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Chicken Feet Soup


chicken feet soup
October 3 2008 at 3:51 AM kay (no login)
i live in the US in florida. i was just wondering where to get chicken feet for the chicken feet soup... can you get the soup premade? how often should you eat this? nothing else seems to be workin for me, i tried takin collagen pills but they didnt do anything. thanks guys!!

(Login duelli)
Re: chicken feet soup
October 3 2008, 7:43 AM

I have never purchased it but my first thought would be to try an asian market.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: chicken feet soup
October 3 2008, 8:05 AM

Yes you are right Duelli, it should be no problem to find in the asian market or supermarket.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: chicken feet soup
October 3 2008, 9:00 AM

It's not likely that you can get it premade, you may be able to find chicken feet with black beans (a popular dish) in a Din Sum resturant, but that just costs too much for the programme (plus the salt in that dish might make you gain weight). It's the best to have some soup base on chicken feet broth evryday (for NBE), at least every other day for you to see results faster.
You should be able to find chicken feet in most of asain markets, or you can substitute ox tails for chicken feet (I tried cooking ox tail soup and the soup turned into jelly when chilled, so it should work as well, but too much fat to discard, plus the cost is just too high for a programme). Sea bass is also a great choice, but again, less choice for different kind of soups, you may get tired of it soon enough.
IMHO, chicken feet soup/broth costs a lot less and more variety (you can make any soup you like using chicken feet broth). make a big pot of chicken feet broth weekly for a week's use for you programme (costs only $3~5 weekly), easier for you to stick with the food and massage method. Of course you can try any other boobie soups (see food and drink page) when you are tired of the feet soup. What ever boobie soup you make, you can throw in a handful of chopped green papaya, it doesn't change the flavor much, but it will be even better.
Chicken feet soup is really worth a try, in most of peoples experience, in couple of weeks (drinking daily), you can see your face has more glow and younger, tighter looking, less wrinkles. If you also do a good boobie massages daily, in couple of months you should be able to see some results. It's not fast, but no harm trying. Hope this helps. Smile

(Login hematin)
Chicken feet soup
October 30 2008, 1:21 AM

So what kind of stock pot you guys used. I am trying yo buy a new one which is tall so I can stew 2 batches of chicken feet .
Then I just freeze the soup after discarding the feet .
I make sticky rice and pour the soup in it and some steamed broccoli or asparagus.

I made some chicken feet soup
March 26 2009 at 4:09 PM hematin (Login hematin)
ok please answere this.
I put chicken feet in water and boiled them for 2 hours in a stockpot
put closed the lid on top
now i have the beige broth that has gelled up.
where and how can I put the broth in my soups so that it tastes good.
some girls here mentioned to put it in chicken soup.
can you explain some soups i can put this broth in.?I am east indian so i dont know many soups of the western countries

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 26 2009, 8:38 PM

It's the same as you use chicken broth. You can drink the feet soup as is (season as you wish), or use the stock to make any soup you like. You can add vegi or noodles,.... whatever you want.

(no login)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 27 2009, 9:48 PM


have you kept your growth? or do you still do some maintenance massage/diet?
ive also been concerned with the negative effects of soy. have you experienced any during/after your programme?

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 28 2009, 5:31 AM

Yes, I have kept my growth. I stopped my programme Feb.07, and my pics were taken in Oct. 08.
I do some maintenance and boobie soups from time to time, don't know if it's necessary, but I hope by doing that my boobs will never sag.
I have been drinking soy milk since I was a kid almost everyday (over 30 some years), don't ever have any problem with it. I do know if you make homemade soy milk you need to boil (keep simmer) for at least few min.

(Login double_ace)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 28 2009, 9:38 AM

Hey fengshui ;-),

There's been a lot of soy articles around saying it's good vs bad, what's your take on soy?

(Login Rei_A)
soup has not gelled up
March 28 2009, 4:18 PM

I did some chicken feet soup yesterday too. I cooked it for about 1.5-2 hrs but my soup has not gelled up. It looks just like chicken broth- quite thin. Did I do something wrong? Maybe I should've cooked it longer?
By the way the feet themselves are quite tasty though a little hard to convince myself to eat it!

(no login)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 12:24 AM

Even after you stuck it in the fridge it didnt get the jelly look?
Mine was pretty thin too but it turned into jello stuff after it got cold. Also did it have the greyish beige color after you finished simmering?
My first batch did not, so I figured I didnt cook them long enough, so this past time I did it for closer to 3 hours and they got that color so...

(Login delicate41)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 12:55 AM

When I made my first batch of chicken feet soup. I used about 12 chicken feet. I boiled them for about 15 minutes discarded half of that boiled water to remove white residue. Then I reboiled for about an hour and then lowered heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. After I cooled it for about an hour. I put in containers and put them in the refrigerator and the next day it had gelled up.

(Login Rei_A)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 2:02 AM

Yeah, I now realized that it takes time for the soup to gell up.

(Login topazblue)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 3:43 AM

hi Delicate41

Just curious, why are you removing the white residue and half the water? I think you could be restricting your collagen extraction process.


(no login)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 9:28 AM

Hey does taking chicken soup often increase cholesterol level?

