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Herbs interaction with birth control


Birth Control Interaction??
November 19 2005 at 4:03 PM Louise (no login)

I have just started on fenugreek and sp but am on the pill too. I was just wondering how long after stopping the herbs will the pill be effective again please as my boyfriend is back from being away in a few weeks and i dont want to get pregnant when hes back?/ Any replies would be great


(no login)
Re: Birth Control Interaction??
November 19 2005, 10:34 PM

Hi, I have been on the pill the entire time I have been on Individual Herbs and I don't use additional protection. I'm not pregnant either. I actually called planned parenthood and asked if taking those herbs would affect the pill at all. The nurse was not there at the time but the assistant told me that she was pretty positive they would not have any affect on the pill.

If you want to be absolutely certain you can call any pharmacist and ask them and they will be able to tell you 100%.

(no login)
Re: Birth Control Interaction??
November 21 2005, 6:51 PM

it still doesnt hurt to have back up contraceptive. especially if you really really dont want to get pregnant. i Used foam and condoms normally as extra protection and its really not too expensive.

(no login)
Re: Birth Control Interaction??
November 21 2005, 10:22 PM

I read several times that Saw Palmetto can potentially interfere with birth control pills, you just have to google it and will find it yourself.
I just don't trust it enough to not use extra protection, so like SugarQ I am using condoms and am using this time to be off the pill for a while, one less pill I have to think of, so I don't mind it too much just now. :-)

(no login)
Re: Birth Control Interaction??
November 22 2005, 9:15 PM

Thanks a million for your replies. I have googled all the herbs and some websites say they are ok to take and dont interfere and some do. I asked in the health shop when I was buying the herbs and the girl behind the counter said that none of them should but Im just afraid she mightnt know?

(no login)
Re: Birth Control Interaction??
November 22 2005, 9:53 PM

Louise, where do you live, in the UK or in the US? In the UK there is a store called Napiers and they have a herbal advice line you can call between 9 and 1 or something every day and speak to a trained herbalist. It costs something but I think they will be able to tell you for definite if there is any interaction or if there is any doubt.
You can google them and will find their website no problem.
Let us know if you find out anything more and good luck growing,

(no login)
Re: Birth Control Interaction??
November 22 2005, 11:38 PM

If you want to know 100% you should call a pharmacist. They know everything there is to know about mixing things together and having problems or not. That is their job. And considering you can get your pills from the pharmacist, they would know.
If I remember, I will call tomorrow and ask for sure and post it here.

(no login)
Re: Birth Control Interaction??
November 23 2005, 4:47 PM


As you may have gathered from the responses there are simply no definites in this area. No one is positive whether there is some interference or not. So, I would guess that it is even less evident how long interference could last after ending the herbs.

My suggestion:

Unless your boyfriend is very unreasonable, you have 2 options:

1) Tell him about the herbs and the possible interaction with your pills, and use a condom, or

2) If you don't want him to know about the herbs, tell him that you have messed up with your BC(which may be true) and don't want to chance getting pregnant(which is definitely true), and use a condom.

If you really hate the condom, the foams alone are an option, but not a very good one.

If he is very unreasonable. Drop your BE herbs ASAP, and hope for the best!

(no login)
ok I checked it out with my doc
December 6 2005, 10:31 PM

hiya, me back again. I was at the doc today gettting a repeat prescription for my bc and decided to ask her if it was ok to take the herbs and bc together. I told her I was taking SP, Fenugreek, Evening Primrose Oil, Wild Yam Root and Flaxseed Oil.

She told me none of them should interfere with my BC and I double checked cause I told her in no uncertain terms I did not want to get pregnant and she said I would be ok.

Hope this helps anyone else with the same question as me!!!

(no login)
Re: ok I checked it out with my doc
December 7 2005, 10:47 AM

I have never heard of anyone saying that these herbs interfered with their contraceptive pill, except in the case of pueraria mirifica.

(no login)
Re: ok I checked it out with my doc
December 7 2005, 6:16 PM

Yes I heard of someone saying they had a problem with BCP when taking PM. But other herbs, no I've never heard of anyone saying it made their contraceptive pill fail.

Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 6 2006 at 9:24 PM
Ada (Login pinktatsu)

Does the "herbs" interfiere with the Birth control pills?? Anyone in this forum is on Bcp and taking herbs?? Im 6 months married, so i cant get off the pill... is it safe for me to start an Herb routine??

