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Endometriosis/Pmdd/Estrogen Dominant/BC?


Sorry I'm new here, so I don't know if this is the right section. I've been browsing this forum for about a year, but just decided to make a thread. I just turned 20 and I went to the obgyn for the first time because I have terrible pmdd (as in suicidal/crazy the week before and than perfectly happy and normal when I get my period) and I have been suspected endometriosis for a long time. It turns out I was right about the endometriosis and she put me on Lo-Loestrin Fe to help with both the pmdd and endometriosis. This is the first time I've ever been on any kind of hormone thing. I already strongly suspected estrogen dominance before even gong to the obgyn because I meet the majority of the symptoms, and now that I have endometriosis it's even more apparent that I'm estrogen dominant. Well, today is day 5 and despite it being a low dose hormone I feel terrible. Moody/depressed, hungry/cravings all the time, headaches/tired. So basically I have a few questions. From what I'm reading it looks promising that adding progesterone would make me feel better, is this true? If so what should I add. I've read Fennugreek, Fennel, Wild Yam, Progesterone cream, and Maca are all good. I have no idea how much or which ones to add though. The more research I do, the more confused I get. Before I would have just experimented, but considered the pmdd and endometriosis I don't want to mess things up worse. Although I haven't had a hormone test I'm like 99% positive it's estrogen dominance, and considering this is my first time taking synthetic herbs I doubt it's high estrogen/normal progesterone, and if it were low estrogen/low progesterone I feel like I would be feeling better with the Lo Loestrin Fe, which is why I think it's Normal estrogen, low progesterone, although as for estrogen dominance itself I'm pretty certain that's the case. Sorry I keep going off on a tangent. What my original plan was when searching this site was to increase my breasts (barely a B and one of them is closer to a large A), although I am overweight and have been losing weight (154lbs on a 5ft 2 frame-yes I'm aware how heavy that is) and was going to wait until I lost the weight before starting a plan. Now between the endometriosis, pmdd, estrogen dominance, birth control pill side effects I feel like I should just start something now because It will make me feel much better. My goal as far as breast size goes is a full C/even breasts(even when I'm my goal weight of 105-110lbs although I have gone down to 125lbs before and up to 167 and noticed my breasts aren't that susceptible to weight gain/loss. Prob lost half a size at most when I lost 40lbs in the past.) My goal as far as hormones go is for my hormones to level out so I feel better. From what I'm gathering It should increase my progesterone levels? Can someone please help me formulate a plan? I would really like to get this right the first try or at least not make it worse the first try. I'm really desperate. This hormone thing is making me sooo crazy. Please help me someone.

Hi Elena! I'm sorry about your hormone issues.. they can be crazy things!

Is your BC a low-dose combo, higher progestin and lower estradiol?

If it were me, I'd try FG/Fennel.. and if that doesn't work, a low dose of PC cream. I'm also on BC, and I'm taking 500 mg PM, and I use PC maybe once a week only to counter any signs of estrogen dominance. Too much progesterone is also bad for NBE.

According to the famous Isabelle:
Quote:Fenugreek: increases progesterone (controversial) and prolactin.Fennel: phyto-progestin, increases prolactin.

So maybe a basic routine of FG/Fennel, and maybe Hops and/or SP? And massage, massage, massage! A lot of girls have had success w flaxseed.

Oh I'd also stay away from Maca for now. I've no experience from it, but it sounds like from what I've read, it's a weight-gainer. Unless you also work out a lot or something.

Ooh - coming from somebody that is estrogen dominant it's good to know that Fenugreek supports progesterone levels.

Thank you so much. I was actually looking at Maca, and I am trying to lose weight so thank you for telling me to stay away from it. Fenugreek and Fennel sounds like a good combo. Thank you for suggesting it. I thought flaxseed oil was estrogenic? Would it be ok to massage with it, or because it's just oil will it be ok My birth control doesn't have any progesterone in it :/ Will adding a progesterone cream be overkill on top of the Fenugreek and Fennel?

I don't think flaxseed is estrogenic, I think it just has omega-3s or -6s or -9s, which are fatty acids.

I personally wouldn't add PC unless FG/Fennel wasn't working for me.

The less you start with, the cheaper it is, and that way you can figure out what works for you and what doesn't. If you tried all 3 and got growth, you wouldn't know what it was from. Tongue

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