(no login)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 9:33 AM

Hey does taking chicken soup often increase cholesterol level?
Won't boiling for long time destroy the nutrient??

(Login cherasia)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 9:36 AM

Hey does taking chicken soup often increase cholesterol level?
Won't boiling for long time destroy the nutrient??

(Login delicate41)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
March 29 2009, 2:06 PM

Hi Topablue

I believe I read that in Fengshuei personal program page to dispose of the first 10 minutes of the boiled water or the top milky part of the water.


(Login topazblue)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 1 2009, 11:08 AM

thanks Delicate41...I've just scrolled through Fengshui's PP and couldn't find any reference to it..

I'm just curious to the purpose of this step, I've never done it before, I just rinse my chicken feet before starting. My end product is about the consistency of agar agar.

Fengshui - any guidance?

(Login LaReve)
Here's how I did it
April 1 2009, 4:34 PM

When I made Chicken feet soup I followed this recipe exactly. 2 pounds of feet (only a few bucks!), long cooking time, reducing the soup down to a stock. When it was done I poured most of it into ice cube trays and froze it. Now I have little cubes that I just pop into a bowl of miso soup, or into pasta sauce, or whatever I am eating. The stuff I didn't freeze gelled up in the fridge really fast. I think the longer you boil, the more concentrated it gets.


(Login delicate41)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 1 2009, 11:15 PM

Hi Topazblue

I also double checked Fengshui's program and you are right it wasn't there that I read to discard.

I did a lot of research in searching for chicken feet and how to cook them that I don't remember now exactly where but I know it was somebody that I respected. I also checked Martha Stewart and other chefs to see how they cooked chicken feet so it could have been there.

As for me I always discard the white portion that rises to the top after first boil.


(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 2 2009, 8:08 AM

Hi topazblue,
Either way to cook the feet (or other) broth is fine. Discard the fist time boiling is more "professional" way to make the broth "clear", plus it will rid most of fat. (but it's not much fat from the feet broth).
I am lazy, I just scoop out the white residue and oil when it's boiled out.

It's a good way what LaReve does to get more collagen in your diet without really changing anything.

Hey, LaReve, it's a great article from that link, would you mind posting on the food and drink page? If people know the chicken feet stock is fairly commom to lots of westen people, might be easier to accept. Smile

This message has been edited by fengshuiTW on Apr 2, 2009 8:10 AM

(no login)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 2 2009, 10:08 AM

Hi all,
I made some chicken feet broth for the first time today. The idea hadn't appealed to me til now but have been reading all your posts and got inspired.
I boiled about 1.5 kgs of chicken feet for 2 hours, didn't really scoop anything off. Gee it jelled up a lot! I felt my boobs getting fatter just looking at it! Or was that my butt?
Anyway, I seemed to have plenty of both and have frozen some in ice cube trays- thought that was a great idea of lareve's.
I put some in a dish I made for dinner tonight

(Login topazblue)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 2 2009, 11:46 AM

thanks ladies...I think I might scoop it out like Fengshui, normally I scoop the fat off after it's cooled.

My broth is usually rather cloudy so will be interesting to see the difference.

(Login fengshuiTW)
to cherasia
April 2 2009, 5:58 PM

Please check waxingmoon's and Katrina's comments in the gelatin threads and see if these are the answers you are looking for? Or you can always check with doctors or do more research.

(Login hematin)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 2 2009, 7:11 PM

hey I have been making chicken feet soup exactly how fengshui explained.
I also cover the lid when the feet are cooking. soon the water is reduced.
I dont freeze it . I just leave my stockpot in the refrigerator and then it gells up.
I use 2-3 spoonfuls in any food. I am going to try making miso soup then add this in it
everyone especially fenshui( who has taken the time to respond again and again to the same questions)

(no login)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 2 2009, 8:58 PM

I am really interested in making some chicken feet broth but I have NO IDEA where to get the feet. I doubt we have any asian markets around here.... where do you ladies find yours? We do have some butcher shops around; should I check there?

(Login LaReve)
Re: I made some chicken feet soup
April 2 2009, 10:05 PM

I buy mine at a Mexican market, but definitely check any butcher shops you have in your area.

found chicken feet but...
April 16 2009 at 10:03 PM
ash (Login ashleyjt)
they said it is that ok?

(Login LaReve)
Re: found chicken feet but...
April 16 2009, 10:48 PM

I'm pretty sure that's fine. I don't think the freezing affects the collagen. After all, I make ice cubes out of my chicken feet soup.

And I definitely say go for it if that's all you can find.

(Login double_ace)
Re: found chicken feet but...
April 16 2009, 11:06 PM

I'm sure it's fine too. We all freeze our broth batches in the freezer until they're ready for use.

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: found chicken feet but...
April 17 2009, 12:34 AM

yah! i finally got them! they are so ugly. theyre really big too.

(Login LaReve)
Re: found chicken feet but...
April 17 2009, 4:04 PM

You'll get used to them! The first time I made chicken feet soup I felt like a witch. Stirring a bunch of creepy little feet in a big pot. Ew. Hehe

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: found chicken feet but...
April 17 2009, 5:51 PM

lol i know...anything for boobs! my boyfriend payed for them for me and is laughing at me in a teasing way lol. its fun but i wish the claws werent on.

