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Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 3 2007 at 6:17 PM NursedFive (Login scottl4)

Stress really effects us soooo much more than we think and really makes a huge difference in ALL of this NBE.

Okay, yesterday I was really really ~stressed out~ and you know what. ABOUT NOTHING!!! I have been on NBE for about 1 month. After 2 days of being on NBE, I started feeling pains and I have felt them from that point on everyday. I nursed 5 children, so as of now I am pretty much filling back out. I have filled out to about 2 inches on one breast and 1.5 inches on the other.

Well, yesterday. I really noticed that I was not getting the usual throughout the day activity in my breast. SO Today I decided to wake up with a different mindset and have been feeling the normal tingles and pains all day.

Just a reminder that stress GREATLY effects this process. I know we have read it and have heard it time and time again but thought I would send another reminder to try and not sweat the small stuff especially things we can't change anyway.

Take Care All and much success with your growth!!!

Carol Ann
(Login Chefette)
Re: Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 3 2007, 7:04 PM

Girl..... stress does alot to a body!!! And you are will hinder your growing needs . Stress...... lets just not have any!!! HAHAHAHAHAA Yeah right!!! But we can atleats try...right?

(Login luvgrl)
Re: Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 3 2007, 7:25 PM

Easy to say, yet hard to do... I think we need to have a thread dedicated to "de-stressing" us. Like, with quotes, and jokes.... stuff that will help us realize that we are independant, confident, and nothing else matters. I have a really hard time with stress. Sad

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 3 2007, 8:04 PM

I too have been suspecting that stress may be a big NBE killer. That might have been my problem for not growing so far, so I started working on it with all possible means - hearbs against stress like Ginseng and hops, meditation, subliminals, everything that I can think of!

(Login sophie9)
Re: Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 4 2007, 11:42 PM

i think while yoga and exercise and things like that help, your own behavior and your own reactions to people and situations create stress. so you can control stress by observing your behavior and your reactions. if you have a commute and leave 20 minutes early, you won't have 45 minutes to an hour of stress in the car! that's a long time to stress! if you try to work on procrastination, then you have less reason to stress as well. If you treat the people in your life well, they will treat you better and you will have less reason to stress. i live in a busy city and see people stressed out, treating people like crap, and freaking out everyday. sometimes it is really tempting to join in since i am surrounded by it, but i've learned not to participate and i stress far less than i used to. if you have a yoga mat, or just a comfortable corner, meditation for about 30 minutes a day makes a huge difference. i grew up in a really anxious environment and am trying to unlearn a lot of things. whatever works for you...whether you call it prayer, meditation, centering yourself. it really works for me and makes me more aware of life outside my daily streses and concerns and aware of others as well.

(Login Sarabell239)
April 5 2007, 1:23 AM

Very true, everything you said. Good stuff to try and remember, it is so easy for me to fall into a negative trap sometimes, but the only one that gets hurt is me. You seem like a really cool girl+ thats really all i have to say.

(Login scottl4)
Re: Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 5 2007, 2:07 AM

Hi Sophie,

Well, hun... you better work it.

You touched on soooo much and everything you said was well received by me as I know others will also be moved. You know the saying..."Hurt People Hurt People". Well, really that's soooo true. Normally the people you see that has alot of stress in there lives are people that ~unfortunately~ have so much buried pain within. I know that this is a NBE forum but if you are a person that has much hurt and pain within that has not been dealt with, and it is causing you stress it will continue to effect your growth process. Please try to confide in someone you trust, for we find great release when we release our hurt and offenses to other. I hope that makes sense!!!

Gook Luck Everyone,

(Login sophie9)
Re: Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 5 2007, 4:31 AM

thanks sarabell and nursedfive...
you both seem like cool girls yourself Smile
you are so right nursedfive. you make total sense! i'm lucky to have a couple of really wise people in my life who help me along, and in turn you find yourself being able to help them in return. it's the best feeling. it sounds like you have that as well. i hope everyone has someone like that or can find it as well.

(no login)
Re: Stop the **STRESS** STRESS Matters
April 5 2007, 2:08 PM

Not obsessing over things you can't change right at that moment is another biggie...I am horribly bad at it...but if the bus doesn't come, it won't come any faster by you jumping up and down and cursing it...sadly. Breathe, find a positive thought. It really doesn't matter ,all the tiny ****ty things, we're well and live in countries where we are free and have a chance to be happy. Phew. By the way, Perfect Curves (which I am on) has really helped me de- stress, I normally fret over small things, but since being on it for a month I sleep better, handle stress better and have stopped worrying so much...must be some good ****...placebo or not!


December 14 2006 at 5:20 PM BnoMore (Login BnoMore)

Well I have come to the conculsion that the fact of stress DOES really hinder growth-For the past four months that I have been on NBE the stress of selling some of our land has been sky high!! Well happy to report last week we closed the deal and finally sold 7 acres for a really good price! And this was around the same time that I started to notice some firmness and growth!!! BUT once again it's really hard to know if it's just the four month mark of growth, the cream, the single herbs or the reduction of stress! But guess I will really never know (and not stress over it)So just a reminder for all of us try to reduce that stress level--I know we all have different types of stress in our lives at all times! BUT REMEMBER DON'T STRESS OVER THE LITTLE THINGS!!! SAVE IT FOR THE BIGGER SITUATIONS IN LIFE!!

Side note--when I first started reading this forum I was following Henri and C4Me (started reading their programs from another board) And was just wondering if anyone has heard from C4Me??? Know she started BO But what has happened to her??

(Login yvonne03)
i completely agree
December 14 2006, 5:57 PM

when i first started my NBE i thought things were going great progress-wise. And then my bf and I broke up, found out that my salon is getting closed (that's where i work), and major school issues arose!

needless to say i haven't had any changes in my body since all this has happened. i think it's due to the stress and also to the fact that when i'm stressed i don't eat properly (haven't had a protein shake in ages!)

so i think it's time to do some meditating and just chill out! maybe do some my fishies swim around in their tank...just relex! give myself a kick in the butt cause i didn't spend all this money on herbs just to have stress screw it up!!


(Login bonnette)
December 14 2006, 6:23 PM


just wanted to ask if u have been on your routine on 4 months and started to see changes only now?

i have been struggling whether to quit or go on cos i'm also my 4 month but no changes yet. I have sensations but only that.

And i so much agree on stress being our enemy. i feel like im always stressed out about smth whether big or small.

anyway, wish u nice and peaceful christmastime with a nice boobiegrowth!


