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Red Clover


Red Clover?
January 4 2007 at 7:20 PM Corrie (Login Corrie73)
Has anyone tried red clover? I am thinking of including it in my new program (after the break I am currently taking) and would like to hear everyone's experiences with this herb.

Good luck to all!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Red Clover?
January 4 2007, 8:16 PM

I've added it a short while ago, so I can't say if it's doing anything yet. Red clover is an estrogenic and anti-progesetronic herb (or progesterone balancing).

(Login lassysam)
red clover
January 4 2007, 9:15 PM

I have only used it 4-5 days. I had to stop taking it today because the headaches were too much, however I am very sensitive to herbs and meds. When I first took it I could feel my heart beating rapidly and my body temperature definately increased. The first day I got a migraine and I had a continuous headache everday since then. Ibuprofen doesn't seem to help. It seemed like it increased my circulation. I would have really liked to see if I could get any results from it, but the head aches were just wearing me out. I am probably a rare case though - you probably won't have this problem.
Let me know if you have success with it. Maybe I will try it again later if it works for you.
Good luck! I always think it's exciting when trying a new herb.

(Login Corrie73)
Re: Red Clover?
January 4 2007, 9:29 PM

If red clover is anti-progesteronic, do you think it would be bad for those of us who need extra progesterone and are being helped by vitex? I definitely don't want to mess that up!

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Red Clover?
January 4 2007, 9:58 PM

Im takin a little every day in my program jelly....

(Login Corrie73)
Re: Red Clover?
January 4 2007, 10:09 PM

Jelly, I just posted an article that talks about red clover. Very interesting. This hormone / herb stuff is very complicated! Even doctors and herbalists don't have it all figured out! Corrie Smile

Good luck to all!

(Login faerycat)
Re: Red Clover?
January 4 2007, 11:30 PM

Corrie hun, I suggest that if you are gonna try red clover, then do so with care. Please read on -

Red Clover

Botanical Name: Trifolium pratense
Common Names: Beebread, Cow Clover, Cow Grass, Meadow Clover, Purple Clover

Plant Description
Medicinal Uses and Indications
Dosage and Administration
Interactions and Depletions
Supporting Research



Red clover, a wild plant used as grazing food for cattle and other livestock, has also been used medicinally to treat a wide array of conditions. These have included cancer, mastitis (inflammation of the breast), joint disorders, jaundice, bronchitis, spasmodic coughing, asthma, and skin inflammations, such as psoriasis and eczema. Red clover is thought to "purify" the blood by promoting urine and mucous production, improving circulation, and stimulating the secretion of bile. Recently, specific chemicals in red clover -- known as isoflavones -- have been isolated and tested for their effectiveness in treating a variety of conditions. Although isolated isoflavone products are very different from the whole herb, they have shown promise in the treatment of a number of conditions associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, cardiovascular health, and the bone loss associated with osteoporosis.


Plant Description

Red clover is a perennial herb that commonly grows wild in meadows throughout Europe and Asia, and has now been naturalized to grow in North America. The red flowers at the end of the branched stems are considered to be the source of its medicinal properties and are usually dried for therapeutic use.


Medicinal Uses and Indications

Red clover is a source of many valuable nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is also considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants).



Cardiovascular Health

Menopause increases a woman's risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Supplementation with red clover isoflavones has been associated with a sizeable increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or "good" cholesterol in pre- and postmenopausal women, leading some researchers to believe that these isoflavones may help protect against cardiovascular disease. Other studies, however, have refuted this finding. Interestingly, one recent study found that menopausal women taking red clover supplements experienced a significant improvement in arterial compliance (a measure of the strength and resilience of the arterial walls). Arterial compliance diminishes during menopause and may increase a woman's risk for heart disease.


While not all studies are thoroughly convincing, several studies of a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones suggest that it may significantly reduce hot flashes in menopausal women.


Menopause increases a woman's risk for developing osteoporosis (significant bone loss). Some studies suggest that a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones may slow bone loss and even boost bone mineral density in pre- and perimenopausal women.


The isoflavones isolated from red clover have been studied for their effectiveness in treating some forms of cancer. It is thought that the isoflavones prevent the proliferation of cancer cells and that they may even destroy cancer cells. Laboratory and animal studies have found that red clover isoflavones may protect against the growth of breast cancer cells. This is surprising because estrogens (and isoflavones have estrogenic properties) have generally been thought to stimulate the growth of breast cancer in women. Until further research has been conducted and more information is available, the use of red clover isoflavones or other red clover products should probably be avoided in women with a history of breast cancer.

