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Ok folks, some of you already know me from my threads and may have seen me mention this "new business" Im starting...
Well I want to start off by saying it was never my intention to bring this business opportunity here to this forum and if it violates some forum rules or anything like that I understand if it needs to be taken down and that's fine. I am NOT trying to come here with a big ol pushy sales pitch or anything like that. Im just working on something BIG and im genuinely excited about it and would love nothing more then to share this awesome opportunity with as many people as possible and if any of you decide this is something you want to do I guarantee you will have all the money you need for nbe products and MORE.

Before I get into what it is and all the details I think it would be best to give you a brief sort of background so you understand where im coming from and how I got into this cuz its not something I would have ever known about if it weren't for certain (and somewhat sad) circumstances but I am VERY lucky to be a part of it, and especially to be in the position that I am.
I will give one clue right now as to what it is so I can better explain my story. If I had to sum it up in a quick sentence: it is the opposite of network marketing! Sort of like flipping the script on the MLM (multi level marketing) industry. And its never been done quite like this before.

Here's the thing, growing up my dad was a free thinker and a go-get-er, reach for the top kind of guy. He didn't like to do things the typical way. I mean he did what he had to do for us growing up (including working double jobs etc.) but the usual, get a job and work ur life away never, reaching for more kinda thing didn't cut it with him. He wanted to reach for greatness. He never put all his eggs into one basket. He was constantly searching for knowledge and looking for something greater. So he wasn't an average joe kinda guy. I think what he wanted to do was sort of beat the system, if you will. The system says "go to school, get an "education" and get a job working for someone else, who defines your worth and just accept this pay and work long hours for pennies so we have drones to do our work for us.... etc..." lol, ok maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration.. but maybe not...
So he searched for many options and tried many things, one of which, being network marketing. Now just those two words alone might turn many of you off and turn you away (network marketing), they do for me! My parents tried several network marketing companies, one of which they were really into and really high up in and yet somehow we were still always broke. I never saw an improvement in our quality of life and my parents were always on the phone for business or always gone off to some convention or meeting. I HATED network marketing! It just doesn't work the way they do it. Ur almost destined to fail before you even start. And its not that its a scam. There are many good, reputable companies out there with great products. Its just the system that they use doesn't really work well for the average person.
BUT, something good did come out of my parents involvement in network marketing. While in this company they were using, my dad had a friend and business partner, whom he had known for many years, named David Frost. They worked very closely together in network marketing and were friends for many years.
David Frost is a business professor at Bethany College in Lindsborg, KS. You may look it up yourself if you like, in fact, I encourage you to fact check anything you read here.
Bethany college is unique in that it is the first and, I think, only college to offer a comprehensive course in network marketing. The reason for that is because over 500,000 people join network marketing companies world wide each month. It is, in most cases, a legitimate business option and therefore worth researching and learning about if you are seriously studying business. And really no other business model allows for the possibility of making so much money every month with so little investment money. It gives people the hope of financial freedom. Unfortunately, the reason so many people fail in the Network Marketing business is because they try to SELL product to their friends, thereby creating a commission for themselves and a lot of pressure on their friends to SELL to their friends. Idk about ya'll but I don't like trying to sell things to my friends!
Well, to skip ahead a bit, my dad died a little over a year ago, but before that unexpected and heart wrenching tragedy, my dad had been in touch with David Frost again and was working very closely with him on a new project with the students at Bethany college, who are in David's business class.
Since David was asked to teach about network marketing in the college, he had to do his research. He had to take a cold hard look into the MLM industry and find out how and if it was possible to make his students successful (or anyone for that matter) in the network marketing business. So for several years he dug deep and hard and interviewed 100's of people who were successful in network marketing and looked into over 2 thousand companies and in doing so he started to realize something very big. Something that I think became increasingly apparent so much so that he couldn't understand why no one else had really thought of it before. He started to see that the people who were successful in MLM were the people who knew how to build a team.
And so he started a team building project with his students. Let me give you an example, and this is one of the things he and the students drew up to introduce and explain the concept:

Would you be willing to spend $150.00 a month in order to make $1,000’s of dollars a month?

