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Alcohol and herbs


Alcohol and herbs
September 24 2006 at 9:41 PM kate (no login)
Does drinking alcohol affect wonderup, I have two galsses of wine each night but wondered if it slows down the effects of wonderup. would like to know.

(Login kiana2)
Re: Alcohol
September 25 2006, 12:14 AM

From my understanding the two glasses of wine each night would definately affect the effectiveness of the herbs. Alcohol interferes with hormonal messages being sent from the pituitary ( as does caffine). I have been told that wine especially does not go well with NBE herbs. I think an occasional glass is ok but every night would definately be hindering NBE. Alcohol also really dehydrates the body (very bad for NBE) so if you are having a glass of wine you should drink at least 2 extra glasses of water afterwards and try to take the herbs at least a few hours away from drinking.

(no login)
Re: Alcohol
September 25 2006, 5:37 PM

Thanks for your reply, I take wonderup a few hours after my wine but didn't give it a thought that it may interfere with the herbs.
No wine for a while andI shall see if there is a difference.

(no login)
Re: Alcohol
September 25 2006, 5:53 PM

what if you drink any other type of alcohol such as vodka, beer?? does it have a knock on effect as well??

(Login kiana2)
Re: Alcohol
September 27 2006, 3:29 AM

All alcohol will hinder NBE results. It is best to just give it up for a few months if you really want to see results. Not only is it dehydrating but it is also loaded with sugar which is extremely bad for balancing hormones and for NBE. Just think how much you will look foward to having a drink after you are done with NBE.

Vicky A
(Login VickyA)
Re: Alcohol
September 27 2006, 8:45 AM

I seem to remember a while ago that some women were proposing to drink more beer in order to benefit from the hops in it!

(Login kiana2)
Re: Alcohol
September 27 2006, 11:45 PM

I used to drink stout while i was breastfeeding (that is the really dark beer like Guiness) because it has lots of iron and yes it is said that the hops is good for producing breastmilk. As for other beers i don't think they contain enough hops to have any positive effect on NBE at all (just a beer belly). Also the sugar and alcohol is likely to overide ant benifit of hops. So actually making beer a part of your NBE routine is a bit of a long shot. You would be better off just to take the hops by itself.

October 5 2005 at 3:58 PM coyotemama (no login)
Hello again! I think I read somewhere that you shouldnt drink alcohol while on NBE routines as well as carbonated drinks, but I cant seem to find it again.
Is this true and if so do you know why?

(no login)
Re: one last question please!lol! Re: Alcohol
October 5 2005, 10:01 PM

I think maybe carbonated drinks might interfere with the absorption of the herbs. If I remember correctly, some herbalists at least say they slow the absorption down. As for alcohol, I believe some herbalists actually mix herbs with alcohol, so it can't be regarded as bad by everyone. I think the reason some people say you shouldn't take it for breast enhancement is something to do with alcohol dehydrating the body.

(no login)
Re: one last question please!lol! Re: Alcohol
October 6 2005, 3:11 PM

Yes, alcohol is a diuretic which has an effect not only on your hydration status, but also on your body's ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients, both of which are important for using the phytoestrogens to encourage breast growth. Some herbs do contain a grain alcohol base, but the amount is miniscule compared to one serving of alcohol. I mean, we're talking 15-30 ml(15ml = approx. 1/2 oz) versus 6-8 oz per glass of wine, we won't even go into a can or bottle of beer.

Either way, this information is for optimizing growth. People have drunk carbonated drinks and alcohol and still had some growth. I would just recommend that it be kept to rarely to get the best results.

(no login)
October 6 2005, 7:10 PM

That is pretty good information. I didnt realize that. I don't drink carbonated drinks at all..i drink lots of water but I DO have a couple drinks a week...usually about two nights out of a week i will have 3-4 beers each of those evenings. Do you think this is enought to interfere with my growth?? I haven't seen much so far but its only been 2 weeks??