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 6 2006, 9:51 PM

Hello and welcome to the forum.
The only NBE herb that I know off that "MAY" interfere with BCP is Saw Palmetto so you may not want to take that in combintation with the pill or other hormonal contraceptives. Some say that it doesn't interfere but I have found enough websites stating that it could so I don't use both BCP and SP at the same time, but it really is your choice. You can ask a herbalist or doctor on their views but as long as I don't know 100% I am just not using both together myself.
You can use Nettle instead as a dht blocker to lower androgen levels and I am sure that maybe Molly or SugarQ can list some more herbs that do the same and maybe have some advice on dosages as well.
Beside the Saw Palmetto you should be safe, taking Fenugreek etc. should not interfere with BCP.
I hope this helps,
good luck,

(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 6 2006, 9:51 PM

Hi Ada
I'm takeing bc and havent had any problems at all.

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 6 2006, 10:16 PM

im not ass conserned about BC failing as i do about negative side effects . a few women on BC have been having problems. i dont know if its a coincidence but i would recommend not being on a hormonal BC while doing NBE with herbs just to be on the safe side. SP is said to interfere with estrogen levels and prolactin levels. i dont know if thats true or not but most women can get away without adding it to a routine so you can try your routine without SP for a bit. At least 3 women i know got pregnant while usings using Herbs and BCP together and thats not very bad odd actually. but if pregnancy is a big concern then take exta precausions.

(no login)
Re: Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 6 2006, 10:52 PM

Thanks for your replies.. i'll start with my herbal routine soon! any recomendation?>?

(Login ChristinaABC)
Re: Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 6 2006, 11:09 PM

I've been on Ortho-tri-cyclen for years. I started taking herbs last August and have not had a single problem.

Im taking
Saw Palmetto
Borage Oil
Maxi-Hair Vitamin

I have asked my family DR, 2 nurses, and my pharmacist and they say it will NOT have any effect of the effectiveness of the pill.

However, you can ask your own people and see what they say. Or if you are really worried about it, I'd use a back-up method. Though I personally do not think it is necessary......and also not as fun ; )

(Login pinktatsu)
I Feel better now!
June 7 2006, 6:21 AM

Thank you for your help Christina, now that u're saying that u asked a doctor and 2 nurses, now i feel so much better! And about the back up method.. i dont think my husband would be "thrilled" at all!! I'll start with my routine!! HAppy boobie growing to you! and thanks!!

(Login Miss_Sherri)
Re: Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 7 2006, 10:15 PM

Ive been on BC and herbs together for going on 4 months and I am fine. I have been growing. The only thing is this past month I experienced bleeding for a few days about 10 days after my period, but this has happened to me in the past, so Im not too worried about it.

(Login ChristinaABC)
Re: Herbs and Birth control Pills???
June 7 2006, 11:14 PM

You are very welcome ADA. There have been a whole bunch of women on BCP who are taking herbs as well with no side effects or lack of effictiveness.

I know what you mean about your husband not being "thrilled" about a back up method ; ) he he

Good luck. Be sure to let us all know what your routine will be and then how you are doing with it.

(Login pinktatsu)
thinking about trying Wonderup
June 8 2006, 6:20 AM

Thank you so much you all !! and i will post my routine as soon as i start it.. 'cause now i am debating doing the herb routine or trying wonderup... i tried "vanity" but i only got the fullness (no growth) and only in the first month, and i've heard a lot of positive comments on wonderup, so i was thinking i should give it a try... has it worked for any of you girls?

Ladies on birth control... TAKE CAUTION!
October 24 2006 at 5:20 AM
Miss Monet (Login friskyflirt)

Came across this article during my research on NBE herbal supplements:

Seems that some of the herbs we are taking (in this article: HOPS, PUERARIA MIRIFICA, SAW PALMETTO, & WILD YAM) may decrease the effectiveness of our birth control.

Thought this was something to acknowledge and look into...

(Login emmiedee)
October 24 2006, 6:39 PM

i heard the same thing about all but the hops... so i am waiting until after this bout of seeing my husband to start back on saw palmetto!

hops is an interesting one... because it is in beer, but they dont tell you when you start birth control not to drink!

thanks for the info!

hugs and good boobie wishes!