Other Uses

Traditionally, red clover ointments have been applied to the skin to treat conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and other rashes. Red clover also has a history of use as a cough remedy for children.


Dosage and Administration

Red clover is available in a variety of preparations, including teas, tinctures, tablets, capsules, liquid extract, and extracts standardized to specific isoflavone contents. It can also be prepared as an ointment for topical application.



Red clover has a history of short-term use as a cough remedy for children. Isolated red clover isoflavone products are very different than the whole herb, however, and are not recommended for children.



Although dosage and administration will vary from individual to individual, general guidelines are as follows:

Dried herb (used for tea): 1 to 2 tsp dried flowers or flowering tops steeped in 8 oz hot water for 1/2 hour; take 2 to 3 cups daily
Powdered herb (available in capsules): 2 to 6 capsules (500 mg each) per day
Tincture (1:5, 30% alcohol): 60 to 100 drops (3 to 5 mL) three times per day; may add to hot water as a tea
Fluid Extract (1:1): 1 mL three times per day; may add to hot water as a tea
Standardized red clover isoflavone extracts: directions on product labels should be carefully followed
Topical treatment (such as for psoriasis or eczema): an infusion, liquid extract, or ointment containing 10 to 15% flowerheads
As mentioned above, isolated red clover isoflavones have shown promise in the treatment of a variety of conditions. It is important to remember, however, that extracts of red clover isoflavones are very different from the whole herb -- in fact, they represent only a small portion of the entire herb in a highly concentrated form.



Side Effects

No serious adverse side effects from red clover have been reported in humans. However, infertility has been noted in grazing animals that consume large amounts of red clover.


Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

The use of red clover is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.


Interactions and Depletions

Because of the estrogen-like properties in red clover isoflavones, women with a history of breast cancer should avoid red clover (some studies suggest that synthetic and/or natural estrogens may increase the risk of breast cancer). Red clover isoflavones should be used with caution, if at all, by people receiving hormone therapy (including birth control pills) containing estrogen, progesterone, androgen or any derivatives of these hormones. Because of the increased risk of bleeding associated with red clover, individuals taking blood-thinning medications (such as warfarin or aspirin) or blood-thinning herbs and supplements (such as ginkgo, ginger, garlic, and vitamin E) should avoid red clover


(Login faerycat)
Re: Red Clover?
January 4 2007, 11:35 PM

Pay heed to what it says in the 'Interactions and Depletions' paragraph!!!

Personally it is not something I would care to try. Nor is black cohosh. From what I've studied on the subject, these herbs are more suited to menopausal women. But asides from that, gut feelings sway me well away from it. At the end of the day, only you can decide.


(Login Corrie73)
Re: Red Clover?
January 4 2007, 11:58 PM

Faerycat --

Thanks for the info! I think you are right. I am not going to include it in my new program. I think that just fenugreek, saw palmetto and maybe wild yam should work fine, in addition to the other herbs I am already taking (vitex and damiana).

Good luck to all!

(Login Surf.)
Re: Red Clover?
January 5 2007, 12:31 AM

I tried Red Clover a long while ago (stated on my programs page). It made me bleed in between my periods. I think it was just too much for me. Good luck!

(no login)
Red Clover
January 5 2007, 2:20 AM

I have been taking Red Clover since June, when I started I took 1 the first day, 2 the second day, and 3 the 3rd day. I now take 1 capsule 3xs per day, I feel it makes a difference. I ran out in September and thought it wasn't doing anything - I started again in October. I need it in my routine, all sensations stopped within days of discontinuing it. Everyone is different though!

September 25 2006 at 3:26 PM
tms81 (Login tms81)
I have read some places that red clover may reduce your blood sugar. I had big problems with fenugreeek got really bad headaches and want to know for sure that if red clover does this to. i want to switch out my wild yam with red clover.
I went to a health store and there where only writen on the fenugreek bottle that it may lower blood sugar not on the red clover.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
September 25 2006, 7:24 PM

Red Clover is a very strong NBE herb. Has estrogen efects, however it does have a lot of side effects, break through bleeding, thins blood, alters the way the liver processes certain drugs, lowers blood sugar. Maybe taken at lower does, for month on month off, it could be used, but I would suggest never taking it in high does like fenugreek or fennel or saw palmetto. Although red clover sounds promising for so many womens problems, it makes alot of new problems. It is one I would like to try myself, but again at a very low dose, and for short lengths of time near the end of my nbe project. Red Clover is not an herb to be taken without alot of concideration.

