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Figuring out a newbie NBE program- help from more knowledgeable people


Hey everyone !

I've been reading bits and pieces about NBE for a few years now. Have always been afraid and reluctant to use supplements. I've learned some more about my body recently. For instance, I believe I have excess androgens (though not tested for hormone levels yet). I have suffered with hirsuitum my whole life, excessive sweat/oil problems, high anxiety, brittle hair and smaller breasts compared to my other close family members. I believe these are all related to my hormones.

I've started some stuff to help my hormone issues but I am not sure what I am doing. I started taking inositol powder for my anxiety and it has helped a ton. I am now looking for more ways to regulate my hormones and I hope a side effect would be some breast growth with the assumption that my hormones have limited their growth in puberty.
Basic info:
Sex: female
age: 22
Current size: b cup
goal size: large c or small d cups

Currently I take :
2 tbsp powder inositol
1020 mg fenugreek capsule form
960 mg saw palmetto (standardized) Capsule form

and have done this about a week.

I also plan to start Spearmint capsules soon.

I would like to know what more experienced people might suggest for me - what changes I should make to what I am currently doing.


It's really hard to suggest more for you from my experience other than some things to add. Whether or not these will work for you are going to depend on your body' chemistry and trial and error. With your current plan, I'd suggest adding Dandelion Root, MSM, and Fennel to your plan to assist with growth (and I hope you're taking a multi and calcium for ultimate absorption.)

Do you massage? I would suggest adding a massage or two to your regimen and a lotion or butter/oil mixture for maximum stimulation. You should also check out muscle rub.

Have you considered pumping? What about mental/auditory stimulation through binaural/ hypnosis? You should research these boards and add more to your program accordingly. It seems you haven't skimmed the boards enough to have a complete program. The more you dedicate your mind and body to this, the better your results will be.

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