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Ladies on birth control... TAKE CAUTION!
October 25 2006, 1:02 AM

I found some more websites about herbs (& vitamins/minerals) that may interfere with birth control:

I keep seeing St. John's Wort on the "bad list" when dealing with birth control, so I think it'd be smart to stear clear from it. I've also seen numerous mentionings of Wild Yam being an herb that may hinder oral contraceptive effectiveness. Some vitamins & minerals that may affect bc effectiveness are: Calicium, Copper, Iron, Vitamin A, & Manganese.

Now, I don't think it's particulary BAD to consume any of these --- as in, it won't *kill* you or damage you in any way. I think they're just saying that if you plan to be sexually active to avoid these herbs/vitamins/minerals since your chances of getting pregnant are much higher.

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Ladies on birth control... TAKE CAUTION!
October 25 2006, 10:58 AM

Well if we avoid things like iron and calcium we probably won't live for much longer anyway, so the last thing we'd need to worry about is birth control. Iron and calcium are essential for life. And if hops was a problem, surely women on birth control would be advised to stay off the Guinness?

(Login Sabrina.)
Re: Ladies on birth control... TAKE CAUTION!
October 25 2006, 9:54 PM

I think Jennelle has a point there. Thanks for caring about us though Miss Monet. Your pic's really nice by the way.


Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Ladies on birth control... TAKE CAUTION!
October 25 2006, 11:25 PM

haha yeah, I know what you mean. I *LOVE* milk, so if calicum decreases birth control effectiveness than I've been screwing myself from the beginning! haha Tongue

No, but, I think they mean taking any of these vitamins/minerals in *excess*. Like, don't take calicum or iron pills on top of getting a full day's worth of calicum & iron, ya know?

But yeah... I'm a college student, and when there's a party I definately go for the beer! haha Not so much Guinness... never tried it actually... but Corona Extra for sure! Or Molson Ice... or Bass... Smile I'm so terrible. haha

What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 9 2007 at 6:55 AM Natalia (Login starlessdreamer8)

I am considering starting a herb program, I have been massaging. However I am on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo, and have an active sex life, so I can not afford to use herbs that will seriously affect my birth control. Any suggestions or a list of herbs that affect BC?

(Login Tessica)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 9 2007, 8:09 AM

I've read that saw palmetto can, but I'm not sure if any others do.

(Login _violet_)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 9 2007, 12:31 PM

I've read in many websites that vitex isn't recommended to be taken whilst on the BCP as they may interfere with each other.

(Login xtina12)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 9 2007, 1:15 PM

I know black cohosh will def effect the dependability of birth control. but thats the only herb I read of that will for sure, and I've seen this fact stated in various sources.

(Login starlessdreamer8)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 10 2007, 6:37 AM

Thanks so much. I really want to start taking herbs, but I'm still a little worried.

(no login)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 10 2007, 5:16 PM

The girls are right, all those shouldn't be combined with BCP.
Generally Fennel, Fenugreek and Nettle root can be regarded as safe to take with BCP. The best way to find out is to just type the herb you are interested into google as well as "birth control interactions" or the like.

(Login chiquita83)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 10 2007, 8:11 PM

vitex affects bcp??? i thought i read on another thread that it didnt...Sad...gotta do more research..dont want to interfere with my bcp...ahhh!are u absolutely sure that it does???

(no login) does NOT
January 10 2007, 9:05 PM

Vitex DOESN'T cause problems with BCP!

This is the fourth time I've posted this now, and people still seem not to be taking it in. Here it is again, but if in doubt after this again, do what I did - and ASK your doctor!

After I originlly read this online, I checked with my GP, who is very open to her patients taking herbs, and great to deal with. She told me Agnus Castus will NOT react with, or negate the effects of my bcp, or vice-versa (this has been checked twice now, as I was on Yasmin, and am now on Cilest) so I happily take it and have done since 15th September.

Once again, for those about to say it was only tested with Marvelon, no, it was not. The original test was with Marvelon, then all top 100 bcp pills were tested.

Copied directly: from

Does Agnus Castus interact with contraception pill

Agnus CastusNAPS Expert Panel recently received an enquiry regarding the use of Agnus Castus and risks of any interaction if used at the same time as Marvelon, oral contraceptive pill.
Following research by NAPS research GP Dr Carrie Sadler and Lichtwer, the company which supplies Agnus Castus, there seems to be no evidence to suggest that Agnus Castus interferes in any way with the actions of other medicines.

Agnus castus is a herbal medicine which can be used for menstrual problems. It contains no oestrogen-like compounds, but seems to work by affecting the release of specific hormones from the pituitary gland in the brain.