(no login)
Re: RE
October 6 2005, 8:17 PM


My best advice would be to forgo the alcohol and carbonated drinks until you have given your breast a chance to grow. If you can pass on the beers and sodas altogether for a month, it will give your body a chance to kick start the growth process. Then you can decide if you would like to add in alcohol. A big part of growing is just eliminating anything that might hinder growth.

(Login Epiphany.)
March 14 2006, 9:04 AM

But is it not true that some women are deliberately drinking alcohol to get the hops in it which is good for breast growth? (sorry I'm new here and still trying to understand everything).

(no login)
Re: one last question please!lol! Re: Alcohol
March 16 2006, 12:07 AM

i think of it like this,,,, there are plenty of prescribed medicens that state not to take with caffine (coffee) or not to consume alcohol several hours after taking it, im on 1 prescribed medicine that says not to drink grape fruit juice while on the tablet. so i guess this might account for the herbs too, there may be seveal things that inhibit how the herbs work xx

(Login liquidSunset)
Beer for hops intake
March 16 2006, 3:28 PM

I did read that some women have reported growth from dinking 2-3 beers a week. I dont know how much hops is in beer, but I wouldnt think it would be enough to really do anything, so I kinda disagree with what I read about that. I would understand it "bloating" you more than getting booby "growth" from it. I could be wrong, but thats my interpritation of the whole thing.

(Login SugarQ)
Re: one last question please!lol! Re: Alcohol
March 16 2006, 4:59 PM

look, hops and beer are two different things. you cant expect to suppliment hops by drinking beer. ive never heard of beer actually having high estrogen acivity or have breast enhancing propertyies. if that were the case most men wouldnt drink it. some people , however believe that the alchohol will stimuate more prolactin release which is true and stimulate an increase amount of estrogen. am i confusing you its called obesity not breast enhancement or enlargement. the increases in prolactin, cortisol, estorgen etc all help to store fat all over the body so there is no targeted effect on the breasts. just a propotional destribution of fat all over the body. maye in the rare case you hear a story about a women drinking beer and only developing larger breasts but thats the exception to the rule. most excessive alcohol drinkers (who are women) dont get so lucky.

alcohol can cause breast enlargement but only in excessive drinkers who drink to get overly drunk several night a week for years. not only do they get larger breasts but they get fat around the midsection and their face looks disgusting. i wouldnt use beer or alchohol to suppliment Phytoestrogens or boost prolactin. there is no safe way to consume alchohol in the large enough amounts needed to be effecive for NBE and small drinks every day or so wont do a thing to significantly raise hormone levels for NBE. as far as how it affects herb absoroption, i dont know. but just like coffee and carbonated drinks you need to cut down on them but a drink now and then wouldnt hurt NBE.its probably more important to watch your carb intake from foods you eat and cut your refined sugars intake to keep testosterone levels down.

(Login liquidSunset)
March 16 2006, 6:02 PM

I have to say I agree with you. Thank you for your opinion on this subject.

alcohol and NBE
July 24 2006 at 11:04 PM lani (Login Laniboo)
Hi girls! I am just a bit confused about the effects of alcohol on NBE. I've read everywhere that beer is bad for NBE (except some that contain hops), but that red wine is ok. What exactly is bad for you-- the carbonation or the alcohol? What are some other alcoholic beverages that aren't bad for NBE? Are things like wine coolers or mixed drinks ok? Can anyone clarify?

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: alcohol and NBE
July 26 2006, 9:54 AM

I think you'll find that ALL beer contains hops, not just some of them. But some beers contain a lot more hops than others. Guinness is high in hops for example and Budweiser is low. There is a lot of difference between one end of the scale and the other, but I don't think there is any such thing as beer that doesn't have hops in.

Wild Flower
(Login wild.flower)
Re: alcohol and NBE
July 26 2006, 7:26 PM

I thought the problem with alcohol was that it dehydrates the body.

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: alcohol and NBE
July 28 2006, 9:23 PM

I've never worried very much about having a drink now and then. I'm not aware that alcohol is supposed to be prohibted if you're trying to encourage your braests to grow. If anyone thinks differently, please let us know your opinion.

