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Has an adult on NBE here successfully gotten through tanner stages?


I looked up the Tanner scale and I see now I am stuck in stage 3. When I was 10 my breasts started growing, but by the time I was 12 they stopped and haven't budged a bit since. I am 41 years old now and the only reason they look slightly bigger now is because I am overweight. The nipples look conical and don't have 2 separate parts like they should. When I was thin my breasts were just 2 pointy cones that kind of pointed towards my armpits a little. As a kid I grew taller than the other girls, had a deeper voice than the other girls. My monthly cycles were wildly irregular, but arrived every month since I was 12. Hair has been growing out of my chin since I was 35 and its embarrassing. One of my ex boyfriends used to laugh and say I had a mustache when I was 17 years old. I then started growing hair on my nipples at the age of 25 and I hate it!

The question I have for you, is has anyone been in stage 3 on this forum and got their nipples to grow and look like normal adult nipples? I started taking a daily regimen of Ainterol PM, progesterone cream, and spearmint herb to block androgens. The combo so far is starting to show progress. I now have a cleavage line going down the center of my breasts which was never there before. No change to the nipples. The breasts are just slightly fuller but not dramatically bigger. The hair on my chin and nipples is slowing down growing back. I have been taking the supplements for one month consistently. I am happy about the PM. The menopausal symptoms I was starting to get have all left immediately. I just hope I can have womanly nipples and not these ugly cones. I thought Nipplettes would work, but I got to nipples are definitely not inverted. They just never grew.

Take that ^

It seems to me like you have higher Testosterone, but that's my [Image: twocents.gif]

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