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Excess testosterone due to PCOS & breast reduction


Hi all!!
I am following a month now, trying to get help for my own breast-story, and I admit I have found precious info! So, I decided to post my own story, not only to get any kind of help, but also to help other with the same problem!
I was diagnosed with PCOS and excess testosterone since I was a teenager, but I was among the 'lucky' ones - I get my period every month (my cycles are not 100% regular but I get them!)and I am quite thin. But the excess testosterone caused me severe acne, which got better after treatment with isotretinoin, but I still get some cystic break-outs. The worst of course is that I have excess hair growth in my face and breast, which got better after treating acne. Also, sth very frustrating is that as I notice my hair growing worse, my breast started decreasing. Within 3-4 years, I have shrunk from a full cup B (with which I was very satisfied), to a small A…
I never took medicine for my PCOS, but I have decided to fight it naturally, and maybe get my breast back Smile
The last 2 years I train regularly, increase protein foods, avoid carbs and white foods (bread, bakery, milk, etc), eat healthy fats as fish and olive oil, and trying to eat only clean foods, not processed. This diet has helped my body and health in total, but I have seen no progress concerning the hair and breast issues…So I decided to get help from herbs as well!
I started last week with 2 cups spearmint tea per day and also some Saw Palmetto, but the only supplement I could find was Solgar's ''SP Opuntia & Lycopene complex'' which contains 50mg SP..

Any comment is more than welcomed! I will continue following your posts guys!

Hi there. I want to wish you the best. I know a lady with PCOS.
I have indications of having a little more testosterone than some women. My sign is acne at age 33. I found that even if I just take a little SP (regular herb alone), it helps my acne.
I think you are off to a good start! Keep reseaarching and good luck, dear!

Hi Ursulla,
Please see if any of this info is helpful:

When diagnosing PCOS a physician will often look for elevated testosterone, decreased serum levels of estrogen, and an inverted ratio of the pituitary gonadotrophins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

The full article:

He has some interesting theories along with books, weblogs, etc.

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