Sound too good to be true?

Here’s how it is possible.

If you were willing to buy $150.00 worth of groceries at the grocery store every month, do you think they would give you 10% back every month?

No, of course not!

But do you think it is possible that the owners of a local retail or grocery store would pay you a 10% commission if you found 1000 new customers that were willing to spend a minimum of $150.00 every month at their store?

Let’s do the math. That’s $150,000 worth of new business every month for them and they give you $15, 000 (10%) for bringing them new customers.

Of course they would!

Did you know there are over 2,000 companies willing to pay you for sending them new customers?

So what is the most efficient way for you to find 1,000 new customers for them?

Why not join us in forming our own buyers’ club. It only takes you +4 friends to join!

Just find 4 friends who will agree to buy $150.00 of product every month and who will also find 4 friends willing to do the same. 4x4 system:1x4 = 4x4= 16x4= 64x4= 256x4= 1024. It really is that simple!

Do you have 4 friends willing to spend $150.00 a month to make thousands every month?

Ok, so that's the idea in a nutshell. Basically, If you're sick of being a slave to some dead end job, where someone else defines your worth and how much you get paid and you're ready to define your own worth and start building residual income so you can actually go live YOUR life and stop giving away your time to some job that just takes all ur time and gets you no where in the end then this is something that's honestly worth a shot. If you want to make thousands a month and have free time to enjoy your family and travel, or whatever it is you want to do, all you have to do is find four friends who feel the same way you do! Not really that complicated is it? Its NOT complicated at all really! And after you get your four friends THEN we insert ourselves into a network marketing company. But it cost NOTHING to get started. In fact you are not ALLOWED to invest any money until you are already set up for success. PROMISE.

Remember earlier when I said David Frost researched thousands of companies? Well in doing so he was able to narrow down the top ten best of the best. Meaning the most reputable, the best products, the ones that have been around the longest, and, most importantly, the ones that PAY THE MOST! From there he picked the best one to suit their purpose at the college. So he went with a company called VEMMA. Some of you may have heard of it. I want to stress that the company itself and the products aren't the important thing here, remember this is a project through the college and we are just USING Vemma. In the end it wouldn't really matter what they were selling as long we we were are making money off of them. This technique would work on just about any good network marketing company you choose but they went with Vemma simply because it paid the most. If you want to know, though, they sell health drinks and that sort of thing, like energy drinks and such.
So once you get your four friends (and they're getting their four friends etc..) THEN you can join Vemma by signing up and investing in their silver pack which costs about $500 and setting up an automatic monthly reorder of about $175 a month. Sounds steep right? But heres the thing, once all your four friends have their four friends and all join Vemma in the SAME week you are then qualified for your first check with a "frenzy bonus" (for all ur friends joining in the same week) totaling $1200! From the time you sign up to the time you get ur $1200 check it usually takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks or so and you are guaranteed to get that check and all ur money back because you have already built ur team. So while you have to make that initial $500 investment you can rest assured that you are going to not only get that back but DOUBLE it! And since you've done your work to bulid your team and your friends are doing the same thing and so on the checks will keep coming in after that and the team under you will just keep growing and so will the checks because you get a commission off of each person that signs up underneath you from then on out, no matter if you got them in or the 20th person below you got them in.
Needless to say David Frost is a very wealthy man now (hes on a 10 day cruise right now, lucky bastard lol) and he no longer works except one day a week at the college helping the students with this project. And I almost hesitate to tell you this cuz I don't want it to sounds like Im making this up but I promise you im telling the truth that one of his students who has done this, is making over $20,000 a month and just bought his own damn private jet! A college student for God's sake! And the craziest part is they only started joining the company 7 months ago!
Look, Im the first person to turn away from something that sounds too good to be true but this things works! I know the guy who started it first hand. Ive been to his house several times, I have his phone number and his email. He was a close personal friend to my dad. My dad believed VERY much in this and put in a LOT of work in helping David Frost set this up and unfortunately he died before he could see any of the fruits of his efforts (ugh im tearing up now)... I doubted my dad back then. I thought it was just another crazy scheme and I didn't really want anything to do with it (my siblings felt the same way) but now that they've actually put this project into action the success has been monumental just like my dad said it would be. Unfortunately, when he died we all lost touch with David Frost for a while until my brother decided to get a hold of him and see how the project was doing. Now my whole family is in on the project and were all working on building our teams.
Fortunately or us, David Frost feels a special urge to help us along because of how much our dad helped him so weve got a major force behind us in making this work! He personally feels responsible for making us successful and that means making the people below us in our downline successful so that's GOOD news for anyone who decides they want to join my team and do this with me!

