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My program. advice & review very welcome!


I recieved my large domes for nb less than a week ago. It was so hard to get them stay on! And damn they hurt my upper chest! Now after a couple of times using them it feels as my chest is getting used to them a bit and it doesn't hurt so much but i still regret i didn't get the soft rings. I'll check some home remedies for that... Some tape i read should be helpful. I took out the y-wire and put the domes on one by one. That way it's a lot easier to get them stay on.

I can't say yet weather the large ones are giving me any better swelling than the mediums - might even be less. But I think it's a matter of time... I hope so at least. I was calculating that now it's been two months that i've been noogling quite a lot - 2-4hours most days. Still I don't think I see visible growth. I've been again massaging regularly for three weeks and that also doesn't seem to be doing miracles yet. Might be that there is a bit more shadow in my clevage area so maybe I 'm getting somewhere Smile
Unfortunately next week I won't have time for noogling because of visitors Sad i hope that won't do much harm on my progress. Otherwise i'll keep up and keep hoping Big Grin

I haven't been here for a while but I haven't given up!

I am pretty convinced that I'm having a bit of growth finally. It's only about 2cm from where I started and I can't really notice it but when I look at my pictures I can see a little improvement in the shape. Also the measurements of course but those I don't really trust lol Cool

I also believe that maca is helping to regulate my cycle. At least last time it was quite normal for change Big Grin

simple maca + msn + noogling + massage <3

Hoping that I'll keep on growing while loosing the summer kg's Big Grin slowly but doesn't matter as long as it's happening Big Grin

Hi Rosaly Smile

You really should be able to get better growth than that, unless others in your family are small breasted, in which case maybe you are being limited by genetics.

I understand that you abandoned the pueraria mirifica early on, but it is one of the most potent estrogenic herbs and should be very likely to give good results if you can find a way to use it without messing up your periods. Just taking PM without including progesterone would probably result in estrogen dominance, so i'm not surprised that you had problems. You could try using it with a progesterone cream, or maybe with a balancing herb like vitex (chasteberry).

Hi Shae and thank you for the message!

I used fenugreek with vitex and progesterone cream for months without succes. Might be that I didn't combine progesterone with pm, that's something to think about, that's true. Anyhow now that I'm not using any herbs it's the first time I'm seeing any kind of results at all. That's why I'm quite cautious now about herbs. I have ainterol pm powder at home, unopened, as well as vitex extract. So I could try if it seems like a safe thing to do. I'm scared if I mess up my body too much I might have a risk of breast cancer or something; witch is the last thing anyone wants, surely. But maybe I'm being over cautious...

Women in my family have both somewhat big and quite small breasts. So I could have gotten small boob genes. :-/ I have been thinking maybe nothing will work for me, honestly. Now there's a little hope at least, with the small results I've had lately.

I just remembered, that actually I did take progesterone medication to recieve my period while taking pm. I've had pcos before so I had doctor's preskripted progesterone meds at home and took that after like two months of no sight of aunty. Twise. Then I gave up pm since it seemed acting weird in my body and not giving boob growth. But it wasn't ainterol! It was some cheap brand.

It seems like maca is working really nicely on me. I had a break of a couple of weeks because I ran out and it's quite pricey where I live... And actually it looked like I shrank a small bit. But now in my luteal I brought it back to my program and had instant swelling! I've read that it's actually best to take it during luteal and menstruation so from now on I'll start to take my monthly break on the days 7-14 or so. Before I intuitively took the break during my period.

Another thing maca seems to have helped me with is my mood. I was quite crampy and had bad mood swings after my hormonal inbalance but now after three months of maca it seems to have passed and I feel really balanced, energic and just myself again. Also I believe it has balanced my menstrual cycle but that I will be able to confirm in a couple of days if my period will start in time.

Another thing, I added some fennel oil to my massage oil. I've now been using olive oil for massage. I'm quite sure it's giving me some nice swelling too! Today for example, I massaged with fennel and olive oil and did some self affirmation at the same time, I measured almost 2cm more after that! Only massage! I'm really surprised. Big Grin

Atm before massage I measure almost 86cm, witch is 3cm more than my starting point. I suck with measuring so I don't really trust it, but I can tell from the pictures that some swelling really is there. Now I'll just wait for my period to see if any of that will last.

I've also made a decission to really cautiously try a tiny bit of pm powder on days 5-12 to see what will happen. Then I'll also add some vitex to the luteal to balance it out. If my period will be delayed, I'll say goodbye to pm again.

(14-09-2016, 20:01)Rosaly Wrote:  It seems like maca is working really nicely on me. I had a break of a couple of weeks because I ran out and it's quite pricey where I live... And actually it looked like I shrank a small bit. But now in my luteal I brought it back to my program and had instant swelling! I've read that it's actually best to take it during luteal and menstruation so from now on I'll start to take my monthly break on the days 7-14 or so. Before I intuitively took the break during my period.

Another thing maca seems to have helped me with is my mood. I was quite crampy and had bad mood swings after my hormonal inbalance but now after three months of maca it seems to have passed and I feel really balanced, energic and just myself again. Also I believe it has balanced my menstrual cycle but that I will be able to confirm in a couple of days if my period will start in time.

Another thing, I added some fennel oil to my massage oil. I've now been using olive oil for massage. I'm quite sure it's giving me some nice swelling too! Today for example, I massaged with fennel and olive oil and did some self affirmation at the same time, I measured almost 2cm more after that! Only massage! I'm really surprised. Big Grin

Atm before massage I measure almost 86cm, witch is 3cm more than my starting point. I suck with measuring so I don't really trust it, but I can tell from the pictures that some swelling really is there. Now I'll just wait for my period to see if any of that will last.

I've also made a decission to really cautiously try a tiny bit of pm powder on days 5-12 to see what will happen. Then I'll also add some vitex to the luteal to balance it out. If my period will be delayed, I'll say goodbye to pm again.

Lol. I'm am the same. I suck with measuring too. Big Grin

Finally got my period. Last cycle was long like mine usually is: 33 days. But I'll keep up with maca because I feel it's beneficial.

I found Ashwagandha in the local herb store on discount so i thought to give it a go. Does anybody know if it's ok to take it with maca? I assume it's better not to be taken at the same time with pm because of some estrogenic properties. Is that right? I thought to take in the luteal only to be safe now if I try pm on days 3-12.

Another suplement question: I got this collagen product:
Does it look safe/beneficial?


Today is day 3 of my cycle so i think it's quite safe to say that the measurements have stayed the same - no deflation. That means that in 3 months I've gotten around 1" or 2-3cm growth. I say in 3 months because that's when I changed my program the last time. It's not superfast but I'm very happy about it and having my hopes up now. Big Grin

So... Pm simply is not for me :-/ today is day 10 so I've been taking a small 150-200mg dose of pm for a week now. And last night I got spotting and now I feel bloated and menstrual cramps. So that's a final goodbye to pm from me. Sad though, because it has given great results to some and my results are somewhat slow overall. Still I obviously rather choose healthy small boobed life than risk getting cancer. :-/ 

I take a one week break of everything and then continue with maca. I think I'll take some vitex this period too for balance. Still haven't found a hormone test that would fit my budget...

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