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: found chicken feet but...
April 17 2009, 6:03 PM


tina t
(Login tina t)
Re: found chicken feet but...
April 17 2009, 11:39 PM

I thought you needed to use the whole foot.

To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 7 2006 at 7:57 PM Landoline (Login landoline)
Hi Fengshui: in your last message posted on your personal program, you said you got 1cm back by eating chicken/feet soup. I'm a bit confused: do you cook whole chicken and get the chicken broth from it and then put chicken feet in? Or do you make chicken broth by cooking chicken feet only? I thought the latter was you recommended before. Thanks for your help.


Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 7 2006, 8:44 PM

You can find receipe for the chicken feet on receipe page at the bottom (you don't cook whole chicken).

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 8 2006, 5:35 AM

hi, lindoline, i made some home-made chicken broth by using some chicken pieces (w/ skin), boiled about 30 min. cooled it, stored it in fridge, then scoop out the fat on top.

then i use this chicken broth add some water to cook chicken feet. i eat the feet and use this stock to make some egg drop soup, noodles, ...etc.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 8 2006, 5:40 AM

of course u can cook the chicken pieces and the feet together, cool it, store in fridge, then scoop out the fat afterwards.

(Login landoline)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 8 2006, 4:36 PM

Thanks Tiger Lily and Fengshui for the info! This is my 4th month on NBE with herbs and massage, I only grow 1/4 inch so far to say the most. After read your posts on boob friendly food, I started to cook chicken feet soup a couple of weeks ago. So basically I take pills (FG, wild yarm, SP) 2 to 3 times a day with massaging (CHI massage + Pressure massage using EPO and cocoa butter cream) twice a day each 5 to 10 mins. Can you please give me some advice?

I'll give it a try for another 3 months. If no growth I might just give up. My current state: 37 years old, no child, 5/4", 100 lb, 29' under bust, 31' 3/4 over bust ( I think I was 31' 1/2 before NBE). I wear 34 AA (US size) bra. I love to get to 34 B.


(Login fengshuiTW)
July 8 2006, 8:14 PM

hi, lindoline, u & I have pretty close stats, but u r very skinny, i read that if ur BMI is like 19~20 is easier for NBE? (not sure about the number). if u have had growth, don't give up!! maybe u can try borage oil for a boost?

(no login)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 8 2006, 9:24 PM

Hi Fengshui: I'm always amazed how much you have achieved. I'm actually trying to increse my BMI-- eat more meat, do less cardio exercise. I just ordered 3 bottles of borage oil today from Purian ( the buy 1 get 2 deal. Thank you for the link!). I almost finish the EPO pills, I'll start to use Borage oil. BTW, I apply EPO in massage, not take it orally. I thought that would be more direct to absorb?

The only thing I'm afraid of increasing BMI is to gain size in waist and hip while no growth in breast, my hip is 34 1/2, you see it's not proportional :-(

Again, thank you for the advice. I see you help others in another forum. It's so generous of you.


(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 9 2006, 7:13 PM

hi, lindoline, it is something to worry about, what u can try is--don't do ur massage and exercise the same time, then eat some boobie foods/drinks right after ur massage. so u r "feeding" ur boobs more when they r "hungry" (cuz they just being "exercised"). even if u eat whole bunch boobie foods it's not gonna make u grow a cup overnight, so there is no need to eat more then u usually would. just keep ur same diet but avoid unfriendly foods and blend in more boobie foods. it's more important to eat some boobie food EVERYDAY than eat whole bunch sometimes.

and target ur exercise more on ur waist, u should be fine. :-)

(Login landoline)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 11 2006, 1:08 AM

Hi Fengshui: Thanks for the advice! As far as the boobie friendly food is concerned, what do you think of watermelon? How about spicy food? I love both. I think they are not good for NBE though, but just want to double check with you.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 11 2006, 6:06 AM

hi, lindoline, yeah, nither of them is suggested for NBE, however consume them moderately is okay. i loooove watermelon and spicy foods too, i still eat them every now and then but i don't eat too much. it must be massage+foods for this to work especially for our age. do avoid all cold drinks and fruits during periods tho. if u have cramps please drink some ginger/brown suger tea or longan/ginger tea. :-)

(Login landoline)
Chinese Leek?
July 12 2006, 1:32 AM

Dear fengshui: thanks for the food tips. Can you tell me please what is the Chinese leek you mentioned that made you shrink? Is it scanlion? Or "Jiu Cai" that look like grass? Thanks for the help! :-)

(Login fengshuiTW)
that's correct.
July 12 2006, 4:07 AM

lindoline, leeks r "Jiu Cai" that look like grass. i think chinese use it to stop milk. i said "chives" in my unfriendly list, that's due to the dictionary, but i see them being called "Jiu Cai" (leeks) in asain markets.

(Login landoline)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 13 2006, 3:05 AM

It's good to know "Chives" are not good for NBE. Thanks for the info. Good luck on your new journey!

(no login)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 16 2006, 6:18 PM

Your stats sound just like mine. Since I am just starting I would love to keep updated on your progress.