(Login BnoMore)
December 14 2006, 6:47 PM

Hello Ladies,
Well I've just been hanging around-not wanting to really give to much thought to this whole NBE process for awhile-FINALLY getting better-(got a severe head cold, after stomach flu)-As for my process The cream I think is wonderful-Like I said b-4 never really like the whole cocoabutter/vitE messages-But this Vensus Cream I can do! the smell doesn't bother me or husband..It's hard to say what really has perked me up and made me have a growth sprut! Shortly after starting the cream I decided to ditch the old BGP and start single herbs-Started on Black Cohosh, Vitex, Dong Quial and Borage/fish/Flax Oil.Have no idea why I picked these but just been doing some reading and just felt these were for me..Will probably add Nettle Root & Fennel in a couple of weeks-But boy I can feel a big difference in my whole body, AGAIN don't know if the BGP was making me bloated and now that I'm off it or the Colonix Program I'm on OR the diet I changed too has made me also kick start my diet (I'm not so lucky like most of you SKINNY MINNIES!) I am always worried about my weight! But the other night you know--during Mommy/Daddy time my husband was amazed that something has happened said the next am he could tell a difference not only in my weight loss but some booob growage as well So hoping I am finally on the right track--

how to handle stress?
October 5 2007 at 5:40 AM bonnette (Login bonnette)

hello everyone

i have been doing NBE for the last 1,5 months, the beginning was promising with lot of aches in the chest etc. few weeks ago though very stressful period started at work and there doesn't seem to be light in the end of the tunnel and the aches diminished. somehow i feel it stopped working.

i haven't told about my routine but it's simple. i started with pumpkinseed-oil, fennel/fenugreektea morning and evening and agnus castus. i make my teas real strong and take the ps-oil 3 x day. if somehone thinks the teas are not strong enough then i disagree cos when i had a break last month for two days tha aches got worse (meaning i was close to overdosing).

anyway i have become sad these last days cos i dont know what to do. i even started to think about implants. the promlem is also that i deal with lingerie now for work as a designer and it just breaks my heart if u know what i mean. my work is most stressful anyone could imagine but there's nothing i could do about. so i was thinking if there would be simple ways to release the srtess. also i was reading dowsing and Wenonae and was wondering if i should try dowsing again. i did it with my previous NBE programs and although they were promising according to pendulum it never worked. im afraid im too realistic or have this wishful thinking that intereferes with my dowsing results. Could comeone help me there?

just by accident i measured temprature these past days since i feel a bit ill and i got 35,8 as a result, is this normal?

sorry the message got quite long. but i wanted to add that i also make strong massages.

advise me please

(Login bonnette)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 5 2007, 5:44 AM

sorry but i still have to add few things...

as for the pumpkin seed oil i feel it really worked for the androgens since my skin cleared up completely, was wonderful. until the stress begun and few spots emerged Sad(((

i would not want to quit NBE cos i honestly dont know if there would come better times.

(Login wenonae)
Aah, thought I recognized you...
October 5 2007, 6:51 AM

Heya Bonnette-

Yeah, stress can impede progress. Perhaps doing simple meditation with deep breathing would help.
The whole BE journey thing coupled w/ dowsing...still is bumpy. So many details to cover. I mean I've learned a lot, but sometimes I feel I still don't know enough.

Your teas are definitely doing you good. Ever think about some lavender eo to help you relax. A few drops in a bath water can do wonders.


(Login sophie9)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 5 2007, 8:46 AM

i'm really sorry to hear you've been going through this. unfortunately i have bad problems with anxiety and stress myself, and i also have noticed the things you are noticing with your program in terms of not feeling pains when the stress gets really bad. i actually have this book that i bought two years ago called "eating for beauty" by david wolfe. i heard him on one of my favorite radio programs talking about raw foods, so i went to his website, bought the book and some of the foods he was talking about. well, i just opened the book for the first time last week. i am reading it bit by bit, and it gives such great information about diet in general and how foods affect us emotionally, mentally, and physically and the hormone connection.
my stress has gotten so bad lately that i actually did not sleep more than one to two hours a night in two weeks time. things just added up and my body crashed. most times i would not sleep for 28 hours and on a third night have an hour or two. ugh! worst ever. he actually mentioned that pumpkin seeds help with insomnia, so i got some. i also made an appointment about three weeks ago and met with her tuesday. i am doing a saliva hormone test this weekend, but she explained to me how your hormones help each other out in times of stress, and i'm pretty sure my adrenals are just exhausted. no sleep because cortisol isn't working and dhea has done its job taking over the part. so i know i am talking a lot about myself, but i am getting to you and what is working for me and may work for you.
so she recommended i take fish oil...and a 3000 mg. of it. she recommmended nordic natural's brand, which i found at whole foods. she recommended taking these organic b vitamins - new chapter's coenzyme B-complex (recommended two, but you can take twice as much if you are being supervised. i am and i guess you aren't, but starting to take a god quality b-vitamin helps with stress). I have also tried to eat healthier, more regular meals. I finally was able to sleep 5 hours yesterday with a nap during the day and a whole 8 hours tonight! My insomnia was the result of anxiety i felt was out of my control, and it led to me being so stresed out that i just was sick and couldn't function. the fish oil is necessary because it contains good cholesterol, which supports all hormone function, which i suppose is why we are supposed to take it for nbe. She also recommended 20-30 minutes of any sort of exercise I enjoy everyday, and doing something for myself everyday - no matter how small. I like music, and she said, even if you have no time, just listen to one song a day and relax. Just in three days time, I feel significantly better. So, in sharing what she suggested I do, perhaps it can help you. Here are things I have either done in the past or recommend:

- Get some herbal tea for stress, relaxation or sleep. i have one with valerian, hops, st. john's wort, spearmint, and some other stuff, and it really does help. it can be used to relieve stress.

- try taking extra fish oil of high quality. the nordic naturals brand is very safe.

- try aking hot baths and doing extra grooming rituals for yourself. I like dry-brushing - it releases toxins and feels good.

- exercise combats anxiety.

- do something silly you enjoy. if you like dancing, but on some music and dance around. or whatever you like. or taking a drive if you like that. something that makes you realize your job and everything stressful about it isn't as important as yourself and your happiness.

- drink more water. for some reason it helps me. about 64oz a day.

- stretching and breathing. and being conscious of your breath - making sure your breathing isn't shallow. just try to be more aware of your breathing.