Lichtwer looked specifically for information about any possible interaction between Agnus Castus and the hormones used in oral contraceptives but found no information in any of the standard reference books to indicate any interaction with the contraceptive pill. These books included Herbal Medicines by Barnes, Anderson and Phillipson, Martindale: The complete drug reference from the Pharmaceutical Press, ESCOP Monographs by the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy, as well as a literature search using PubMed, a data-base service operated by the US National Library of Medicine and the US National Institutes of Health. In 47 publications relating to Agnus Castus, the company found "no information that any interaction has ever been reported after using Agnus Castus. It thus seems highly unlikely that there will be any interaction between Agnus Castus and the oral contraceptive pill," Lichtwer commented. Dr Carrie Sadler agrees. "There is no evidence that Agnus Castus affects the contraceptive efficacy of the pill."

Lichtwer did question whether it was necessary to take Agnus Castus if already on the pill as both products address similar menstrual problems.

So, it does NOT appear to negate the effects at all.

(Login js89)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 10 2007, 9:10 PM

"Herbs to avoid while using hormonal birth control include St. John’s Wort, Vitex (chasteberry), Red Clover, Black and Blue Cohosh, Fennel, Hops, Dong Quai, Wild Yam, and Licorice. There could be many other herbs that interfere with the effectiveness of birth control, but because few studies have been done, it is not known which ones do this. Most of the herbs listed interfere because of their properties. All of them, except for the Licorice and St. John’s Wort, contain hormones (mostly estrogen) and can interfere with hormonal birth control by providing too much, or by causing the body to try to ‘correct’ any hormonal imbalance present".

I copied this off a web site after searching Google for Vitex birth control interactions.

(Login starlessdreamer8)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 10 2007, 9:12 PM

For those of you on birth control, who are sexually active, what herbs do you use?

(no login)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 11 2007, 2:48 PM

Hi Natalia, I am on yasmin and use Nettle root and Fenugreek. For more details just check my programs page.

(Login chiquita83)
vitex DOES interact with my BCP...
January 11 2007, 9:18 PM

i do know that vitex DOES interact with my BCP( I use the Orth-Evra transdermal patch)...I found in this article its drug interactions and found that one of the ingredients in my BCP is listed on there so I will NOT be taking vitex...instead i will substitute it for maca root. Here is the article where I found this out...I'll include the link at the bottom in case u want to check it out might want to check if your BCP has any of these ingredients...hope this helpsSmile


***Vitex Risks & Side Effects***

Vitex agnus castus is exceptionally safe. In one study, chaste tree berry was given up to 9 years with very few side effects.

It's advisable to not take vitex if you are pregnant.

--Drug Interactions

Interactions with hormone replacement therapy (potential/theoretical). Animal studies and human data have reported that chasteberry constituents have hormonal activity that may alter the effects of these medications and possibly the dose needed for treatment. conjugated estrogens, estradiol, estrone, esterified estrogens, estropipate, ethinyl estradiol, progesterone, medroxyprogesterone, hydroxyprogesterone, norethindrone.

Interactions with oral contraceptives (potential/theoretical). Animal studies and human data have reported that chasteberry constituents have hormonal activity that may alter the effects of these medications and possibly the dose needed for treatment: norethindrone, ethynodiol diacetate, norgestrel, norgestimate, ethinyl estradiol, drospirenone, desogestrel, levonorgestrel .

Interactions with dopamine agonists (potential/theoretical). An in-vitro study reported that chasteberry constituents had dopaminergic activity that may alter the effects of these medications and possibly the dose needed for treatment: selegeline, amantadine, carbidopa, levadopa, pramipexole, ropinirole, bromocriptine, pergolide. If you are taking any of these medication, it's a good idea to consult with your physician before taking vitex.


Here is the link as well:

glad i found it otherwise there could have been a big im definitely not ready for my research maca root is in the cear and good to go so im happy about thatSmilegood luck and best wishes to all!!Smile

(Login em357304)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 11 2007, 10:04 PM

I use the nuva ring and I use fenugreek, saw palmetto, EPO, wild yam, flaxseed oil...been using since August and haven't had any problems...

(Login ariesxtreme)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 12 2007, 9:49 PM

Before I start the program also does anyone know of a link or an actual list of herbs that shouldn't be used with BC? I know I can use Fenugreek and would like to use Saw Palmetto, Red Clover and perhaps a few others.