Thanks so much

(Login landoline)
Duck feet soup v.s Chicken feet soup
July 18 2006, 3:57 AM

Hi Fengshui: hope your weekend is good. I went to the local Asian market near where I live yesterday, they only sell duck feet. So I bought some. Have you tried making duck feet soup? Are they as effective as chicken feet in NBE? Thanks for your advice!

(Login fengshuiTW)
duck feet
July 18 2006, 4:46 AM

hi, lindolane, i have never tried(or heard) duck feet so i have no idea. since we eat chicken feet for the gelatin sake, if u cook the duck feet soup it turns into jello-like after u cool it in the frige, then i would say it should help.

(Login landoline)
duck feet
July 20 2006, 3:00 AM

Hey Fengshui: thanks for the response. The area I live (Philly suburb) experenced severe thunder storm yesterday over half a million people are out of power since yesterday evening. The duck in the refrig may turn rotten :-(

Anyway, if I get the chance to cook the duck feet, I'll see whether there is any jelly like stuff in the soup. I'll let you know. Thanks again

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: To Fengshui Chicken/feet soup
July 20 2006, 3:23 AM

aw that's too bad, hope it will work out for u. :-)

Q about chicken feet soup
January 8 2007 at 5:41 AM littlemadison (Login littlemadison)
Okay, I'm going to be starting up my own routine for NBE, and plan on taking fenugreek, wild yam, and SP. I will also be using wild yam lotion and doing massages, but after reading tiger lily's page, it inspired me to try chicken feet soup. Only problem for me is I am the pickiest eater out there. Be completely honest, because it sounds absolutely horrible- but I'm willing to try it if it works-

how bad is the taste? Smile what other boobie-friendly foods are there?

(Login Moonkissed)
Re: Q about chicken feet soup
January 8 2007, 7:50 AM

To me, the taste was not that bad, but then I'm used to foods like that. I bought my chicken feet prepared (e.g. spiced), and cooked it with rice and other vegetables. And then my family ate it all. I try to make it whenever I can, but in the end, taking gelatin capsules is just easier.

(Login princessglitter)
The smell is ok
January 8 2007, 10:32 AM

It is not smelly, it's almost tasteless and you can gulp in down in a few mouth. So far, I think chicken feet soup has been most productive for me. These few days I am lazy to make them, and I noticed the decrease in boobie size. I do take herbs too.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Q about chicken feet soup
January 8 2007, 6:52 PM

I don't know why you think the taste is bad. Really the soup does not taste very much, but you can add mushroom and wine for good flavor.

(Login littlemadison)
gelatin capsules?
January 8 2007, 7:06 PM

MoonKissed: What are the gelatin capsules?
Tiger Lily: I've never had the chicken feet soup before, so I wouldn't know if it does taste bad or not, I just thought it sounded like it might, so I decided to ask about it first.
Where can you buy everything needed to make the soup?

tina t
(Login tina t)
Re: Q about chicken feet soup
January 8 2007, 11:07 PM

When I was in the butcher's shop I asked for chicken feet and he gave me a few for free.

I need your advice for my soup!!!!!!! Thx
June 3 2007 at 7:21 AM dOgfreak (Login dogfreak)
Dear all,

Today i bought some chicken feet and papaya for soup-making. Washed and cut the papaya, cleaned the chicken feet. Boiled water and chucked in some crushed garlic and ginger. Then threw in the chicken feet and let it simmer for about 2 hours, then added in the papaya. Add in some salt. I am wondering if there are other seasonings which could help to improve the sweetness of the soup. Seems like there isnt much sweet taste. I do not have cooking experiences and hope someone could help to advise. What else can i add in as ingredients?

Also, the papaya i bought was supposingly "GREEN" as it was unripe, feels hard and looks green from outside. However the papaya's flesh is reddish inside but hard, is this the way it is even when it is unripe?


(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: I need your advice for my soup!!!!!!! Thx
June 3 2007, 8:37 AM

When my feet soup is done, I like to take out the feet, add a little salt and eat them, with the soup some times I add in some tomato, veggies, or seaweeds, you can add some cooking wine, soy sauce or sesame oil or all above.
You can also use the soup to make some instant noodles(came with seasoning already) or egg drop soup, tofu vegi soup, whatever you like.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: I need your advice for my soup!!!!!!! Thx
June 3 2007, 8:41 AM

when I buy green papaya, inside is ually white, sometimes a bit yellow or reddish, if it's still hard it should be unripe.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: I need your advice for my soup!!!!!!! Thx
June 7 2007, 8:47 AM

You can't always know the ripeness of papaya from the color. But as Fengshui says the unripe papaya is hard. If you can press papaya and it yields a little you can know the papaya is a ripe one.

(Login Blu-Jay)
Chicken Feet?
June 7 2007, 2:49 PM

O.K I finally got the courage to ask you girls,What's in chicken feet that will help boobies grow that isn't in the rest of the chicken?