(Login tms81)
September 25 2006, 7:30 PM

I have read so many things on the internet that makes me unsure if wild yam will have any effects on nbe, but it have had one good effect of it i didnt have any menstrual cramps this time. So what do you girls think is wild yam good or what?

(Login GoldSnowflake)
I like It!!!
September 25 2006, 7:47 PM

For same reason, it eases cramps. And it is also in alot of NBE products, so its gotta be worth more for NBE than skeptics think. I think it also helps inprove my moodiness when on NBE herbs!!! PMS seems to be all the time without it. So I am going to keep taking it along with fennel and SP.

(Login tms81)
September 25 2006, 8:45 PM

seems like you are taking the same herbs as me, i take wild yam, fennel and SP. I also drink tea ( i take one ts nettle, 1ts anise and 1ts liqorice) I couldn`t find your program...

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Just started AGAIN!!!!
September 25 2006, 9:59 PM

This has to be about my 4th attemp, I have lost count. I have trouble with low blood sugar too. So I have nevered bothered to post a program until I get one I can actually stick to. I have started on low doses this time, and with alot of luck will be able to stay on it for several months in order to grow some boobs, would like about a C cup, I am a small A now. Good Luck to you!!! And we will keep in touch. Snowflake Ps.. I have been trying NBE since about DEC of last year.

(Login tms81)
September 25 2006, 10:07 PM

yeah it is not easy finding out what program to use, dont want to gain weight or take a herb that lowers blood sugar. I startet with NBE in july and the only herb i`ve been taking all the time since then is SP, but it haven`t maid me gained any weight. It is very nice to get to know you, hope you find a good program you can stick to. Big hug

(no login)
Red Clover
September 28 2006, 4:32 PM

I take Red Clover, but I slowly introduced it by taking 1 on day 1, 2 on day 2 and 3 on day 3. My program is:
AM: 2 Red Clover, 1 saw palmetto
Noon: 1 Red Clover, 2 saw palmetto
Bedtime: 1 Red Clover, 1 saw palmetto & 1 GABA

I added slowly because I read about the spotting and other side effects. I'm following Fawn's routine on the Botanical Beauty site.

I should also say that I'm over 40 years old and weigh 102 pounds. I'm adding protein drinks as soon as it arrives; hoping that if I gain some weight - it'll all go to my boobs! I massage using the Reiki massage by Diane Stein (page 138 I think) with wild yam, EPO and olive oil.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Hey little librian, sorry for BAD spelling,,
September 29 2006, 4:46 PM

Anyway, thats different for herb program, will you keep us posted on how you get along with it??? Have you noticed anygrowth yet. RC and Sp are something to keep in mind, if you could dodge the side effects of red clover. Anyway good luck and keep us posted please.

(no login)
Red Clover
September 29 2006, 8:17 PM

I've found red clover a good addition to my program. I haven't experienced any side effects myself.

Need help adding red clover to my program
February 6 2007 at 10:28 PM Lisa (Login lilmama40)
I may add red clover into my program. Here are my total daily doses at the moment in my program:
1600mg vitex, 2440mg fennugreek, 960mg fenel, 1800mg saw palmetto, 1215mg wild yam.
In your opinions, would adding red clover in be a good idea, and if so how much? Anyone's advice or experience would be appreciated! :-)

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 4:24 AM

red clover has a fairly mild (but nicely purifying) effecct so i'm not sure if you'll see much difference with the already substantial quantities of herbs you're taking... my own experience anyway.

(Login Teresina)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 6:56 AM

I don't know much about red clover myself and was just going to ask a similar question. Smile If you don't mind me tacking on to your thread, could those that have used it comment on its reported ability to add weight? Did this happen to anyone? I'm on the fence because of that side effect. Thanks. Smile

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 12:38 PM

Did you consider the experience of many other vitex users who foudn that it worked the best alone or with small ammounts of other herbs?

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Red Clover,,
February 7 2007, 12:52 PM

Is one of your strongest photo-estrogenes. I would save it for the end of your program,, after about 5-6months,, for a jump starter,, if your going to be taking all the other stuff. It is one of the very strongest of NBE herbs. There is nothing mild about it. It can cause breaking through bleeding, headaches, low blood sugars,,, To add it on near the end of your program in a very low dose,, 4oomgs a day at the most to start,, would be my best suggestion. For external use you could give it a go in massage,, As far as weight gain that is one of the side effects of all progestrons or photo-estrogens. It is a great NBE herb, but also one to be used with caution!!

