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Lavender and Tea tree oil for external use only


(29-09-2017, 19:49)solome Wrote:  bettie, i should add ..massaging with different oils, my skin almost never broke out but when i first started using these two, lavender and tea tree (melaleuca) with a bit of carrier, i broke out so fiercely, i hadn't diluted them enough  ..these essential oils can be so, so intense so take care. i’ve been taking a little bit of black seed oil internally because it’s suppose to be really good for you  ….thx, itwas123 for the info  ..i do remember reading somewhere about these two, one exciting estrogen receptors and the other being an antiandrogen  …i have a girlfriend who’s really getting into essential oils so i’m learning a little bit from her and they’re so amazing what they can do …some of them can deal with superbugs and fungal things like no pharmaceutical can …we can all be so glad that big pharma is not allowed to patent the wonderful compounds in our beautiful, natural world. yes, bettie, i’ll let you know how the grapefruit rub goes. good luck to you and all the sisters, here.
Hi Solome. 
Which ones deal with superbugs? Something we should all be mindful of these days in antibiotic resistance :s

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