(Login SugarQ)
Re: alcohol and NBE
July 29 2006, 12:56 AM

look, forget about the hops in beer when hops is being made into beer it goes through changes that completely ulter its effects as a phtoestrogrogen. beer raises prolactin and i blieve cortisol. but you need to consume alot of alcohol daily to build enough hormones to do anything. alcohol abuse can make you fat and a side effect is breast enlargement and most people dont want to be fat. i would not bother using alcohol as an NBE suppliment. its not worth it. if you already occasionally drink it then fine you dont really need to give it up but dont force youself to drink it .

(Login Laniboo)
Re: alcohol and NBE
August 1 2006, 5:52 PM

hey girls thanks for your responses. and i certainly was not planning on using alcohol as an nbe method, i just read somewhere that it is harmful and wanted to know if it would affect the herbs that im taking. i don't drink very much, but i am in college, so that does tend to be the thing to do over the weekends! just wanted to make sure i wouldn't have any negative side effects from the alcohol!

Alcohol and NBE
October 21 2008 at 3:48 AM greecemonkey (Login greecemonkey)
Just wondering if alcohol affects nbe. I usually have a nightly glass of red wine in the evening, and a few beers in the wkend (on the odd occasion a bit more than a few Wink) Im a social smoker so on avg maybe 10-15 cigs a week.

Does anyone know about this? Also, will I have to give up chocolate????? Sad


(Login Wahaika)
Alcohol and NBE
October 21 2008, 4:43 AM

Alcohol raises dopamine which inhibits prolactin which is counterproductive to NBE. There are other factors as well, such as the hops content in some beers. But I'd say that the amount you are taking is negligible as far as NBE goes. If you have what appears to be a good program (including the time of year) but are getting no results, you could try eliminating alcohol and see what the effect is.

Good luck!


(Login PrincessJojo)
Alcohol and NBE
October 22 2008, 1:26 AM

About the chocolate, sugar inhibits the work of the herbs. It is recommended to cut right back or cut out sugar altogether. For me this has been hard. I try to have only 1 or 2 sweet things a day and I am getting growing signs. Goodluck from one chocolate lover to another Wink Jojox

(Login Stirl)
Re: Alcohol and NBE
October 22 2008, 1:52 AM

I have been having a hard time with the sugar as well! I've basically been getting my sweet fix by adding brown sugar to my tea rather than munching on chocolateSmile

(Login greecemonkey)
Re: Alcohol and NBE
October 22 2008, 9:17 AM

Hey guys, thanks for your responses Wink

So its more chocolate!! Holly crap, I'm gonna go nuts 12 times a year if ya know what I mean!! ;D
I feel sorry for my boys heehee!

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Alcohol and NBE
October 22 2008, 6:04 PM

I'd try it WITH sugar before without - God! How can you even reduce your sugar intake?! Only thing keeping me going at the moment is the thought of the fry up I want before work tomorrow and the cakes I'll snack on during the day! I just get depresesed and mean without a fatty / sweet diet.

(Login HDChick)
Re: Alcohol and NBE
October 24 2008, 3:55 AM

ahhh live a little - everything in moderation, ya know if I totally gave up chocolate, beer/wine and smokes I may as well not have boobs cuz my guy would leave me...
HDChick 1 year later is Happy!


(no login)
Re: Alcohol and NBE
October 24 2008, 11:09 AM

Hey HDchick
thank god for you!! I havent had a drop in almost two weeks.. Im not an alky haahaa!, but I do like a wkend beer or 3 ;D And the chocolate tormenting me in my cupboard hasnt stopped screaming my name(especially cause its nearly 'that'time..)

you saved my life, and the life of my boys(one being my honey-bun)too! Now they wont have to run for the hills every time my grumpy chocolate crazed friend comes to stay heehee!!

(Login greecemonkey)
Re: Alcohol and NBE
October 24 2008, 11:22 AM

I'm disappointed if the hops in beer isn't a benefit to NBE.

