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Does sleeping position affect nbe?


Does sleeping position affect nbe?
September 13 2006 at 6:55 PM JenniferL (Login ClaudiaY)

Hi all!

Just wondering about something that I read some while ago at another website (at aphrodite womenshealth forum). I think it was posted by fengshui.
I read that a girl had enormous growth with sleeping on her belly on some pillows except for the breast part so the fat was 'flowing' to her breasts.

so i was wondering if sleeping on your belly will make the fat go to your boobies (i did try the pillow thing a couple of times but it's so not comfortable!!! so now i just sleep on my belly and i think it might work)

Has anyone tried it and did it work?

thank you

(Login Holly34)
Re: Does sleeping position affect nbe?
September 13 2006, 7:25 PM

I sleep on my stomach for part of the night every night and nothing seem to be happening for me!! I wish that did work...I don't use a pillow. I always figured sleeping on your stomach would flatten them even more.

(Login ClaudiaY)
Re: Does sleeping position affect nbe?
September 13 2006, 7:50 PM

hi holly, thanx for your reaction!

i thought it would make breasts 'warmer' by sleeping on them or maybe more blood will flow to them.
don't think that sleeping on your stomach will flatten them either.
but maybe it doesn't do anything...but if it doesn't do any harm................ i just give it a try...Wink

has anybody tried the pillow thing?

(Login SugarQ)
this is an interesting question
September 13 2006, 8:19 PM

yeah, even during puberty i showed a preference for sleeping on my stomach and i ended up an A cup by the time i was 17 and i was about 105-110 pounds. my 14 year old cousine also prefers sleeping on her stomach and she is a DD. big breasts also runs through my family and with weight gain there seems to be a preference for people in my family to gain in the breast area. since i was 17 ive gained about 15 pound and im pushing past a C cup now and im only 21. since starting NBE my goal was to be a C cup and now my goal is a D although im perfectly happy where i am. i just talked about how NBE is already complicated with just picking the method and the herbs. now we have to decide if wearing a bra and sleeping postion makes a difference? i really wont sweat the small stuff. it probably would be worse for NBE if you spent your nights in an uncomfortable position. try to enjoy the journey instead of find more ways to complicate it.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Does sleeping position affect nbe?
September 13 2006, 9:46 PM

Sleeping on your stomach does not make your breasts larger..I sleep almost solely on my stomach, always have, and I'm an A cup. Sleeping on your stomach is also not very good for you,so I'm trying to break the habit. Sleep on your side or back.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Does sleeping position affect nbe?
September 14 2006, 2:12 PM

Gosh i never thaught how you sleep could affect your size, i seem to end up in fetal pistion most nights, i think i will try on my front, it cant hurt.

Also,is anyone not wearing bra's? I take mine off as soon as i get in the house but dare not during the day

(Login Natalie.)
Re: Does sleeping position affect nbe?
September 14 2006, 9:37 PM

Some girls on the Wonderup forum thought that sleeping on your front would inhibit growth.

(Login kiana2)
RE: wearing bras
September 15 2006, 7:02 AM

I also take my bras off as soon as i get in the house but would not be seen dead without a bra in public. Always wearing a padded bra even around my boyfriend. I hate wearing them though and feel so restricted and so fake. I heard that it is a good idea to go without a bra as much as poss during NBE to give them the freedom and space to grow.

(no login )
RE: wearing bras
September 15 2006, 12:54 PM

If there's something preventing you from growing (hormone imbalance or whatever) I can't see that changing your sleeping position is going to solve it.

How important is sleeping position to size/shape?
August 3 2007 at 11:07 PM Atlantis07 (Login Atlantis07)

I've been wondering for some time if the way you sleep has any impact on breast size or shape. Has anyone read anything or does anyone have any experience to share? I think I read a small article in a girly magazine a couple of years ago that said that it had no impact. But as for me, I notice that I can't fall asleep unless I'm sleeping on my you think this contributes to flatness?

(Login PinkNika)
I don't think so....
August 4 2007, 1:33 AM


I remember when I first started coming to this forum, that was one of the first questions I asked. I too *LOVE* sleeping on my tummy, in fact thats the only way I fall asleep. However, when I started growing, I had the WORST pains and soreness where if I attempted to sleep on my tummy, I couldn't. It took some time getting used to sleeping on my back and my side.

I often wondered if that was the reason I didn't a child I slept on my tummy, but I heard it shouldn't affect it all. I will try and dig up the post.

*~Viva la Cleavage!!~*

(Login Louise1982)
Re: How important is sleeping position to size/shape?
August 4 2007, 9:14 PM

Someone posted that a plastic surgeon advised her that sleeping on your back is best for boobs and avoiding wrinkles and that sleeping on your side makes your waist uneven, if you want to sleep on your back I've found it easiest by putting my knees up over a couple of pillows.

(Login Denise)
Re: How important is sleeping position to size/shape?
August 5 2007, 11:25 AM

Your sleeping position really does affect your breasts, according to CNN anyway. They published an article on sleeping positions, saying that if you sleep face down or on your side your breasts may change shape over a long period of time.

Sleeping on your stomach is apparently bad for your breasts because they are pressed against your mattress for hours, and sleeping on your side causes their ligaments to stretch over time. The best sleeping positions for your breasts is on your back or on your side with a pillow under them for support.

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