I realize I have left a lot of gaps in my explanations here and haven't fully explained it in every detail, so I will include several links where you can learn more and hopefully get a better idea. And we can continue this discussion on this thread and hopefully i can answer all of your questions and if this is something anyone would seriously like to try I can personally put you in touch with David Frost himself and he can explain EVERYTHING! Also i am more then happy to provide my email to any serious inquirers.
The whole concept is really quite simple but theres so much more to know and Im running out of steam here cuz ive been at my computer typing this up for over 4 hours now! lol. So I shall leave you with the some links and also, in a second post on this thread, I will include a full copy of the answer key/script they give us to use in learning and explaining. Im sure that will raise many questions as well and I hope you will ask away!

Heres the first video I think it is definitely a must watch to better explain how the team building works, however keep in mind this is actually a rather old video that was done during the beginning stages of the project and I don't think he intended to really use it anymore as they have sort of revamped how they do things a bit since then, so please ignore some of the things he talks about at some points like the whole ticket thing and the weekly meetings. I am just including this video because it gives a more illustrated explanation. Its a bit corny at some points tho lol.

This next one is from the actual Vemma company itself, and helps further explain how the pay works a little bit but remember, we are doing things a bit differently so we will be able to take better advantage of the pay

And lastly heres a video of a young man who is also with Vemma, and he is just further explaining the amazing pay potential of this company. But remember, we arent really WITH vemma, we are just using them to get the best out of their system and so we are doing things a little differently so instead of two people as he uses in his example double that to 4... so when he gets to where he talks about making $34,000 a month in 12 months wed be at that in 6 months or sooner!

And lastly I will leave you with the script/answer key I mentioned earlier. You may note a couple of small copy/pastes I used earlier lol hey I had to do a lot of typing as it is! haha! I will put that in the post immediately following this one.

First Contact: When discussing this business experiment with your friends the ONLY thing you should say to them is something like “ I have an unusual business proposal I would like to discuss with you, when do you have 30 minutes?”

Then set up a time with them when you both have 30 minutes of uninterrupted time.

Then when you get with them, use this document to explain what we are doing.

1. Explain why 500,000 people join the MLM industry every month in America(500,000 a week worldwide) and why most fail and how creating a buyers club creates 100% success if done correctly.

The reason approximately 500,000 people join the MLM industry each month is because of the pay system. No other business model allows for the possibility of making so much money every month with so little investment money. It gives them hope of financial freedom.

2. Explain why we only tell the 4 people we respect and trust the most about this program. We will be building their team for them and in exchange for building success in their life we ask that they be willing to take some of their time to help others just as we helped them.

Unfortunately, the reason so many people fail in the Network Marketing business is because they try to SELL product to their friends, thereby creating a commission for themselves and a lot of pressure on their friends to SELL to their friends. Most people don’t like to sell, especially to their friends, which is why they are unable to build a team. Instead explain why we won’t sell to our friends but instead create a buyers club with our friends which allows us to capture the income potential from the MLM pay plan.

3. Explain how the 4x4 system works by leveraging their time to create over 1,000 people in their buyers club and how that could equal over $10,000/mo income

Then draw out the 4x4 model so they can visually see how joining a buyers club can make them and their 4 friends money without selling product, as well as receive their product for free.

4. Make sure that they understand that they don’t spend any money until they find out if they are able to build their own team(atTNP) of at least 4 people (preferably 16) but when that happens explain why they will need to spend $500.00 when joining VEMMA and how that can qualify (when their 4 friends all join in the same week) to get a check for approximately $800.00. ($1200.00 thru the end of jan)

5. Make sure they understand the 30 day return policy so they know they aren’t risking the $500.00 .

6. Express that the qualification for getting on your team other than your trust and respect for them is that they are willing to let your team build their business for them in the next week and then be willing to mentor others once they are successful.