(no login)
January 12 2007, 9:55 PM

Here's a link to some of the most commonly used herbs for NBE. Saw Palmetto should definately be avoided. Some saw palmetto bottles will have warnings against this. You can substitute it for nettle root instead though.

(Login ariesxtreme)
Re: What herbs affecrt birth control?
January 12 2007, 10:06 PM

Thank you,

I'm just getting confused with all the herbs that one should take in conjunction with fenugreek to regulate hormones and such. Just joined and the whole estrogen vs phytoestrogen deal is a bit confusing.

Contraceptive pill and breast enhancement
August 1 2005 at 8:51 PM Vicki (no login)

I've recently lost excess weight but unfortunatly my breasts have reduced too! obv not happy about that! so i took tablets called Ultra Breast Enhancer which worked a bit but not as much as i would like. Thinking of Wonderup now.

Since finishing the course i have recently gone on contraceptive pill - Microgynon 30

So what i am worried about is will taking further herbal breast tablets affect the pill? or if i take just the fenugreek and saw palmetto that others here r doing.

Will either reduce the effectiveness of the other?

Thanks in advance for any help!


(no login)
Re: Contraceptive pill and breast enhancement
August 1 2005, 9:45 PM

The Saw Palmetto is said to reduce the protection of the contraceptive pill, I am taking the Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto and since have been using extra protection as I just don't want to get pregnant.
If there is no Saw Palmetto in the Wonderup pills I think you should be fine, I took Breast Gain Plus for five months and was on the pill without extra contraception during that time and didn't get pregnant. Usually they tell you on the website if there is something to be worried about, just have a read through their FAQ and it should tell you.
Good luck with whatever you decide to take,

(no login)
Re: Contraceptive pill and breast enhancement
August 5 2005, 7:30 AM

I have heard it said that Saw Palmetto affects the contraceptive pill, although a lot of women seem to take it. Wonderup does not contain any Saw Palmetto. I think this is because Wonderup uses only European ingredients, so it wouldn't contain Saw Palmetto for that reason.

(Login Melody_of_Dismay)
Re: Contraceptive pill and breast enhancement
August 5 2005, 11:09 PM

Hi Vicki,

Congrats on your weight loss, and I hope you are proud of the results from your efforts! Smile

From what I know, Ultra Breast is a bovine ovary breast enlargement product, and Wonderup is an herbal breast enlargement product. There is not as much information published about the use of bovine ovary supplements as there is with the use of herbal supplements.

I have read from different articles that a lot of the herbs found in herbal breast enlargement products can interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills. When I was on Quick Bust breast enlargement pills, I took the Quick Bust bottle to a pharmacist, and he told me that fenugreek, black cohosh, damiana, saw palmetto, and wild yam can all prevent my birth control pills from working.

Here are some interesting articles that outline certain herbs that prevent birth control pills from working:

These article state that saw palmetto, wild yam, vitex (chasteberry), black (and blue) cohosh, dong quai, red clover, St. John's Wort, licorice, hops, and many other herbs can prevent birth control pills from working. The second article says that fenugreek and saw palmetto should be avoiding if you are taking birth control pills.

If you are interested in finding out if other herbs prevent your birth control pills or other medicines from working, then you may want to take a look at these other sites as well (search for each herb and look in the "interactions" sections):

DrugDigest -,3913,,00.html
Healthtouch Online -
Herbnet -
Intelihealth -
Personal Health Zone -
Shoppers Drug Mart HealthWatch® -
Supplement Watch -

I helped put together a list of breast enlargement herbs, their side effects, and their interactions at if anyone is interested.

I would check with a doctor or pharmacist to find out if those herbs would interfere with the effectiveness of your birth control pills--have you already done that?

Good luck, and I hope you find the information you're looking for! Smile


(no login)
Re: Contraceptive pill and breast enhancement
August 6 2005, 10:21 PM

I dont see what the problem is. Just use a condom for 3 months jeez. Whats more important, an faked orgasm and potential STD (birth control does not prevent againsts STDs, its shoking how many people dont realize how ate risk they are) or rounder shaplier breasts?

