an H cup. (My body was really receptive). I did everything from BE bubble gum (not even remotely effective) to hypnosis (minimally effective) to a whole rigmarole of herbs and creams (incredibly effective but some of it tasted like curdled mule butts).

I fully admit that I'm a bit off my rocker to want them even bigger, but I hope that in a community like this, it is understood! I recently was sterilized (unrelated to this), which meant as a bonus that I could get off of the pill and start trying to grow again. My husband and I have done extensive research thanks to your posts. I'm going on the 14 day cycle of pills and progesterone cream. I just began my cleanse and I'm antsy and giddy to get going!

So yes, there we go. Hi everyone! Nice to be here! I'll probably end up lurking as I've done my time on forums and don't know how much I have to contribute to the conversation. On the off chance I don't, I wanted to say hi and introduce myself!

Welcome to the forum, happy growing !!

Welcome Randomx,

Sounds exciting, make sure to get pre-nbe measurements (of each breast) for tracking purposes, photo evidence works too (sharing pics is up to you, and hubby too). Wink

Good luck, and welcome. Big Grin

Hello RandomX.

Welcome to the forum! Smile

Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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