(Login Surf.)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 2:30 PM

I agree with Moon - it's strong. I tried to use it once and immediately started bleeding. I stopped taking it and the bleeding stopped.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 5:27 PM

Thanks so much for the information ladies! Gosh, sometimes the individual herb route is so difficult to figure out! Sometimes I think I'm already taking too much. But then sometimes I look at the programs of those who have grown well on individual herbs and I see that some were on few things and some were on many things. It's such a toss-up! Now I'm also questioning the vitex thing and I'm not sure what to do. For as many who have grown well on it alone, the same amount have had the opposite experience. I've had good results from the beginning and it's only been a month, but now things are moving more slowly. So I think I'm "panicking" and trying to figure out what to do to keep the growth moving as quickly as it did initially. Maybe that's wrong of me. I mean, bodily tissue growing can't possibly be rushed, it's going to grow at it's pace just like it did back in puberty. Patience, patience, patience! I know. But then there's the fear that I wasn't perhaps doing the best I could have done with my program months down the line when I look back on this and I don't want to have done something wrong that stalled my growth. I'm even considering switching to PM pills and cream simply because it would be a more mapped out and simple program with me not having to down handfuls of herb pills three times a day. I think I'm having moments of doubt in the program I've chosen. Geez, I've gone 40 years without boobs the size I want them, what's the big deal about perhaps taking the next year to be patient while they grow, right? Easier said than done I guess. Keep on with the advice, please! Thank you ladies! :-)

(no login)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 5:29 PM

I've been taking Red Clover since the begining of my program. I only take 1,150mg a day. I might up the dose after a month to see what effect I get. Like someone stated you could use the extract in your massage. I haven't had any bad side effects from the clover. After looking at the many single herbs routines, I've noticed some had headaches from it.......but some didn't. You could add it in after awhile but start with a low dose.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 6:23 PM

Just try and keep it simple at first,, so you know how you react to herbs. Sp, fenugreek, fennel, epo or borage would be an excellent start. Don't get into the more complicated herbs until you have tried these. This will also give you time to research red clover, hops, nettle and such. And remember to give vitex a fair shot it is really suppose to be taken by itself. Ok maybe an oil or something. But KarenJohnsonUK took only vitex.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 7:01 PM

I forgot to add that I take 1000mg flax oil a day too. Gosh, I think the bottle of red clover I picked up yesterday was 500mg capsules, sounds like it would be too much. I'll definitely re-think my program. I'm wondering if I should drop vitex, like you've said it should work well alone. Maybe when I get to the maintenance part of my program I'd try just vitex alone and massages. My boobs feel heavy today, not sure what that's all about, lol. Just when I'm doubting myself! Geez, I've never been on such close terms with my boobs in all of my 40 years, hahaha! :-)

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 7:36 PM

The red clover dose at 5oomgs is probably fine,,, but do take with your night dose of herbs,, cause it is one of the stronger NBE herbs,, you want it in your system strong at night when growth hormone in body is at its pak during first 90 minutes of sleep.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Need help adding red clover to my program
February 7 2007, 7:42 PM

Will do, thank you snowflake! :-)

(Login GoldSnowflake)
February 7 2007, 7:56 PM

I meant peak,,, so the red clover is strong in your system when growth hormone is at its peak in the body,,, first 90 minutes or so of sleep. There has been conflicting info here lately about flax seed oil,,, I know wonderup has recommended it to their customers as one of the best oils for internal,, but very knowledgeable member of the BeBoard has stated here that it can mess will hormones not be blocked or such,, anyway drop the flax and go with EPO or borage. Same doses. 1000mgs daily,,, good luck to you,, please keep us updated on you progress. I will bump that info I am referring too.

Red Clover... Why blossom only?
March 25 2006 at 3:21 AM Fabby (Login Fabby01)
Hey Sunset I noticed you advised Sophia that if she takes Red Clover it should be blossom only... Why is that?

I just started taking Red Clover and mine is "blossom and herb," problem is I've already opened it -so I know I cant return it...