(no login)
To tati
August 7 2005, 6:50 AM

Not everyone having sex and only using Birth Control Pills is sleeping with every Tom, Dick and Harry. I personally only use the pill, never any condoms and am not at any risk at all for STD's. And that is because I only have sex with my boyfriend.
Besides, if a girl(or guy) is sleeping around with people they don't know to be clean, even if you use a condom, there are still many STD's you can get.
I just think you could have worded what you said differently because what you wrote seems like you are accusing the women on here of sleeping around with random guys they don't know to be clean, which I am sure is not the case.
I am going to call Planned Parenthood(where I get my pills) and see what they saw about the herbs affecting the pill. And if it does affect the pill, how long it will take for the pill to become effective again after you stop taking the herbs. I will post it when I find out.

(no login)
August 7 2005, 3:29 PM

Tati - not every1 sleeps around, i certainly do not, i am on the pill because me and my partner trust each other and do not like condoms.

In regards to others, i am really confused now! lol, i looked on the web site and they said there is no interations then i checked those other websites! (thanks 4 taking time 2 get those btw) Think i'm going to take my chances.

Thanks guys for contructive help.

(no login)
To Vicky
August 7 2005, 7:52 PM

What did you find out on the other websites? You say you are going to take your chances, what do you mean? Please let me know. I am going to call Planned Parenthood tomorrow and see what they say and I will post it here.
p.s. Vicky, we better stop sleeping around, we might get an STD. Ha Ha.

(Login Melody_of_Dismay)
Re: Contraceptive pill and breast enhancement
August 8 2005, 4:59 AM

Hi Tati, I guess it wouldn't be a big deal for some people, but other people taking birth control pills for other reasons. For instance, they may have heavy periods, and birth control pills may help lighten those periods. Other women may have other hormonal imbalance problems that require birth control pills as treatment. I agree with you that a lot of people are at risk for STDs--people need to learn about safer sex and practice it.


(no login)
Contraceptive pills
August 8 2005, 7:43 AM

I'm just thinking that if the herbs caused contraceptive pills to fail wouldn't we inevitably hear about that?

I mean many women in this forum have taken these herbs and been on BCP at the same time.

Is it ok to take SP whilst on contraceptive pill????
September 3 2006 at 3:10 PM amysmiles4u (Login amysmiles4u)

Ive heard in the past that Saw Palmetto will make contraceptive pill less effective....does anyone know if this s true???? Amyx

Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: Is it ok to take SP whilst on contraceptive pill????
September 3 2006, 5:33 PM

Opinions are divided about this, if you google Saw Palmetto it will tell you that it MAY interfere with birth control pills and make them less or ineffective. This means for me that there has been some evidence that this has happened in the past and I personally do not take Saw Palmetto with BCP because for me it is just too unsafe and I simply don't want to risk getting pregnant.

You can use Nettle root extract instead of Saw Palmetto and there are other androgenic herbs as well that you can use. I looked up Nettle root and this does not seem to have any adverse effects on birth control pills.
I hope this helps,

(Login amysmiles4u)
Re: Is it ok to take SP whilst on contraceptive pill????
September 3 2006, 9:20 PM

Hi Lisa,

Yes that most definitley helps alot. Im so glad i asked the question before buying it and not really knowing, your right it is 100% not worth the risk of an umwanted pregancy. I will look up on Nette root instead.
Thank you sooooo much for your help, All the best Amyx :-)

Sarah L
(no login)
What about the coil?
September 3 2006, 10:09 PM

Mmm, this has got me a bit worried now, any idea whether SP would affect the hormones in a coil? i know its more localised so im hoping it'll be fine, just having a minor panic now, especially since ive put on a bit of weight and everything!!! Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks. ;-)

Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: Is it ok to take SP whilst on contraceptive pill????
September 5 2006, 3:57 PM

Amy you are more than welcome, I am glad if I could help.

Sarah, I thought that the coil doesn't work on a hormonal basis but by causing a constant irritation of the uterine entrance? I may be wrong, but as long as it does not work on the basis of hormones you should be alright.
If it does work with hormones like the nuva ring then I would guess that SP can interfere with that as well.
The safest thing to do then, if you are worried, is to use condoms for now and change to something different like the nettle root.
Christina took SP and bcp through her whole routine and didn't get pregnant so it isn't a definite, so don't freak out just yet. It is just that I feel it is safer to take something different while being on BCP just in case it does go wrong.
I am sure you will be fine, just take precautions now if necessary and if you feel like it.
Take care and good luck to both of you,

BCP + Saw Palmetto together
October 5 2006 at 8:53 PM Blumchen (Login Blumchen)

Hi girls!
I am new to the forum und I just ordered 3 bottles of WU. I read somewhere that Saw Palmetto can somehow interfere with the pill. Is that true? Cuz WU contains Saw Palmetto... I wouldn't wanna be pregnant! And I'm too embarassed to tell my bf about my NBE project. I think he would laugh at me and think I am wasting my money. Which might be true, I dont know yet!
Thanks for any advice you can give me.