1. Why is it so important that you trust and respect the 4 people you choose to tell about this?

Trust and respect is what this business is built on. We need to be able to trust that once we build a team for them they will do a good job of mentoring others to success. Also if they don’t respect the person explaining this opportunity to them, then there is a good chance that they will think it sounds too good too be true, thus will probably discount it as a scam.

2. Why do I have to wait until I have at least 4 people on my TNP team before joining VEMMA?

Waiting gives you the time to see if we can really help you build your team with at least 4 of your friends.This helps ensure your financial success.

3. Where and how do I enroll in VEMMA and why do we purchase the “Silver Pac” for $499.95?

Enroll in VEMMA only after you have a minimum of 4 people willing to be on your team then contact the person who told you about this program. The reason we buy the silver pack is to make sure you have enough product and variety to take as well as to share with your friends and it ensures you make approx. $800.00 when your 4 friends enroll.

4. Why do I set up an automatic order for the next month and what should I order?

If everyone on the team has an automatic order set for a minimum purchase then it ensures everyone gets their products each month and qualifies everyone for their check. You can order any of the products you desire, just make sure the points add up to a minimum of 120.

5. How do I qualify for an $800.00 check?

You will qualify for approx. $800.00 when your four friends join VEMMA. Make sure all four of them join in the same week to qualify for the frenzy bonus.

6. Why do I only give our friends one week to get their four friends? What If they need more time?

We have found that everyone likes the idea of making a lot of money but unfortunately because of the busyness of life and old habits, many people will not be moved to action. Our business model is designed to get financial incentives to people rapidly, so a time frame can create a sense of urgency and will quickly let you know who is serious about creating a life change. If you believe they are serious about success, but simply do need more time, then discuss and create a reasonable time frame for them. (We have found that if they don’t do it in a week or two they won’t do it in a year.)

7. Why don’t I emphasize the company and products before inviting my friends to join TNP?

Having the right product and choosing the right company is critical BUT if we are unable to help them build a team then product and company won’t really matter in the end. To build your business efficiently, you need to find out if this person has the desire and ability to allow us to build a business for them prior to taking the time necessary to explain how and why we chose VEMMA.

8. Why do I only tell 4 of my friends about this?

We have found that most people have the time and ability to ensure and manage the success of approx. 4 people. Once your 4 friends are financially successful, then you can add more friends if you want, but the key to success for all of us is that each of us manage the continued success of the 4 we originally brought into the business.

9. How and why do we make this business completely risk free for you and your friends?

There are two steps to making it risk free. Step 1. Make sure you have a minimum of 4 people on your team that understand what we are doing and are willing to spend $500 once they have their four people. Step 2. When you receive the $500 worth of product be aware that you have 30 days to return an UNOPENED package.

10. Why is it important to explain our 4x4 team building system before explaining the other points?

Leveraging your time through 4 of your friends is the key to financial success in the Network Marketing Business. The most important concept to understand is that success comes from getting just 4 people successful and teaching them to do the same with 4 of their friends. If we all learn the value of each of us managing just 4 people then we will understand how teams can quickly turn into 1000’s of people if done correctly. If your friend doesn’t understand the value of leveraging time fhen trying to explain the rest of the program to them could be a waste of time.

11. Why it is critical to their success to stick with the script when telling their friends about this.

We have found that most people will agree to meet with you for 30 minutes, but only if you ask the scripted question and the immediately set up a 30 minute meeting with them. We have found that the more you talk, after that question, the less likely they will meet with you and the more likely they will discount it as “one of those pyramid schemes.”

12. Why should my friends talk to my mentor immediately after this presentation?

Even though your friends like you, they probably don’t consider you an expert on how to make money in the Network Marketing Industry. Unfortunately, this can often cause them to ignore or not really believe what you have to say. Your mentor is a proven expert and the one that will be doing most of the work building your friends team. Give your friend the opportunity to listen to an expert tell them how they can succeed, which legitimizes what you told them and will help your friends realize this mentor could help them succeed as well. This is also an excellent opportunity for your mentor to evaluate your friend to help you determine your friend’s chances of success. Remember just because your friend wants to join your team doesn’t mean they should.