(Login liquidSunset)
March 25 2006, 10:03 PM

I knew someone would ask this, and sadly I dont honestly know why "blossoms" only. Thats what the F2F book called for so thats why I said that.
Maybe the "blossom" of it is what does the "boob" growing part. And the rest of the herb may not nessicarly help with NBE? I really dont know.

I tried and tried to find the blossoms only red clover, and I could not. If it helps, I ALSO bought the "blossoms and herb" by Natures Way and I have had off and on pains since I took the first one last night. So rest easy I think this will still work. I hadnt noticed any "pains" from them untill 3 hours after I took it (after I had said blossoms only) so I would think if you CAN find blossoms only-get those.
If you are unable to find that then try the blossoms and herb (that contains the blossom-leaf and stem ONLY) those work fine for "me" so far so I really think it is ok to use them. Smile Hope that helps! And sorry for any confusion!

~Follow your heart-
Let your spirits lift you-
And then capture your dreams!
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

(Login Fabby01)
March 26 2006, 3:03 AM

I'm using the same one you're using (nature's way), I like it so far. We'll see what happens.

red clover/ wild yam
February 11 2007 at 5:04 PM Anonymous (no login)
would red clover be an appropriate substitue for wild yam????

Thanks for any help x

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: red clover/ wild yam
February 12 2007, 11:47 AM

Red Clover is far stronger than wild yam. Fennel would be closer to strength of wild yam than Red clover.

(Login Buffeeee)
Re: red clover/ wild yam
February 12 2007, 3:07 PM

Diosgenin, the phytochemical in Wild Yam, is not found in other herbs. (At least that's what found in Google.) There's some controversy over whether it binds to estrogen receptors or progesterone receptors.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: red clover/ wild yam
February 12 2007, 6:08 PM

I thoguht wild yam is progesteronic and red clover estrogenic and anti-ptogesteronic. *googles*

(Login -Moon-)
Re: red clover/ wild yam
February 12 2007, 6:33 PM

PubMed informes me that red clover up regulates the progesterone receptor. This can mean that it either increases its sinthesis or makes it more sensitive. Therefore we could say that red clover is progesteronic.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: red clover/ wild yam
February 12 2007, 7:38 PM

I have posted a few articles on herbs. The following is from one of those articles:

"Wild yam (Dioscoria villosa) increased progesterone receptor binding in 20-30% of women, but appeared to suppress progesterone. Researchers concluded that diosgenin, the yam compound used to synthesize progesterone, “did not convert to progesterone in the body."

What this implies is that while wild yam does increase progesterone receptor activity - it does it in only about 1/4 of the women studied and it actually suppresses progesterone. In our bodies, there is no conversion of wild yam to progesterone. That can only happen in the lab.

Wild yam would be more likely to be a mild estrogenic herb in its actions.

By the way, there is some great info on the Info on Herbs section of this forum. Many people have done some research and posted it there. Quite a few of the questions I have seen on the main forum had some answers within that section. (pass it on, wink, wink...)


(Login waxingmoon)
Upregulation of receptors
February 12 2007, 7:46 PM

Our estrogen and progesterone receptors can be upregulated by herbs, but this does not necessarily mean there is an estrogenic or progesteronic effect of those herbs.

For example: Estrogen causes upregulation of progesterone receptors. Progesterone causes upregulation of estrogen receptors. (it's almost as if there was some PLAN that these hormones balance each other, ha, ha)

The true effect of an herb is by what hormone receptor it binds to. Red clover is an estrogenic herb. It binds to estrogen receptors. Yes, its estrogenic effect upregulates the progesterone receptors but it has no progesteronic action itself. Its action will mimic estrogen in the body. Wild yam is less estrogenic than red clover, but it still binds to estrogen receptors and it will mimic estrogen in the body.


(no login)
Re: red clover/ wild yam
February 13 2007, 1:34 AM

Red clover is a good herb, but definitely not like wild yam.

Question about red clover and birth control!
August 21 2009 at 5:36 PM Idelle (Login Idelle)

I feel that I used to be estrogen dominant - I would get very grumpy, very tender breasts, water retention, sugar cravings and bad cramps during my menses.
Since being on the mini pill (progest only) I dont have ANY pms symptoms, I dont have any periods at all for that matter.

I recently started taking red clover (375 mg) in the morning then again at night. I noticed I started to get slight cramps (like I was about to get my period), my legs started to ache like I had just worked the heck out of them and I got a slight headache. I know all of these are side effects of the red clover, correct?
Its something I could live with as long as its not affecting my birth control!! I have read conflicting info on red clovers interaction with birth control. Does it make a diff that the pill I'm taking contains progest only??