NBE, supplements and Alcohol? Does drinking moderately affect boobie growth?
August 10 2009 at 4:31 PM Myly (Login My20)

I occasionally drink on birthdays and special events. I've been researching and going through this forum for some time now but as afraid to try the programs since I do drink. Would occasionally drinking affect my growth and would it pose any severe health issues?

Any advice or insights would be very helpful. Thank you guys!

(Login nikkapotamus)
Re: NBE, supplements and Alcohol? Does drinking moderately affect boobie growth?
August 10 2009, 5:17 PM

*I* don't think so.
If you tried the 'boobie foods' thing then wine is 'warm' and beer is 'cold', meaning that wine is good to drink and beer is not good to drink.... but other girls might argue it has hops in it (and girls that drink beer can be very busty).

well, i like to drink in moderation. and i've seen growth.

(Login periwinkle12)
Re: NBE, supplements and Alcohol? Does drinking moderately affect boobie growth?
August 11 2009, 3:44 AM

ppl do say to stay away from alcohol and coffee while doing nbe. but they say if you do have any of them to take your pills 2 hrs after you've had the coffee or alcohol.

(no login)
Re: NBE, supplements and Alcohol? Does drinking moderately affect boobie growth?
August 12 2009, 1:22 AM

What about the tradition of barmaids being busty after nightly does of hops in their beer?

alcohol consumption
May 15 2007 at 4:09 PM sugar2spice (Login sugar2spice)
How many hours is far enough away when drinking alcohol and taking NBE I am on Wonderup and must take 3Xper day?

(Login MollyH)
Re: alcohol consumption
May 16 2007, 9:35 AM

If alcohol is a problem, which is possibly the case, then it won't make any difference what time of day you drink it. Alcohol can dehydrate the body whatever time of day you have it, so I wouldn't advise you to try and arrange alcohol consumption for a certain time.

White Sheep
(Login sugar2spice)
Re: alcohol consumption
May 16 2007, 12:50 PM

I don't drink often. I was just wondering about for a time if I have one night out on a weekend to drink. I'm not an alcoholic.

(Login gingerD)
Re: alcohol consumption
May 16 2007, 2:12 PM

hey sugar-Well, i do drink often, most nights really and if you look at good boobie food list Red wine is a good one, so i tell myself that as i neck my Vino.
we already know alcohol is not good for us,but if you only drink at weekends you should be ok,try Red wine and lemondae,or drink real beer, full of hops instead of alcopops etc.

Good luck o your boobie quest

(Login Sikkogirl)
Re: alcohol consumption
May 17 2007, 1:52 AM

If I am going to have an alcoholic beverage I don't consume any alcohol within four hours of my dose...I figure this give it enough time to work through me so I'm not mixing the two, Sikkogirl

(Login fashjkgirl)
Re: alcohol consumption
May 19 2007, 10:12 PM

I don't think moderate alcohol consumption is a problem for NBE.

Wine and NBE
February 25 2006 at 10:39 AM MyKids3 (no login)
Every now and then on a Friday or Saturday night,Ilike to sit back,relax and totally unwind by having some wine or sometimes beer.Im not much of a drinker.It has been 3-4 weeks since I drank last.When I do drink I tend to go a little past the "buzz" stage.I have 3 kids,youngest just turned 4. My daughter will be 6 and my oldest son just turned 14.Plus I babysit a 5 yr. old and have two 2 year olds that I watch.So after my week is over of babysitting,Ilike to have time for myself and unwind.For one thing I heard stress isnt good for NBE if thats correct,but my husband is the only one who was making money and some weeks it just wasnt enough,so thats why I started babysitting,just for the extra cash.As far as the alcohol goes im not sure. I was just wondering if i should stop drinking all together or if some everynow and then is ok.