Get out while you can!! have been infected by greed!

" If it's to good to be true than it usually is "

You Can't say you haven't been warned!!!

Why?, I was there form the beginning and till end, it ended badly, people went to jail!....not me!.......don't be a key participant!

Have you ever heard of Bernie Madoff? Just google him!

Ugh, I respect ur opinion and ur effort but I really wish u hadn't stained my thread with a wrongful asumption and now I must go on to explain why you are wrong. Which is fine and ultimately a good thing except I don't have a whole lot of time to do that at this particular moment. I wll say one thing right now tho and then ill have to explain the rest later.

If it were a" scam" or some such then why would a well know and established college of good reputation sponser and allow their students to get involved in a such a thing? Remember Bethany college is teaching this to their students and encouraging them to do this! It just doesn't make sence that a good college would do that if this was not a legitimate business practice.

People, I knew id hear this from someone, its typical. I truely do understand but they are wrong in this case and I hope I can help u to see that when I have the time to better explain it. In the mean time just give it an honest[/align] look!

Ok I'm back, with a little more time to further clear up some things.

Firstly I'd like to point out that comparison to Bernie Madoff is actually quite silly and almost laughable (no disrespect intended), this couldn't be further from that. IF you were going to make any comparisons to some sort of scheme or scam it would be more appropriate to accuse this of being a "pyramid scheme" BUT its NOT, and here's why:

"Pyramid Scheme (illegal scam)

A pyramid scheme can be defined as a fraudulent money-making scheme that is based on a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme without a legitimate product or service being delivered. Eventually the number of new recruits fails to sustain the payment structure and the scheme collapses with most people losing the money they paid in.

In a more practical sense, probably the easiest way to identify pyramid schemes is firstly there is no legitimate product or service involved (ie you do not get a legitimate product in return for your initial investment). The second way to identify pyramid schemes is that you do not get a financial return unless you have successfully introduced a number of new recruits into the pyramid. Basically, pyramid schemes concentrate on the money that you could earn by recruiting new people into the pyramid and generally ignore the marketing and selling of any products or services.

Network Marketing (legitimate, legal business model)

The concept behind network marketing is a distribution model that allows a company to sell their products directly to the consumer. Choosing to use a word of mouth approach (networking) instead of advertising through traditional streams (eg media). Therefore instead of paying the media for advertising, network marketing companies are structured to reward distributors through commission in return for selling their products and finding new customers.

Therefore the main focus of a network marketing company is product distribution. In fact, in a legitimate network marketing company, distributors are not required to recruit new distributors in order to earn a commission, they can earn money purely by selling the company'’s product.

Although distributors can choose to sell the company's products to earn their commissions, not everybody wants to be a sales person and therefore choose to recruit more distributors into their organization as a means to build their referral base. Not only does this create a group of loyal customers, it also allows you to leverage the efforts of others to create a residual stream of income."

Here is a youtube video further explaining what I quoted above

Also I must again remind you that we are not doing things in the typical way you normally would in network marketing.
Normally if you came across a network marketing company and you wanted to join, or a friend introduced you and wanted you to join, You would go ahead and sign up right away and order the product to start selling so you can start making your money back and/or THEN (after signing up and ordering product) start building your downline/team so you can start making residual income. This works for some of the real go-get-ers but usually what happens is people get excited, sign up, and then don't do the necessary work thereafter and, instead, just end up with a bunch of product piled up in their garage that they didn't sell and now they feel duped and theyre angry cuz they "lost" their money and they're angry at their friends for getting them to sign up in the first place but of course you don't want to blame your friend so you get online and right a bunch of bad reviews about the company being a scam etc.. Well, as you see in the explanation above and in the video , if the company is a legitimate networking marketing company with a legitimate product and value flowing down then its really not the company's fault but rather your friend's for not really helping you out in the first place in making sure that you have the actual desire and ability to take the necessary actions to succeed. Sadly this is a typical example of what can happen and that's why David Frost has put together this new system that says you insure your success FIRST! Don't go out joining companies until you build your team FIRST and have already set yourself up for success. Then when you do join a mlm company you have already stacked the deck in your favor and are guaranteed to start making money right away. Simple as that really. Like I said, they are doing this in a college class. The school is Happily sponsoring this. They would NOT allow that even for a second if it were some kind of illegitimate fraud. That's is just unthinkable.