Can anyone shed some more light on the subject for me?
If it is in fact decreasing the effectiveness of my BCP then I will stop taking red clover immediately (which would just be a shame cause I felt some soreness and added heaviness this morning that I havent felt in a long time).

Thanks guys!

(Login Redqueen13) Re: Question about red clover and birth control! August 22 2009, 8:32 PM

Hi Idelle,

I've been wondering the same thing myself as years ago when I went off the pill, I started on a NBE program and noticed when I used red clover, the first night I had crazy sharp pains in my breasts and I think I might have grown a little. But... now that I'm on the pill, I'm not so sure as I've read info that says Red Clover might modify the progesterin level in your body - which could potentially compromise the pill. I happened to find this source saying Red Clover should not be used with the pill, but it is only one source. Better to be safe than sorry???

(no login) Re: Question about red clover and birth control!
August 23 2009, 3:17 PM

Red clover is a much used herb as it has many benefits, but it may reduce the efficiency of birth control pills.

Fennel and red clover interaction
January 18 2008 at 5:41 PM Black Sheep (no login)
I would like to add red clover to my routine and i'm kind of scared of the possible interaction with fennel. I read many girls here use red clover, fenugreek and fennel all together.
My routine: Fennel 750 X 3, Ginkgo Biloba 200 X 2, EPO 2 x 1000, SP 3 X 575 and also Milk Thistle during period each month.
Also I tried fenugreek on low dose and I got bad bad headaches thats why I swichted to fennel instead. I know that fennel is weaker than fenugreek. Should I ramp it up? How much is the max amount of fennel one should take?
Any input would be appreciated. Thank you

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Fennel and red clover interaction
January 18 2008, 6:30 PM

Red clover sounds really good and I'm not sure why more people don't use it, it sounds quite strong though. Chemically it is similar to soy and PM. I don't think you should combine red clover with fenugreek (not sure why, maybe just because both are strong) but not heard anything about combining with fennel. If you're already growing with what you take now then don't change anything but if yuo've given it a few months or you're just thinking of a program then maybe keep the fennel low and add the red clover. Try using the search function in the personal program section to find red clover on other programs, that may help you with doses. If you're thinking of making red clover tea then stop right there! It comes out a scary black witch's brew and smells and tastes disgusting! I've not been brave enough to use it since.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Fennel and red clover interaction
January 18 2008, 7:18 PM

Red clover is one of the very best for NBE, however the side effects are why most people can't take it. It can cause headaches, rapid weight gain and worst of all it makes most people spot in between periods, sometimes people start spotting no stop while on RC. As far as interacting with fennel, never read or heard or anything like that. I took RC while taking fennel and never experienced anything unusual. With the RC, I did pack on the pounds fast, and spotted alot and when I did get periods they were very light in colour as Red clover can really thin blood.

You could use it for a week or 10 days every month to give yourself a boost with program and I am sure you would get tingles and swelling, but you would want to keep a tight lid on it because of the side effect of weight gain. As fas as taking RC and fennel together, again no problem.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Fennel and red clover interaction
January 18 2008, 7:21 PM

Also Red clover can effect blood sugar levels, watch out or that one. Red clover can be taken with fenugreek and alot of programs on the BeBoard have contained both.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Fennel and red clover interaction
January 18 2008, 7:34 PM

Hi Snowflake,

That's good to know, what stage in the cycle would you advise to take it? Would it affect BCP if it's that strong? I already take blood sugar lowering meds for PCO, does it lower sugar further?

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Fennel and red clover interaction
January 18 2008, 8:02 PM

Fenugreek and Cinnomin are the top herbs to lower blood sugar. You can also buy cinnommin tablets to control blood sugar. Border line diebetics usually take cinnommin tablets and proper diets can control diebetes. I would not mix blood lowering meds with herbs that do the same. I am not sure about RC really effecting birth control as some girls on here have taken both. I didn't take BP so I can't tell you for sure if or how it would. The 7-9 days before period would be the best to take red clover as your hormones are at their peak then, so Fenugreek or Red clover would be working with you body. But another side effect with herbs and that week before period is a drastic increase of getting the munchies, put a lock on the fridge. Fennel should be taken in a dosage slightly higher than fenugreek as it is weeker. Watch for changes of blood sugar being too low, headaches, dizziness, muscle weakness, fatique as hormones also effect our blood sugars ecspecially the week before period. Hormones play a big role in regulating sugars in our bodies.