Blu-Jay Smile

Alien Sheep
(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: I need your advice for my soup!!!!!!! Thx
June 8 2007, 10:05 AM

Hi, Blue-Jay,
Chicken feet contain gelatin/collagen, and barely any fat,

Collagen is a type of protein found in connective tissues like cartilage and skin. Gelatin is the jelly substance composed of hydrolyzed collagen (collagen imbued with water molecules). The collagen from the chicken feet leaches into the water during the cooking and the liquid will solidify if left alone and cooled.

(Login Blu-Jay)
Re: I need your advice for my soup!!!!!!! Thx
June 8 2007, 2:33 PM

Thankyou Fengshui! for clarifying that. I truely couldn't understand how chicken feet could benefit NBE,but now I do! Smile


My chicken feet soup doesnt taste good! what to add?
April 18 2009 at 12:46 AM AAcup (no login)
Its not good...what should i add to it?

(Login Corinsa)
Re: My chicken feet soup doesnt taste good! what to add?
April 18 2009, 11:57 PM

Really?!? I think mine tastes great! But since mine boiled down so much, it didn't seem like there was even half a cup for each day. So when I put it in separate containers for each day, I added store bought chicken broth. It added salt and the normal "Western" flavor of chicken soup I am used to. I really like it. It is still a little oily, but it's very rich tasting and yummy!

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: My chicken feet soup doesnt taste good! what to add?
April 19 2009, 3:06 AM

i hate the oily feeling of it! its gross

(no login)
chicken broth
April 19 2009, 2:16 PM

I use my broth to make rice and beans, i just substitute broth for water and add some seasonings and its delicious. you cant tell its oily that way when you eat it

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: My chicken feet soup doesnt taste good! what to add?
April 19 2009, 5:06 PM

Just use the feet broth to make any soup you like, you can make egg drop soup, or add veggis, noodles, whatever you like. If you think the stock is too thick, tone it down with water.
It really doesn't matter how much water you use. Say you use 28 chicken feet or so to make broth for a week's worth, you can use more then 14 cups of water to boil down to 14 cups, or you can boil it way down to seven cups (just more concentrated). When the broth is done, devide it for seven days. Say, if you make 14 cups out of 28 feet, you drink 2 cups a day, if you only get seven cups of broth, you drink 1 cup a day. Of course you can add more water for each serving, as long as you drink the whole thing, you get same "quantity" of collagen for your boobies.

chicken feet soup question
October 7 2007 at 3:59 AM amy (Login shamyrock77)
ok ,can i just buy a whole chicken at the store and make chicken broth and take a gelatin supplement?(or is it collagen)?????????

or is it just the feet u need and if so why?I dont get whats in the feet oposed to the whole bird?

Seems so nasty and i cant locate feet ??

Last question and what does it taste like when its done,chicken soup broth??

(Login peonyflower)
Re: chicken feet soup question
October 8 2007, 8:48 AM

The chicken feet are high in gelatin. You can find them in the Asian grocery store.

(Login FireflyGirl)
Re: chicken feet soup question
October 10 2007, 2:07 AM

I don't think you'd get the same result using a whole chicken, since it's the gelatin/collagen in the feet that provides the NBE benefit. You can buy chicken feet in packages of about 2 pounds or so at either Asian grocery stores, or at some larger grocery store chains. I get mine at Sack 'n Save, which is owned by Minyards. It's nice because they come already skinned (the thick yellow skin has been removed, which leaves just the thin white skin).

I was very antsy about trying the chicken feet soup at first, but once I made it the first time, I found that I really liked it. To me, it tastes just like chicken broth or Wonton soup, as long as I "fix it up" just a bit. I usually add Lipton Onion Soup Mix to mine, along with some scoops of chicken boullion for flavor. Then sometimes I'll put some chopped yellow onion and celery in there, too, as well as some ginger root. You can try adding different things to get the flavor you like. I would really encourage you to try it, though, because I've found that it works better than anything else I've tried so far (be sure to massage right before drinking it!). Plus, it's healthy and good for you, and it will make your hair thick and strong (a nice side benefit that I've seen!). I usually cook up one package of chicken feet per week, which is about 28-34 feet. Once the soup's done, put it in the fridge until it congeals, then scoop off any fat on top and throw it away. What's left will look like jello. I eat a bowl full each night after massaging (I heat it up in the microwave), and I can often feel tingles when I wake up the next morning. I don't always feel the tingles, but I've been noticing growth even when the tingles have subsided.

Keep me posted if you decide to try out the soup. I'd love to hear about your results!

Take care,

~ Firefly ~

(Login shamyrock77)
thanks firefly
October 10 2007, 3:47 AM

How long have you been using and what have u been trying ?
Im gonna go out tomorrow and try and find some feet(desperate)

I also did some research on foods for breast and it appears as though a whole chicken with head is best (then strained and drink broth )oooh sounds yummy

ill stick with papya and chicken feet and will update

would geletin work just as good or collegen

lastly what are u using to massage with?

(Login FireflyGirl)
Re: chicken feet soup question
October 11 2007, 8:02 AM

I've been doing the chicken feet soup since the middle of July, so about 3 months now. In my first month of NBE (April of this year), I gained an inch just by massaging every night. But after the first inch came, my growth seemed to stop. Then when I started the soup in July, I immediately started growing again. I've gained another 1 1/4 inches so far from doing the soup and massage, plus soy milk. I chose not to go the herbal route, because I had heard of too many side effects that concerned me. But I figured eating chicken feet soup couldn't hurt, and massaging is supposed to be good for the breasts too. I massage using Paradise Gold cocoa butter from Walgreen's. I don't use it for growth particularly -- I just like the texture and I think it smells good.

