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Pm powder color


Got some pm capsules from biovea, the powder inside appears to be a mix of brown and beige. There's people saying that pm powder should look, cream, beige or white but not brown. So im kind of confused with what I received, is it genuine pm or something else sold as pm to Biovea.

Butea superba looks very similar in powder form, so im wondering if its a mix up of herbs.

Does anyone have experience with Biovea pm capsules or have any idea about the color discrepancies?

Here is an image of the capsule for comparison.

I have no idea what color the Ainterol powder is, but it should be interesting to see the differences.

[Image: XXDn40V.jpg?1]

My ainterol capsules are completely white inside with a transparent capsule.

From biovea site it says:
Other Ingredients: Rice Flour and Vegetable Capsule. So it is not pure PM and it has rice in it. If it is not a bleached rice then it is brown rice.
I have different brands of PM and all are white.


Although the front of the bottle says 500mg, if you read the back in fine print it says that 500mg is for one serving split in two, so essentially one cap contains 250mg. I thought this was kind of misleading.

On a lighter note, I will say that the packaging is nice with well made bottles and labelling...

Back to the color, there are definite whitish specks throughout the mix in the powder but its hard to tell at what ratio since that brown material drowns it out. I hope its just rice flour though.

Ill upload a picture in my next post with a closeup of the powder minus the cap.

So here is the powder all by itself, as you can see there are specks of white throughout the mix. I looked up images of brown rice flour for comparison and it doesn't seem to look anywhere near as brown. I'm really confused right now what to think [Image: smiley-confused2.gif]

I really do wonder if they are getting pm from their source or something else that is being passed off as pm.

After taking the capsules for a couple of days I have noticed a calming, sleepy effect accompanied with very mild nausea. Do these effects seem normal for somebody taking pm?

[Image: 8JdDRxd.jpg]

stlett0 Wrote: After taking the capsules for a couple of days I have noticed a calming, sleepy effect accompanied with very mild nausea. Do these effects seem normal for somebody taking pm?



The first time that I ordered PM, which was from a reliable site and was loose powder, it was light beige. This is the stuff that changed my period and all that other stuff I was not expecting but was excited about because I heard of PM's success. Gotta be careful with the hard stuff, lol.
The second time I ordered "PM," I knew right away that it was a different substance. It was white, with almost no flavor, no smel. I was pissed. I tried to get my money back and then the seller actually changed the listing and the company sided with the seller. I did use it anyway, because I payed for about 20 packets of. It turns out to be Kudzu root, which can also be used in NBE and is in some formulations, but is very mild in hormonal effects. I can take way more with no disturbance in the force (Ha! I am more of a Trekkie, but I had to go there). Anyway, yes, this company got away with advertising it as "variety of PM." Pshaw! They are not the same! I even did research on the taste of it, just to make sure afterwards.

I have had these negative side effects, such as nausea and sleepiness for the first month. It is probably because of high estrogens in it. and also dizziness ..I would say..I could not properly think and my eyesight got worse Smile do not overload your body with it

That would have been so frustrating char, because its such an obscure herb I think it makes it so much more difficult to know who is supplying the correct type. I'm hoping that my batch of capsules are authentic but theres no way to really find out unless I take it to a lab, this I can't do so I'll have to observe the effects it has on me.

Janny; im happy to say that the nausea and sleepiness has greatly diminished, it wasn't that serious to begin with (I've felt worse) but its definitely worth noting. I guess it takes the body some time to adjust. Im taking the daily recommended dose of 500mg so hopefully it wont cause too many problems. What dosage were you taking at the time?

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