Okay...there is so much more. But I can't think right now! My brain is still trying to escape insomnia mode! But DON'T let working in a lingerie shop make you feel bad! I was measured at Victoria's Secret by this woman who said she was a A cup, and I looked at her and I would never have thought she was. When I go into Victoria's Secret now, they have these sexy mannequins in provocative poses, and they are A CUPS!!! Yes, they sexy mannequins are definately not more than an A cup! That actually made me feel better. Even the really popular lingerie models for Victoria's secret - it's all additional padding. It's all illusion, and they are normal and you are normal. Unless you are some cheesy lingerie model, you are probably a 34A or B. We are normal. I think being in a lingerie store would probably trigger insecurities for me too, but I still think we need to look at how many gorgeous, desirable women there are that are small and considered sexy - kate hudson, natalie portman, sienna miller, kate moss, etc. I had implants and I didn't like them. Mine looked pretty natural, but I knew they weren't natural and I never felt comfortable in my own skin. I'd rather put some padding over my skin than under it. I also had complications. Most women's look okay in clothes, but take their bra off, and they have a blowup doll quality to them.

Going to the naturopath made me realize I've probably had a hormone imbalance for a long time. When I get my results back, I will know what herbs will work best for me if I want to do nbe. She also said food is the main thing that keeps our hormones balanced. I am really happy I went because I now realize I was ignoring a problem for a long time, and now I am doing something about it. I already feel things improving. Stay away from sugar too right now. I crave sugar when I am stressed, but it just makes matters worse. I would recommend that book I am reading. I think it is great and is really giving me a lot of insight into why I feel anxious all the time. It's about inner and outer beauty and uniting the two. I wrote a lot - sorry! But I bet you look better than all those girls in that lingerie shop and you should feel proud of yourself. I have a tendency to think everyone is "bigger" than me, but then when they tell me their size, they are the same size as me. I think A cups look great, and a lot of people are A cups. I also recommend yoga or if you are spiritual at all, meditation or quiet time. I realized I got away from things that were grounding me. And so now I am working on getting back. If none of this is helpful, explain more or how you feel and maybe I can be helpful. Feel better and hang in there!

(Login bonnette)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 5 2007, 9:39 PM

thank you Sophie and Wenonae,

i have a short city break right now (without being able to stay away from computer though) just to relax and stay away from work.

i totally agree with You Sophie that A cup is very nice but i would right now just give about anything to be there, i am an AAA category and in fact dont need a bra. So can u imagine you should create bras whereas knowing u could never have them yourself. so there i got this urge to really try make the herbs work for me.

When u were talking about your stress i so much can relate to it, these past weeks i have had to work until midnight and after that laying stiff on bed not able to sleep really just turning sides in bed. things had to be done deadlines etc. and every minute spent on myself was from my sleepingtime.i try to convince myself now that noone can make me exceed my limits if i dont agree myself.

as for the vitamins i do take strong B-vit combination for some time now. i will try the fish oil. i must say i eat a lot of fish actually, at leats 50g salmon a day, sort of my weakness which i can sense on my moneypocket already Sad

i push myself into relaxing, the breathing is a good point, i realise i dont breathe deep enough. Actually Wenonae was the one that dowsed it as my problem with my last NBE try.

Good that You pointed out the pumpkin seed oil is for insomnia as well. before the stress kicked in i really did have good sound sleeps, not very much like me before. anyway i recommend it to everyone and it tastes so nice.

heading to bed now.

thank you and all the best


(Login sophie9)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 6 2007, 6:34 PM

I'm going out and getting some pumpkin seed oil today! I'm gonna bathe in the stuff! Just an update on the fish oil I mentioned in case someone didn't read what i wrote on the fish oil post - my skin is amazing, i am sleeping like 9 hours now, and i don't wake up worried and freaked out about my work! for two weeks i couldn't sleep and it was really, really becoming very serious. Going on my fifth day of fish oil and I can't believe the difference in such a short time. It is supposed to reduce the inflammation I am experiencing from stress (news to me I had any!) and help support all hormone functioning. I mean...I highly recommend it. It really is amazing. It must be doing something. Increasing the B-Complex vitamins has helped as well. What is weird is that I've noticed this makes a much larger difference than when I just take clonopine (the anti-anxiety drug I take). This natural approach is more effective and I just started! Also, is it not crazy that I have not had PMS since I started I started taking the pill 5 years ago and I just happen to have it now even though I am stll on birth control? This has not happened in five years!I just think there is something to this, and in such a short time...I'm amazed.

Bonette - I never bothered measuring before my surgery, but I never filled out an A cup before then. I didn't think in terms of AA of AAA because of that. It just bothered me I didn't fill out an A cup. Since you work at a lingerie store, I guess you know a lot about this stuff and can't avoid it. Since you work in lingerie, I'm sure you see women who buy the wrong size bra or want to be a certain size. I have a friend who would wear a 36B and she wasn't even an A cup. She STILL wore that bra though! I would say she was a AAA if I had to guess. She is incredibly attractive and has always had guys clamouring all over her. They never seemed to mind. She had told boyfriends she wanted implants, and they always said, don't do it. I can see how your job could be stressful. I don't know many women, big or small, who like going in lingerie stores. You menioned making bras, so are you in the lingerie industry for good? Just wondering. I could see my best friend, who is a DD and hates her breasts (literally and unreasonably hates them...cries to me about it) working in a lingerie store and going insane! My large breasted friends want to be B cups, and my small-breasted friends want to be the "perfect 34C."

(Login Lisa121)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 6 2007, 9:50 PM

Bonnette, I so feel with you, with everything you say. I have had so much stress for the last year, personal and professional that I really do feel with you and can relate.
Exercise is great in combating stress but I know that when you are stressed it is hard to keep up, and often we don't have the time. What i tried to do was using a stepper in front of the tv when I watched some series at night, just for half an hour at a good pace so that my heart rate increased. If you can do something like that, or optimally go walking or running.
What has really helped me now is using hypnosis at night, even though most of the stress in my life is gone now I still found it hard to relax. It totally chills me out to the max, I breath deaply and it relaxes me so I sleep well. I just use the Andrew Dobson file for BE, but any hypnosis really will help you relax, and there are plenty of free general ones or try versions on the net you can get. Otherwise, the money for one of those files really doesn't break the bank and for me using it has really helped me.
If you try the hypnosis, then try and put your thumb and middle or index finger together, obviously relaxed. This is a good technique as it helps your body to associate the relaxed state with that feeling, so with time it will become an automatic response, so when you put the fingers together when you feel anxious it should help chill you out and normalise your breathing.

As to your temperature, yes, it is perfectly normal. I tend to have a lower temperature than 36 as well. As 36 up to about 37 is considered normal it is perfectly fine to be a bit lower.
All the advice above is really good, the only other thing beside the vitamin B I can recommend is taking zinc. It helps your immune system while being under stress and keeps its defense mechanism up. Stress really is strenous on your body so it is good to keep your vitamin c and zinc intake up.

What always helps me to relax wonderfully is a nice hot bath with or without book or music. I always use lavendar bath milk from Weleda, it smells so nice and is really relaxing.

