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[archive] Summarize the use of magnets


Summarize the use of magnets
December 29 2007 at 4:32 PM
js89  (Login js89)
The magnet threads are so long and kind of hard to sift through. Can somebody who is using them give a brief summary of how they are using them, and how they are working? Or direct me to a specific thread that already says this? I would like to hear somebody's actual opinion. Thanks.


(no login)
December 30 2007, 4:26 PM

I hear you! I'm also frustrated with the threads as most of them contain requests for the book or their email addresses - it would be nice if one thread had our actual opinions and hints.
I just put the magnets on each side of my bra - it's winter here so you can't see through my sweaters. My hair is long so I put the energising treatment on when I'm getting ready in the morning and leave those 2 on my housecoat. I just started - I'm just gonna wait and see what happens. Good luck to you!

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(Login js89)
Re: Summarize the use of magnets
December 30 2007, 5:44 PM

Thanks. Herbs made me gain weight. GY made my skin break out in rashes from the massaging. I wonder what the magnets would do. I'm not quite sure where to start! I will keep reviewing the threads.

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(Login Louise1982)
Re: Summarize the use of magnets
December 30 2007, 7:13 PM

Most of the actual info is at the top of the first magnet post, you need to mark them North (south-facing / negative) and South (North-facing / positive). You then put 1 on the inside and 1 on the outside of both bra cups to match up to where the nipple goes. All 4 magnets need to have the positive side facing towards your body and the negative side pointing out. Keiyah used a T-shrt bra (slightly padded or just thick material), she cut a small hole near the armpit and put one magnet inside the bra next to the skin and one in between the two layers of fabric so that the thickness of the material hides the magnets so they can't be seen from the outside. The CVS treatment is supposed to be generally good for you and is one magnet on the inside and one on the outside of your clothes at the base of the neck (these 2 both need to be facing the other way so the positive side outwards). Technically the CVS magnets can be worn all day but the breast magnets are supposed to be used for 5 short sessions of about 5 mins. Not sure if anyone has tried this. The NBA technique involves a breast awakening treatment, 5x breast treatments, 10x short massages, a breast calming treatment and an optional herbal mixture put onto the breasts. Request the ebook on the other thread if you want to read about it. Not sure if anyone has followed the NBA technique properly as you would need to be fiddling about with them all day! Keiyah used the magnets over night and now wears during the day - she had quite good results. One other girl also had success but not sure what she did with them. I wear them to work so about 10 hours per day.

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(Login js89)
Re: Summarize the use of magnets
December 30 2007, 8:19 PM

Thanks Louise. I will try to find the first magnet post, but you did a great summary here. Have you noticed any results? Where did you buy your magnets from?

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(Login Louise1982)
Re: Summarize the use of magnets
December 30 2007, 8:31 PM

I haven't followed the NBA technique as it's too complicated and I've got a job to go to, so I just stuff them in my bra in the morning and take off when I get home. It's hard to say on me whether I've had results as I also take herbs and use suction - I think the suction has been the best thing for me so far. I keep quoting Keiyah as she specifically tried magnets alone for a few weeks and did get some improvement (she has pics on the front page), she also started off by wearing them the wrong way round by accident (as did another girl) - they both had a decrease, followed by an increase when worn the right way that eventually got bigger than they started.

In terms of safety (you can google this too), technically the positive energy that you are directing towards your breasts is supposed to be bad for you as it causes growth of cells (but also bacteria etc) and has an 'agitating effect'. Also you shouldn't wear in bed if you sleep with a partner and be careful near anyone with a pacemaker! - Put 'magnet safety' into the site search and change the top bit to search by match not by date.

These are the magnets that Keiyah had success with, they're really cheap and they send internationally pretty fast:

Keiyah recommended buying quite a few as they break easily (I ordered the bag of 25 as it's the postage you pay most for if you're in Europe). A few of mine have banged together or stuck on to metal things in the house but none have broken so far.

Here's the specification for anyone who's interested:


Dimensions: 5/8" dia. x 1/8" thick
Tolerances: ±0.002" x ±0.002"
Material: NdFeB, Grade N42
Plating/Coating: Ni-Cu-Ni (Nickel)
Magnetization Direction: Axial (Poles on Flat Ends)
Weight: 0.166 oz. (4.71 g)
Pull Force: 26.87 lbs
Surface Field: 3040 Gauss
Brmax: 13,200 Gauss
BHmax: 42 MGOe

The DA2 discs are very strong and handy neodymium magnets. They are too strong to be considered toys, but they are very handy if you need a 5/8" diameter disc. Nice size for holding heavier objects and magnetic therapy.

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