(no login)
Hi MK3
February 25 2006, 11:05 AM

Im no expert on the alcohol/NBE mix but my guess would be that it should be fine as long as u dont "dehydrate" ur body at any moderate level and just make sure u replenish urself with plenty of water the next day to "make up" for the alcohol consumption. Like u said,u dont do it ofton so I cant see a problem with it:-)

(no login)
Re: Wine and NBE
February 25 2006, 11:25 AM

Thanks for your opinion.Since I started BE, I have drank nothing but water. Every now and then I'll drink orange juice or milk.Im really trying to watch what im eating and drinking.I was just afraid if I had some alcohol that would mess things up.Thanks Steph.

(no login)
You may not believe me but...
February 26 2006, 12:54 AM

I read that some girls reportedly grew from drinking a couple of beers a week. The hops in it was to thank. I dont know if it's true, but thats what I read in the F2F book. And the herb hops by itself is used in NBE; so it could be possable.
(do you suppose thats why the bud girls&coors light girls, and all the other "beer" girls in the adds got big boobs?)'m just kidding.

(no login)
Re: Wine and NBE
February 26 2006, 1:04 PM

Sunset, that was funny and may be one reason :-), but it certainly explains all those fat guys with beer bellies who have bigger "boobs" than me. :-)

(no login)
Re: Wine and NBE
February 26 2006, 1:15 PM


There is actually this big fat beer-guzzling IT guy in my office that has THE most beautiful breasts I've ever seen!! He actaully looks like the comic-book store guy from The Simpsons. Anyway, his bouncing ample bosom is the envy of all the ladies in the office. It's so unfair!

Maybe those hops really do the trick! Smile

(no login)
Steph's Routine?
February 26 2006, 1:27 PM

All this hops talk has got me really intrigued. I've been looking for Steph's routine, I thought I saw it a few days ago but I can't find it now.. If someone knows where it is could you please bump it up for me? Or maybe Steph would you be so kind as to post it again?


(no login)
February 26 2006, 2:40 PM

I know, some GUYS are just so lucky...

(no login)
Bouncing ample bosom?? Lol lol lol
February 26 2006, 10:36 PM

That is SO funny Im crying!TT my routine is: 320mg SP daily,350mg Fenugreek EXTRACT daily,440mg Hops daily,1500mg EPO daily and just some other random vitamins (not for BE) and I apply EPO 3x's per day and I use a funky homemade batter once a day,I do not massage to much at all. Thats it:-)

(Login bradley2668)
Re: Wine and NBE
February 27 2006, 12:54 AM

maybe they are hummmmmmm !

(no login)
Re: Wine and NBE
February 27 2006, 12:57 AM

Thanks Steph! I think I'm going to try adding a small dosage of hops too. When do you think would be the best time to do so? And by that I mean by what stage in my cycle?

(no login)
Sorry Tender I just saw ur post
February 27 2006, 4:18 AM

I started my Hops the same day I bought them and I do everything that way,I know people will totally disagree with me BUT I dont beleive that the "start" times of herbs matter at all and I start or change stuff when I FEEL like I need to and NOT by any BE "protocal",thats just me. But do take the Hop dose at bedtime as its a mild sedative.

(no login)
Re: Wine and NBE
February 27 2006, 4:39 AM

HI ladies, i might add that its not the hops in the beer but the alcohol. excessive amount of if will cause prolactin levels to increase and cause NBE in men.

(no login)
Re NBE in Men
February 27 2006, 6:21 AM

Elevated levels of Prolactin are also assocciated with higher stress levels right?? Is that why all alcoholics with "man boobs" seem to be such a**holes?!

February 15 2007 at 12:04 AM lil dunny (Login lil_dunny)
it's a bit odd to see alcohol in the list of boobie-unfriendly foods, as beer for example is made primarily of barley and hops, two quite boobie-friendly ingredients...

(Login Wahaika)
February 15 2007, 4:35 AM

I would imagine that this is because dopamine inhibits prolactin, and alcohol is showing up in research to increase dopamine.

(Login emmiedee)
but if that is the case...
February 15 2007, 4:37 PM

i just read an article today that a study done shows that love (yes, true love) increases dopamine!

an advantage for the single types?

really, it was an interesting article. said love gives the same reactions in the brain (activates the same areas) as cocaine! crazy...

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