Using the head of the chicken makes sense, since I'll bet it contains lots of gelatin. The only thing is, the head might be a bit harder to find than the feet. You might ask around, though, just to see what you can find. By the way, sometimes you'll need to ask a store manager to look in the back for the chicken feet -- some stores will have them, but just not out in front where they're easily found.

Keep us posted on how the soup works for you!

~ Firefly ~

(Login sandy111)
Re: chicken feet soup question
October 11 2007, 10:36 AM

Would taking gelatin and collagen capsules have the same effect as eating chicken feet?

(Login FireflyGirl)
Re: chicken feet soup question
October 12 2007, 1:32 AM

You'd think so, and maybe it works for some people, but for me it didn't. When I stopped growing back in May, I started taking gelatin capsules to see if that might help me start growing again. I never had any tingles or growth during the time I took them (for about 2 months), and I was taking about 4,000 mg per day. But after only a couple of days on the chicken feet soup, I started noticing tingles and growth. The only thing I can figure is maybe during the process of putting the gelatin into pill form, perhaps the composition is changed just enough to not be effective for NBE.

(no login)
Re: chicken feet soup question
October 12 2007, 11:36 AM

Hi Firefly

When you reheat in the microwave do you bring it to the boil? I've been bringing it to the boil but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do..especially since a lot of people tend to think the initial slow simmering (extracting the gelatin from the feet) is the key factor.

I seem to be growing but nowhere neare the rate you are. I've been doing massage, chicken feet soup and soy milk daily for just under 2 months. I'm also taking breast actives (weak herbs) and a few oils (EPO and flaxseed). I'm trying to stay away from herbs for the same reason as you.

I must admit, everytime I cook a big pot of chicken feet, I have to smile - I look at the feet simmering away and think to myself - this stuff is making my boobs grow! It's just so strange: chicken feet and boobs.


(Login FireflyGirl)
Re: chicken feet soup question
October 27 2007, 6:39 PM


Ha ha! I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way whenever I'm brewing up a pot of chicken feet soup. I mean, who would've thought these little guys could make boobs grow?? I was actually a bit skeptical about the concept at first, but after trying it out for myself I can say it definitely works! I think the key is consistency (every day), as well as pairing the soup with massage.

To answer your question -- when I heat my soup in the microwave each night, I don't bring it to a boil. For me, I just put it in for about 2 minutes until it's good and hot.

I'm so excited to hear that you're growing too! Don't be discouraged if it seems to be happening slowly. Just look at Fengshui and Tiger Lily – it took them each over a year to reach the size they wanted. But they both had amazing results! I heard someone say on another forum that doing NBE is sort of like watching a plant grow. You can't really see a whole lot happening day by day, but after a few months you'll look back and be pleasantly surprised at how far you've come.

Here are a few tips that have helped me: 1) Try to get a good night's sleep each night. Your body releases HGH (human growth hormone) while you sleep, which is one thing your body uses to build tissue; 2) Don't overdo it on the tape measure. I got caught in this trap for my first few months of NBE, and it drove me crazy. I would measure every day, several times a day, and it just led to frustration because my size would fluctuate so much. Now I try to measure just once a week or once a month, and this seems to help; 3) Try to stay positive and don't give up!! I've found that NBE can be very exhausting at times, especially when you think of all the hours it takes to hunt down chicken feet, make the soup every week, and do the daily massages. But I just keep celebrating the small successes and I look forward to "bigger" things to come. I know we'll both eventually get there if we remain consistent and don't give up :-)

~ Firefly ~

(no login)
Re: chicken feet soup question
November 1 2007, 11:42 AM

Hi Firefly

Thanks for your words of encouragement...your program page actually influenced me a few months ago, when I was deciding on what to do...

I managed to do massage twice a day last week (I had a few days off) and I'm glad to say, it made a difference. I can now fill a bra that I couldn't fill before (still A though). Also using a heat pad.

Now that I'm back at work, I only do massage once at night. I've increased the intensity of the massage though and it's been worth it.

I look forward to hearing about your progress. I'll keep an eye on your program page.

And here's to chicken feet's so booby friendly.

(I'm hoping for results as impressive as TigerLily - but I know I'll have to be patient).


(Login HDChick)
Re: chicken feet soup question
November 1 2007, 1:37 PM

The Husband just went bird hunting and came home with 24 Pheasants with
feet attached- they can only shoot the males so these are identifiers

My question is since they are so chicken-like can I use their feet for the soup?
Anyone know? They are a much leaner bird so I don't want to eat the soup if there is nothing beneficial.

I have searched the Forum for a Recipe, and can not find one.