Just one last note, I know how you feel. I used to be basically flat with two nipples, and my progress has been hampered by stress and weight loss and it is pretty discouraging. Try and think positive though, get away from thinking you won't grow or you aren't growing. All these negative thoughts stop you from growing. Start thinking and believing that you are growing, and that you are filling a AA cup soon and that by lets say january you will fill that A cup. Start thinking "I am growing" and maybe even put postets over your rooms, they really do help, it is all in the mind, and even without taking herbs we should be able to grow if we just believe in it!
I stopped BE a while ago because I wanted to gain weight first, and since coming off BC I am trying to sort out my hormone imbalance with taking Agnus Castus and drinking spearmint tea. I am not sure if you can grow on the vitex alone, but even though I have put on weight it seems to be distributed better. Instead of all gowing to my thighs and butt like usual it is going more to my upper half of the body and my thighs aren't totally wobbly either, which is great news. I am still slim and still need to put on weight to get in the proper normal weight range but usually even now I would have hassle with my bottom half, at least it would be unproportional.
I am feeling my boobs are getting bigger with the hypnosis, and I just started doing the pressure point massage again too. It is pansyclubs I think, sorry, too lazy to check just now, but it really seemed to work when I used it on its own a while ago. I just press the points before I go to bed and I only done that two nights ago and since my boobs are tingly on and off since, and I am only on day 6 of my cycle. So maybe try the pressure point massage, and stop feeling so rotten about your small breasts, they are growing, it takes time but they ARE getting bigger!!!

Sorry for the long post, try and chill out, just do what relaxes you, listen to loud music you love, take a bath, watch something funny or something you enjoy, read a lovely book, go running or walking or whatever and just try and have a balanced chill out time away from work and away from negative thoughts about work and your boobs.
I can really recommend Andrew Dobsons BE hypnosis, it has really helped change my body image in a positive way. I still sometimes feel down about my small breasts (they still don't fill that bloody A cup, even though I think they would if I was at my former weight) but I feel a lot better because I KNOW they are growing and it is just a matter of time, and yes, my body is perfect, with (very) small breasts too! :-)

Take care and I hope you feel better soon, I know your boobs will get bigger, so chin up!!!


(Login blitz1228)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 7 2007, 5:26 PM

I agree with Sophie. Do something you enjoy. Natural highs are so important. Whether it's singing, dancing, running, hiking, swimming, boxing, filming, writing or even just going to the spa and getting a massage, you must indulge!!

(Login bonnette)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 7 2007, 8:49 PM

dear girls

thank you so much for the support. Lisa, u are so good in convincing i surely did started to believe i will grow Smile.

i will go buy the fish oil these days. as for the zink and b-vit. i'm taking them all. i suppose there isn't anything im not taking Smile)). today i bought gingko biloba since i heard it's good for blood circulation as i tend to be cold very often.

i will go check Pansyclubs massages as well.

i surely hope the stressful times wont last, in fact i heard there will be changes soon. i love design and lingerie design as well if i could somehow afford all the nice things myself. i feel like a diabetic in a sweets factory.

anyway i promise myself i wont take more work than i can do for any cost.

Lisa, i know i have probably asked you that before but did u have any growingpains? and how long it took before u were sure u are actually growing? with my previous programs i had finished by third month which may have been a bit too early maybe. but i do have pains less than in the beginning. i will try figure out if i was taking too much or too little the teas.

Thank you! Fingers crossed and i will let u know how things go breats- and stresswise.


(no login)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 7 2007, 9:13 PM

Hi Bonnette, I am glad i could convince you, as long as you truly believe it you will grow, I know that for a fact! I am practising so hard myself visualising my boobs being bigger that I sometimes look down and am surprised that they are still so small! :-)

As for the growing pains, anytime I really grow I get them pretty strong, but generally that only lasts for a few days. Like my nipples get so sore to touch that I hate just my pullover getting near them. When I get stabbing pains in my boobs that is a really good sign too, and tingles are quite good too as it is a a sign of skin stretching and that means they must be getting bigger.
On my programs I usually felt growing pains in the second month, sometimes already in the first, and they usually got less about the fourth and stopped about the fifth so that I would take breaks then.
I knew I was growing for sure from measure and most of all in my tops, that took about three months or so? I saw changes pretty quick because my boobs were so small that I noticed when I tried squishing them together that they got a bit farther in the middle :-). It never was a huge amount, usually centimeters or halfs and the bigger they get the harder I find telling if they grew or not. Even from pictures it is sometimes difficult, and the measuring tape isn't that great either. You will know when you have grown, the best way to test it is in a bra that kind of fits but is still lose, with us being so small these bikini tops that don't have any wiring are pretty good for testing, I just use a size 8 and with those I notice pretty well when there are less folds showing :-). Wow this is so sad :-).

Try and take it easy at your work as much as you can, and take specially appointed "relax" times at night, like an hour where you do something that you love and that chills you out.
Really, if you can get your hand on some kind of hypnosis file, use it at night to get you to sleep, they really work wonders in relaxing you and when you sleep well it will make your whole day better.

Take care and take it easy, you ARE growing, we both are steadily towards that A cup, I will get there this year!!!


(Login sophie9)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 7 2007, 9:15 PM gave some really good suggestions! i have all this work i need to do, which i am completely procrastinating on, but at least when i procrastinated, i made sure it was something for myself. i played piano and guitar, and i recently gave myself a manicure and pedicure. i went out and got all the stuff for it. i think a lot of people who stress a lot tend to live too much inside their heads. i don't know if that sounds familiar to you, but it does to me! i end up realizing i'm neglecting myself and not allowing myself to enjoy pleasurable things. i made a nice meal for myself this afternoon and really made sure to enjoy it, and even that made a difference. i think i tend to neglect the whole mind/body connection, so i am stressed a lot. i'm sure a lot of people do the same. and i think having smaller breasts and having not been happy with my body for a very long time, i just tend to concentrate on other things. so taking a nice long bath or doing my nails, or going to get a massage reminds me that my body is really only here to help me get along in life and to make myself enjoy pleasurable things. when i went to croatia, i was embarrassed to go out to the sea in my bikini just with a girl i had met there. a GIRL! my instinct was that someone would scrutinize me as i do. but everyone there is so comfortable about their bodies and enjoying life - it was really eye-opening. it really helped me for a brief moment realize what life is supposed to be about. but then of course i came back to the U.S.A., and we all have so many issues here, you just get sucked back into them again! Ugh! I am trying to make a conscious effort to be mindful of my mind AND body though. it keeps me from feeling negatively about things i dislike about myself and helps me realize i'm in charge of things and i have the ability to make changes. this all natural stress method is seriously more effective than my medication. i'm seriously shocked. i'm even eating foods that are supposed to be known to be calming, and it's amazing how it works. even if it is all in my head, who care!? it's working!

