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Ive tried the boost your bust ebook

Big Grin 

I've been hearing about this BOOST YOUR BUST E-book. I've been hearing some very good things about so I purchased it and read through it. It has some natural methods in it. Ive just got on it for about a couple of week and have accually been getting some growth pains so I'm on my way to bigger breast if I keep at it! You can get the ebook very cheap at

Does it have any information that can't already be found here on the forum or from a google search?

^I purchased really cheep on ebay too. Nope, it basically says to use FG, SP, RC, massage and exercise, nothing new, but great source for beginners. I am doing her program as well, you can see doses in my program page. It's been 2 weeks myself, no growing pain, just sore from massage/ exercise but I feel fuller, so we will see.[/align]

Hi Hayuhi, I've read the Boost your bust book and didn't understand something. Can you explain the time I have to use the herbs in Month 1? Is that I have to use the herb whole month? Or since the first to the last day of my period? Or I have to use the herbs in the follicle phase ( 14 days ) since the first day of my period?
And what about month 2, 3? Can you also explain the time I have to use the herbs in Month 2, 3?
Hope you reply me soon. TksBig Grin ( Sorry if my English isn't good )

I agree with you they are very unclear about it, I read and retread many times too, but From research you have to use whole month. Month first start with first day of your period.

Tks for your reply, Hayuhi. I really appreciate thatSmile. But what about month 2, I didn't know how long I have to use the herbs in Month 2?
I have just read that you got the bad side effects from using herbs. What are those?
Hope you ok.

Hi Hayuhi, I have just remembered something. In the Boost your bust book, Jenny said that the ingredients which includes those 3 herbs should last us for as long as 3 months, so I don't think that in Month 1 we have to use the herbs whole month because if we do that, the herbs will over after a month.

Hi Ramona^^ i don't get that part either, those ingredients will last for three months^^ i dont get it....,but im still drinking herbs every day^^ i mean every single day and planning to continue until month 3^^ 90caps each herbs a month^^
How are you doing now? How long you've been doing the program?

Hayuhi got a nice growth for just less than a month^^but... she got some troubles related with blood flow i guess Sad i miss her...

(20-09-2014, 03:42)ramona96 Wrote:  Hi Hayuhi, I have just remembered something. In the Boost your bust book, Jenny said that the ingredients which includes those 3 herbs should last us for as long as 3 months, so I don't think that in Month 1 we have to use the herbs whole month because if we do that, the herbs will over after a month.

I was so confused about that too and she said we could email her with questions so I did, and go figure no reply. Anyway yeah no way the herbs last 3 months. That's If you take like one a day of each capsule, and that's probably not going to get you where you need to be if you bought that ebook. We want real growth duh! Herbs last a month. Honestly not a big fan of her ebook because she contradicts herself..she says to do something in the program and then says later it's not effective like taking the herbs orally. But she's got the basics down. Just combine that with all of the wonderful knowledge from all the lovely ladies on BN and you will be on your way Smile These girls have been more help to me than any ebook ever has.

Hi bluepink, miniusmrt, I really glad that you guys answer me. I sent email to Jenny and very angry because she didn't answer. When I first read her book, I really interested with the information she share in the book and I want to know everything clearly. That's why I ask you guys about the time we use the herbs. I haven't use the herbs yet because I want to know everything well.
Lately, I've known about the website named This website has lots of information about NBE, especially Chiyomilk program. After read about the time Chiyomilk use the herbs each month, I think maybe we will use those herbs in Jenny's book in the follicle phase (14 days ) since the first day of our period each month. And the basic routine will be repeated in Month 2, 3.
Anyway, hope you guys will update your results and share the useful information. TksBig Grin

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