These Pheasants are so clean!
I have chickens by the way, and would not eat their feet way to poopy plus
they're my gals :-)

Thanks and Big Hugs with Boobs!!
AKA: Christine

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: chicken feet soup question
November 2 2007, 6:54 AM

sure you can use Pheasants feet to make the feet soup/broth, just a bit more trouble than the store-bought, you need to "de-shell" the yellow "shell" on those feet. I heard if you soak them in hot water for awhile, the "shell" will be easily come off.
You can look up recipes in food and drink page, actually, just use the broth as regular chicken broth to make any soup you like.

(Login Mango84)
chicken feet soup question
December 21 2007, 10:40 PM

I went to a grocery store the other day where I thought I had seen chicken feet before...fully intending on buying some if they had them. I chickened out! (Or did I get cold feet????) Hehehe I'm not usually very squeamish about must have been the toenails that got me. I still want to try it, and definitely will if gelatin doesn't work for me. Here's a question for all of you who use the chicken feet: Do the ones you buy still have the toenails, and if so, do you remove them before cooking? The recipe that Tiger Lily posted in the food section doesn't mention the toenails. But the recipe in this article that I found says to remove them.

Also...Kieyah...I saw in a post (now I don't know where it is) where you mentioned taking gelatin drinks - up to 3 a day, for a total of about 21,000 mg of gelatin I believe. You mentioned that you didn't think that the gelatin drinks had near as much as the chicken feet soup probably did. I would have thought that you would be taking much more like that, than eating a bowl of the soup. Do you or anyone else, have any idea how to find out an approximate amount of milligrams of gelatin in chicken feet soup? Has to be a way somehow.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: chicken feet soup question
December 22 2007, 3:08 AM

Usually the chicken feet from the supermarkets are already cleaned and "de-skinned(shelled)" with the toenails still "attached". Should you chop off the nails or not depends on if you want to eat the feet or not.
If you just want to use the broth, you don't need to chop off the nails, just discard the feet after you done making the broth, then you will need to cook it long enough to get most of the gelatin/collagen out of the feet, I usually like to simmer it for more than 1 1/2 hr.(because the gelatin will "dissolve" in water, that's why the broth will turn into jelly-like after chilled frige).

If you want to eat the feet, better chop off the nails, because they are just not appetizing.
Hope this helps. :-)

P.S. the un-preped chicken foot has a thick(hard) layer of yellow skin(shell) covers the whole foot (including nails), so the supermarkets will get rid of that layer before they sell it, so the feet they sell did not touch the ground literally. They are clean even if they do still look gross. hehe. (don't know if this will make you feel better about the feet, though)

(Login Mango84)
Re: chicken feet soup question
December 22 2007, 5:29 PM

Thank you Fengshui. That does make me feel a little better, knowing that the part that touched the ground is gone. My 7 year old was begging me to buy them, she said they were so cute! I guess I need to try to look at them through the eyes of a child. Smile

(Login kieyah)
Re: chicken feet soup question
December 23 2007, 6:08 AM

hi mango, I have no idea how much gelatin is actually in chicken feet soup but I know it turns into thick gello type consistancy when cooled so I assume there is a LOT of gelatin in it. the drink doesn't do that. well i still haven't found chicken feet just pig feet but probably the same. I actually tried doing an internet search for hours to find how many grams of gelatin in the soup but turned up nothing.

I haven't been taking my gelatin drinks lately, so thanks for the reminder... I needed a good kick in the pants to keep me going. thanks! maybe i need to cut back on part of my routine or something, I'm getting so lazy.

(Login Mango84)
Re: chicken feet soup question
January 1 2008, 2:55 AM

Hey Kieyah,

I searched about the gelatin too but couldn't find anything. I'm not convinced that the fact that it doesn't gel makes it less effective, but I'm not sure. I am taking the Knox Nutrajoint now. I called them and the representative said that she thought it was because of the hydrolysis that it doesn't gel. (It is hydrolyzed collagen protein in the Nutrajoint product.)

(Login kieyah)
Re: chicken feet soup question
January 1 2008, 3:14 AM

so the gelatin is the SAME as collagen? I never was too sure about this. I took both. when i took gelatin capusules I noticed no change at all. later I switched to gelatin in drink form. when I started taking collagen I noticed a change right away. not with my boobs though. Within only a few days I noticed my lips were really plumped up. everytime I would pass by a mirror they would catch my eye. about a week or so I noticed my skin was radiant. If gelatin and collagen are the same, why then did I not notice this effect when taking gelatin capsules, why not when taking gelatin in the drink form? the collagen does also contain vitamin C which is supposed to aid its absorption. could that be the only reason why it didn't have the same effect? has anyone drinking the chicken feet soap noticed plumped lips or glowing skin?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: chicken feet soup question
January 1 2008, 11:15 AM

How about the gelatin that you buy in powder and mix with water to get gelatin? The one that's used for cooking and certain types of desserts if I'm not mistaking...

And to answer Kieyah's question, gelatin is a product of collagen hydrolysis.

Chicken feet soup
March 28 2008 at 1:30 AM amy (Login firish69)
OK I finally found chicken feet a week ago.(it took me forever to find them in my area)

I bought alot at once and premade 3 pots worth and put 2 of them in freezer containers in the freezer for the coming weeks.