There is a website you can g to although I don't think they are really using it anymore and I think they took down several of the videos they had there but you may check it out if you like. It is

I would like to ask at this point that if you have not done your research and did not read completely through my posts and watch the videos then please DONT comment as you likely do not fully understand what you are talking about. If you understand how legitimate mlm companies work and you would like to have a serious discussion about it then lets talk!

I will answer all questions as best I can and Id like to keep this discussion as positive and polite as possible. Please keep your negativity to yourself. THANK YOU! Smile


Yes, well I will try to UN-stain it for you then!, I appreciate the time and effort that you put into the post.

My opinion is of little consequence, and wish you success!, my apologies!

After running several multi-million dollar companies I thought it made me uniquely qualified to offer such advice. So hopefully the stain is removed!

Wow, that's really nice of you. I really respect you for doing that. Thank you so very much Smile
I know you really just had the best intentions. I totally get where you were coming from too and I fully expected to get some comments like that.
Thanks again for replying and being respectful!

One more thing I would like to say real quick is that I am not "infected with greed".... Anyone who knows me would say quite the opposite of me. Money has never been a huge motivator for me. What is, though, is my TIME. I don't want to spend the rest of my life trading time for money. With this I can leverage my time and have the money flowing automatically so that I have MY time to spend as I wish. I have two beautiful children I want to be able to spend time with doing as we wish, without worrying about money and living paycheck to paycheck. My husband works second shift and ONLY sees our kids on the weekend because they are always in school when hes home and when they're home he's at work. Its sad.
Once I get this going, though, neither of us will have to work and we will really be able to live our life as we choose and not as a slave to some job.
And this is the only way I will be able to fully pursue my passion which is to move to Australia and volunteer to rescue and rehabilitate flying foxes (bats)... Sounds crazy I know lol but ive been studying bats for a long time and they are a huge passion of mine and I would love nothing more then to VOLUNTEER to help them. And, of course, volunteer means NO PAY! So the only way I can make my dream a reality is if I have a substantial residual income flowing in.
I also wish to help others and give generously to the needy and homeless. This is a strong desire of mine. If I were to be successful in the networking project I would want to PAY IT FORWARD! And not just by giving to charities and organizations but by helping people first hand. Literally giving to the homeless when I see them and giving generously. Its truly sad how greedy America is and how so many turn a blind eye to the needy and struggling, good hearted people all around them. They view them as trash in their community. Some people just need a second chance and an opportunity to get back on their feet and I want to help make that possible for as many as the Lord puts in my path to help!

So, no, I am not greedy but I don't need to prove that to anyone, God knows where my heart is.

Sorry I screwed up your flow Chelsee,

Old school thinking got in my way, You went to a lot of effort in preparing, so that speaks towards your commitment and faith in your plan.

It's worth checking into-

Thanks again Lotus! You've been amazing to talk to in pm and I really appreciate you taking the time to hear me out and give me some of ur expert advice. You definitely have my respect.

One other thing I don't think I made clear to everyone is that once you join VEMMA all you have to do is order the initial $500.00 silver pack (so u qualify for the one time frenzy bonus) but then after that you are only buying roughly $150ish worth of product a month on ur auto order, you set up, and that is product you just keep and use for urself. YOU ARE NOT SELLING ANYTHING! U are just ordering product for yourself every month. If for whatever reason you don't like the product that's besides the point. YOU'RE MAKING MONEY SIMPLY FROM ORDERING IT EVERY MONTH! And so are all your friends signed up below you as long as every body has an automatic order set up for every month! You will be earning a commission off it each time those orders are made and for each person who signs up thereafter you even if you've never met the person! Its a buyers club you guys! Just spend $150 a month to makes thousands! Easy as that!

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