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My OIL PULLING Diary Day 1


Hey Serrasun it's been a while since I updated on this but I am now also doing virgin coconut oil before my evening shower. My skin is looking brilliant and my gums are looking amazing. So that's sunflower in the morning also.

I never said a word to my dentist but he commented 2 weeks ago that he's so amazed at my gums and thinks hes been doing a great job with my teeth!

I don't think so!! Teeth feel strong, sparkly white, zero bad breath and even when I wake up in the morning mouth doesn't smell which I like my BFs does Smile

I really like it and added bonus is that my cheeks look more apple like, probably the swishing action exercising the face. I had hoped my boobs might grow from it too but nope!

I...desperately need to try this...

I've tried for YEARS to get rid of my clogged pores on my face (basically acne that's built up under layers of skin that DOESN'T want to come out). So far, they've only gotten worse as time goes on. :/ Maybe this is what Virginia was talking about? I would LOVE IT if something so simple could help with them even the slightest! Also, whiter teeth and brighter gums? Heck yes, I've been on a whitening kick lately, and I'd love to get even better results!

Since coconut oil gave me acne like CRAZY when I used it on my face, I WON'T be using that. I'll try the Sunflower oil. Smile

Hey Doll,

You can start with organic cold pressed sunflower oil then do a second one or every other day with the VCO. It's the best for overgrowths of yeast etc if that is a problem.

I promise you you'll have glowing skin. Put it this way I went to get a few tiny thread veins around my nose zapped yesterday. I was chatting to the woman about my skin and so she took off my makeup and was shocked saying she thought I had much more makeup on than she thought, but hardly anything came off on her wipe.

She said my skin was in v good nick. I put it down to the oil pulling, my pores are hardly there and I do not get the odd spot now at all.

I won't stop this as it's the cheapest easiest thing I have ever discovered.

What do you mean by the coconut oil having strong
detox reactions? in a good or bad way?

I read this this morning and decided to try it. I have sesame oil as I often make asian dishes that require it, so decided to use that. It was difficult to get to the 20 minutes, I used a tablespoon of oil and after 10 minutes my mouth was so full it was hard to hold it in and still swish it around. So I managed to get 17 minutes. I then spit it out, rinsed, brushed my teeth, flossed, rinsed, then used mouth wash. I don't notice a huge difference yet, my mouth feels like it normally does after my morning oral routine. I have very healthy teeth already though. I've always had good teeth. I've never had any dental work done, no cavities, etc. Everytime I go to the dentist they always ask if I've had braces, when I say no, they are always amazed. The reason why this attracted me is lately behind my bottom front tooth it seems my gum is starting to recede. A few weeks ago I could feel the bottom of my tooth completely, I'm not sure why this is happening, so since then I started using listerine mouth wash, flossing more during my brushing routine, etc. And now it's getting better but not where it should be. I hope oil pulling gets me where I need to be. So I'll be adding this to my morning routine. I think I may go pick up some sunflower or coconut oil from the store to experiment with those. Though I love cooking with sesame oil, it leaves a weird aftertaste haha. I had no issues with wanting to gag though. Only issue I had was my mouth filling too quickly with saliva with the oil. I also have bad acne at times, so I hope this helps with that. I'll keep you ladies updated.

Hey Steven, if you google oil pulling and coconut oil lots of results come up. Usually the more toxins there are the stronger the reaction is and coconut oil is supposed to pull out things like candida.

OOOh Anastasia, keep us posted!! I notice my gums are really pink and shiny and my breath just doesn't smell at all. Even in the morning at least it means my mouth is clean if nothing else! I think people just find which oil suits them even olive oil. But just be aware of essential oils as these can be toxic and should never be used neat anyway!

Hey! I totally used to do this! I didn't really notice anything different about me though. Maybe I'll try again soon. And I use homemade toothpaste because there are just so many chemicals in the store bought crap that I decided to try it and I never looked back. It does taste awful, but my mouth feels so much cleaner after for longer and I feel better throughout the day. Once you get past the taste, it is great. I also oil cleanse my face. I used to have horrible acne, so bad that I had to take accutane which is a drug that causes birth defects if you get pregnant while on it. It cleared a lot of it, but since I didn't exactly take it the whole period I was told to, I didn't get the full benefits. I used to use harsh chemicals for acne to clean my face before and my skin would be super dry or not clean and oily within the next hour. After I tried oil cleansing (and gave my skin adequate time to adjust) I found that the basic chemistry principle of like dissolves like is totally true. You have to experiment with oils to see the right combination for your skin type and let yourself adjust, but after that... well, I have super soft and smooth skin with no greasy feeling. Yes, I still get some acne, but it does not stay as long as it used to. I still have my deep acne scars, but my oil and sugar combination is making them less noticeable. Remember, whatever you put on your skin will be absorbed into your body, so make it healthy! Also, I use olive oil and you can use it for so many other things. It's great. If only I could find a nail polish and nail polish remover that wasn't full of chemicals...

I am doing this since one year (oil pulling). I am using olive oil. Wink

I also made my own teeth powder which I love. It consists of Calcium, Magnesium, Silica (DE), Xylitol, Vitamin D, essential oils and Stevia. It will help to remineralize teeth naturally. Smile

Peggy have you noticed a difference after using the teeth powder? I made one yesterday and used bentonite clay, xylitol, himalayan salt and a little bit of baking soda. Im hoping itll make a difference Smile I have a fev cavities and sensitive teeth. Plus they could def be whiter.

I also read that brushing teeth with turmeric makes them whiter. I thought about trying that.

I used to oil pull for like a year, but then I got lazy. I tried sesame oil, but ended up using mostly coconut oil. I didnt see a big difference, but my friends told me that my teeth were whiter than before. I should start doing it again, but I need to get over my laziness lol

Hi Mirah, I am still using my teeth powder and I like it very much. I believe it does remineralize the teeth and definitely makes them also a bit whiter.

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