To me it tastes hideous ,all i could think about was them feet while i drank and gagged it up (sorry am american with bad diet haha)

My solution was i went and bought a whole chicken,made a soup stock out of it(chicken,water ,carrots,celery,)then when finished added my chicken feet gelatin and WALA Could'nt taste it hardley at all.Tastes fine.

Now I take 2cups of this a day Is this sufficiant?
I am taking vitex and waiting for suction device nb.I have been massaging with coconut oil for 20 min a night

Should i add gelatin or collegan to this too?

Does this sound ok cuz I have no sensations yet?

How long until i notice growth pains ect so i know its working or not?Is it the same as herbs with sensation?I wonder whats the longest and shortest amount of time it took people to get growth from cfs?

And yes I know only a few have experience with the chicken feet so i will wait patiently for answers LOL THAnks GIRLZ

(Login classyfashh)
Re: Chicken feet soup
March 28 2008, 5:39 AM

How long have you been taking vitex for?

I usually massage with borage oil or cocoa/shea butter but a few days ago I started using marine collagen for massage [it's also for diminishing wrinkles] and I've actually been noticing my boobs being a lot fuller and softer. They look more plumpier or whatever.

I've never tried chicken feet soup but I plan to. I'm not sure if they sell it in grocery stores here.

This message has been edited by classyfashh on Mar 28, 2008 5:40 AM

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Chicken feet soup
March 28 2008, 9:18 AM

Usual recipe for chicken feet soup is use 28 feet to make soup for 7 days. That's the amount I used.

(Login firish69)
Re: Chicken feet soup
March 28 2008, 6:44 PM

I've been on vitex for a month.1 500 mg pill in am and pm.
I got screwed up periods ,had mine then started again 2 weeks later and this has helped tremendously with that and zits but no boobage.Didn't know if i should be taking more cuz the bottle says 1 a day.

Feng shui
I used about 28 feet and mixed the broth with soup.enough 4 7 days and i reboil each day.
How much did u take about a cup of the chicken feet soup a day?
That is the amount i am getting a day the other cup is just chicken broth.Thanks

(Login fengshuiTW)
to Amy
April 3 2008, 7:17 AM

Hi, Amy, sorry for the late reply. I guess I didn't make it clear, the soups I eat is any soups made from chicken feet broth, it could be egg drop soup, noodle soup, wonton soup, veggi soup....I never just drink the feet soup/broth without anything cooked in there.

Use chicken broth mix with feet soup/broth is good. One cup each is enough. If you use home-made chicken broth (scoop out fat is healther) to make chicken feet soup/broth, that's "power boobie broth", it works very well from my own experience (which I learned from other TW ladies, that's why I tried). :-)

(Login classyfashh)
Re: Chicken feet soup
April 3 2008, 8:45 AM

That's it? Yeah for boob growth I am taking 1600mg a day. 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Just like Karen took. I suggest taking more.
But yeah I noticed it really does help with PMS, ugh thank GOD!!

chicken feet broth
February 7 2009 at 12:31 PM millani (no login)
hi girls,
i just started using wonderup tablets and cream 1 week ago i wanted to add some boobie foods to it. I have read chicken feet broth is good, can i just use normal chicken soup instead or will that not help? cuz chicken feet dont sound nice lol and im not sure if you can buy it in normal supermarkets?
I am also thinking of adding borage oil, is that good to take alondside wonderup?

any feedback very much appreciated thanks x

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: chicken feet broth
February 8 2009, 11:23 AM

Only chicken feet has the gelatin quality that is good for boobie growth. You can find that feet in the Asian supermarket.

(no login)
Re: chicken feet broth
February 8 2009, 1:01 PM

Thank you for your reply Smile. I think its gunna be pretty hard for me to hide chicken feet from my mum and dont want her asking questions and getting suspicious! I might try find gelatin in a capsule form if thats possible or a more common food which contains it. x

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: chicken feet broth
February 10 2009, 10:23 AM

Chicken feet broth is a traditional dish. It's not suspicious but maybe if you ate it a lot it would be!

(Login double_ace)
Re: chicken feet broth
February 10 2009, 11:10 AM

Lol.. don't hide it girl! Just tell her you like it! there is actually such thing as chicken feet dish that tastes delicious!

(no login)
Re: chicken feet broth
February 10 2009, 4:48 PM

Chicken feet soup/broth has loads of health benefits! One of the main things it does is help with joints because it contains natural glucosamine and chondroitin, which are sold in stores for $$$ as supplements.

I paid maybe 3 bucks for chicken feet a few weeks ago and I still have enough broth to last me another week, and I eat some every day. You can just tell whoever that you're eating it for your health.


(Login MemeeGurl)
Re: chicken feet broth
February 10 2009, 5:28 PM

Just my 2 cents but if it helps, you can make soup with the chicken feet broth. A lil' chicken noodle soup always sounds good to me, makes me feel all warm inside especially now that's it's cold here and raining .. hope this helps Big Grin


(no login)
Re: chicken feet broth
February 10 2009, 7:43 PM

thanks for all replies. Im gonna see how my programme works and then decide if i should get some or not Smile at the moment it seems to be working well, as im sore very quickly Smileso i may not need to add anything x
Thanks girls

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