(Login tms81)
Re: BCP + Saw Palmetto together
October 5 2006, 8:56 PM

i am not on WU but i tought it did not contain saw palmetto, some girls just add it to the WU.....

(Login faerycat)
Re: BCP + Saw Palmetto together
October 5 2006, 8:58 PM

There is no saw palmetto in WU so no worries.

(no login)
i did not think WU has saw palmetto
October 7 2006, 3:57 PM

i looked at the ingredients on wu and it does not have saw palmetto on there... will look again, coz am considering adding saw plametto to WU

(Login tinyhope)
What form does Saw Palmetto come in?
October 8 2006, 8:59 AM

OK, I'm comfortable with WU now, after 2 weeks and on reading others' reports, am thinking of adding Saw Palmetto. But i'm wondering, is it liquid form, or more pills (soft-type pill like WU) or big, hard ones like paracetemol?? I've got a real problem swallowing pills and breaking the small WU pills into quarters is the only way I've been able to take the pills regularly, without too much dread...

(Login Megan)
Re: What form does Saw Palmetto come in?
October 8 2006, 6:10 PM

Saw palmetto usually comes in capsules. You can get a liquid extract if you shop around.

October 18 2007 at 3:42 PM Liz (Login Liz1967)

Are there are girls here that are on the pill (BCP) and NBE at the same time with positive results on boob growth and no wrong side effects like killing BCP efect?

Please came here and tell us your experience so that we can learns with you.

I wnto to know because now I'm starting taking the pill and want to know if its ok to take NBE pills at the same time.

(Login shoelova)
Re: BCP and NBE
October 18 2007, 4:40 PM

Iv heard that saw palmetto can be bad with bcp, but im not sure, maybe someone else can tell you. But i do know it causes me MAJOR cellulite, and not just me, a lot of other women on it too, and some gained weight too.

Iv grown around 1/2 an inch so far on PM, i have been on it 2 and a half months, but so far, this is the only thing iv grown on, so the growth may seem slow and not much, but is probably an achievement for me, although i want lots more! It does say growth is in months 3 and 4 though. I was taking microgynon 30 for 2 years, and switched to dianette just before starting my programme for my acne. So far, it hasnt interfered. So far, iv had no other side effects, like headaches, extra spots, blood clots etc.

For PM, it is normally the BCP that stops the PM working, not the PM that stops the BCP from working. Im not sure for other herbs/bovine ovary though.

Hope that helps
love shoelova xxx

Nell Gwynne
(Login nell.gwynne)
Re: BCP and NBE
October 18 2007, 7:18 PM

I'm sure there are many of us taking both herbs (Wonderup in my case) and contraceptive pills.

(Login Liz1967)
Re: BCP and NBE
October 19 2007, 8:51 AM

Yes, saw palmetto also causes me MAJOR cellulite. I'm still tryn to get read of it.

So it is ok to take WU and BCP?

(Login Louise1982)
Re: BCP and NBE
October 19 2007, 7:44 PM

It says on their website that it is and a lot of people do. In the reference section "Tips for Wonderup" it says that if you don't get growth with wonderup consider coming off the pill (as your receptors will be full or estradiol) but it also says that a lot of people get growth while still on the pill and it won't affect your contraception.

(no login)
Re: BCP and NBE
October 19 2007, 9:24 PM

As Louise says, there are a lot of ladies taking Wonderup and on birth control also, so I can't see there is any problem. Also at vortexhealth the point is specifically answered, so I don't think there is any issue with Wonderup and birth control.

(no login)
Re: BCP and NBE
October 20 2007, 8:42 AM

Wonderup doesn't contain the usual suspects anyway, which I think are pueraria mirifica, black cohosh and saw palmetto.

Is it safe to take these herbs & be on the contraceptive pill?
September 19 2006 at 7:19 PM NattyNat (Login NattyNat)

Hi, I am planning on taking Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto, Wild Yam, Red Clover and Pueraria. Is it safe to take these herbs as well as being on the contraceptive pill? Also, are there any herbs I can take as a replacement to the ones on my list that would be safe with the pill?

