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My Program (plus massage videos for those who are interested)


I started my period about two weeks ago on friday (Oct. 19) which ended on wednesday (Oct. 24). During which I lost all the swelling in my breasts that I had initially gained when I first started. I'm uncertain as to what caused this.

My sleeping schedule has been hectic so I'm considering the possibility of that interfering.

I've been reading a lot of what [url=
]Wahaika[/url] has said in another forum about when to start your routine. Starting in fall/winter causes slow growth due to the body storing fat in other places. So I'm keeping the following in mind:

Get plenty of exercise
Get plenty of sunlight (an hour each day)
B vitamins, Kelp, GABA, multivitamin, zinc
No carbs 2 hours before bedtime

I currently don't have any Kelp or GABA and am running low on zinc. I'm thinking I'm going to have to look into it a bit more before I go out and purchase something as I'm also considering getting MSM and collagen capsules. Ugh, so much stuff.

I also decided to follow something Wahaika said about stretching early in the morning. I'm learning to time my massages with my workout routine which primarily consists of the 8 Min Stretch series (it's from 1994, real old but effective, I'm sure you can find it on youtube). I'm mostly doing the Abs and Buns part of the series in addition to the Stretch. Because I'm using dumbells to work out my arms and I bike pretty much everywhere.

I'm also considering the hormone levels during a woman's cycle, namely the chart on wikipedia that everyone's using. I've seen it before but I haven't really put effort into understanding it beyond some of its uses in terms of PM.

I'm also considering the ramp up method, but I'll have to wait on that.

A thing I'd like to note. I used some PC two days after my period only once a day following Doll's method to apply in different areas so the receptors don't fill up too much. I didn't do it for any longer because PC makes me nervous. Since then I've been mostly exercising enough to get my heart pumping and my limbs aching. My breasts have been feeling tingly. A little bit achy and heavy but I'm uncertain if it's just in my mind. The lack of swelling has me a bit off my game so I'm trying not to focus too intently on it and do my exercises.

I've been reading on other forums and went through the Flat2Fab book again. Despite the bad rap the author has, I think it's good to read anyway since it pieces together the stuff I've read so far. It clarified that the swelling in my breasts went away due to my period (though it doesn't explain why). So that's one thing off my mind.

Another thing that clicked was the reason I wasn't getting growth in my breasts. That growth was going elsewhere (which if you read back I measured my hips and had gained an 1 1/2in during my program). It made sense after what I read from Wahaika about trimming those areas. When those areas are toned, it's compensated by going to the breasts. On another forum someone brought up that their friend exercised and ended up heavily endowed. I also know someone like this as well.

I don't know if it's a sure thing but I'm sticking to what Wahaika has said so far. So it makes sense for me to do the chiyomilk fat transference massage. I've been doing it mostly with oil but I'm considering just doing it dry since it gets a bit messy and I end up having to take a shower.

The exercise tapes are a bit tricky but my body is getting used to it, slowly. If anyone tries out the 8 Minute series, just do what you can manage for the day. The guys in the tapes are toned as hell so they can manage that sort of thing. What I do is if I get tired of doing my abs I go and work on my arms or legs. I'm looking to add more exercises into my program to pick up the pace. Though I'm fairly slim I'm a bit of a slouch in the stomach and booty areas.

I've recently purchased Flaxseed oil (topical), GABA, and Collagen. I'm gonna see how those work out in my program.

Brief update on my growth. I went through some light swelling in both breasts with some tenderness in my right. This confused me (the tenderness) so I was wondering if there was a connection to either the addition of exercise or because I didn't massage it when I first started my routine. I guess it doesn't matter since it went away anyway.

I had some soda a few days ago which seemed to decrease the swelling. Really need to keep away from that stuff.

I also came to the conclusion that there's more glandular tissue in my right breast than my left. When I measure, they're the same size. I notice this as well in the pictures I've taken that they are the same size (with one exception which I'll get into in a bit). However, when I hold them I notice that it feels like there's "more" of the right breast than the left. I thought I'd mention this as this may be the case for someone else. So in conclusion, they're the same size it's just one is made up of more glandular tissue than fatty tissue (which is what the other one is mostly made up of).

I've also noticed the difference in size of the right aurola, being that it's slightly bigger than the other. It gives the appearance of my right breast being bigger. So that's just something I'm keeping in mind right now.

The more I look into exercise being beneficial to breast growth the more I think of incorporating more into my routine. From Chiyomilk's blog she says that she was doing about an hour of muscle training and running.

I think that needs to be taken into account as well, not just her supplement and massage routine but the fact that she was exercising and getting in shape.

I'm doing much but here's what I'm currently doing:

3-4minutes of jumping jacks
8 minute stretch
(both of these are done every day to increase circulation and prevent injury)

I then alternate days working on arms and abs one day, and hips and thighs the next. I either use my body weight or dumbbells and do every exercise I can think of (for 20-30 reps) or use the exercises from There stretches are also quite good. I also use 8 minute abs and 8 minute buns on the days they should be used.

I've been browsing various sites and have been reading more into Tiger lily and fenshui's routines. I forget if it's one or both of them, but apparently they don't use herbs. I believe it's fenshui who uses chicken feet soup, borage oil (internal), royal jelly, and the massage that tiger lily uses as well. She also does a yoga move called the "lion face" which contracts the muscles of your breasts:

Quote:i mix these simple exercises to my massages for breast-lifting purpose, i think they helped. my breasts r lifted about an inch. Smile

* the "lion face" is some kind of yoga method, i think. i read it somewhere but not positive.

anyways, u make ur face like "shocked" (like jim carey would do ), stick out ur tongue as far as u can, u can feel the muscles of ur breasts contract. do it 20 times then use ur plams to push up gently from nipples to ur chin, that helps to lift the breasts.