(Login bonnette)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 14 2007, 6:04 PM


about the hurting nipples. i have it now but i'm not sure if it's beacuse of growing or just the massages. strange is although i massage the same everyday the pain is different today was chilly outside and u know the cold always gets to my nipples and it really hurt. im a bit confused now if it's the massages ( i dont touch nipples ever) or the herbs are working well.

my god this post is really wierd but i have no idea how else to describe it (blushing)


(no login)
Re: how to handle stress?
October 14 2007, 6:34 PM

Hi Bonnette, no need to be embarrassed, really not. I think I know what you mean.
I don't know, you would really have to listen to how your body usually reacts. Have you been massaging more than usual? And how long have you been massaging for anyway? If this is a recent change then my bet would be that it is the herbs that are really working now. My nipples, when they are tender with growing pains, usually hurt more when they get cold as well, so that is normal. When they would touch fabric from my tops then it could sometimes be really really sore, whereas when they weren't chilly it was still uncomforable but not so painful.
I think you are growing, you will probably notice in a few days or a weeks time if this is the case. I find it easier to tell by cupping my breasts and squeezing them together, then, when they get bigger I can really notice a change, even when by just looking at them it isn't so clear.

I hope this helps, and I think you are doing really well, so be encouraged!!!

February 23 2007 at 12:23 AM
Myjourney (Login Myjourney)

Ok, In gen ref threads I found these for stress...

Dong quai
Fennel oil Used in the bath or aroma lamp, fennel oil has a great calming affect. For a great stress relieving scent try mixing fennel, rose, and sandalwood oils

(Login Myjourney)
my knowledge
February 23 2007, 12:40 AM

Ok.. one of the best things to take for stress is B vitamins. They are water soluble which means that the body pees out what is not used, so you can't take too much and they need to be replenished daily...the more stress you have the more B vitamins your body uses.
Also, I found this info on Vitamin Cottages web site:


Following these nutritional tips may reduce stress symptoms.

Avoid refined foods such as sugar and baked goods, as well as inflammatory foods such as caffeine, alcohol, dairy, and animal products.
Increase foods that nourish the nervous system, such as whole grains, fresh vegetables, and foods rich in essential fatty acids such as nuts, seeds, and cold-water fish.
Potentially beneficial nutrient supplements include the following.

Digestive enzymes, including betaine HCL, to support proper digestive function
B-complex (50 to 100 mg a day), calcium (1,000 mg a day), and magnesium (400 mg a day), which may be depleted by stress



The following herbal remedies may provide relief from symptoms: a combination of equal parts of passionflower (Passiflora incarnata), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) and oatstraw (Avena sativa) with one to three of the following herbs.

With anxiety: kava kava (Piper methysticum), motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)
With insomnia: valerian (Valeriana officinalis), skullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia)
With depression: St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), wood betony (Stachys betonica)
With digestive upset: wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
With exhaustion: bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), gotu kola (Centella asiatica)
Siberian ginseng (Eleuthrococcus senticosus) inhibits the alarm phase of stress. It is best taken four to six months as a fluid extract (1:1) 1/2 to 1 tsp. two to three times per day. Take before 3 pm.

Herbs are generally available as dried extracts (pills, capsules, or tablets), teas, or tinctures (alcohol extraction, unless otherwise noted). Dose for teas is 1 heaping tsp./cup water steeped for 10 minutes (roots need 20 minutes).



Although people who visit acupuncturists commonly complain of stress, there have been few clinical trials examining the effect of acupuncture specifically on this condition. One small study found that acupuncture helped reduce blood pressure levels in people subjected to mental stress. Another study found that auricular (ear) acupuncture successfully reduced anxiety in some individuals. Because this condition can affect a variety of meridians, treatment is based on an individual assessment. Qualified acupuncturists may also recommend lifestyle/dietary counseling and herbal treatment.



No well-designed studies have evaluated the effect of chiropractic on individuals with stress, but chiropractors report that spinal manipulation may reduce stress in some individuals. It is theorized that spinal manipulation may have a relaxing effect on the body. There is no evidence, however, that this effect is any greater than that potentially achieved by other physical relaxation techniques, including massage.



An experienced homeopath can prescribe a regimen for treating stress disorder that is designed especially for you. Some of the most common acute remedies are listed below.

Aconite for panic with heart palpitations, shortness of breath
Arsenicum for anxiety with restlessness
Phosphorous for free-floating anxiety and foreboding
Acute dose is three to five pellets of 12X to 30C every one to four hours until symptoms are relieved.

(Login melosh)
Re: Stress
February 23 2007, 4:03 AM

A while ago I used a pill called RELACORE. Oh boy was I the happiest person on earth! It`s sold for getting rid of a women`s stomach caused by stress. It did nothing to my stomach but it sure made me a very happy person with no trace of stress. Give it a try. It`s sold at thr vitamin shop. Good luck

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Stress
February 23 2007, 8:02 AM

Great info in this thread, thanks Myjourney!

(Login Myjourney)
Gen ref.
February 23 2007, 3:41 PM

Thanks Moon....
I can add that one of the best B's is B12. I take it in a sublingual form, and have taken it in about 4 times the amount...and I feel much more calm in about 5 minutes.

(Login sophie9)
Re: Stress
February 24 2007, 2:21 PM

i have several anxiety disorders and was on heavy medication for a long time. now i just take clonopin, which is just like valium or xanax. but i definately have noticed that i don't even feel i need my clonopin much, or anymore, since starting nbe (which has only been for a week). so really, i went from having a high anxiety level and being tired and fatigued all the time to starting natureday, which has dong quai and fennel in it, and have felt a total difference in my stress/anxiety level. definately wasn't expecting that! b vitamins definately help too, but unless you have b vitamins that are made directly from a food source, they will pass through your urine pretty quickly. a company called Standard Process makes very good food source vitamins if anyone is interested in checking it out. I think you can only get them from homeopaths, holistic medicine practices, and some chiropractors. The amount in the vitamins is low, but that is because you don't need 1,000mg. or iu's of something because it will be absorbed by the body as a food. They have a really good vitamin for skin health too. topic, but yeah...i can definately attest to these herbs reducing my anxiety, and to me that is monumental! I'm sure all this anxiety has been causing major hormonal disruptions in my body for years.

Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 16 2006 at 5:37 AM
organic angel (Login organic_angel)

Hello all my organic beauties!

Well, by now you know I'm all about hormone balance, and how all our homones are all inter-related. I'm a fanatic about researching things, and I've been going over some of my med books to find related topics.

