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[archive] A separate topic line for HGH/weight loss,etc related..


A separate topic line for HGH/weight loss,etc related..
July 26 2007 at 8:15 AM Davilee  (Login Davi-lee)


Ok I was getting tired of trying to find where the thread was in all our topic lines about this.
I have some new info for you, pals.
This I proved works as I was taking these two for a time really heavy.
L-Arginine is an amino acid that according to my book by Dr.Donsbach,stimulates the production of HGH and stimulates the thymus gland.
It stops the shrinking of the thymus also.
As it stimulates the thymus it promotes production of lymphocytes,which are the "killer cells" which hunt errant cancer cells and destroys them.
They can increase 300% when enough L-argenine is taken.
The Dr. said it was proven to retard the aging process,so its HGH qualities were proven.
It works to decrease fat and build muscle.
It helps speed healing and it is a strong liver detoxifier.
To make the L-Arg. more effective for HGH work,you have to take it with Lysine.
Both are quite cheap supplements that you can get at some pharmacies or health shops.
I can tell you, as for me,I was taking 1 gram of each one and I lost mass quite fast,it wasnt what I was intending and it actually made me quite mad;because,I was just starting to gain weight my first time and then it all started going away,and those supplements were the only thing that I changed in my supp's.
Its safe to take lage doses of it for serious cancer treatment
Normal doses are 1-2 grams of L-Arg. AND 2x daily for Lysine.
>>>Another amino acid thats good for fat burning is DLPA(Phenylalanine).
It does all kinds of good stuff.
It intensifies and prolongs the bodys own natural pain-killing responses.
It basically inhibits several enzymes which are responsible for the destruction of the body's pain killing hormones.Then the natural endorphins have a longer life span and can act against pain longer.
It has anti-depressant abilities.
It stimulates norepinephrine production that is used with adrenaline to breakdown triglycerides in the fat cells.
For pain: start with 2x375mg tabs 15-30 minutes before a meal.
It may take from 4 days or 2-3 weeks to feel an result depending on the severity of the pain.If no relief is felt after 3 weeks then double the dose for another two-three weeks.Discontinue if still no result.
The Dr. says it has an 85% success rate.
For any purpose: Take 2-3 375mg tabs on an empty stomach,thats very important.
I dont have any website for him.
His name is Kurt W. Donsbach.D.C.,Ph.D.,DSc.
Booklet published by The Rockland corp. 1800-421-7310, c.1994
ISBN# 1-56959-577-1 Title "Dr.Donsbach Tells You What You need To Know About"

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(no login) Re: A separate topic line for HGH/weight loss,etc related.. July 26 2007, 3:53 PM 

That's exactly what I'm taking! L arginine and lysine. For the same reason as described in your post. Because when we get older our GH levels drop drasticly which causes us to gain weight and slows down our developement.
Now! It's proven that teenage girls going through puberty have very high levels of GH in their system. It's not possible for us older 'Gals' to raise our GH to those levels of a teenager again ,but we can raise them to levels where they might help with the growth process and help in achieving better results.

I read an article about transition in older people. It had stated that when your past 35 years, your body doesn't change very well and the results can be poor to minimal changes. There is no difference in the results achieved between a 36 year old and a 50 year old.Better results were achieved by those that started their hormones before 35 years and the best and most drastic results were achieved in those who started their hormones at 18 years.
PHEW! That's kind of depressing!
So I figure if I can raise my GH levels to a point where I might get better results, I'm certainly going to give it a try for a while to see what happens. I think it's worth it for us older folk.
Morticia and I are the same age and I think it might be worth it for her to look into this too. Smile

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(no login) Re: A separate topic line for HGH/weight loss,etc related.. July 26 2007, 4:01 PM 

I just like to add, that taking these supplements and trying to raise your own growth hormone levels is much safer than taking actuall HGH (Human Growth Hormone)
Taking HGH can be dangerous! So it's worth it to work with what you have.


(Login Davi-lee) Re: A separate topic line for HGH/weight loss,etc related.. August 12 2007, 2:12 AM 

heres that HGH precursor stuff....I will add to it when I get time.
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