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Clothing JUST for the naturally thin!


I have another account on this website that I've been using for quite awhile and I've noticed that some of us have these issues with increasing breast size because we are naturally thin and have very small frames.

Being on this website as well as just living with such a small frame has inspired me to make my brand Thinbelle. Thinbelle is the first and only brand to create clothing just for the naturally thin. We only carry sizes XXS, XS and S.

The point of my brand is to help girls embrace their thin frames with clothing that fit them perfectly. I think that society forgets that although being full figured can be a touchy subject, being skinny can be a touchy subject too!

And thats why I created Thinbelle. There are so many plus size stores, and so much support for plus sized women but no support for the naturally thin who may get taunted with words from time to time, or who are hurt by society for being "too skinny" or "anorexic looking".

The website is

Stop by and let me know what you think. I hope to help girls feel happier about their naturally thin frames and help them WANT to embrace it


I don't believe advertising is allowed here. What made you think advertising extra small clothes on a website full of women trying to get bigger breasts would be a good idea? Do you think a pair of Cs is gonna fit in an XS?

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