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Need some advice


I have been on BB now for the past six months. To date I have had absolutely no tingles/sensations or growth at all. I have a low temp so have been taking ltyrosine and kelp since starting BB. I have also had protein drinks every day for months - but have lost interest in them now as nothing seems to work.

Mentioned to Bountiful at 4 months that nothing was happening - they suggested to take DIM and FSO along with a topical cream. Still nothing. I added EPO, and SP/Nettle as well after doing some reading on this forum.

Just this past week, after AF, I decided to increase the BB pills to 3 per day. Still nothing. I have ordered some WY, and GABA to see if this helps.

Just out of interest - I had been taking Ainterol PM pills for about 4 months prior to starting BB. I stopped taking the PM one day and immediately started the BB pills the next. (Impatient, I know) That week up to when AF came - I did have tingles, but after AF - nothing.

There is only one other time I have felt tingles although it took 4 months and that was years ago when taking Red Clover, SP and some other Menopause product which had Dong Quai as it's main ingredient. Then I ran out of them.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I only have another six months left of BB.

Just got a NB too - out of desperation :-/

After 6 months on BB with no response, I would not know what to tell you. I know you would not want to hear this, but it could be that you are just one of those who does not respond to BO? Also, I do know that you are not supposed to take phytogenic herbs while on BO, and PM is the strongest you can get I think, so maybe you should have taken a break.

If you really wanted to continue with the BB, I would take a couple of weeks break, during that break do a liver cleanse with milk thisle, then start BB again with only the kelp, LT, SP and see how that goes?

The really good news I read in your post is that you ordered Noogleberry! You will definately get growth from that. I did grow from BB, but it was the Noogleberry that I really give the credit to. Let us know what you decide and how it goes....and maybe someone else will have suggestions for you.

I know it can be discouraging, but don't give up on the protein. I think it has so many other benefits, plus it may help you with your NB growth.


agreed... stick with the protein, because no matter what program you are going to need it. you may need to increase it a little as well... i am adding lamb placenta, which increases cell growth speed (it's for skin rejuvination, etc etc), to my noogle routine and to the bb when it shows up, and have some dim. we may end up on the same program! msm is also good for adding collagen, which increases elasticity and shouldn't conflict with the bo estrogen benefits. the dim helps sort good estrogen from bad, so it should be okay for you to take.

sissy had some results when she DECREASED her bb as well. perhaps you are doing too much? try a cleanse with milk thistle for a week or so, then do 1 pill a day for a bit, then back up to 2...

keep us posted!

Thanks emmiedee and sissy2345. Haven't completely given up on the protein - I still make the odd one and make sure I have eggs regularly.

Maybe your right sissy - maybe BB won't work for me.... as the months have been slipping by, I kinda figured that.

When I was taking PM for those 4 months - it did absolutely nothing for me either and I was taking 2 per day. (Although my skin felt great). Yes - I should have taken a break before starting BB. That was not the best decision to make. I just couldn't believe my luck that I'd actually received my BB pills in the first place (managed to get it past Australian customs) so it was a mixture of relief, excitement and impatience. Well...thats my excuse for the bad decision. Tongue

I have been on one BB pill per day for a couple of months to try and resolve some spotting issues which unfortunately didn't work. I also had thought that this was a good time to test the theory of a lower dose working on some people.

I just don't understand why I had the initial tingles in that first week.
I had got to thinking that maybe it was a combination of the two at a lower dose - e.g. less PM in the system and the initial build up of BB. I know that this is not recommended though so haven't done this - it's me just thinking outside the square.

All the extra stuff I'm taking with BB are things I have been told to try by Bountiful but I tell you - it's enough to make a girl want to experiment a bit though - to try to figure out why it's not working. Have been so good sticking to the recommended routine - kinda had enough of doing as I'm told and am ready to break loose a bit and try some different things Tongue

I'll schedule in a cleanse in a few weeks time and then try again with BB - see how it goes. Maybe I'm just a really, really late starter!?

You know sissy, I'm banking on the NB too - this just has to work.

Thanks for all the advice girls.

there are easier ways to get protein... you can get protein bars to eat during the day as snacks or a meal supplement, and slimfast/ensure/etc all have protein-enhanced drinks now that are around 15mg of protein a can. 80mg or so a day is a lot, but if you do 15 in a slimfast for breakfast, then a protein bar mid-day (another 10mg?), then some meat for lunch for a bit more, and so on, you should be able to get up towards the high end. i don't know what they sell in australia, but you should be able to find supplements that you don't have to mix yourself. i get lazy about shakes, too, so i keep things like the slimfast on-hand for my lazy days!

i really think it might be protein... you took it super serious at first (we all do) and then slacked off on the protein. perhaps that is it??


Yep, your right emmiedee, except most of it comes down to cost here. Australia is super expensive to buy vitamins/herbs/shakes (needless to say I now buy all my stuff from US except shakes) - eg. 1 protein bar from the local grocery store costs in excess of $4.00 a bar. A container of whey protein isolate shake cost me $71 for 1kg from the health food store. Managed to pick up some from ebay (cooking grade apparently-tastes gross) for $65 for 2kg.
All in all though - I can buy a truckload of eggs for the same price. For some reason cooking/eating those appeals to me more than making the shakes. I promise though - it was around the 5 month mark that I slacked off on the shakes - but I did replace that with heaps of eggs, and I never miss meals - can't afford to - need to keep my weight up.

I will recheck the slimming stuff though and see if they have anything.

I did notice Ultrabreast contains some wild yam in the preparation. I thought if I added that to my BB pills and maybe give that a go - cause they would be similar in content. What do you think? Also thought that may also help in the spotting department. Just waiting for them to be delivered.

Oh yeah - just remembered - have also ordered some L Arginine, L Glutamine, and Gaba for growth. Waiting for that to get here too.

Thanks emmiedee - noogling as we speak Smile

Huh. No wonder you didn't do well with PM. You tried the controversial Ainterol brand. There's been a big argument over that product on the old PM forum. Besides, they recommend 1000 mgs a day. Higher than the standard dose. I do believe everyone is different and may have different responses, but their product is not 1 I would suggest trying.

Anyway, I digress. Good luck with BO and the NB!
(23-11-2009, 07:10)Onlyme Wrote:  Just out of interest - I had been taking Ainterol PM pills for about 4 months prior to starting BB. I stopped taking the PM one day and immediately started the BB pills the next. (Impatient, I know) That week up to when AF came - I did have tingles, but after AF - nothing.

Thanks for the info ShyBoobs. I will most definitely check that out on the old forum!

I'm sure some other weird stuff happened while I was taking it - but can't be certain if it was caused by the ingredient itself (really high phytoestrogen) or by the high dosage. Yep -1000 mgs per day.

I'd say - after more extensive research on the old forum - that I was taking too much for my body - I'm 32 AA. Apparently your supposed to start low dosages of any herbs and ramp up.

Oh well, you live and learn.

Will check the old forum now on brand issue....

Thanks again mate.

Wow....I had no idea. O_o

Well - if I ever decide to do PM again - I'll be certain to take all that into consideration!

Thanks again ShyBoobs.

No prob, hon. That's why we're all help out and keep each other informed! Big Grin

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