The endocrine system is responsible for all hormones. They are classified as major & minor. Incidentally, our female hormones are minor. (estrogen/progestin) 2 of the "major" hormones are cortisol and insulin. Perhaps you have read one of my prior posts in which I stated that diabetics have a near failure rate of nbe because of their disease. How does this concern us if we are not diabetic?

When you live a constant high-stress lifestyle, your cortisol levels remain elevated. When cortisol levels remain elevated, you slowly become insulin resistant, and when insulin levels are constantly high, it throws ALL hormones out of whack. Sleep and stress behave similiarly. When you are chronically sleep deprived, your cortisol levels become and remain elevated, which again starts to elevate your insulin levels and then when you remain in that state, again ALL hormones get whacked out of balance.

Here's another biggie ladies....once you become insulin resistant, those pounds start creeping on. Especially around the tummy. And they are pretty hard to take off, until you do what.....balance your hormones. You can exercise your butt off, but those pounds will stubbornly remain. You need to get out of insulin resistance.

Sleeping tip. Sleep for at least 6-8 hrs, and sleep in complete darkness. Any light source (night light; clock radio; computer, etc) will keep cortisol levels high. For those who are going through the same menopause hell I am, and sleep eludes me constantly, melatonin and Vit B (in combination) is recommended for sleep. Both to get to sleep and to remain asleep. (I'm DEFINITELY adding this combo starting this weekend)

I'm making a dedication to myself, to not sabatoge my routine. I am going to be highly conscious of my sleep patterns as well as keeping my stress levels at bay.

Sweet dreams and gentle lifestyles my organic beauties zzzzzzzzzzz

Organic Boobie Love

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 16 2006, 4:48 PM

Thanks again for the info. I'm a med student and I too try to understand NBE the best possible from scientifical aspect. I've always been a bit neglectful on my sleep and my sleeping cycle got all messed up, but I'm trying to be disciplined now and get the right ammount of sleep and at the right time.

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 16 2006, 9:46 PM

Yeah, my "body clock" is all outta whack! Last week I was going to bed at 3-4am every day! It was terrible! I'm now trying to ween off my late hours, going to bed at 2am and then hopefully in the next couple of days by 1am and so forth. I think that NBE could very well be affected by this off-balance of sleep since I haven't been feeling any tingles since I started my new program 2 weeks ago, which was the peak of my insomnia and anxiety-episodes. But it's not just NBE that gets affected, it's everything! My energy level TOTALLY took a turn for the worst, even when I would get 8 hours of sleep. It's not so much how many hours, I think, as it is what time you go to bed (Ideally anytime before midnight is the best I've found). Also, I started getting HORRIBLE bags under my eyes as well as dark circles, from which EVERYONE would notice and tell me that I looked "tired" -- It was embarrassing! As for weight, I can believe that lack of sleep makes it hard to shed off those extra pounds. I took an aerobic class and went to the gym periodically this whole semester and I've never been able to get rid of my poochy-belly! It's irritating! But then I stop and think about my sleeping habits & stress levels and I realize that they've been up & down and around for the past semester! So can you really blame my belly? It's not easy, but I'm going to try my hardest to get back into better sleeping habits and to keep a relaxed mindset even through finals week! I'm not willing to sacrafice my beauty & health for any reason!

(Login bonnette)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 16 2006, 10:01 PM


i happen to have the same problem with getting sleep once in a while and too often lately. it's like too many things going on my mind and the only time i have to digest them is in bed. have really started to concider some supplements for that as well. and then there are those hormonetests referring to estrogendominance if you suffer from are you managing it?

Try some relaxation, take a deep breath...


(Login Tessica)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 17 2006, 12:52 AM

This may be getting a little off-topic, but does anyone know of any natural ways to treat insomnia? I'm not talking about not being able to fall asleep occasionally, I've had chronic insomnia for about 10 years. I went to a doctor and he just gave me sleeping pills, which didn't work at all. I've tried taking valerian, and it made me really tired but still didn't put me to sleep. If anyone has ANY suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!

(Login mountainkat)
December 17 2006, 1:01 AM

You can go to a natural health foods store and get an herbal sleeping potion or chew pills that contain chammomile (extremely relaxing), which my brother tried and it worked very well! Hope I helped.

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 18 2006, 7:37 PM

Hey, Organic Angel, I'm a little confused... you say that when cortisol levels elevate "you slowly become insulin resistant", but then you also go on to say that elevated levels of coritsol *raises* insulin levels. That doesn't make sense to me... it sounds contradictory... if elevated cortisol levels make you "insulin resistant" wouldn't you then have LOW insulin levels instead of high insulin levels?

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 19 2006, 6:13 AM

Miss Monet....sorry if my words didn't come out quite as clear as I intended...

"insulin resistance" is a chronic condition, it doesn't happen suddenly. A spike in cortisol, will raise or spike your insulin, but it can come down. Example; your cortisol levels raise when you exercise, but then return to normal levels. If you are suddenly in a fight-or-flight situation like being scared or in an accident, the same thing happens. When cortisol levels are constantly elevated, you develop "insulin resistance". Examples; if you lead a constant high-stress lifestyle. If you are in chronic sleep deprivation. Your body no longer processes glucose or a hormones properly. You then notice that even a seemingly healthy diet and regular exercise are not enough to keep you fit and you can't budge those stubborn pounds.

Boobie Love My Organic Beauties

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
Natural sleep
December 19 2006, 6:23 AM

Hi Tessica;

I'm highly against narcotics or sleep medication. Sleep medication does not allow your body to have a normal sleep pattern. Your body needs REM sleep (rapid eye movement) which is when we dream. In normal sleep, your body should go through several cycles of this a night. When you don't have a normal/natural sleep pattern, your hormones are once again the victim, and everything gets thrown out-of-whack.

I've been sleep deprived for years and years. First due to my prior profession (flight medic), and for the past several yrs due to perimenopause/menopause. Moon can I"m sure back me on this one...the medical profession is the one of the most prominent to fall victim to sleep deprivation, and you don't want to know how many doctors and other med personnel stay awake. I just started (yesterday) a new avenue of approach to hopefully cure my sleep situation. Melatonin and Vit-B combo are supposed to induce a NATURAL sleep. Melatonin is actually a hormone, and it signals to the body that the sun is going down, which produces NATURAL rest or sleep. It also is almost impossible to overdose, is not addictive, and functions not only to help you fall asleep, but keep you asleep, so that your body goes through all the normal sleep cycles it is supposed to.

I will post success with my melatonin-Vit B combo. I'm sure this will take some adjustment time, but it is funny how this option has eluded me. Better late than never I guess. Let me know if you try it and what success you have. The dose I'm taking is 3g

Boobie Love My Organic Beauties

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 19 2006, 7:24 AM

ok on that note please share your tips to get a good nights sleep if you have innsomnia etc.... thankyou jellyDee...