Hope someone can answer my questions.

Many thanx, and good luck to everyone.

(Login tms81)
Re: Is it safe to take these herbs & be on the contraceptive pill?
September 19 2006, 9:16 PM

i know that saw pamletto may interfere with birthcontrol pills, you should take nettle insted of saw palmetto

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Is it safe to take these herbs & be on the contraceptive pill?
September 19 2006, 10:04 PM

do a search. this question has been asked several times.

(Login faerycat)
Re: Is it safe to take these herbs & be on the contraceptive pill?
September 20 2006, 12:57 PM

I'm almost certain that it's not recommended to take Pueraria whilst on the pill.

I did PM ( Pueraria Mirifica) for 5 months and wouldn't recommend mixing it with other herbs either. It is very strong and seems to act in a different way from other herbs.

Happy growing!


=^_^= x

(Login faerycat)
Re: Is it safe to take these herbs & be on the contraceptive pill?
September 20 2006, 1:01 PM

Yip, just as I thought. Will cut and paste the following -

ATTENTION! If you are pregnant, nursing, taking birth control pills or if you have/or been diagnosed with tumors in estrogen sensitive organs such as ovaries, uterus and/or the breast, or are under 20 years of age and still developing naturally, please do not use this product.

(Birth control pill users can use the Cream).


So there you have it. At least you can use the Pueraria cream which is really good :-)

Take care!!!

(Login NattyNat)
Re: Is it safe to take these herbs & be on the contraceptive pill?
September 20 2006, 11:03 PM

Thanx loads for the info! I will definately be replacing Saw Palmetto with Nettle and Pueraria caps with the cream.

January 17 2008 at 11:37 PM
hopeful88 (Login Hopeful88)

I've read so many different posts (old and new) and all of the information is mixed up in my mind...

So I need clarification: Does SP interact with BCP or not?

I've never taken them together but I plan on going back on BCP this Sunday and haven't finished my first bottle of SP still so I don't know if I should just stop and save the remaining capsules or just finish them off while I'm on the pill? I don't plan to buy another bottle of SP as the BCP will take care of my androgens, I only bought it as I got off the pills for a month and thought it would be a good opportunity to try it out. SP has been very successful for me in terms of regulating my hormones.


(Login Louise1982)
Re: SP + BCP
January 17 2008, 11:43 PM

As far as I know it's only PM that interferes with BCP.

Has SP put weight on you? What BCP are you taking? I'm not sure if it's best to stop the SP if you're going to try Dianette / Diane or Yasmin / Yaz as especially Dianette is strong enough that they give it to transexuals to cause feminisation!

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: SP + BCP
January 17 2008, 11:49 PM

Diane-35, its the only type of BCP I've ever taken... I mentioned in one my posts how I had to get off of it for this past month for certain reasons but I'm ready to take them again.

P.S. No the SP hasn't put any weight on me, but it has certainly helped with my acne a great deal.

This message has been edited by Hopeful88 on Jan 17, 2008 11:51 PM

(no login)
Re: SP + BCP
January 20 2008, 3:05 AM

Hi Hopefull,

I'm on BCP and I was taking Saw Palmetto for about 2 months or so- I strated out taking 1400mg a day and then I went down to only taking about 700mg. It didn't interact with BCP at all, I stopped it though cause something I was taking was making my skin breakout, and I wanted to find out what it was so I stopped taking a few things. I don't think that it was SP afterall though, I think it was from all the soy I was taking. I thought it would help my skin, like it helped yours - having anti androgens in it and stuff. It did make me hungry all the time though, like starving hungry, which is why I started taking less and the hunger pains seemed to cease a bit! I was a little worried about cellulite - but I don't think that I was taking enough of it to cause anything, or I hope so anyway.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: SP + BCP
January 20 2008, 11:37 AM

It is not that SP and BCP will hinder their effectiveness in the way of how they work in your body regarding acne or periods, but that SP can reduce the birth controling effect of the pill.

So, if you are using it for contraceptive reason and want to be sure that you dont get pregnant, I would use extra contraception while taking SP as well as within the first month of stopping SP.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: SP + BCP
January 20 2008, 4:46 PM

Well I was originally prescribed it purely to stop my acne but yes I was questioning its effectiveness in terms of contraceptives... So I appreciate you informing me of this, I do use extra contraceptive in general so I will keep it up.

Thanks ladies Smile

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