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Anti-depressants and NBE among other concerns.


First off, I'm not sure if I am posting this in the correct thread so I apologize in advance.

I have been reading this forum for about a week now and have previously been interested in trying NBE and studied it about a year ago. I am 18 and I do know some women have experienced breast growth even in their early 20's but from what I have judged of my pattern of growth, breast appearance and speaking to my Mother - I will not be growing on my own. My breasts are the only insecurity I have with my body - they're approximately a 30C but wide set and all of my breast tissue is distributed near my arm and lower breast which makes them look almost like an A cup to my eyes. I have spent a lot of worrying, tears and frustration on my breasts size and so now I've seriously decided on trying NBE before I rashly spend money and pain on surgery (which is my last resort).
Additional information is this helps:I am 5'1", 100lbs and my under bust measurement is 28" while across the nipple line my measurement is 33".

I would like to try Pueraria Mirifica in addition to pig placenta because that is where my gut instinct leads me. I have two matters of concern, however.

I am on Cipralex and I cannot go off of it as I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and it has been to close to a depressive episode for me to be safe from my emotions. Would this affect the potency of any ingested NBE methods or affect how my body receives Cipralex?

Secondly, I am on birth control more or less to control my unmanageably heavy periods,excruciating cramps and decrease the extremity pre-menstrual moods. I don`t exactly want to stop taking BC either because my PMS symptoms prior were hellish to deal with.

If anyone can give me any advice or guide me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. The forum has a wealth of information but it can be tricky to find where you want to read and every individual is very different so I wanted to post my own information.

Thank you.

Hi Dreaming,

Firstly, I'd just like to say make sure that you aren't obsessively looking at your breasts in the mirror if you are having body issues. You do not want to draw your eyes to areas that you see as problems, because then those are all you see. What you can do, is just cup your breasts together and cleave them up with your hands when you look at yourself, and look upon your body with a light and loving heart, and a smile on your face (when you smile, the muscles that are activated actually send a message to the brain that you are smiling and thus it can help you to feel just slightly happier when that area of the brain is activated, the same happens if you frown, you will feel less happy. Legit fact.)

So anywho, you want to make sure that you are eating very healthy and taking care of yourself.
With your prescription and PM, does this medication have the effect of making other medications more potent? (Possibly something to ask your doctor)? But either way, you can start slow with the PM and give your body time to adjust, work your way up to where you want to be.
While doing this, you want to monitor how your body and mind are responding, if you notice it is causing an issue then just stop the PM immediately. It is important for you to keep an open mind when monitoring for signs, and better to assume the best rather than the worst because it would suck if you were expecting something bad to happen and thus had a negative placebo affect (you think you see negative signs, when really there are none it is just your thinking causing them). So be very open, but be honest with yourself; if it isn't working then it isn't working, but I personally think you will be just fine with PM!
Please please note, Dreaming, that I give you this advice under the assumption that IF the pm were to cause a negative effect on your medication, that you would be able to remain stable until your meds kicked in again, and you would not be at risk of self-harm.

Your birth control should be fine, and I would suggest that you massage massage massage like crazy!! Because this gets your blood flowing to your breasts and brings in the nutrients that you need to grow beautiful boobies Big Grin
I'd also check out the hypnosis section, the hypno track that I have brings me to my dream paradise at the beach Wink sooo relaxing, it is heavenly. And it helps with my boobie growth at the same time, win-win!

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