(Login Tessica)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 19 2006, 9:11 AM

Thanks, Organic Angel!! I'll keep that in mind. Let me know how it works for you.

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 19 2006, 12:11 PM

Hi Jelly: first off I posted this in another thread, but I'll repeat it and your mother are in my thoughts. I wish your mother a speedy recovery, and you just being there for her, will bring her holiday cheer and oodles of love.

As for something for insomnia, melatonin is not said to be for any specific cause of inadequate sleep, so if you have "everyday insomnia" than it should be of the same benefit as any other cause of insomnia. It usually comes in either 1g or 3g tablet strengths and 3-6gms are the "recommended" nightly dose. You should always start and stay with the lowest, effective dose. Best taken with a multi vit B, and 30minutes before you are ready for slumber.

I'm only on day 2, but I can tell you that the 2nd night, I actually did have a slightly easier time falling asleep, and only awoke 3x. (yes, that's good for me) I'll post my success or lack of success.

Happy holidays Jelly, and speedy recovery to mom.

Boobie Love My Organic Beauties

(Login js89)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 19 2006, 12:33 PM

I've been taking GABA before going to bed. I do think I am getting better sleep because of it. I am one who tends to stay up too late and toss and turn when I do go to bed. The GABA seems to be helping.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 19 2006, 2:21 PM

I just had surgery on both my feet 4 days ago. Since then I've been resting non-stop, get plenty of sleep and have still been taking my pills (though i've been too weak to do the normal massages, so they're like 3 minute massages). I have had no tingles, pains, nothing since last week.

I thought with all this sleep my body would be working on my boobs, but I guess it is too busy healing my feet?

God I hope the pains come back. I'm depressed enough as it is.

(Login emmiedee)
December 19 2006, 4:19 PM

good luck on the recovery... it is not easy to be bedridden!

that might be a reason, too... not just the stress but the lack of movement... your body isnt moving or exherting itself so it doesnt really move things (like herbs) around as well. that is just a theory... i have no medical reason to back that up...

hugs to you and a speedy recovery!

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Sleep, Stress Reduction and NBE
December 19 2006, 9:50 PM

thankyou angel, Ill try the melatonin thankyouall love jelly....

(Login sissy2345)
December 19 2006, 11:57 PM

Just to share my experience, I have been taking Melatonin for the last week. I take one tablet, which is 300 mcg's, and the bottle says not to exceed 10 tablets which is 3mg. I have had very good sleep with this stuff, but will only take it for another week or so. It is not supposed to be habit forming, but I still don't want my body to get used to taking something. I am hoping just to get in a better sleep habit and hopefully it will stick on it's own. Anyway, this stuff does work, I normally wake several times a night, then finally at 4:30am I just give up. Today I woke up at 6am, and realized I had snoozed the 5:15 alarm 6-7 times. I don't feel groggy or anything in the mornings, just well rested. --Sissy

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
it's natural and non-addictive
December 20 2006, 3:11 AM

Hi Sissy: Just wanted to put your mind at ease about taking melatonin. It's a NATURAL ocurring hormone in our body, and it signals the brain that the sun is/has gone down, and initiates the slowing down of all our systems and then sleep. It's not habit forming at all, other than I'm sure you are getting very used to and happy, getting natural and good quality sleep. I've taken it for 3 days now, and already can feel positive affects.

Melatonin can produce vivid dreams. Not bad, unless it's a bad one huh. Vit-B is suggested to be taken with the melatonin, especially vit-B6, as it helps the body absorb the melatonin. That is the vit-B I'm taking with mine. I'm taking 3g. I'm hoping that by reducing my stress level, due to chronic menopause induced insomnia, that this will not only help with nbe, but also balance everything else out within my system.

Sweet dreams my organic beauties zzzzzz

Boobie Love My Organic Beauties

Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007 at 12:31 PM Snowflake (Login GoldSnowflake)

I will mention this cause we were talking about stress in one thread here. Proper sleep is important and I don't just mean 8 hours. Do not sleep with any light in the room whats so ever. If the retina in your eyes detect any light while sleeping the brain does not produce the chemical melitonin which is greatly needed for the body to function properly. Lack of melitonin can lead to all sorts of health problems, heart disease, hormone problems, stress and so on. Even street lights would be bad. Total darkenss is recommended for the brain to release this hormone which is greatly needed by the body.

(Login js89)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 12:42 PM

Thanks for the info Snowflake. I am really bad about this. I run on 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I was doing better when I was taking the GABA, but I haven't taken that in a while. Also, my clock in my room is very bright. It doesn't have a dimmer. I should get a different one, or put something in front of it. Thanks for the reminder. Take care....

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 12:58 PM

I am just relaying what the article said and don't want to start a panic, cause there are so MANY theories around this, but women that stay up rather late at night seem to be at a higher risk for breast cancer. Meletonin released from the brain, which is a hormone, is in our bloodstream at a peak between 2am and 4pm. Melatonin is dependent on Vit.B3, B6 and calcium, magnesium and zinc. you can actually buy a melatonin supplement. So get your sleep ladies and sleep in the dark.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 1:03 PM

OK that sounded stupid. Sorry I meant 2am and 4 am. NOT 2am and 4pm. Its at peak between 2am and 4am . So I guess everyone should have a early 11pm bedtime. Something to think about anyway.

(Login lankylou)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 2:08 PM

you are so right. i was just thinking of reponding to your stress post about the sleep factor, when i read this.
this past month, my sleep dropped from 7.5 hrs to 6.5 hrs avg, and growth ground to a halt.
good luck ladies! sleep is good for the bags on our chest and the ones under our eyes.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 4:00 PM

I agree with this theory, we grow the most at night too. I take something for my fibromyalgia that helps me sleep as a treatment for the pain, so I'm all set. If not I would definitely be on the melatonin because I'm normally a light sleeper and would wake up several times during the night without a little help.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 4:20 PM

OK girls, don't miss the point here. Melatonin does not help you sleep, it is only produced in your body when you sleep in darkness. It is a hormone that your body needs to protect itself from heart disease,stress and cancers. You could sleep for 9hrs in daylight hours, but if your retinas (inside of eye) detects any lite your brain WILL NOT release this hormone. We need this hormone to be healthy. Melatonin is not a sleep aid, it is a hormone. Melatonin supplement would be used for people that work nightshift and their brains can't release this hormone as well cause their body clock is screwded up. Melatonin effects the nervous system, the endocrine system and the pineal gland is responsible for the melatonin release. Have a healthy diet, have good sleeping conditions and your body would make its own. It is not a sleep aid, never take melatonin supplement without talking to your doctor first because the timing and dosage of melatonin is complex.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 5:44 PM

Oops! I always heard Melatonin can be taken in the evening to help with sleep. I guess it's more complicated than that.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Hey Girls
April 5 2007, 6:08 PM

I was looking up info for Laura, the girl dealing with effects of Chemo and just found another article that says yes Melatonin can be taken when your having trouble getting to sleep. So now I am confused, cause it is a hormone and what happens if you should have to much released into your system at one time. So both my articles say how important it is to your body, but they conflict as to how it should be taken. One article talks like it is a sleep aid and the other article not, but tells you how to get a good nights sleep so your body will produce its own melatonin.

