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Very useful app to help you monitor your programme and chart your progress


Hello Ladies,

I just wanted to let you know about that app that I found.
And i think it is free - if you type Period tracker you should find ii, it is from sevenlogics it is in the apple store.

You can track your temperature, moods, your periods, start and end date, the flow, you have a section where you can put the photos of your progress and a medication section where you can put all the supplements you have taken on a given day, i also write down how long i have massage/noogle,etc.

I think it is a useful tool if you are tracking how your body reacts to your programme and help you to adjust it accordingly.

You can see months on months data as well.
Worth dowmloading


Yes so I managed to find this and it could be very useful. A good bonus from my forum browsing!

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