Black Sheep
(no login)
Re: Fennel and red clover interaction
January 18 2008, 9:01 PM

Thank you so much both!
I'm going to add RC before period each month, and see how that goes.
Today when I massaged my breasts I noticed something coming out, looks like colostrum and now I'm really worried, because I am not pregnant. Is that normal?
I started NBE in October 07, with FG, SP, EPO but missed a lot of pills. My breasts did get some fulness but not much to show on the measuring tape. Is been a week since I started the new routine and I did use RC for massage only. Could that have triggered the milk? Now I don't know if I should stop the pills or not.
Also, is been less then a year since I stopped breasfeeding, 8 months exactly.


Negative Side Efects with RED CLOVER- post here
April 11 2006 at 11:42 AM Snowflake (Login GoldSnowflake)


Anyone having a bad experience with red clover, please share. Thanks.

(Login ChristinaABC) Re: Negative Side Efects with RED CLOVER- post here April 11 2006, 11:01 PM

I have friends who think red clover is wonderful for menopausal symptoms and have had no problems with it. Smile

(Login Surf.)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Negative Side Efects with RED CLOVER- post here April 12 2006, 12:54 AM

Hmmmm - well, I started using Red Clover recently and I'm having spotting now! I usually spot (prior to NBE) once per cycle or every other cycle. Now, since adding Red Clover, I've been spotting for about 5 days straight (today is the 5th day, so I don't know when it will stop). I'm not sure if it's related or just a coincidence. I've been advised by some women on the forum to stop the Red Clover (see posts under - help with spotting).

I think I'm going to take their advice and stop the Red Clover.

Boobie blessing to all!!!

(Login liquidSunset)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Negative Side Efects with RED CLOVER- post here April 12 2006, 1:37 AM

hi Snowflake I know you asked for "bad" side effects but I thought I would mention that I will be using it for 3 weeks straight this Friday and I have had no side effects at all with it Smile

~Keep playin those "records" girls! ~
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Christina's Right! April 12 2006, 11:19 AM

Will not be using RC, found out it drops blood sugars. Right now doing cleanse with milk thislte and even having trouble with that. So I have to stop that too.. Just start getting achy legs, tired, weak. i had blood work done just 3 weeks ago, doctor said blood work looked normal. Homones are fine, glucose, etc. Still want to do cleanse but don't know how now.

(no login) Re: Negative Side Efects with RED CLOVER- post here April 12 2006, 12:41 PM

Yeah, i'd agree with the low blood sugar thing. I've been on RC for about a week now i think. I thought i was going to die at work yesterday and had to go buy a mars bar, and after that i was fine Smile

(Login liquidSunset)
EVE MEMBERS sNOWFLAKE April 12 2006, 3:58 PM

wow, the milk thistle is getting to you?
Please just be real carefull, you got sick with this before and I would hate to see that happen again. Boobs or no boobs, you dont want to harm yourself.

Diff. people react diff. to each herb, I was so afraid I would have problems with them cause I am a light wieght to begin with. It doesnt take much of anything to affect me, so I was a little worried about the side effects. Thankfully they all seem to work well with me and I feel great. I hope you find an herb combo that will work well for you too. Smile

(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Hey Sunset!!!! April 12 2006, 4:22 PM

So glad your are doing so well on your program. I was a little concerned about you too. Your sooo tiny and the mgs of herbs are so high. Was really wondering how you would handle everything, but your a little soldier, you just keep marchin forward. Good for You!!! Decided that I will do total body cleanse, cut myself back to I milk thistle a day see how that goes. Buy a detox kit for liver and kidneys, and then do a liver and gall bladder flush. Found a really easy recipe on web, it only takes a weekend instead of 15 days. Then go from there with NBE. Fennel does help detox, but at same time has estrogen so don't know if its best for liver at this time. Thanks for replying and wiahing me well. You keep "marching" and take care. So happy for you, your doin great!!!

(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Arialle, be careful! April 12 2006, 4:41 PM

Becareful with your blood suger and herbs, it sneaks up on you and bang it runs you down fast. Sugar hits MAY only be a temporay fix. If you start todevelop major achy legs stop any herbs that alter your blood sugar. Achy legs and arms are bad sign of depleted blood sugar and it only gets worse from there, fast. Just be careful and really pay attention to your body. Blurred vision, body aches, headaches, dizziness and weakness are some signs to let you know. Good luck. It was the fenugreek that finshed it for me.

