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How to do a cleanse with milk thistle?


I have been on PM for 4 cycles now and I kind of feel like I have hit a plateau so I think next cycle I want to do a cleanse with milk thistle. When do I take it and how much do I take? By doing this do you think it will re-start my growth or once you plateau on PM is that it as far as being able to grow with it?

I don't think there is any certain way or time you have to take it. I'm doing a MT cleanse right now, and what I did was I started on Day 1 of my period and am taking 1 pill per day in the morning. Usually, a plateau doesn't mean you'll stop growing, you just have to break the plateau somehow. I think a liver cleanse *could* help.

Thanks Stella! I stopped doing Noogleberry a few weeks ago and will skip my PM this month so hopefully next month when I re start I can get to growing again. Are you taking the MT just while you are on your period or all month?

I am hoping for the same thing. I grew a little over half an inch, then stopped. Sad I'm hoping the mt helps kick start things. I plan on taking it all month. I might even do
It 2 months to really cleanse and hopefully get better results.

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