*i also do this. stand relaxed both arms down, make a fist and raise one arm and reach up as far as u can, use as much strength as u can, ur upper arm will be touching ur ear. hold it for 30 sec. then put down do the other arm.

*and push ur plams against each other as hard as u can whenever u have time, that's pretty good too.

I'm thinking of incorporating chicken feet soup into my routine. It's a good source of collagen and gelatin and doesn't have too much fat in it. It's also (supposedly) cheap to get, so I can just make a lot of it and add whatever to it. I haven't seen it at my local market so I'm going to have to check out an asian market or farmers market to see if they have it.

fenshui's program:

Tiger Lily's page:

I'm sure these are quite well known already, I just would like to point out how the massage is described. The instructions here on breastnexus are easy to understand, but I like reading how they describe it, especially the "blockages" mentioned that can be in the breast tissue. I guess that's the purpose of the breast roller - to get at those pressure points. It's really like an accupressure tool, which I've also discovered can be used for breast enhancement (accupressure that is). (not entirely accupressure)

I haven't used any of these yet but they're there if anyone wants to check them out.

Another site I found:

I haven't browsed her site thoroughly but I think the information is good, especially the alternatives to chiyomilk's routine.

Also, I bought bovine colostrum, deer velvet, and volufiline. The colostrum I got is from New Zealand and is "pharmaceutical grade" if that means anything. The deer velvet is a concentrated pill full of all sorts of things (i'll write up a list later) but it's generally good for overall health. I'm still waiting on my GABA and I skipped out on the collagen since I need to get more protein powder (priorities here lol).

One last thing I'd like to add to this wall of text. I read something briefly about PABA when it comes to reaching a "plateau" or just the herbs losing effect. It's supposed to slow the rate of hormones breaking down in your body, but I don't know how it would react to anything so it's something I need to look into a bit more. Sigh.

Anyway, I hope this information is helpful to some people despite my lack of big results.

Wow! Great Info!!!!
Thanks for sharing it with us! Smile
Good Luck on your routine!

Thank you! My hope is that the stuff I'm researching will spur others to check out what they can find themselves, as I'm not much of an expert on any of this ^^;. Good luck to you too!

I'm on the 5th day of my period and I just measured my breasts. I seem to have lost growth in my left breast. On a positive note, I've determined that they are even. 7in/18cm across each breast. I also believe my areolas are even as well. It's roughly somewhere between 4 and 4.5cm. I'll try again later since it's a bit difficult to measure while keeping your nips from hardening up. I'm thinking it's what I previously thought, more glandular tissue that gives the illusion of "more".

I've been reading around the forums about how the greenbush system can cause that temporary swelling effect. Hm.... well, this is my last cycle and after that I'm gonna take a break. I've been kind of slacking off on my exercise routine. I need to find different exercises and come up with a more solid routine. Because right now I'm kind of all over the place with what I have. I definitely think that this could help with my routine, though I'll have to put it to practice first....

I just measured around my waist and I'm at 35in. I think the last time I measured was two weeks ago at 34 1/2in. I'm definitely going to have to tone down.

Curious if you have ever considered adding Red clover to your program. Its the 2nd strongest next to PM and may help kicks start things and can be taken as a tea so you don't need to add any more capsules. Also, alfafa may add a nice bit swelling too.

I've considered it yet, and have heard about it being second best. I've been hesitant with adding any more herbs to my routine but I think I might heed your advice since the bustea I have lacks in red clover. I'm gonna check around online for some red clover tea, but if you know of a brand that's good, feel free to recommend it. And thank you for the advice.

I stopped using the herbal blend capsuls about a week early since I wasn't massaging as often as liked to, and thought it would be a waste otherwise. I think my period is a few days away. My breasts have swollen despite having discontinued the herbs, though I guess that isn't to say they've completely left my system? I stopped the 10th of this month (december) and today's the 26th. So I dunno.

In any case, I think I'm going to slow down with this in the future. Because I don't know as much as I'd like to about this. If anything, my plans are to use the PM I purchased a while ago for one month, meaning first 15 days on the start of my period. Which will probably be the end of January since I don't want to start now since I'm not certain the herbs are out of my system yet. The idea is to introduce PM into my system with basic massage, perhaps the tiger lily/fengshui massage. Because I'm not looking to get growth, I just want to see how it affects me and whether I should continue using it. I think the bottle I purchased is enough for 3 months. And even if I don't get any noticeable booby results, it'll do some good things for my hair and skin.

Also, I'd like to lose weight before I seriously start a routine in the spring/summer. I believe that this didn't work quite well for me since it was going to my butt. I'm mostly assuming this based on what Wahaika said, and from past experience. Any fat I got mostly went to my legs and butt. There's some on my back and stomach, but not so much.

On a side note, I bought the kelp that Louloute was/is using. It's a really good brand. When I used it on an empty stomach I was wondering why I felt so nervous and antsy. It was the kelp. It recommends taking it on a full stomach for that reason I'm assuming. It's also helped my sleep schedule. I sleep for 9-10 hours at a time and get to bed at a decent hour. I woke up at 6AM today which is something remarkable for someone like me who seemed like a perpetual insomniac. The brand is A. Vogel. The GABA I also bought from NOW is pretty good too.

I've been working on my workout routine, ironing out what I don't need or am uncomfortable with. I have a lot of exercises so I'm trying to narrow it down to something a bit more manageable that targets all the muscle groups while keeping my body in *shock*. Just something I have to look into more.

What I have learned is that the myostatic crunch and the cat vomit exercise are the best exercises for working your abs. So check that out if you're interested in working that group.

That's about it. I don't think I'll be updating this in the future. If anything, I'll take the links I find useful here and post them on a new program (if I actually start one or think of making updates on the PM experiment).

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