(Login Sarabell239)
April 5 2007, 6:26 PM

This is the brand Gaba I have been taking, and it is amazing! I just found this link, which is way cheaper than I have been getting it for. I have been buying bottles of 30 caps for $10, and here is 60 for $8! I take one before bed, and you just suck on it as it metls away. within a half hour I am out, and never groggy the next day. Just thought I'd share, if there were any girls that haven't found a brand they like yet..

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 5 2007, 6:32 PM

Thanks Sarabell, good price.

(Login Sarabell239)
Your welcome!
April 6 2007, 2:47 AM

Anytime! I am a good bargain hunter+ I also just remembered my bf taught me that whenever i am buying something online, i can look to see if i find any promo codes or coupons. and i used one for vitacost+ this is the code and you just enter it when checking out-5% off

when looking for the coupong i just do a google search for the company name and promo code or coupons. vitacost is the only place i have found one for, but i keep looking!

Good luck!

(Login sophie9)
Re: Getting PROPER Sleep
April 6 2007, 3:44 AM

soooo right snowflake! as soon as i posted in the stress post i was thinking the same thing....duh...i never get enough sleep! lack of sleep makes me stress majorly! good post!

(Login sugar2spice)
1:40am Sad
April 23 2007, 12:40 AM

And here I am up late searching this forum! I NEED TO GO TO BED!!! I rarely go to bed at decent time. Goodnight ladies.

Tips for Managing Stress for NBE?
July 21 2007 at 1:09 AM sophie (Login sophie9)

I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread where people can give tips about dietary tips, exercise tips, supplements, and ways of thinking to managing stress. Stress seems to interfere with NBE quite a bit and has interfered with mine for sure!
So I'll start out: because I have anxiety probelsm, I have had to learn to be conscious of my breathing. There are certain breathing techniques that really help deal with anxiety and stress. If you try putting your hands on your stomach and breathing with your diaphragm and not your chest, you start to relax. Then I take in a breath for 8 long counts and release it for 10 long counts. You do this for about a minute, and your whole system calms down. There is also another breathing technique that calms you down even more. I do it before sleeping: hold your right index and middle fingers between your eyebrows with your thumb and ring finger on each nostril. Take a deep breath in while holding your thumb closed against your right nostril. Then let go of your thumb and switch to closing your left nostil with your ring finger and exhale. Then breathe in again. You are basically taking a deep inhalation and a deep exhalation through only one nostril and then you switch. It is really insane how relazed you feel after you do this. So try it if you haven't before! What does everyone else do? Perhaps we could all learn from each other and be less stressed out and grow more! Am interested to hear how other people manage stress...Thanks!

(Login Alcest)
Re: Tips for Managing Stress for NBE?
July 21 2007, 1:22 AM

I take every day or every other day a B-Stress Complex (I am using Nature's Way version) and I don't know if this is applicable to anyone else, but I huge source of stress for me is my commute into work every day because of traffic and **** (it's an hour+ drive).
The way I keep myself from getting really stressed now is I bring Cd's every day and blast the music, singing along the entire way there----You can't be quite as mad or stressed when you're singing. =)

(Login sophie9)
Re: Tips for Managing Stress for NBE?
July 21 2007, 10:40 AM

hahaha! when i had a super-long commute i did the same thing. i live in the d.c. area, and people here are up there with nyc and l.a. drivers as the worst in the u.s! so i just stay in the slower lane, blast my music, sing - sometimes even dance! as long as i have music and i leave 20 minutes early just in case, the traffic doesn't bother me. since moving into the city though, i hardly ever drive, and what a difference that makes!

Lost Sheep
(Login curves123)
Re: Tips for Managing Stress for NBE?
July 24 2007, 4:09 AM

Why does stress affect growth for NBE? What does stress matter? Does it stop body from responding to the ingredients?

(Login sophie9)
Re: Tips for Managing Stress for NBE?
July 24 2007, 5:33 AM

i mean...this is a non-scientic answer of sorts, and someone else, feel free to offer a more substantial one, but stress affects your adrenal gland functioning. When you are experiencing stress, your adrenal glands secrete certain hormones, which are steroids. Androgens are one of the hormones released. When you are trying to grow, excess testosterone just becomes another problem. Also, stress effects your immune system a great deal, how your brain functions - basically it can screw up how your entire system functions. and what you are trying to do with nbe is get your body into a good place hormonally to grow. stress sort of makes this either very difficult or impossible.

now, i didn't really know this before (even though i've had an anxiety disorder since age 7) but anxiety is usually a precursor to stress. a lot of anxeity can lead to that feeling of stress, which results in a general feeling of fatigue, tiredness, anxiety as well, and a whole lot of other mental and physical symptoms. So I think most of us experience anxiety, which is perfectly natural and biologically important for our survival. But with anxiety on a day to day basis, we don't experience stress necessarily, even though we may mistake it as such. But anxiety from life circumstances can build up to a stress response, which can be mild or severe. either way, it affects nbe. i personally can attest to the changes in my body due to an extreme stress response i experienced this summer and to nbe not working during that time. here are a couple links i found that are pretty helpful. the first briefly explains how the adrenal glands work and how they are related to stress, and the seoond talks more about stres, and symptoms of stress. it also has good suggestions of how to combat stress. hope this helps.

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Tips for Managing Stress for NBE?
July 24 2007, 1:23 PM

For me, I find very helpful working in my garden, and just walking. I think it has alot to do with being in the air and sunshine, plus they are both activities that help get your mind off of things. At night I have found that just curling up in my favorite chair with my journal and "venting" into it, is all I really need. By the time I am done writing, I have actually worked myself through whatever I am stressed about and gotten it out of my system.

(Login pinklemoncake)
Re: Tips for Managing Stress for NBE?
July 24 2007, 6:30 PM

It all depends on what kind of stress you have! I was stressed for few years after losing someone close to me. Stress goes by itself naturally when you deal with the issues that are bothering you. Councelling was the only thing that worked for me. You have to retrain yourself to be different in your approach to things, especially things you have no control over. But have to admit I still have a rather short fuse!

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