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My first PM programme


Hello everyone, have been on my programme for 2months now, with great progress here it is:

1000 mg Ainterol PM (taken in 500mg dose twice, on empty stomach)

1 drop of PM extract (with PM pill & some little calcium tissue salts for absorbtion of PM)

Few drops of Goats Rue on empty stomach with PM (every other day)

3 spoons of psyllium husk fibre

1 protein drink + cube of raw liver (frozen first 2wks, kill germs)

1 sp of Spirilina daily + 1 sp of Maca (every other day)

1000 - 2000 mg vit C (ascorbic acid, on empty stomach before meals, alone or sometimes with 1000 mg collagen + 1000 mg MSM)

1000 mg L-arginine + 1500 -3000 mg of Amino acid complex before or after workout on empty

High protein diet lots of chicken, fish & lots of veggies - no carbs & v.low fat

with breakfast- normally spinach & ham ommelette -

2000- 3000 mg MSM

1000 mg Valerian & few drops of rescue remedy (stress relief)

100 -250 mg Ginseng

1200 mg VitaminE

1000 mg starflower oil

1000 mg EPO

50 mg Zinc

1000 mg Cod liver oil

1000 mg Collagen

100 mg Co enzyme q10

100mg Selenium

One capfull of Aloe Vera juice

With evening meal, roast chicken & veg -

1 Multivit

1000 mg calcium & vit D

400 - 800 mg PABA

Provo - progesterone pill

1 cap Aloe Vera


Nooglebery 20-30 mins in the morning after a bath, without lotion, slow pumping + 1 hr at night with lotion.

5 min Chi massage & body brushing each morning.

Facercise, 10 mins in the morning, works neck & chest muscles.

10 mins of Easy Curves few times a week.

Weights & pushups at the gym 3 times a week.

cardio 1 hour a day, on average.

Fastwalking & skating in the fresh air.


I massage breasts after morning bath with a lil coconut oil, after Noogling I put the PM atomiser spray on (its noticable after the first time v.potent).

At night i use the PM cream.


So I've been on this plan for roughly 2 months. There were a few days that I did'nt take m PM or Vits, have not been totaly consistent with Noogling & I've spent prety much th whole time smoking rolling tobbaco at nights.

Sooo even with all that, the girls are looking GREAT Big Grin! Shape, texture, pertness, roundness, fullness all improving steadily & consistently. The weird thing is I don't have many tingles & when I do they are almost imperceptible. But when I take GR, oh my, i can feel so much tingles my breasts, after an hour or two!!!? So that works.

I've grown to LOVE my noogler. So cheap too. After i use it my breasts feel cold and "flacid", but the next morning they are really...dare I say it... pretty Smile! Now I've been hung up about breast shape for over 10 yrs & I thought I'd need Macrolane to achieve what you can see in my profile picture, the curves, angles & fullness I've dreamed of & would do anything short of impants to achieve.

Its the noogleberry helping with th shape I reckon, Its "exercising" the breast tissue & plumping the glands n stuff. They are a lil bigger so that's not just MSM & Vit E which also plumps but I'm used to seeing how that effects them, they have grown a bit. Im not sore or tender at all.

Congrats on your early progress! It looks like you've got a really well-rounded program.

I thought it was interesting that you mentioned your breasts feel cold and flacid after Noogling! That's the perfect way to describe how mine are after as well. I've always wondered if it was normal or not! They always look much bigger (swollen and full) after, but they feel like cold and clammy! Ick.

I'm curious, how are you cycling your PM?

(17-11-2011, 00:42)shortcake Wrote:  Congrats on your early progress! It looks like you've got a really well-rounded program.

I thought it was interesting that you mentioned your breasts feel cold and flacid after Noogling! That's the perfect way to describe how mine are after as well. I've always wondered if it was normal or not! They always look much bigger (swollen and full) after, but they feel like cold and clammy! Ick.

I'm curious, how are you cycling your PM?

Yeah breasts def not ready to be man/woman handled after a noogle sesh, thats for sure!!

Well MyDreamIsGcup had excellent results, she was on Provo shot, progesterone injected birth control. It stops your periiod for 3mths, so you can take PM all the way thru. After a lot of thinking & reading about it i decided i wanted to get as much out of PM as i could, as It's so powerful. A lot of the LadyBoys in Thailad use it & It works for most of them, so I thought It must work on women too. I'm on a provo pill first to see if it suits me, no period, so i take PM everyday.


I love this program! Smile Seems very interesting and unusual. I don't think anyone has done this particular combo before. Do you mind if I ask what you're starting cup size is (or was)? Of course, if you're trying to keep it private, I'm sorry for intruding. Have you grown enough to move up a cup size yet?

(17-11-2011, 21:03)mochaccino Wrote:  I love this program! Smile Seems very interesting and unusual. I don't think anyone has done this particular combo before. Do you mind if I ask what you're starting cup size is (or was)? Of course, if you're trying to keep it private, I'm sorry for intruding. Have you grown enough to move up a cup size yet?

When I did the Fenugreek combo 2 yrs ago I went from an E/F cup to a H!!!! after about 14 months.

So far on this plan they are fuller & firmer, but I can still squeeze into my H bras.

Added hops to my routine. Two big spoons, taken with my PM pills.

I gently cooked hops on a low heat, for an hour, strain the bitter liquid to make a calming hops tea. Blend hops for a min with some water, put in a jar & refrigerate.

I will be using this for a while as I've had spectacular results, instant almost.

The day after, my breasts are soo luscious, full, bigger, rounder & more shapely. This fullness lasts for days & days, even if I don't even take it again.!!!!SmileSmileSmile

My breasts have NEVER looked this good, maybe once when I was 15, but I don't really remember them, its like a distant dream, I'm nearly 30. Its such a boost to my confidence to feel good about them again & I'm not self conscious any more when my man sees them...Yay!

Is it the hops that make your breast grow fast or something else, cuz most ppl say hops not the strong, saw the tea and I was going to buy it becasue of this t.v show i saw that said that beer grow the breast and i did some research on it which led me here.Big Grin

(13-01-2012, 18:08)32A - 35D Wrote:  Is it the hops that make your breast grow fast or something else, cuz most ppl say hops not the strong, saw the tea and I was going to buy it becasue of this t.v show i saw that said that beer grow the breast and i did some research on it which led me here.Big Grin

I think the reason Isabelle uses it is coz it's got the highest amount of strong estrogen, from all the phytoestrogens. So I thought I'd give it a go. There are certain increased risks when using hormones, but also with birth control pills, my doctor never discussed cancer with me when prescibing bc, but I am aware of that & will not be smoking while doing it-longterm, plus I'll be paying more attention to diet & exercise.

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