(Login liquidSunset)
EVE MEMBERS thanks Snowflake April 12 2006, 4:47 PM

Sounds like you got everything all sorted out. I just wanted to say that it is very clever to be cautious like you are doing I really think you will do well with all of your carefull research.

I still dont understand why some people think these dosages are high?
The bottles recommend WAY more than what I am taking. Some of them say to take as many as 3 of them 3 times a day. I take 1 of each 3 times a day. (except for I add an extra fenugreek to equal 4 a day-which really seems to be working quite nicely) I am not trying to argue I just dont understand why some think mine-and others are so high mg?

Anyhow I have my fingers crossed for you that the detox goes well and you'll be back in the swing of things on the path to bigger boobies! Smile

(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Jus cause your tiny but, April 12 2006, 4:57 PM

Like you say your not taking as much as the bottle recomends, which is obviously working for you. But you know what I mean, some programs sound so strong I have to wonder even how someome thats weighs 130 or so takes it all. But I think you doing the right thing by only taking what you think your body can handle. Bottle recomedations are for average weight which is way above yours. No Sunset your doin fine, I just ment with all the herbs combined its still alot of mgs of stuff. And your small.

(Login liquidSunset)
EVE MEMBERS oh I see April 12 2006, 5:03 PM

Thank you for clairifying that for me.
Yes I agree added up all together it does seem like a lot of mg's each day.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS I'm Small April 12 2006, 5:11 PM

I'm 5' 2" and 115, so when I took 1500mgs of fenugreek which is what the bottle recommended and than ramped up to 2000 just NBE I think I did myself in. And I was taking 1000mgs of SP. So maybe for me bottle rec's were wrong too, who knows???? But I know now I have to learn if certain herbs affect blood sugar, which if they do for some reason ,they usually drop blood sugar. Never come across herb that raises blood sugar.

(Login Hannah)
April 12 2006, 5:11 PM

Red clover is considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones, so don't dismiss it too easily.

red clover with saw palmetto?
September 7 2008 at 4:12 AM hobbit_girl (Login hobbit_girl)
so i was thinking of taking:

red clover
saw palmetto
evening primrose oil

but then i read on the "information on herbs" page that red clover and saw palmetto can be bad to take together.

"Both saw palmetto and red clover contain chemicals that may reduce the blood's ability to form clots. When taken together, they may increase the risk of dangerous bleeding. Individuals who take both may need more frequent blood tests to make sure that blood is clotting properly. Additionally, saw palmetto and red clover both contain chemicals that act like hormones in the body. If they are taken at the same time, their hormonal effects may interfere. Individuals who decide to use them together should also be alert for decreased hormonal effects. If problems occur, saw palmetto, red clover, or both may need to be reduced or stopped. You may want to ask your healthcare provider about this potential interaction if you think you are having problems."

do you think that should be a problem? i'm all paranoid now lol

(Login angelrage)
Re: red clover with saw palmetto?
September 12 2008, 4:32 AM

the fla2fab program doesn't indicate any problems with taking red clover and saw palmetto (and fenugreek) together.

(Login MollyH)
Re: red clover with saw palmetto?
September 13 2008, 8:07 PM

Red Clover and Saw Palmetto are commonly taken together. Nobody has reported any problems.

(Login Redqueen13)
Re: red clover with saw palmetto?
September 18 2008, 3:08 AM

I've been taking both together (at the same time even) for a few months and I noticed when I was on about 1500 mg of both a day, I had the lightest, most pain-free menstrual cycle I've ever had and I think it put me in an overall better mood (it actually freaked me out at first) and it started clearing up my skin (which has broken out since going off the pill and being on another NBE product - forget the name at the moment). However, I stopped feeling the breast achiness that I felt previously so went back down to 1000mg a day, which I think made me start to break out again. I took a little bit of a break and now I'm two weeks into taking them at 1500 mg a day. Last time, I didn't see improvement in skin, etc until I was about a month in.

Also... I have been feeling breast achiness now (which is surprising me, now that I'm taking RC + SP for just for my skin) , so maybe before I just ramped up too quickly. Who knows... I'm also taking EPO 2x a day plus I have soymilk with my breakfast so that could be helping too (no real growth though).

I would suggest starting on 1000mg of each a day and then ramping up after a couple of days to a week before going further (if you want to).

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