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Extract or Non-Extract?


What is more effective: the extract or the herbs itself (non extract)?

If you take the whole herb you're getting the herb close to it's natural state which many herbalists believe to be most effective way of taking it. Extract is good fior measuring though, as by taking extracts you can be sure of taking a precise amount of the active compound, rather than a precise amount of the herb and a variable amount of the compomds within. You can say that there are different views on which is the better choice.

It kinda depends on the herb in my opinion. And what they standardized for.

Mint is almost always standardized for menthol... ick. And not what we even want out of it!

There's actually LESS of the stuff we want in mint in mint extracts!

OTOH, I really REALLY swear by PM and SP extracts.

So... It really kinda depends.

PS: I'm not an herbalist. I'm a faux-scientist. As in I use the scientific method, behave as a scientist might, but lack any credentials or research team to back me up.

If the amount of herb and the equivalent amount of extract are the same I don't think there would be any major difference, as you would be taking more or less the same dosage.

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